The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2473 Revenge Fireworks

Chapter 2473 Revenge Fireworks
At this time, how can the boss have any time to chat with Li Bai? When he saw that Li Bai and his men were about to stand on the bow of the boat, together with a few of his men, they threw countless arrows towards the bow of the boat. Ninja darts.

For a moment, the sky was covered with rain, like locusts overwhelming the sky, completely blocking all the routes that Li Bai and the others could advance.

As a last resort, Li Bai could only ask Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan to retreat temporarily and hide behind the container at the dock to prevent the ninja darts from hurting them.

And when they poked their heads out again, a few more smoke bombs were thrown on the pier, and black smoke filled the sky for a while, completely covering the sight of the three of them.

When the sea breeze blew away all the smoke, Li Bai and the others realized that their speedboat was far away from the pier.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Bai to just let them go. After all, Xiaoxi had become what he is now. If they want to restore Xiaoxi, only they can do it.

The three of Li Bai also quickly boarded a speedboat, and chased after them. Because both sides were advancing at full speed, the two speedboats kept a certain distance.

However, because Li Bai and the others were only three of them, they were still a little faster in terms of speed. It only took about half an hour for them to successfully catch up with them.

"Mr. Shangdao, how on earth did you get into trouble with the evil star Li Bai?" *** stood at the stern, looking at another speedboat in the distance, her brows were tightly furrowed, Mr. Shangdao knew that she was already angry performance.

Mr. Uejima has an innocent face. From the beginning to the end, he didn't take much part in Li Bai's affairs, but now it seems that he has become the character who ties everything together.

It took Mr. Uejima a long time to figure out what happened in the past, from Li Bai and the others to Tokyo, how they went to Xiaoxing City, how they ran into Mu Muchenba, and what happened behind them, All of them were roughly told to *** based on the information already collected.

*** Sighed, after so many things happened, it seemed understandable that they could find here. To blame, you can only blame them for not sending ninjas to Huaxia from the very beginning, let alone sending ninjas to China. The girl named Xiaoxi was caught and brought back.

"Hurry up and contact the headquarters and ask them to meet us at the pier in Okinawa City. Just us, we really may not be their opponents." *** said with a heavy face, and added another sentence, "Let them Better meet us at sea."

Mr. Shangdao was also in a very nervous mood at this time. He kept covering his chest with his hands, fearing that in the next second, Li Bai would activate his terrifying skills and kill him from a distance on the speedboat. .

However, Mr. Uejima did not dare to disobey the order of the police officer, so he went to contact the person who responded in fear. At this time, the feeling of angina that Mr. Uejima had been afraid of all the time finally came.

Uejima-kun fell in the cabin in pain, rolling and wailing non-stop, and *** watched quietly from the side, just frowning, he knew that he couldn't help him now.

"Li Bai, you are really crazy." *** said coldly.

"***, I found a fishing boat ahead." At this moment, the driver's voice came, *** looked towards the bow of the boat, there was indeed a fishing boat slowly rowing towards this side , On the boat, there are still a man and a woman sitting, it seems that they have been floating on the sea for two days.

"Drive over and bring them here." *** hoped to see a glimmer of hope, and immediately ordered.

At this time, about 15 minutes have passed since they escaped from the island, that is to say, there is still about half of the time, they will be caught up by Li Bai and the others, and then they will fight them no matter whether they want to or not It's been a game.

The appearance of this pair of fishermen gave Mao a glimmer of life.

"However, if we pass by, we must slow down, so that they will catch up with us faster." The driver said to *** worriedly.

"Just do as I say." *** gave the driver a cold look, which made the driver no longer dare to be suspicious.

*** is betting that if they continue to escape, they will definitely not be able to insist on the people who understand and respond, but if they go to kidnap one or two hostages, maybe that Li Bai may be born because of the hostages in their hands. Some fear.

Turning off the engine, the speedboat approached the small fishing boat, and the couple on the fishing boat were Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato who wanted to escape from Okinawa City and live in seclusion on the island.

Seeing a speedboat coming towards them, Hidechu Sato temporarily stopped rowing, but stood up and looked in the direction of the speedboat, wanting to know what happened.

However, when the speedboat approached them, two men on the speedboat quickly jumped onto their fishing boat, and without a word, they started to attack them.

"Who are you and what are you trying to do? I warn you, don't touch my girlfriend!" Sato Hidechu was quickly controlled by a ninja. Although he kept struggling, he couldn't break free at all. .

And Kumiko Akimoto was even more unable to move. Although she was also in a hurry, she still couldn't break free from the shackles of the ninja.

When the two were tied to the speedboat, the speedboat that Li Bai and the others were on finally arrived late.

"Why, you don't even have the courage to face your mistakes when you make a mistake?" Li Bai looked at the policeman on the speedboat and said with a sneer.

However, before the police could reply, Li Bai saw Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato who were tied up on the speedboat.

Although Li Bai tried his best to hide his surprised eyes, how could the sharp desire in his eyes fail to capture the strangeness in Li Bai's eyes.

"Hehe, you actually think we did something wrong? We just did our best for the development of our ninja organization. What's wrong?" *** laughed loudly, a little crazy.

Li Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, but for a moment he didn't think of anything to refute ***'s words. After all, they were speaking from their own perspectives, so how could they convince each other?

At the same time, after seeing Li Bai, Kumiko Akimoto, who was tied up, seemed to see a savior, and shouted loudly to Li Bai: "Mr. Li Bai, please save us, why are we arrested!"

Sato Hidezhong looked at Li Bai with the same look of expectation, but it didn't look like his girlfriend.

"Ha, it seems that I made the right bet." Seeing this scene, *** laughed wildly. If these two ordinary people really have nothing to do with Li Bai, maybe Li Bai was entangled and directly Just started fighting with them.

But the current situation made *** very satisfied, because of these two people, Li Bai did not dare to do whatever he wanted.

"Let them go, let's have a good talk." Li Bai's voice was cold, and it could be seen that he was forcibly suppressing his inner impulse to explode.

*** Hearing Li Bai's words, he laughed, walked to Kumiko Akimoto, and gently touched her chin: "Do you think I am stupid or stupid? If I let them go, you can still be with me." Am I here to speak calmly? Maybe, we have already died in your hands."

The two ninjas who tied Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka took two sharp daggers from his body, put them on their necks, and stared at Li Bai and the others. If they see their actions, they can kill the people in their hands in advance.

Li Bai's face darkened, as if it was covered with dark clouds, and then he slowly retreated into the cabin, sat down quietly, but kept his eyes fixed on the situation on the other ship.

"Little girl, you don't have to scream. You will be safe when we get to the pier." Seeing that Li Bai had calmed down, she said to Kumiko Akimoto again.

Then, everything on the two ships fell silent, only the roar of the engines remained. The two speedboats were separated by a short distance, but they were moving side by side in the direction of Okinawa City.

The sun slowly moved from the top of the head to the horizon, and finally set again, ushering in endless darkness.

When the light of dawn lit up in the east again, the figure of Okinawa City finally appeared at the end of the line of sight, and at the same time, faintly, there were also several speedboats coming towards this side.

"The response is finally here!" Uejima-kun shouted excitedly, and Li Bai, who had been holding back his anger, directly activated the power of the stars again, making Uejima-kun almost fall into the sea.

Seeing Uejima-kun's appearance, the ninjas also stabbed the dagger deeply into Akimoto Kumiko's skin, and only relaxed a little after Uejima-kun was fine.

*** The corners of his mouth were raised, but he didn't speak. The speedboat in the distance was getting closer and closer. Finally, he could clearly see the appearance of the people on it. It was indeed the ninja sent by the headquarters to meet them.

"What happened to you?" After approaching the two speedboats, the ninja who came to meet him looked at Li Bai and the other three vigilantly, while checking their situation. Other than that, the others seem to be fine.

After a simple negotiation, and after confirming that *** and the others were fine, the ninjas who responded drove towards the shore in advance.

And Tian Lin also turned off the engine, and let the speedboat slowly approach the pier by itself. After *** and their yacht passed them by a certain distance, Tian Lin looked at Li Bai anxiously.

"Master, are we going to let them go like this?" Tian Lin shook his fist, and Crayon Shin-chan standing beside him was equally aggrieved.

"Of course I can't just let them go. Anyone who dares to threaten me, Li Bai, is either not born yet, or dead." Li Bai stood up again, and at this time, his eyes were already ignited. fire.

It was the fire of vengeance.

(End of this chapter)

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