Chapter 2481
"Kinoshita-kun, shall we continue to hunt down Li Bai?" A Xuankong looked at the Yamata no Orochi who was retreating into the cave, and asked Kinoshita Fujikichiro unwillingly. According to other ninjas, Li Bai should be in Yaki. In the cave of the big snake.

Although he didn't know how Li Bai managed to sneak into the cave without disturbing Yamato no Orochi.

Kinoshita Tokichiro's expression was also a little dignified. What happened today is likely to be the most embarrassing day he has ever encountered.

Li Bai didn't catch it, and let Hanano Mai go. The appearance of Yamato no Orochi disrupted all the plans of Kinoshita Tokichiro.

At the end of the day, Kinoshita Fujikichiro felt like he was being beaten by chickens and eggs, or in other words, the phrase "lost his wife and lost his army" was more appropriate to describe the current situation.

"Let him stay inside first, I don't think he will dare to make any moves." Tokichiro Kinoshita said coldly. He didn't even have the confidence to defeat Yamato no Orochi, let alone Li Bai could do it.

"Let everyone go back first." Tokichiro Kinoshita said to a Xuankong, because of the birth of Yamato no Orochi, he lost dozens of ninjas in just a few hours.

Originally, Tokichiro Kinoshita was planning to practice hard for another year before going to challenge Yamata no Orochi. Unexpectedly, because of Li Bai's appearance, this date was brought forward by a whole year.

But at this moment, Yamato no Orochi let out a whimper of fury.

Everyone stopped nervously, turned around, and looked at Yamato no Orochi. At this time, its head was twisting uncomfortably, and its body was also wriggling quickly towards the outside of the cave, making all the ninjas startle again. Fleeing in panic.

Kinoshita Tokichiro stood still, his brows were slightly frowned, Yamato no Orochi suddenly became angry at this time, it was definitely not because of him.

And when the long body of Yamato no Orochi left the cave, Kinoshita Tokichiro's pupils twitched suddenly, because he clearly saw a figure chasing after the tail of Yamato no Orochi, while still trying to jump On the back of Yamato no Orochi.

"Li Bai!" Kinoshita Tokichiro said through gritted teeth. At this time, Li Bai was holding a knife in his hand, and was stabbing towards the skin of Yamato no Orochi, and every time he stabbed, Yamato no Orochi's anger deepened. layer.

When Yamato no Orochi finally left the cave completely, Li Bai raised the knife in his hand and stabbed Yamato no Orochi fiercely, and this time, Yamato no Orochi finally let out a painful neighing.

Yamato no Orochi began to move violently, flicking its tail non-stop, trying to throw Li Bai off his body, but Li Bai tightly grasped the Sky Meteor Knife, no matter how his body shook, Did not fall from the body of Yamato no Orochi.

And because of the Yamata no Orochi's riot, every time the snake swung its tail, the ninjas suffered more losses.

Kinoshita Tokichiro frowned even more, and just as he was about to make some adjustments, another loud noise came from the foot of the mountain.

Kinoshita Fujikichiro looked in the direction where the sound came from, and couldn't help shaking his whole body. At this moment, there were thousands of men dressed in black rushing over there. Looking from a distance, they could see the nameplates on their uniforms. Above, Tokichiro Kinoshita can clearly see the words "Yamaguchi-gumi".

This time, Kinoshita Tokichiro began to tremble violently, not because of fear, but because of anger.

"Don't worry about Yamaguchi for now, call all the ninjas and destroy these arrogant Yamaguchi-gumi." Tokichiro Kinoshita said seriously to a suspension.

The grievances between the ninja organization and the Yamaguchi group also need to be resolved properly.

The ninja organization was preparing nervously to deal with it, while Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, who was mixed in the crowd, was also a little excited when he saw the enthusiastic expressions of the team members.

When Hanano Mai appeared in the sight of the Yamaguchi group a month ago, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi had already asked groups from various places to start looking for where the base of the ninja organization was.

On the one hand, it is because he wants to annex the ninja organization and make him one of the strongest organizations of the Yamaguchi-gumi. On the other hand, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi is also thinking about Yamaguchi no Orochi.

After all, if the guardian animal can be made to work hard, it will definitely be a milestone for the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Hard work pays off. During this month, they finally confirmed that the base of the ninja organization is on Mount Fuji, and when [-] Yamaguchi-gumi members gathered at the foot of the mountain, the situation that broke out on the mountain , Let Haruyoshi Yamaguchi confirm the previous information.

As a result, the members of the Sanqian Yamaguchi group headed towards the top of the mountain in a mighty way, just in time for the scene of Yamato no Orochi going berserk.

"It seems that the situation of Yamaguchi Orochi is very unstable now." Haruyoshi Yamaguchi said to the assistant around him, and then he issued the latest order, "Don't worry about Yamato Orochi, let it go crazy for a while, Let's get rid of these ninjas first."

At the same time, after a hasty gathering, the ninja organization finally formed an effective formation, but it was not in groups like the Yamaguchi group, but dispersed, still preparing to use their ninja's usual tricks , causing damage to the members of the [-] Yamaguchi group.

It's just that nearly a thousand people were assassinated at the same time. No matter how you look at it, it feels a little bit wrong. After all, there are so many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi. If they assassinate one by one, it is very likely that they will be discovered by other members in advance, and then they will be beaten to death. of.

However, Li Bai is not concerned about how the battle between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the ninja organization will proceed. At this time, he is still dealing with the madness of Yamaguchi-gumi.

Finding that Li Bai couldn't be thrown off by shaking his body, Yamato no Orochi stopped moving, turned his upper body in a circle in the air, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Li Bai on his body.

This time, Li Bai didn't dare to stay on Yachi no Orochi anymore, pulled out the Sky Meteor Knife, and hurriedly landed on the ground.

The moment Li Bai landed on the ground, Yamato no Orochi also rushed to his own tail, but just when he was about to bite his own tail, he stopped and looked at the little Li Bai on the ground with mockery in his eyes .

Immediately afterwards, Yamato no Orochi's tail flicked violently. Although Li Bai tried his best to resist, he still couldn't block Yamato no Orochi's huge force, and his whole body flew upside down like a cannonball, until he was deep inside. It stopped after two meters underground.

But at this time, Li Bai only felt that his limbs and bones seemed to be run over by a heavy object, and his whole body was sore.

Yamato no Orochi didn't seem to want to let go of the person who hurt him, and continued to chase. A huge head appeared above the pothole where Li Bai was, spit out a snake letter, and was about to dive again.

Li Bai wanted to get up, but the first attempt failed. Just when Li Bai was about to flash back to the Qiankun Ring, a white light beam suddenly appeared from the left side of Li Bai's perspective, and it slammed fiercely at Yamato no Orochi's head. Boom.


Yamata no Orochi let out a painful whine again, because it had just been unguardedly concentrated, and at this time a burnt mark was obviously formed near its mouth.

"Tian Lin!" Li Bai called softly, the white light beam just now was clearly the power of the white stars emitted by Tian Lin's Nine-Revolution Star Art.

Li Bai didn't know why Tian Lin appeared at this time, but because of Tian Lin, he successfully attracted the hatred of Yamato no Orochi to the past, and won more opportunities for Li Bai to get out of the predicament.

It's just that Li Bai's whole body is still sore now, and he can hardly move. As a last resort, he let Jin Yan return to his Qiankun ring, found a elixir in that castle, took it out and let Li Bai eat it.

A scorching feeling spread all over Li Bai's limbs and bones in an instant, not only making Li Bai's whole body pain disappear quickly, but also giving Li Bai a shot of chicken blood, giving him more inspiration strength and strength.

Li Bai quickly jumped out of the pothole, and glanced at the surrounding environment. At this time, the Yamaguchi group and the ninja group were fighting together lively, which looked very intense, and people fell down constantly, but because There were too many people and the scene was too chaotic, so Li Bai couldn't tell who had the upper hand.

Li Bai's gaze moved away, and quickly landed on the behemoth not far away.Yamata no Orochi is now crazy, or in other words, has entered another stage.

The Yamato no Orochi just now was only relying on his huge size and brute strength to confront Li Bai, but at this time, because of Tian Lin's attack, and Tian Lin was being chased all the time, and the snow landed Because of the slipperiness, Yamato no Orochi could not catch up with Tian Lin in a short time.

As a result, Yamato no Orochi began to use skills, and for the time being named this move, venom attack.

Every time Yamata no Orochi's snake letter is spit out from its mouth, a black venom is sprayed out of Yamato no Orochi's mouth and sprayed towards Tianlin.

If it wasn't for Tian Lin's twists and turns and enough flexibility, the ground that was corroded and bursting with green smoke would be Tian Lin's fate.

"Master, save me quickly, I'm about to die!" Tian Lin ran towards the top of the mountain, and when he came back again, he saw Li Bai standing in the distance, and he called for help. the sound of.

Li Bai nodded, holding the Tianyun Saber in front of him, the power of the silver stars gathered on the blade at an extremely fast speed, and when Tian Lin was about to come in front of him, he said softly.

"Get down."

Before Tian Lin could react, Li Bai's Sky Meteor Knife slashed across the air, and the silver glow of the knife was flying towards the figure that was rushing towards Yamato no Orochi.

When Tian Lin saw the sword glow flying out, he completely ignored his own image and lay down on the ground, letting his body keep rolling due to inertia.

However, looking at the sword light that can barely be drawn from the tip of his hair, the current situation is better than the result of being cut in half.

(End of this chapter)

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