The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2475 Hideki Nakajima's Wrath

Chapter 2475 Hideki Nakajima's Wrath

It seemed that this was Tian Lin's first time going out alone, so when he brought Crayon Shin-chan to Tokyo, he was completely gone from the excitement that Li Bai brought him to Tokyo.Instead, there was a feeling of bewilderment.

When Tian Lin walked out of the train station, he felt like he didn't know where to go. After asking honestly for a long time, he finally found the hotel where they stayed for the first time.

"Can you do it? Why don't you let me lead the way?" Crayon Shin-chan, who followed Tian Lin around Tokyo like a headless chicken for a whole day, was very dissatisfied with Tian Lin's performance, and said to Tian Lin angrily.

Tian Lin was very speechless, he was laughed at by a brat, how could he bear it.

"Go, go, kid, if you don't understand the principle that the old loves the young, follow me to find someone near here." Tian Lin said to Crayon Shin-chan.

After the two packed up the dust of their journey, they took to the streets of Tokyo again. Naturally, their goal was to find the whereabouts of Hanano Mai as soon as possible.

Following Li Bai's route at that time, Tian Lin found the Sunrise Gang, but he learned that Hanano Mai and Nakajima Hideki were no longer here and had joined the Yamaguchi-gumi. Hideki Shima's residence.

Listening to Crayon Shin-chan's complaints all the way, Tian Lin finally arrived outside the room where Hideki Nakajima lived.

Before knocking on the door, Tian Lin smelled the smell of alcohol coming from the room, and he tried his best to lock the door for 5 minutes, but still no one opened it.

"Let me do it." Crayon Shin-chan said like Tian Lin.

"Little kid, can you still pick locks?" Tian Lin was very surprised, and looked at Crayon Shin-chan in disbelief.

But Crayon Shin-chan just gave Tian Lin a blank look again, and then slammed towards the door, with a "boom", under Tian Lin's dumbstruck, the door was slammed open.

Just the scene in the room made the two of them even more dumbfounded.

The curtains were tightly drawn, wine bottles and cigarette butts were thrown everywhere on the ground, exuding a strong stench, and a piece of bread on the table was even covered with black mold at this time.

"I'll fuck it." Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan hurried out of the room, took a couple of breaths of fresh air, and felt better.

"Is this person the one you are looking for? Could it be that he is a mysterious master?" Crayon Shin-chan asked while looking at Hideki Nakajima crawling on the bed, clutching her nose tightly with her clothes.

Tian Lin shook his head, this person is naturally the Hideki Nakajima he was looking for, but he hasn't seen him for a month, Tian Lin doesn't understand why he has changed from a sunny and handsome boy to such a sloppy uncle image.

His hair was already long, but it was messy, and the beard covered his face even more. He looked like a passerby who had seen through the world of mortals.

At this time, Hideki Nakajima was still sound asleep, no matter how Tian Lin called him to shake him, he couldn't wake him up.

"He's drunk, let's help him clean up first, otherwise I won't be able to wait until he wakes up, and I'll be smoked to death." Crayon Shin-chan said to Tian Lin, and Tian Lin nodded.

Before asking the news they wanted, the two first helped others to start the general cleaning. It took a full hour for the room to become clean, and all the stench in the room was gone.

"Should we wait, or wake him up?" Crayon Shin-chan looked at Tian Lin and asked.

"Of course I woke up. I guess my master and the others should arrive at their destination soon." Tian Lin said, they don't have that time to waste now.

Tian Lin took another large basin full of water from the bathroom, went to the bedroom, and poured it directly on Hideki Nakajima's head. One basin was not enough, until the third basin, Hideki Nakajima The tree finally woke up in a daze.

"Who are you, get out!" Hideki Nakajima opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw Tian Lin and the two of them, he immediately yelled.

"I'm Tian Lin, we met before." Tian Lin helplessly introduced himself again to Hideki Nakajima, seeing that Hideki Nakajima still didn't know, and added, "My master is Li Bai, you should know now Who am I?"

Before Tian Lin finished speaking, a wine bottle was thrown towards Tian Lin with the whistling sound of the wind. Tian Lin hurriedly dodged, and the wine bottle hit the wall behind him, blasting it to pieces.

"What are you doing, want to kill people?!" Tian Lin was very dissatisfied with Hideki Nakajima's attitude of doing nothing without saying anything, and yelled at Hideki Nakajima.

However, Hideki Nakajima's eyes were bloodshot at this time, and when he got off the bed, he grabbed Tian Lin's skirt directly: "Where is your master, where is he now, and what did he do to my Hanano Mai?" That's it, tell me, if you don't tell me, I'll strangle you right now!"

Hideki Nakajima's mouth was like a cannonball at this moment, and he said a lot in one breath, and at the same time, he pinched Tian Lin's neck tightly with both hands, making it difficult for Tian Lin to breathe.

"Go away!" Tian Lin was also angry. He didn't know what Hideki Nakajima said, and he wasn't there when these things happened.

Tian Lin ruthlessly threw Hideki Nakajima on the bed, and fortunately, he carved his head on the wall at the head of the bed. It may be because of the force that Hideki Nakajima slapped him again. Passed out.

"What should we do this time? Should we continue to wait?" Crayon Shin-chan curled her lips and looked at Tian Lin.

"Let's have a meal first, and come back later." Tian Lin was also very helpless, but at this time, they had no choice but to wait.

By the time Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan returned to Hideki Nakajima's house after dinner, Hideki Nakajima had already woken up, and he was sitting by the bed blankly, wondering what he was thinking about.

Seeing Tian Lin's reappearance, Nakajima Hideki stood up again, staring at Tian Lin firmly, but did not rush directly towards Tian Lin like just now.

"My Hanano Mai, where did he go?" Hideki Nakajima seemed to be controlling his strong emotions, his body was shaking violently.

"I don't know." Tian Lin's answer was equally neat, and then he explained his general experience with Li Bai and the others after he left him.

"More than a week ago, after my Hanano Mai and your master went to find the base of some ninja organization, they agreed that my Hanano Mai would come back soon, but after so long, where is my Hanano Mai? ?!" Hideki Nakajima became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally his face was flushed.

"Where is your master now! I want to settle accounts with him!" Finally, Nakajima Hideki yelled at Tian Lin again, ending his words.

Tian Lin showed a very helpless expression. How did he know where his master is now? He spread his hands helplessly at Hideki Nakajima: "My master is now taken away by people from the Ninja Organization. I don't know that he was taken away. Where, if you want to see him so much, you can go find him with us."

Tian Lin said to Hideki Nakajima, Hideki Nakajima looked at Tian Lin in a daze, and then laughed again.

Laughing a little crazy, a little desperate.

"It turned out that he went to the ninja organization, but he was just a moth jumping into the flames to kill himself. It's fine to put himself in it, but he even put my Hanano Mai in it, hahaha." Although Hideki Nakajima smiled, But his eyes were cold, wishing he could kill Li Bai with his own hands.

"Hey, how can you blame my master? Your girlfriend also voluntarily followed my master at that time. She should have been prepared to face danger. Moreover, she may not be dead now. What are you worried about? Why am I arguing?" After being so fierce by Hideki Nakajima, Tian Lin's temper suddenly rose, and he also yelled at Hideki Nakajima.

This time, even if the tip of the needle met Maimang, neither Tian Lin nor Nakajima Hideki was willing to submit to the other, and neither was willing to suffer, so the two quarreled like this, and Crayon Shin-chan stood between them, covering their eyes. Close your ears, make a look like I don't listen and I don't listen.

It wasn't until Hideki Nakajima made another move in the end, but was subdued by Tianlin again, that the room finally became quiet.

Tian Lin and Hideki Nakajima were lying on the bed panting, and Crayon Shin-chan looked at them like an adult watching two children fighting.

"It's really naive." Crayon Shin-chan said.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Hideki Nakajima finally sat up straight, looked at Tian Lin seriously and said, "Is my Hanano Mai really safe now?"

Tian Lin also sat up straight, but how did he know the current situation of Hanano Mai.

"Well, I assure you, he must be safe." Tian Lin lied even more seriously, "She is now locked up in the base of the ninja organization, but I don't know where the ninja base is. "

Hideki Nakajima was silent, thought for a while, and then took out a necklace from his neck.

"This necklace is not an ordinary necklace. It is a pair with Hanano Mai's body. They can sense each other's existence. The closer they are, the stronger the induction."

Hideki Nakajima held the necklace tightly in his hand, and said again: "Take me, please. Although my strength is not very good, I want to rescue my Hanano Mai with my own hands."

Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan looked at each other, and then nodded to Hideki Nakajima: "However, if there is danger, we may not be able to protect you, so..."

Hideki Nakajima naturally understood Tianlin's meaning, nodded vigorously, then walked into the bathroom, and began to clean up the mess.

And just when they were about to leave, here, *** and their convoy had already entered Tokyo.

Li Bai has been sitting in the car for five whole days. No matter how good his physical fitness is at this time, he still feels back pain and leg cramps. When he enters Tokyo, Li Bai no longer wants to continue sitting in the car. When I fell asleep, I got out of the car and exercised my muscles and bones, and there was a sound of "click, click, click".

"What about Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato, let them also come down to rest." Li Bai turned his head and said, at this moment, *** was resting in the car with his eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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