Chapter 2480 Yamato no Orochi
When Jin Yan was summoned by Li Bai, he happened to see the giant snake's tongue shaking back and forth, and was startled severely, jumping directly onto Li Bai's back.

Fortunately, Li Bai was used as a meat pad, otherwise, there would be some noises.

"My dear, how did you find this place?" Jin Yan didn't answer Li Bai's question immediately, but asked with some trepidation.

Li Bai pouted helplessly, how did he know how he found this place, life is so ill-fated.

"This is the sacred animal protecting the country of the Wa Kingdom, Yamato no Orochi!" Jin Yan finally told Li Bai the name of the big snake, and after seeing Yamato no Orochi calm down again, he jumped off Li Bai's body.

Li Bai frowned. When he first came to Tokyo, he remembered that Tian Lin told him that if he had the chance, he must go and see the power of Yachi no Orochi in Japan. Unexpectedly, he actually saw this Yagi snake. It's a big snake.

His character is so good that he can buy a lottery ticket.

"What is the strength of Yamato no Orochi?" Li Bai asked again. As a divine beast, Jin Yan should have a little understanding of other divine beasts.

"It looks like it's about the same strength as mine." Jin Yan said to Li Bai, which made Li Bai happy. Since the strength is about the same as Jin Yan, then what is he afraid of?
However, just when Li Bai was about to stand up, Jin Yan said again: "If I reach maturity, then my strength should be about the same as his. Now, it's impossible."

Jin Yan's words made Li Bai's heart cold and gray, and he was very speechless. After talking for a long time, it was useless.

"However, you should still have the strength to fight him. After all, you are already in the Nascent Soul stage. If Yamato no Orochi is judged by the standards of your cultivators, it is at the level of the transformation stage." Jin Yan said to Li Bai again. Said, but Li Bai couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard it.

On the road of cultivation, although it seems that there is only such a stage gap, the gap between the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Golden Core Stage, and the gap between the Golden Core Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage are dozens of times, not to mention The gap between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Transformation Stage is huge, that's a world of difference.

Li Bai was very worried. Although he was already at the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul, he definitely couldn't survive one round in front of Yamato no Orochi. However, Li Bai himself couldn't guarantee whether he could survive the second round.

"What should I do? Am I just waiting here?"

Yamato no Orochi just woke up from his sleep because of the avalanche, and he seemed to have the energy to wake up, just like just now, if anything disturbed it again, Li Bai had no doubt that Yamato no Orochi would swallow him whole. belly.

Suddenly, Li Bai thought of an idea and quietly told Jin Yan.

The ninjas had been searching on Mount Fuji for more than two hours. Because of the avalanche just now, it was more difficult for them to find Li Bai, but the reason they still didn't give up was because they were sure that Li Bai was still on Mount Fuji.

However, it is really hard to find.

At this moment, another ball of snowballs roared from a distance like a hidden arrow, but the target ninja reacted quickly and dodged it.

"It's about this time, and I still want to fight back." Seeing the snowball, the ninjas not only didn't feel afraid, but became excited.

"Li Bai is here, everyone, chase after him!" So, a group of ninjas chased after him mightily. Although Li Bai's figure was never seen, the snowball attack never stopped.

It wasn't until a group of ninjas discovered a huge cave that the snowball attack finally stopped.

The ninjas also stopped, looking at the cave in front of them in surprise, shocked.Because they have lived on Mount Fuji for such a long time, they have never discovered such a cave, and the sudden appearance made the ninjas hesitate.

In particular, there was no trace of snow around the cave, which made them even more suspicious.

"He must have hid inside," someone said.

This is just nonsense. I haven't found it after searching for so long. If I didn't hide in it, where could it have gone?
Just when the ninjas were hesitating, the impatient ninjas had already stepped into the cave first. Now, the other ninjas were embarrassed to stay outside and all rushed into the cave.

Hearing the noise coming from the entrance of the cave, Li Bai smiled, praised Jin Yan, and then quietly waited for the time to come.

But Yamato no Orochi's hearing is much better than Li Bai's. It has already been awakened again, its huge body began to squirm, its head lifted, and it wandered towards the entrance of the cave.

"Huaxia people, I know you are here. If you surrender now, Kinoshita-kun will forgive you. If you are still obsessed with your obsession, then..." The ninjas shouted loudly, but before they could finish speaking, a A scorching breath sprayed onto their bodies.

"Nani?" All the ninjas were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Although I am a native of Japan, although I am a ninja of the ninja organization, although I have heard the legend of the guardian beast Yamata no Orochi since I was a child, when everyone saw Yamata no Orochi with their own eyes, they were also shocked.

"I've seen Yamato no Orochi!"

A group of ninjas knelt on the ground and carved their heads on the cold ground to show their respect for Yamato no Orochi.

Although fear and shock coexist in their hearts, they have all heard that if they see Yamato no Orochi one day and show respect to it, Yamato no Orochi will not eat them.

However, there seems to be something wrong with the legendary story.

There was a "hissing" sound, and a long snake letter was spit out, and then Yamato no Orochi opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the ninjas closest to him.

All the ninjas didn't react, and they didn't understand why their guardian beast had to do something to his people.

After Yamato no Orochi ate a few more people, the ninjas finally reacted and ran towards the outside of the cave, but Yamato no Orochi didn't seem to intend to let them go, and continued to chase.

It wasn't until this time that the ninjas finally understood that if they didn't resist, all of them might not be able to get out alive.

"Resist." The ninjas made a decision, even though Yamato no Orochi was too strong for them to imagine, even if they were facing the greatest beast in their hearts.

The awakening of Yamata no Orochi also alarmed Tokichiro Kinoshita who was still at the ninja base. For a while, Tokichiro Kinoshita was also a little panicked.

"Let them leave as soon as possible, Yamato no Orochi must be completely awake now, it needs a lot of food as a supplement!" Kinoshita Tokichiro hurriedly walked towards the outside of the base with a person hanging in the air, how strong is Yamato no Orochi? In the entire ninja organization, only Tokichiro Kinoshita is his opponent.

At this time, Li Bai was a little worried again.

Yamata no Orochi had already been diverted, but it occupied the entrance of the cave. Li Bai walked around for a long time before he was disappointed to find that there was only one place for him to leave.

"Why don't you take a risk and kill it? Not only can the strength of the Wa Kingdom be greatly damaged, but its inner alchemy is also a great tonic." Jin Yan said to Li Bai again, but in a bad tone.

Li Bai rolled his eyes, if he could beat Yamato no Orochi, he would have killed him long ago, why is it so troublesome.

Slowly moving towards the entrance of the cave, following behind Yamato no Orochi, watching the ninjas attacking Yamato no Orochi one after another, but they couldn't break through the defense at all, instead they were eaten by one bite, Li Bai felt secretly refreshed .

The ninjas quickly exited the cave, Yamato no Orochi was still chasing after him, but at this moment, a loud voice sounded.

"Senior, please stay calm!"

Not far away, the figure of Tokichiro Kinoshita came slowly, and I don't know what method he used to make his voice sound like a bell.

Everyone, including Yamato no Orochi, heard his voice, Yamato no Orochi stopped, looked at Kinoshita Tokichiro, and vomited the snake letter angrily.

"Senior, this is a token left by my ancestors. It said that as long as you see this token, it will be like seeing your partner. Senior, we have no malice towards you. I also invite seniors to share with you." Together, we will protect the prosperity of the Wa country." Tokichiro Kinoshita said to Yamato no Orochi.

In his hand is a square token with a snake drawn on it, from a distance, Li Bai can feel the power contained in it.

This token is also a treasure.

Li Bai secretly thought, but Jin Yan told Li Bai that Kinoshita Tokichiro's words were very humble, and after showing the token, he was already the master of Yamato no Orochi.

However, if you want Yamato no Orochi to fully obey its master's orders, you must first defeat him.

But now, Kinoshita Fujikichiro is obviously not ready to win.

"If I take that token and defeat Yamato no Orochi, will I also become the master of Yamato no Orochi?" Li Bai thought, if he could keep Yamato no Orochi as a pet, then he would definitely It's quite cool.

"The premise is that you have to get that token." Jin Yan ruthlessly hit Li Bai's thoughts.

Because of the appearance of Tokichiro Kinoshita, Yamato no Orochi finally calmed down, and still looked at Tokichiro Kinoshita quietly, with obvious disdain in his eyes.

"Senior, I'm not ready to challenge you yet, can you give me some time?" Tokichiro Kinoshita asked Yamato Orochi again, and Yamato Orochi obviously didn't want to fight at this time, and his super-long body slowly moved back To go is to return to the cave.

"Actually, this is the best time to challenge. When that person is ready and Yamato no Orochi has recovered his strength, it will be even more difficult." Jin Yan shook his head helplessly.

Li Bai shook his hand, and the Sky Meteor Knife appeared.

"What are you going to do?" Jin Yan asked in surprise.

"I can't let Yamato no Orochi regain its strength, I can take him as a pet." Li Bai said vowedly, when the knife fell from his hand, Tianyun fell on the skin of Yamato no Orochi.

But it was just a slight cut, with a little blood oozing out.

But even so, it was enough to make Yamato no Orochi furious again.

(End of this chapter)

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