The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2472 True love is invincible

Chapter 2472 True love is invincible
A childlike voice sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone followed the sound and looked at the source of the sound.

Li Bai looked at the wide-eyed Crayon Shin-chan, very puzzled: "What did you just say?"

"I said, I'll help you stop that little girl, I have a solution." Crayon Shin-chan looked at Li Bai confidently, showing her teeth, and said with a smile.

However, Li Bai immediately shook his head and refused. Li Bai himself had experienced how powerful Xiao Xi's talisman was, and after a month, the power of her talisman could only improve.

Even Li Bai couldn't last too long under Xiao Xi's continuous bombardment, let alone Crayon Shin-chan with such a thin body.

"Uncle Li Bai, just let me go. I can definitely make the young lady stop. I have my own method, and neither of you can do it." Crayon Shin-chan looked at Li Bai expectantly this time, hoping that he would agree. down.

Tian Lin, who was standing aside, touched Crayon Shin-chan's head, and asked with some doubts: "Can you really do it? You have already seen how powerful that young lady is. If not, give yourself It’s not good to ride in.”

Crayon Shin-chan nodded firmly, and waved her little fist.

Therefore, Tian Lin also joined the ranks of persuading Li Bai: "Why don't you let him try, this little brat is indeed so smart that we can't imagine."

Crayon Shin-chan persisted, and Xiao Xi had been crazy for such a long time, if she didn't stop, Li Bai was afraid that something would happen to Xiao Xi, so he nodded towards Crayon Shin-chan.

"Look at me!" Crayon Shin-chan ran towards Xiao Xi excitedly, squeezed through the researchers, and exposed herself to Xiao Xi.

"What are you going to do? You're making a fool of yourself!" Standing beside her, she was very angry when she saw Crayon Shin-chan suddenly appearing in the middle of the venue. Originally, when Xiaoxi was running away, if no one provoked him, what would he do? Nothing will happen.

However, once Xiaoxi was provoked, the time and state of the rampage would be even more unbearable for them, which is why they did not choose to use violence to calm Xiaoxi down.

But at this time, it was too late for *** to say anything, Crayon Shin-chan who rushed into the encirclement let out a small happy sound, and then ran towards Xiao Xi who was running away.

"Go to hell!" Seeing Crayon Shin-chan's sudden appearance, Xiao Xi became even more irritable, and shot five or six talismans towards Crayon Shin-chan.

"Miss sister, don't be angry, I'm here to save you!" Crayon Shin-chan said to Xiaoxi, while twisting her soft body, avoiding one after another talisman, just standing there Unlucky for the unresponsive researchers behind Crayon Shin-chan.

A talisman hit their bodies, and half of their arms disappeared without a trace. The other people standing beside him were also affected, and blood oozes from their clothes.

Seeing this scene, *** was even more angry, she let Li Bai come to see Xiao Xi, but she caused such a big trouble for her, this made *** very angry, she wanted to rush into the arena, Stop Crayon Shin-chan.

But just when she was about to make a move, Li Bai's cold gaze fell on her again.

"Don't you want her to calm down sooner? Your people are hurt, it can only show that they are not careful enough." Li Bai said coldly to ***, and at this time, he had vaguely guessed the crayon What is Xiaoxin going to do.

"Heh, I'd like to see how that little brat managed to calm down NO.11." The policeman didn't move anymore, but once again told all the researchers to cheer up.

At this time, Crayon Shin-chan had been in a stalemate with Xiao Xi for a while.

While firing the sigils, Xiaoxi retreated towards the rear, while Crayon Shin-chan seemed to dodge the sigils desperately, and then quickly approached Xiaoxi.

"Miss sister, don't hit me again, okay? I'm really a good person." Crayon Shin-chan also kept saying something to Xiaoxi. Although it sounded childish, it was actually very effective. After Xiaoxin said a few words, Xiaoxi's attack speed would decrease a bit.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Xi yelled at Crayon Shin-chan again, but this time, what was strange was that there was no sign on Xiao Xi's finger this time.


Seeing this scene, not only Crayon Shin-chan, but also Li Bai and Tian Lin said secretly.

As a result, Crayon Shin-chan seemed to be fitted with a spring, and bounced towards Xiao Xi. The next second, Crayon Shin-chan appeared in front of Xiao Xi.

"Miss sister, don't be afraid, I'm really not a bad person." Crayon Shin-chan said to Xiaoxi again, and then gently grasped Xiaoxi's hands with both hands, so that the symbol that was just formed on Xiaoxi's fingertips was another Disappeared.

"Go to hell!" Her hand was touched by a boy, Xiaoxi seemed to have been greatly violated, and kicked Crayon Shin-chan indiscriminately.

And then, Crayon Shin-chan did something that stunned Li Bai and Tian Lin. He actually hugged Xiao Xi in his arms one by one, holding her tightly so that she couldn't move.

Not only Li Bai and Tian Lin, but you, Mr. Shangdao and that group of researchers were already stunned, because just after Crayon Shin-chan hugged Xiaoxi gently, Xiaoxi actually really It just calmed down slowly, and even leaned peacefully on Crayon Shin-chan's shoulder, and gently closed his eyes.

After finishing all this, Crayon Shin-chan was also very happy, and raised a scissor hand to Li Bai, showing a happy smile.

Li Bai was also very happy, and wanted to walk in the direction of Crayon Shin-chan and Xiaoxi, but before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by several researchers.

"Thank you for helping me quiet NO.11." ***'s voice came slowly, Li Bai turned his head and looked over, she was walking towards him with a smile on her face.

"What do you want to do?" Li Bai's face darkened.

"What do we want to do? Should I ask you this question?" *** asked back.

"Take Xiaoxi out of here." Li Bai didn't want to have too much nonsense with ***, so he said directly.

Hearing what Li Bai said, *** laughed again: "Huaxia people, I really don't know if you are really stupid or not, even if this little girl is your friend, she has become a friend after all. Our experimental product, if you want to take her away, I'm sorry, it's impossible."

Hearing this, Li Bai's face finally turned completely dark: "So, your point is that you are determined not to give us Xiaoxi?"

***Smiled and shook his head: "It's a pity, who told you not to protect your friend well at that time, her current experiment progress has reached 90.00% five, if you conduct another experiment, maybe it will be OK Completely successful."

But at this time, Crayon Shin-chan, who was still surrounded by researchers, wanted to take the opportunity to find an empty place to sneak out, but suddenly saw the wine glass.

"Little friend? Where are you going? Put that little girl down and I'll let you go." *** looked at Crayon Shin-chan and said, although she was smiling, Crayon Shin-chan was covered in goose bumps.

*** waved his hand, and immediately several researchers rushed towards Crayon Shin-chan.

"It seems that we can't have a proper talk." Li Bai sneered, turned to look at Tian Lin, and at this time, Tian Lin also nodded to Li Bai.

In the next second, the two rushed straight towards the researchers blocking the side.

"Aren't you a bit overconfident? This is our territory after all." *** finally showed a ferocious expression, and stepped aside at the same time, allowing the researchers to surround the two of them.

Just like the No. [-] experimental base, although they are researchers, they also have the strength of the ninja level.

It's just that if it's just like this, it's really not enough for Li Bai and Tian Lin.

"Golden Flame and Black Flame, go save the two of them." Li Bai summoned Jin Yan and Black Yan again, and asked them to help Crayon Shin-chan. Hugging Xiao Xi, Crayon Shin-chan had a hard time coping.

The killing of Jin Yan and Hei Yan has helped Crayon Shin-chan a lot. Here, Li Bai and Tian Lin have already fought with the researchers.

Although there are many researchers, the strength of Li Bai and Tian Lin is far superior to them. Only Tian Lin can fight three of them, not to mention Li Bai.

In just 2 minutes, all the researchers were thrown to the party by Li Bai and Tian Lin, and at this time, Mao Zedong and Mr. Shangdao had disappeared.

"Give me Xiaoxi, let's chase!" Li Bai took Xiaoxi from Crayon Shin-chan's arms, felt Xiaoxi's light skinny weight for a while, and then put Xiaoxi back into the ring, feeling After looking in the direction of Uejima-kun, he ran towards the outside of the experimental base.

The reason why *** is called *** is because her body shape is very similar to the *** hundreds of years ago, but another aspect is that she is the leader of the No. [-] test base, Already the strongest man.

However, even if it is the strongest, it is only a little bit stronger than the sword man. Li Bai can take down the sword man so easily, and it is certainly impossible for him to beat Li Bai.

So, the girl who was still calm in front of Li Bai just now had already run away, and she gave up again before even having time to implement the plan she wanted just now.

However, the speed of the two of them could not compare to Li Bai and the others who were in a rage. From the moment they stepped on the boat, Li Bai and the others had already caught up.

"Yo, ***, you can run away too, why, have you already given up the other five experimental products in your experimental base?" Li Bai looked at *** and said contemptuously, although Xiao Xi hadn't woken up yet. , but after all has returned to his side.

Then, next, they will help Crayon Shin-chan to complete his task.

Destroy all the experimental bases!

(End of this chapter)

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