The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2476 Invitation by Tokichiro Kinoshita

Chapter 2476 Invitation by Tokichiro Kinoshita

Li Bai felt a little funny when he saw the policeman ignoring him at all, and he was not afraid that he would rescue Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato and leave at this time.

Regardless of what *** was thinking, Li Bai walked towards the other two cars, only looking at the passengers inside through the black windows, but he didn't notice the figures of Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato.

This made Li Bai's complexion sink, and he walked back to the car where he was in three steps in two steps, and asked the gun knife: "Where are the two of them, what did you do to them?!"

Li Bai, who had endured it for several days, could hardly bear it any longer. If the police told him at this time that Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato had been killed by them and then dumped their bodies in the wilderness, even if there were more than a dozen people here Ninjas, he wants to fight them too.

At this time, *** slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Li Bai with a flirtatious taste: "It seems that you still care about those two people, but you don't have to worry, they are safe now. You are staying in Okinawa City, why are you so anxious?"

*** Stretched, it turned out that when they were about to leave Okinawa City, the car carrying Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato had found a chance to stop and let them go.

Seeing that *** didn't seem to be lying, Li Bai was also relieved, and then sat back in the car and closed the door.

"Why are you telling me the truth? Aren't you afraid that after you tell me the truth, I'll turn around and leave?" Li Bai squinted at ***, a little puzzled. In his opinion, he and *** are now The state is mutual distrust.

"I think, in your capacity, you can't do anything. I promise you to let them go safely, and then you turn around and leave. If that's the case, to be honest, then I will treat you Chinese people The impression has been reduced to a very low level." *** said softly.

Li Bai snorted coldly, actually wanting to kidnap himself with morality?Could it be that the **** himself has forgotten that just a few days ago, they had already contradicted their promises several times?
"If you want to leave, then you can leave. The few of us can't stop you. However, our boss really wants to see you. If he doesn't see you, he will be very disappointed."** *Added another sentence.

Li Bai leaned on the back of the seat, this action indicated that he had decided not to leave.

Since that person called Tokichiro Kinoshita wants to see him, then he should see him, otherwise, what should he do if he cries sadly.

The three cars continued to drive in the direction of Mount Fuji. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, they passed through the center of Tokyo.

Along the way, Li Bai saw many places he had been to before, and every time he went to a place, Li Bai could fall into a burst of memories.

"It seems that you are still a very nostalgic person." *** observed Li Bai from the side, and said to Li Bai with a smile.

Li Bai ignored it.

"If I remember correctly, there was a woman named Hanano Mai who traveled with you before. I heard that she is still a traitor of our ninja organization." *** said with a chuckle again, but this matter To her, it was very irrelevant, especially since the other party was also a woman.

"And then?" Li Bailen glanced at her, said coldly, and suddenly remembered that he and Hanano Mai had been separated for more than a week, and he didn't know how she was doing now.

"Do you know what kind of punishment our ninja organization will have if the traitor is caught?" *** asked with a chuckle again.

Li Bai shook his head, how could he know such a thing.

"After the traitor is caught, the traitor will be locked up for a full ten days, and after ten days, he will be killed on the spot in front of everyone." ***'s voice was gentle, but it could be heard in Tian Lin's ears Here, it was like a thunderbolt exploding.

Li Bai turned his head and looked at *** seriously, and asked seriously: "What do you mean? Could it be that Hanano Mai was arrested by them?"

*** shrugged noncommittally: "That's right, just nine days ago at night, the traitor Hanano Mai broke into the ninja organization base alone, and deliberately left no traces, so it is easy to catch him matter."

Li Bai stopped talking suddenly, he didn't know what to say when he heard the news.

Li Bai still clearly remembered the scene at that time. He told Hanano Mai to let her run away from him, otherwise, he might escape by himself.

However, what Li Bai didn't expect was that Hanano Mai was actually arrested. Before the operation started at that time, he had promised Hanano Mai that there would be no mistakes.

"According to the days, it should be tonight. After eight o'clock, Hanano Mai will never exist in this world again. ***Seeing Li Bai's expression again, she said softly Said.

"You'd better make sure that she won't have any problems, otherwise, I will never bypass you!" Li Bai looked at *** and said viciously.

***But shrugged again: "What are you threatening me here, I'm not in charge, if you want Hanano Mai to survive, wait a while, when you see Kinoshita Tokichiro, you must be obedient oh."

As she said that, *** even patted Li Bai's face lightly, like a big sister molesting an innocent little boy.

Li Bai's face had already turned dark, and water was about to drip out, and he slapped his hand off with a slap.

"It's coercion again. You Japanese people are really skilled in this trick. Don't you have any tricks to fight head-on?" Li Bai said disdainfully, looking at the road conditions in front of the windshield, his eyes diverged.

Hearing Li Bai's words, Mao Zedong laughed out loud: "We are just a group of ninjas, not fighters, you want to pay attention to fighting with us? Do you think we are too stupid, or you are too naive, haha. "

Li Bai was silent again. In this situation, it's like a scholar meets a soldier, and he can't speak clearly. This **** seems to be very good at talking. Li Bai has never let her speak verbally. Suffered.

As a result, the carriage became quiet again, and the three cars drove towards the direction of Mount Fuji quickly, and it took about an hour before they finally reached the foot of Mount Fuji.

When the group reached an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level, *** took the lead to stop, turned to Li Bai and said, "Mr. Li Bai, the location of the base of our ninja organization is kept secret from the outside world, please bring us with us." Special blindfolds."

*** looked at Li Bai, very worried that he would memorize the address of their base, and then say it out.

"Hehe, Kinoshita Tokichiro wants to see me, so why do you want to set so many rules for me?" Li Bai looked at *** very contemptuously, but found that the other party didn't seem to want to let go.

"The altitude is 21 meters. I already know where the entrance of your base is." Li Bai said coldly. When he and Hanano Mai found the base last time, he had already recorded the specific entrance in himself. heart.

So, at this moment, *** looked at Li Bai, obviously a little shocked.

"Okay, since that's the case, I don't need to wear blindfolds for you, let's go." *** didn't continue to say anything, and walked towards the top of the mountain again, just sending messages while walking, Li Bai didn't know what she was posting, but it must have been addressed to Tokichiro Kinoshita.

Li Bai was not interested in stopping him, and the group quietly walked to the entrance of the base, and then entered the real base of the ninja organization again.

It seemed that they already knew that Li Bai was coming, so when Li Bai stepped into the base this time, the alarm from the ninja organization did not sound, and the police just took Li Bai downstairs and walked a few floors, then stopped.

"We don't have permission to enter the rest of the place. Please find the boss's office yourself. There are signposts." After talking to Li Bai, *** turned and left.

Along the way, Li Bai could already feel that no matter where he went, there were countless eyes looking at him. Among these eyes, there were anger, doubt, or gloating, but Li Bai didn't pay attention to them. , looking for Kinoshita Tokichiro's room on his own.

"This Kinoshita Tokichiro's airs are really big, if you want to see me, why not put on airs for me." Li Bai scolded himself while searching for Kinoshita Tokichiro's house number.

Before he knew it, Li Bai had already come to the end of the corridor. At this moment, a door opened slowly and automatically, and then, a man's voice came from inside.

"There is an old saying in China, it's a great pleasure to have friends come from afar. Mr. Li Bai, there is something to welcome from afar, and there is something to welcome from afar."

The man's voice became louder and louder, and when his last word fell, a man's figure appeared in Li Bai's sight.Presumably, this person is Tokichiro Kinoshita.

Li Bai looked carefully at Tokichiro Kinoshita. He was not tall, with a straight hairstyle and a small beard under his nose. He was wearing a traditional samurai uniform with a samurai sword pinned to his waist. , is stepping on a pair of wooden clogs.

Just like the most traditional samurai in the Japanese country, coupled with Kinoshita Tokichiro's fierce but non-malicious eyes, it gave Li Bai a different feeling.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Li Bai also hugged Kinoshita Tokichirou. Since everyone was so polite to him, if he still looked revengeful, it would really be unreasonable.

"Mr. Li Bai, please come inside. I've already made tea for you, and I'd like to invite you to have a taste." Kinoshita Tokichiro walked out of the door, walked up to Li Bai, and made another "please" gesture to Li Bai. Li Bai nodded head, and walked into the room.

The wooden sliding door closed slowly after the two entered the room. Although he didn't feel any special means, Li Bai could feel that there were already two different worlds inside and outside the door.

"Please." Kinoshita Tokichiro said to Li Bai again, and then knelt beside the tea table.

(End of this chapter)

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