The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2474 Still Threatened

Chapter 2474 Still Threatened
When Li Bai's speedboat slowly docked at the pier, *** and the others were already standing on the shore, quietly watching Li Bai's arrival.

Standing next to *** is Uejima-kun. At this time, he saw Li Bai's eyes that seemed to be breathing fire, and he was still terrified. He looked at *** and wanted to ask her for help, but *** did not understand. They ignored him.

Standing next to Uejima-kun were Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka, who had been tied up all the time. Their mouths had been tightly gagged for almost a day, and their lips were obviously a little chapped.

Seeing Li Bai and the others finally walk up to the pier, they just looked at them expectantly, but they didn't have the energy to struggle anymore.

"Okay, you've landed safely, can you let them go?" Li Bai stopped about five meters away from ***, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan were standing behind him, the same He looked warily at the group of ninjas in front of him.

*** looked at Li Bai, but sneered again: "Do you think I will believe your words?" *** looked at Li Bai as if looking at a child.

Although he had promised before that he would release Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato as soon as they landed, seeing the anger written on Li Bai's face and the mere ninjas who came to meet them, *** couldn't help feeling drumming.

She didn't know whether they were Li Bai's opponents. After all, from the beginning to the end, none of them had seen the terrifying level of Li Bai's full strength.

It's not just Li Bai, it's because of you Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka's faces all darkened once again, Akimoto Kumiko nervously "wow" and pointed at ***, she said that, it is clear that she still doesn't want to put them The rhythm of letting go.

"Don't worry, I can assure you that you will not die." *** glanced at Kumiko Akimoto faintly, and the ninja who tied her tightly covered Kumiko Akimoto's mouth again, not letting her make any sound.

Li Bai just laughed, guaranteeing that they will not die?Broken arms and legs are not considered dead, so should he believe her words?
A woman's heart, a needle in the sea, what you say never counts.

"What exactly do you want me to do to let them go?" Li Bai suddenly became very calm, but when he said this, everyone felt a little warmth from the rising sun just now. , I actually felt that the temperature at the pier dropped by a few degrees at this moment.

*** frowned, but smiled lightly: "Just like you, a person who is always angry and ready to fight, how dare I believe you, after I let them go, will you be right? Shall we do it right away?"

After *** finished speaking, all her ninja subordinates were shocked. There were at least ten ninjas present, but the opponent, even including the child Crayon Shin-chan, was only three.

They didn't understand why, the always ruthless grandma, at this moment, was so terrified in front of Li Bai.

"So, your ninja organization is a bunch of liars who don't mean anything, right?" Tian Lin also couldn't stand it anymore, pointing at the ****'s nose and cursing.

*** still sneered: "So you want me to be honest? If you are honest, you will lose your life. If you lie to you, we will be safe. If it were you, would you be so stupid as to choose the first one? ?”

A woman can be shameless to such an extent that even Mr. Uejima and his own people feel flushed, but ** is still calm as usual.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to let them go, the conditions must not be too excessive, otherwise, my patience has a limit." Li Bai's voice became vicious again, and his fists were tight. Clenched tightly.

However, when Li Bai's words were heard in Kumiko Akimoto's ears, she was shocked.

Kumiko Akimoto's tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably in an instant, she looked at Li Bai who was not far away, but at this moment, Li Bai's eyes were fixed on ***, not looking at her at all.

"Could it be possible for him to sacrifice the lives of the two of us in order to achieve his own goals?" Akimoto Kumiko thought desperately, trying to find a reason why Li Bai could save them, but it was a desperate discovery. , she couldn't find it at all.

*** looked back at Kumiko Akimoto with tears streaming down her face, stepped forward, and gently wiped the tears on Kumiko Akimoto's face: "What are you doing so fiercely, you scared the girl to tears, don't you feel bad?"

Li Bai just watched what happened here coldly, and didn't speak.

"In order to ensure our safety, as well as the safety of the two of them, you should come with us. It just so happens that our boss has long wanted to talk to you alone. Unfortunately, there has been no chance."** * Turned his head to look at Li Bai again, and said seriously.

"Why do I want to meet your boss, who is your boss, and what qualifications do you have to come to see me." Li Bai snorted coldly.

"Kinoshita Tokichiro, the supreme leader of the ninja organization, do you think you are qualified to see you?" ***'s tone was full of pride, with her hands on her chest and her head raised slightly.

Li Bai narrowed his eyes.

Since he came to Wa country, he has been dealing with the ninjas of the ninja organization, and has almost never received news that the leader of the ninja organization, Tokichiro Kinoshita, has also noticed him.

"I'm very busy, but I don't have time to see him." Li Bai immediately refused, no matter what the reason Kinoshita Tokichiro wanted to see him, Li Bai was sure that there must be nothing good.

"Haha." *** Guan'er smiled. She didn't expect Li Bai to have such a personality, and she refused directly. You know, Kinoshita Tokichiro doesn't meet everyone when he meets, and it's not like he wants to see someone every day. of.

From the perspective of the Communist Party, Li Bai was able to be invited to meet by Kinoshita Tokichiro by name, which already gave Li Bai enough face.

"Are you sure?" *** lowered her voice and asked again.

Li Bai didn't speak, but answered ***'s question with his firm eyes.

"That's a pity. It seems that I can only kill these two people, and then fight to the death with the three of you. After all, we have four jounin and six chunin here. Even if we really fight, you may not be [-]% sure." The odds are good." *** lightly tapped her foot on the wooden pier, making a dull "dong dong" sound.

It was as if they were counting down to Li Bai and asked him to make a decision quickly.

Another blatant threat!

Li Bai's fists clenched even tighter. It would be okay if he was the only one at this time, but the current situation is that Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka are still in their hands, and if there is a real fight, he will not Determine the safety of Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan.

It can be said that Li Bai's words can determine the life and death of four people.

"Okay." Li Bai finally compromised.

Hearing Li Bai's answer, everyone present seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Just one word saved the lives of at least six people.

*** also smiled, turned around and walked towards the side of the road outside the pier, where three cars had already parked, three cars that were completely black.

"Get in the car, they will be safe when they get to the headquarters." *** made a gesture of invitation to Li Bai, and in front of another car, Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka were being roughly pushed into the car car.

"Master." Just as Li Bai got into the car, Tian Lin also came over, yelled, and made a gesture to get into the car, but was stopped by other ninjas.

"Mr. Tokichiro Kinoshita doesn't want to see you." *** said to Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan with a smile, which made Tian Lin angry and anxious.

"It's okay, I won't be in danger, just wait for me with peace of mind, Xiaoxin, don't you still have something you want to do, you will be invincible if you partner with him." Li Bai said to Crayon Shin-chan smiled, he always remembered that Crayon Shin-chan wanted to destroy all the experimental bases.

And now, taking advantage of the emptiness of the experimental base, they will definitely be able to capture the remaining two experimental bases.

*** didn't know what Li Bai was talking about, and didn't want them to say more, so she just slammed the car door shut and locked Li Bai inside.

Immediately, the car started and drove towards the distance, and their target was naturally Tokyo City and Mount Fuji.

Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan were sprayed in the face by the car exhaust, looking at the car going away, they were very anxious.

"Little kid, do you know where the headquarters of the Ninja Organization is?" Tian Lin asked while looking at Crayon Shin-chan.

Although Tian Lin was imprisoned by Mu Muchenba in the base of the Ninja organization for so long before, he passed out when he passed, and was packed in a sack when he came out. He never saw the Ninja base from the beginning to the end. What is it like.

"I don't know." Crayon Shin-chan shook her head, disappointing Tian Lin.

Just when the two were at a loss, Tian Lin's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, Hanano Mai must know where the ninja organization is, little brat, hurry up, let's go to Tokyo."

After speaking, Tian Lin walked towards a taxi parked by the side of the road.

What Tian Lin didn't know was that they went to Tokyo by accident, and Hanano Mai was arrested by the ninjas of the ninja organization when she found the ninja organization base with Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't know what the **** and the others were thinking. The distance from Okinawa City to Tokyo was so far, and even it took two days to fly to Okinawa City by helicopter. How long will it take.

However, the fact is that, for five consecutive days, Li Bai and the others spent time in the car, shopping for something on the side of the road when they were hungry and thirsty, the drivers took turns sleeping, and even urinated and defecated on the side of the road.

At this time, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan, who had set off early, had arrived in Tokyo for almost a day.

(End of this chapter)

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