The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2460 Runaway Action

Chapter 2460 Runaway Action
Ichiro Toyoda was a little shocked and a little angry when he heard the injured researcher tell himself such a news.

Although the No. [-] experimental product came to the research base very early at that time, and the equipment and technical conditions at that time were not perfect, but after more than a year, these researchers still did not do any research on the No. [-] experimental product. make effective progress.

Not only has the experimental progress of No. 50.00 stopped at 12% for almost half a year, but also when No. [-] is approaching, No. [-] lost control at such an exciting juncture. At this time, Toyoda Ichiro had a tendency to be intolerable.

"I'll settle accounts with you later!" Toyoda Ichiro glared at a group of researchers, and then went into battle himself, preparing to arrest No. [-].

But what surprised Ichiro Toyoda was that No. [-] was too sensitive. Although his speed was not fast, but because of his age and stature, he was like a live fish caught in his hand. Even if Ichiro Toyoda caught No. [-]'s kick was quickly escaped by him.

So, Mr. Uejima, who couldn't see it anymore, also joined the operation to arrest No. [-], but it still didn't work.

Even the siege strategy they used to capture Nine was useless, because before they formed the encirclement, Two could just escape outside the encirclement.

"Why don't you let NO.12 try?" A researcher tried to say to Ichiro Toyoda. The strength shown by NO.12 today shocked them greatly. Restraint effect.

At this time, everyone was exhausted and out of breath. No. [-] stood in the center of the field, looked at them, let out a mighty laugh, and kept waving the dagger in his hand, constantly trying to get the right timing, just to be there hurt other people.

After a while, Tian Lin was brought over by Toyoda Ichiro again.

"Go, catch that child for me." Toyoda Ichiro ordered Tian Lin, but Tian Lin continued to chase the child without saying a word.

However, although Tian Lin's strength was higher than that of Toyoda Ichiro, it was not much higher, so the two experimental subjects No. 12 and No. [-] ran around the field like a cat catching a mouse.

Thus, experimental subjects No. [-] and No. [-] also came, and with the efforts of the three of them, No. [-] was finally subdued.

At this time, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No. [-] was knocked unconscious very quickly, and was dragged into a room to be injected with an unknown potion, while No. [-] and No. [-] continued to be taken for research. As for Tian Lin, he came to the operating room again. middle.

Naturally, Tian Lin was not stupid, and he also knew that he would not be able to be successfully operated on by these people, so when the chief surgeon and researcher was about to inject him with anesthesia, Tian Lin suddenly went berserk too.

Tian Lin ran around the operating room like a child, even though Toyoda Ichiro kept ordering him, Tian Lin still just paused for a second or two, and then continued to run away.

"Could it be that out of control can be contagious?" Toyoda Ichiro frowned. Before No.12 came into contact with No. 12, No.[-] was very obedient, why is he acting like crazy now?
"Forget it, let's go here first today, everyone is tired, wait until NO.12 stabilizes, it will not be too late for you to perform surgery on him." Uejima-kun said to Ichiro Toyoda.

Ichiro Toyoda nodded. In the current situation, they can only wait for a while.

Uejima-kun didn't intend to leave here before successfully controlling Tianlin, so he lived in the No. [-] experimental base as a matter of course.

Li Bai fell into distress. He is struggling now, whether to inform Tian Lin to kill the people in the No. [-] experimental base immediately, and then threaten that Mr. Shangdao, and learn about Xiaoxi from him. whereabouts.

However, besides Toyoda Ichiro and Uejima-kun, there are so many researchers in this experimental base. If the two of them can't wipe out all these people at the same time, then they will definitely create new research for other people. The opportunity to spread the news, in that case, will cause great resistance to their subsequent actions to rescue Xiaoxi.

Therefore, what they can do now is to nibble, kill the researchers here one by one, and wait until the actual time is almost the same, then go violently and control Ichiro Toyoda and Uejima-kun.

However, if you do this, it is very likely that Ichiro Toyoda and Mr. Uejima will become suspicious in advance. If that is the case, it will be a little difficult to handle.

However, in the current situation, Li Bai couldn't think of a better way, so he could only take one step at a time.

Nearly five researchers were guarding the frisky Tian Lin, No. [-] and No. [-] were still humming and humming for training, and the child No. [-] had passed out after being injected with the medicine.

However, according to his performance just now, Li Bai was very suspicious of his state at this time, so Li Bai prepared to attack No. [-].

At this time, the entire experimental base is still very lively, so no one has noticed the existence of Black Flame. However, if you look closely from the monitoring, you may still find the existence of Black Flame. However, the probability should be Small and small.

Hei Yan quickly rushed to the room where No. [-] was, and quickly got into No. [-]'s quilt.Stretching out his long tongue, Hei Yan gently licked No. [-]'s face.

Number two in the "sleeping dream" turned over and buried his head slightly under the quilt at the same time, opened his eyes, looked at Hei Yan in the quilt, and showed surprise.

Blowing lightly into Hei Yan's eyes, and blinking, No. [-] smiled.

"It seems that you are out of control, right?" At this moment, Hei Yan uttered the truth.

This made No. [-] almost startled and showed his feet, but he forced himself to be quiet.

"Who are you?" Number Two asked Hei Yan quietly.

"Answer my question first." Hei Yan repeated Li Bai's words.

"Yes." No. [-] said to Hei Yan without any hesitation, and seemed to guess that Hei Yan would ask again, so he continued, "They injected me with a potion that would allow me to be controlled by them for two years. At that time, I was already immune to that kind of thing."

Hei Yan's eyes widened, he didn't expect this kind of thing to be immune to it.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm from Ichiro Toyoda?" Hei Yan asked again, but No. [-] smiled. If so, he would have died a long time ago.

"Now can you tell me who you are?" Number Two asked again.

So Hei Yan told No. 12 that he was a friend of NO.12, and NO.11 was also not under control. Their real purpose was to rescue the experimental product of NO.[-] hidden in other experimental bases.

"Are you from Huaxia?" No. [-] showed surprise eyes, "My childhood dream was to go to Huaxia once, but before I grew up, they just arrested me."

No. [-]'s words did not hear any sadness.

"Do you want to go to Huaxia with us?" Hei Yan opened his mouth and smiled.

Number Two nodded.

At this moment, a researcher walked in, saw No. [-] put the quilt on his head again, and shook his head helplessly.

When sleeping, this number two is really like a child, he can have various sleeping positions, maybe only at this time, he will not be controlled by them.

The researchers adjusted the quilt for No. [-], but they didn't notice that a black shadow had got into his trousers at this time, and after observing No. [-]'s situation, he walked to another room.

In this room, the researcher who had just been stabbed by No. [-] had already been bandaged and was lying quietly on the bed.

"You should also be careful, the number two is really not right recently." He said, "You stick to it for three days. After three days, I should be able to start working again."

The two had a brief conversation, but the wounded was left alone in the room. At the same time, the door was closed, blocking out all the sounds from outside.

Hei Yan was in the corner of the room at this time, quietly observing the surroundings, and only started to act after there was no camera in the researcher's room.

"Hello." In the quiet room, a strange voice suddenly sounded, which made the wounded shudder all over. The wound that had just been bandaged was also oozing blood again because of the shaking of the body.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The wounded stared wide-eyed in horror, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in the room, trembling all over.

Li Bai sneered: "People in the ninja organization must have heard of the name Li Bai, right?" Li Bai sat beside the wounded, as if he was visiting a patient.

Hearing the word "Li Bai", the wounded instantly seemed to be petrified, sitting there motionless. Ten seconds later, he let out a terrified scream.

Li Bai didn't stop his screaming, because in their room, it was impossible for any sound to be transmitted outside.

The power of a silver star leaped from the finger, and penetrated into the wounded man's body from the wound, but after a while, the wounded man stopped moving, and from the outside, it looked like As if sleeping peacefully.

Li Bai hid in Hei Yan's body again, he needed to tell Tian Lin quickly about the next runaway operation, and another helper in the operation was naturally No. [-].

Thinking of this, Li Bai suddenly smiled, because the child's name is really interesting, it is called Crayon Shin-chan.

On the other side, Tian Lin finally calmed down, but at this time, Toyoda Ichiro did not let the researchers start the operation. Because of the second reason, everyone was very tired today, so they postponed the operation until tomorrow.

However, if they knew that there is an old Chinese saying that today is the end of today, it is very likely that they would not delay so much.

It was night again, and the four experimental subjects were sent to the dormitory to rest together. According to the past, it should be impossible for the four experimental subjects to see each other, but because three experimental subjects appeared today to catch the fourth experimental subject , and there was no situation that they were more afraid of, so on this day, the four experimental subjects met.

Crayon Shin-chan gave Tian Lin an innocent look, and Tian Lin returned a vicious look.

(End of this chapter)

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