The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2461 Base Shadow

Chapter 2461 Base Shadow
Crayon Shin-chan, who was stared at fiercely, stopped immediately, abruptly stopped her footsteps, and stared at Tian Lin as well.

"What are you looking at?"

When Tian Lin heard that Crayon Shin-chan could speak the Northeast flavor of China in Japanese, he almost laughed out loud, but, as an actor with professionalism, Tian Lin still forced himself not to laugh.

"I'm just looking at you, what's the matter?"

Crayon Shin-chan couldn't help but let out a "giggle" laughter unique to children, but it stopped suddenly, and replaced it with a cold voice: "If you look at me again, I will cut you!"

Therefore, Tian Lin gave Crayon Shin-chan a hard look once again.

"Baga!" Crayon Shin-chan's temper suddenly came up, he broke free from the researcher's hand, and rushed towards Tian Lin.

Because the weapons all over Crayon Shin-chan's body had been confiscated by these researchers, he didn't carry any weapons at this time and could only fight with his bare hands.

But Crayon Shin-chan's first choice was to slam his head into Tian Lin's stomach.

What Tian Lin didn't expect was that although Crayon Shin-chan was very small, his strength was not so small. When he hit his stomach, his stomach was also in an overwhelming rhythm.

"Baga!" Tian Lin stopped doing it immediately, although acting must strive for authenticity, but being too real can also hurt people.

Therefore, Tian Lin grabbed the back of Crayon Shin-chan with his hands all the time, lifted the whole Crayon Shin-chan up with another force, and threw it fiercely towards the wall on the other side.

But it just happened to hit a researcher hard, because Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan both did it on purpose, the researcher was immediately bloody.

The two experimental subjects suddenly started fighting, which made all the researchers very puzzled. One person was assigned to check the situation of the injured researcher, and the rest were divided into two groups. Block Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan in front of him to prevent the two from continuing to conflict.

But even so, it was still difficult for the researchers to stop the two from wanting to fight to the end. Just behind the human wall, Tian Lin pointed at Crayon Shin-chan and kept cursing, although Crayon Shin-chan was attacked by another wave of researchers. Blocking it, he couldn't see Crayon Shin-chan at all.

Subjects No. 12 and No. [-] stood in place, watching the struggle between No. [-] and No. [-] blankly, not knowing what happened, and looked at each other again.

"What are you looking at?" Number Six said to Number Nine.

Hearing that No. 12 and No. [-] seemed to want to imitate the actions of No. [-] and No. [-], the researchers immediately panicked and separated four people to avoid conflicts between No. [-] and No. [-].

However, in this way, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan would have less interference.

It was too late and then soon, Crayon Shin-chan got out of the gap between the two researchers who left, crawled behind the researcher who was blocking Tian Lin, and kicked one of them hard. foot.

The kicked researcher lost his balance in an instant, and fell towards Tian Lin, as if he wanted to pin him down.

But, how could Tian Lin give him this chance?A slap flew up, that was to slap that researcher away, and to continue to make trouble for Crayon Shin-chan.

At the same time, on the other side, No. [-] and No. [-] finally managed to have a conflict. Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan saw an imperceptible smile on the corners of their mouths, although No. [-] and No. [-] did not recover their personal consciousness. , However, they who wanted to go berserk were also cooperating with their actions.

For a while, riots began to occur in the accommodation area of ​​the four experimental subjects. This was the first time that all the researchers felt that they should not have controlled their numbers to such a small number from the very beginning.

So much so that in the current situation, their manpower is simply not enough.

After the commotion lasted for about 5 minutes, it finally stopped. Except for No. [-] Crayon Shin-chan, the other three received the master's order and obediently returned to their rooms.

Both Toyoda Ichiro and Uejima-kun had gloomy faces, looking at the researchers lying on the ground, they didn't know what to say.

"What's going on, I've never heard of the experimental product fighting by itself before." Uejima-kun looked at Ichiro Toyoda questioningly, and Ichiro Toyoda replied apologetically.

"Maybe it's because these experimental products have been in contact with each other. We have been very careful not to allow any contact between them before, but you have seen what happened today." Toyoda Ichiro said to Uejima-kun, his face The expression on the face clearly said, how can I blame me for this matter.

"Uejima-kun, please don't worry, I will definitely find out why this riot happened within three days." Toyoda Ichiro assured again, Uejima-kun nodded, other than that, He has no other choice, should he temporarily change the person in charge of the No. [-] Experimental Base?
Many researchers were injured, and two researchers were seriously injured. One was the one who was knocked down by Crayon Shin-chan at the beginning, and the second was the one who was slapped flying by Tian Lin.

Seeing the tragic situation of the two, Toyoda Ichiro shook his head with a hint of distress, and quickly asked the two uninjured researchers to send them back to their respective rooms, and took another look at the No. [-] experimental subject who was still alive and kicking. .

"Where's his master?" Toyoda Ichiro frowned. Without the master's order, it would be difficult for them to send No. [-] back to the room.

"He was injured and is resting in his room." Soon, the researcher who took care of the wounded man killed by Li Bai replied Toyoda Ichiro.

Ichiro Toyoda frowned again: "Hurry up and grab No. [-] and replace it with a new owner. Also, go and see how he is doing now. If he can still move, let him come here first."

Therefore, the remaining few researchers once again devoted themselves to the huge project of catching Crayon Shin-chan, while the other researcher went to find the wounded.

After a while, he ran back in panic.

"It's not good, it's not good, he's dead!" The researcher looked at Ichiro Toyoda in horror, making Toyoda Ichiro unable to react for a while.


How can it be?He has seen the injury just now, although it is serious, it is not enough to cause death!
Ichiro Toyoda immediately gave up on continuing to arrest No. [-], and hurriedly walked towards that person's room with the researchers. At this moment, he was finally sure that they had really lost another companion.

"Baga!" Toyoda Ichiro cursed angrily, checked the body of the deceased, but found nothing unusual, but he was dead.

"Could there be an inner ghost among us?" Toyoda Ichiro suddenly raised his head and stared fiercely at the researchers around him, who was so frightened that he quickly waved his hands.

"It's not me, it's not me, it's really not me!"

These dozen or so researchers have been getting along day and night for two years, and their relationship is so deep that it is unfathomable. How could such a scene of cannibalism happen.

"Then you mean, are there ghosts in our experimental base?" Toyoda Ichiro yelled at the researchers again, he just wanted to vent his anger, and wanted to know what the cause of this person's death was.

However, he didn't have any thoughts at all, he could only acquiesce to this fact and put the cause of death on the accident.

By the time Ichiro Toyoda walked out of the room, the base had fallen into silence, and the researchers who arrested No. [-] were walking towards this side.

"How many of you caught No. [-]?" Toyoda Ichiro asked in surprise.

"No, No. [-] ran back by himself, and we just closed the door." The researcher said, very gratefully.

Ichiro Toyoda nodded and asked everyone to go back to the house to rest, and at the same time asked everyone to take care of the two seriously injured patients to prevent them from having another accident.

"In the next three days, the four experimental objects will be studied one by one, and the others will be closed." Ichiro Toyoda ordered again, and he will not take that risk again until the cause of the accident is found.

The entire experimental base went dark again, and the researchers were eating dinner in their own rooms, not noticing that a small black figure was rushing through the doors one by one.

This black shadow is naturally Hei Yan. What he is doing now is to look for the two seriously injured patients.

He saw all the things that happened before, and couldn't help but praise Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan's acting skills. Now that their mission is completed, the next thing is up to him.

The first wounded had just been bandaged, and had already fallen asleep due to excessive blood loss. Li Bai didn't wake him up, but left behind a silver star.

Li Bai was not afraid that Ichiro Toyoda would discover the existence of this spiritual energy. After all, in the Japanese country, I am afraid that they did not even have the concept of cultivation, so how could they know the magical spiritual energy of Huaxia.

The second wounded, Li Bai still didn't have any nonsense, but let him close his eyes forever.

Night finally fell, and the entire base seemed to be peaceful and peaceful. However, how could the sleeping people know that they had lost two researchers who had been together day and night in silence.

Li Bai calculated in his heart that when he first came to the experimental base, there were fifteen researchers, not counting Ichiro Toyoda. Now, three people died, and only twelve remained.

Li Bai was not very satisfied with this number. If it was reduced to less than six, he, Tian Lin, and Crayon Shin-chan would have a chance to wipe out all the rest, including Toyoda Ichiro, in one fell swoop.

It's just that the cautiousness of the Japanese people seems to have exceeded Li Bai's expectations.

Early the next morning, after all the rest of the people finished training, Toyoda Ichiro sent someone to visit the two seriously injured patients yesterday. However, when the bad news that the two had died came again, Not only Ichiro Toyoda, but even Mr. Uejima couldn't believe it.

Because this time, they still failed to find the real cause of death of the two of them.

"Could it be that there are really ghosts in our base?" Toyoda Ichiro clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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