The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2471 Runaway Xiaoxi

Chapter 2471 Runaway Xiaoxi

"Oh? It seems that you know a lot about our experiments. Let me guess. It should be Uejima-kun who told you these things, right?" *** chuckled lightly, her gaze fell on Uejima-kun , Mr. Uejima shook his head hurriedly, he didn't remember when he said these words to Li Bai.

Li Bai walked forward slowly: "It's a pity, no, if I want to know about you, I don't need to ask anyone. Most of my news comes from your researchers. Come on, if you want to blame, blame the researchers, but it seems that they are all dead."

Li Bai finally walked to ***'s desk, put his hands on the table, and looked at *** with a provocative look: "Now, can you take us to see that No. 11 experimental product?" ?”

Li Bai's voice was very soft, but there was an irresistible tone in it. However, Li Bai didn't seem to be affected much, and also stood up, dispelling Li Bai's condescending pressure.

"It seems that the person you are looking for should be our No. 11 experimental product. I'm sorry, she is so cute, I thought she was from our Wa country." *** gently moved Turning the swivel chair, it began to rotate as if it had been lubricated, and then walked around the desk again.

"Since you want to see it, let you see it."

To Li Bai's surprise, the police didn't seem to intend to obstruct anything, and directly agreed to Li Bai's request.

Although Li Bai didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this gourd, since he could see Xiaoxi, why did Li Bai refuse?

*** took the lead and walked in front. Li Bai and Tian Lin looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of excitement in each other's eyes.

After more than a month of hard work, they can finally see Xiao Xi today!How this makes them not excited!
***'s office door was opened again, two people went into the room, but five people came out at this time, which made the staff in the experimental base nervous.

And after seeing that among the five people, apart from the old lady they knew and Uejima-kun, there were also two Chinese figures, and one of them turned out to be Li Bai, who had been wanted by the ninja organization for more than half a month, They forgot to do the work at hand, and looked at the group in a daze, and some researchers even picked up the sticks in hand.

And *** just slowly pressed his hand to make everyone quiet, but without explaining too much, he just walked towards the living area of ​​the experimental product.

Seeing that Li Bai didn't seem to be threatened by Li Bai, and Li Bai was not expelled by Li Bai, everyone calmed down a little bit, but they were still chasing the figures of a few people, wanting to see what they were going to do. something.

The area of ​​this No. [-] experimental base is obviously much larger than that of No. [-] experimental base, and even the number of experimental products is more than other places. Here, as far as the experimental products that Li Bai saw, there are already five people. Let Li Bai Surprisingly, the progress of the experimental products in this No. [-] experimental base is obviously much higher than that of No. [-].

But a very important point is that there are many more researchers in this No. [-] experimental base than in No. [-]. Even if the experimental product goes out of control, they can quickly deal with it.

I just heard that the No. 11 experimental product is the most difficult to control among all the experimental products, because the existence of the No. 11 experimental product has already caused the No. [-] Experimental Base to suffer a lot of losses in personnel and funds.

At this time, the No. 11 experimental product that the entire experimental base hated was quietly locked in the room in front of it to rest.

"Master, is Xiao Xi in there?" Tian Lin grabbed Li Bai's arm lightly and asked nervously.

Li Bai nodded, and then motioned for *** to open the door quickly.

After entering the password, the door of the room opened slowly. Looking through the gap in the door, there was a little girl lying quietly on the bed, but her back was facing them, so that Li Bai could not see Xiao Xi's face.

"Okay, the person you are looking for is inside, if you want to see it, just go in and see it yourself." *** said to Li Bai, then left the door of the room and stood aside.

Li Bai and Tian Lin nodded, they couldn't wait to go in anxiously, while Crayon Shin-chan behind him was standing at the door swinging the door, if they all went in, the door was closed, they might not be able to come out.

Seeing that Crayon Shin-chan was also so vigilant, *** laughed lightly, one of her plans had failed before it started, so she had to walk out of the corridor.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi." Li Bai and Tian Lin walked to Xiaoxi's bed and called Xiaoxi's name softly.

When she was on the island, *** had already told Mr. Shangdao that Xiaoxi had fallen into a deep sleep for several days, so at this time, when Li Bai gently turned Xiaoxi over, Xiaoxi Xi is still asleep.

Finally seeing Xiaoxi again after more than a month, Li Bai felt that he and Xiaoxi had been separated for ten years.

Li Bai didn't know what happened to Xiaoxi in the past month since she was captured and returned to the island country, but she could tell from Xiaoxi's face that Xiaoxi's life was not good in the past month.

Xiaoxi is only 13 years old this year, and her face that should have been sunny and rosy is now pale. She was already very thin, and her arms and legs are no thicker than Li Bai's two fingers.

This made Li Bai feel distressed for a while, and he blamed himself very much. If he hadn't been careless at the beginning, Xiaoxi would not have been taken back to the Wa Kingdom by those two ninjas, let alone such treatment.

"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry for making you suffer." Li Bai closed his eyes and said softly.

Tian Lin also gently closed his eyes. Although he had never seen Xiao Xi before, he and his master had been running around for so long just to save Xiao Xi. Therefore, Tian Lin at this time was also arrested because of Li Bai's emotions. Infected with some sadness.

It's just that neither of them noticed that when they closed their eyes, Xiao Xi's eyes suddenly jumped twice, and then slowly opened.

"go to hell!"

Xiaoxi's voice suddenly rang in Li Bai's ears, Li Bai opened it quickly, but saw that a talisman had formed on Xiaoxi's fingertips, and in the next second, it shot towards Li Bai's face Come.

Fortunately, Li Bai dodged in time, otherwise, Li Bai had no doubt that he was about to lose his appearance.

"Xiaoxi, I know you are still angry with me back then, but you must trust me, I treat you like my family." Li Bai stood up, hurriedly dodging Xiaoxi's one after another Sigil.

Li Bai had already explained everything Li Bai had done when he met Xiaoxi a month ago, but looking at Xiaoxi's current state, not only did she not forgive Li Bai, but she became even more angry.

"Go to hell, go to hell!" Xiaoxi roared like crazy, while throwing one after another talisman towards Li Bai and Tian Lin, the two escaped, and again There were scorched marks on the wall.

Li Bai wanted to calm Xiaoxi down, but at this moment, Xiaoxi was like a fully fired machine gun, and no one could get close to her.

As a last resort, Li Bai and Tian Lin hurried out of the room, took Crayon Shin-chan with them and ran towards the hall of the experimental base, while Xiao Xi was chasing after them, the words "Go to hell" never stopped. down too.

Not long after walking into the lobby, *** heard Xiaoxi's familiar voice, and her face, which was so happy because she had thought about how to subdue Li Bai just now, darkened again, and immediately pressed a button on the wall beside her Immediately afterwards, harsh sirens sounded in the entire experimental base.

All the researchers rushed towards the hall immediately, looking at Xiao Xi who was running away, all of them looked heavy.

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry, I was really wrong, please forgive me once." Li Bai was still apologizing non-stop, but after seeing Xiaoxi's dull eyes, Li Bai understood that at this moment It seemed that Xiao Xi couldn't hear his voice at all.

Li Bai and Tian Lin immediately dispersed and ran away. At the same time, Li Bai quickly found Mr. Shangdao among the crowd: "What did you do to my little Xi!"

Li Bai tightly grasped Uejima-kun's lapel, and at the same time urged the power of the stars in his body, making Uejima-kun show a painful expression.

"She, she lost control too." Mr. Uejima struggled and said, Xiaoxi would lose control almost every time she woke up, each time they had to spend a lot of effort to stabilize Xiaoxi again, and then continued for the next experiment.

Although Xiaoxi's experiment progress is getting higher and higher, Xiaoxi's instability is also getting stronger and stronger. If it is not because the experiment progress reaches [-]%, Xiaoxi will be completely controlled by them. Otherwise, the ninja who always pays attention to profit The organization would never invest such a huge amount of manpower and material resources to train Xiaoxi as a key point.

Li Bai finally let go of Uejima-kun, and at the same time cast a cold gaze towards ***, as if he felt Li Bai's gaze, and *** also cast her gaze, and the eyes of the two collided. You can fight, the two of them have fought for a hundred rounds.

"Then why are your researchers still standing here? Let my little Xi calm down!" Li Bai turned around and yelled at Mr. Shangdao again. When Xiaoxi went berserk, they could only choose to wait.

The reason why so many researchers are standing here is not to subdue Xiaoxi, but to try to prevent Xiaoxi from causing more damage to the experimental base.

At this time, Xiaoxi was running around in the base, attacking wherever she went. If the researchers hadn't used some special armor to block Xiaoxi's sigil, the entire experimental base would have been destroyed by now. The scum that Xiaoxi bombarded was gone.

Li Bai looked at Xiaoxi from a distance, and wanted to go up and do something to calm her down, but he was afraid that Xiaoxi would fall into a more manic state because of his appearance, so he could only choose to wait slowly and wait. The moment when Xiao Xi runs out of energy has come.

However, as time passed, Xiaoxi didn't seem to stop at all. Li Bai looked at *** suspiciously, and at this time *** also showed doubts.

"Uncle Li Bai, let me try."

(End of this chapter)

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