The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2483 The token is in hand

Chapter 2483 The token is in hand
As a result, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, the leader of the dignified Yamaguchi group, flew up like a kite with a broken string under Li Bai's kick.

This scene caused the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Ninja Organization who were fighting to pause for a while. Looking at Haruyoshi Yamaguchi who was flying towards him, they were all in a daze. It was not until someone reacted in advance and started fighting again that the two sides continued to fight. .

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, who was flying in the air, was angry and impatient. He was so angry that he was kicked away by Li Bai, and he was so humiliated. What is anxious is that even though Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was already trying hard to control his body in the air , wanting to get himself back to the ground quickly, but the fact is telling him that this is just a waste of effort.

At this time, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was like a lamb at the mercy of others, rising slowly and falling rapidly, and the direction he was about to fall turned out to be towards the battle circle between Tokichiro Kinoshita and Orochi Yamaguchi.

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was so regretful that his intestines were green. Although he was extremely unwilling to admit it, what Li Bai said just now was all right. The biggest reason why the Yamaguchi-gumi could dominate the Japanese kingdom is that they have a large number of people. However, Strength is their blemish.

Even Haruyoshi Yamaguchi himself is very average. If thrown into the ninja organization, he is only at the middle-level level of the ninja, let alone go one-on-one with Kinoshita Tokichiro.

As for Li Bai, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi felt that there was nothing to be afraid of at first. It was not until he was flying in the air that he realized that Li Bai's strength also surpassed him by a lot.

At this time, the battle between Kinoshita Tokichiro and Yamato no Orochi had just begun, the two "persons" were staring at each other, no one noticed Haruyoshi Yamaguchi in the sky, and just as Yaki no Orochi could no longer suppress Angry in his heart, when he was about to leave, the feeling of being hit came from the top of his head.

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi fell heavily on the marble-like skin of the Yamaguchi snake, and because it was too slippery, it slipped from the tall head of the Yamaguchi snake and fell towards the ground.

When Haruyoshi Yamaguchi landed on Yamaguchi's mouth, Yamaguchi accidentally vomited the snake letter again, hitting Haruyoshi's body like a whip, and slinging Haruki Yamaguchi like a slingshot Fly, and flew to Kinoshita Tokichiro again.

In Kinoshita Tokichiro's heart, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past at this moment. He knew this unlucky ghost, the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, but he didn't know why he fell to such a point.

Because Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was too fast, Tokichiro Kinoshita did not choose to dodge, but raised the samurai sword in his hand. If he can take the opportunity to solve Haruyoshi Yamaguchi at this time, it can be regarded as solving one of his concerns.

But what Tokichiro Kinoshita didn't hear was that two people's heads poked out from behind a tree trunk not far from where he stood.

It was Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan.

"Did you see that man with the knife and the blue token hanging around his waist? Our mission is to get him." Tian Lin said to Crayon Shin-chan, and added, "Yes Now, this person is actually the culprit who caused you to be treated that way, if we can take the opportunity to kill him, our worries will be settled."

Crayon Shin-chan nodded. He had been by Tian Lin's side all along, and wanted to do something for him. Now, the task finally came.

"Where's Brother Hideki Nakajima? Are we leaving him alone?" Crayon Shin-chan looked around, but Hideki Nakajima still hadn't returned to them. He told them before that he would come back soon after leaving. .

"It's okay, we can't die, we'll go find him after we get the token." Tian Lin patted Crayon Shin-chan on the head vigorously, and he rushed out instantly.

According to Tianlin's visual inspection, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was about to hit Tokichiro Kinoshita in two seconds.

At this time, Tokichiro Kinoshita was ready to cut Haruyoshi Yamaguchi in half, especially when Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was still facing him, and he couldn't see the sinister smile on Tokichiro Kinoshita's face.

The samurai sword was raised, and just as Tokichiro Kinoshita was about to chop it off, an inexplicable energy came from one side. Tokichiro Kinoshita was startled, and he turned his head to look over, and saw a fist-sized stone heading towards his waist Throw it sideways.

If Haruyoshi Yamaguchi is killed, Tokichiro Kinoshita will be hit by a stone, and the energy in it makes him afraid; if he splits the stone with a knife, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi will hit or even injure himself.

Kinoshita Tokichiro quickly made his choice, and he took a step back.

The stone quickly flew past Kinoshita Tokichiro's eyes, and immediately after, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi also fell heavily, hitting the ground with dust flying.

Kinoshita Tokichiro lowered his head, not wanting Sako to squint his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin chuckled, turned around and left, the rest is up to Crayon Shin-chan.

After 1 minute, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan had another round behind the tree trunk. Crayon Shin-chan looked at Tian Lin's smirk and was very puzzled: "Is this our mission? It's too simple, right?"

In the chaotic scene just now, what Crayon Shin-chan did was to run towards Kinoshita Tokichiro together with Tian Lin, but when he was about to arrive, Kinoshita Tokichiro had already lowered his head and made a defensive move, Crayon Shin-chan seemed to have taken a Like his own things, he easily got the token in his hand.

Kinoshita Tokichiro didn't even notice it, maybe because he was guarding against the attack of Yamato no Orochi at that time.

"Isn't it my plan?" Tian Lin knocked on Crayon Shin-chan's head, then took the token in his hand, ready to leave.

But at this moment, a huge head quietly appeared above them.

Kinoshita Tokichiro was very strange. After the dust settled, the huge monster standing in front of him actually squirmed his huge body and ran towards another direction.

Kinoshita Tokichiro looked in that direction, but saw nothing, but suddenly lowered his head, but found that the token hanging on his waist had disappeared.

"Hachi!" At this time, Kinoshita Tokichiro didn't know what mood he should use to describe his heart. With a curse, he chased in the direction Yamato no Orochi was chasing, and even fell into the pit. Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, who can be killed with a single knife, dare not ignore it.

At the same time, Li Bai, who was standing in the distance, also felt his heart sink. He didn't know before that after the token changed its owner, Yamato no Orochi's attack target would also change. This time, Tian Lin was in danger.

So, Li Bai also quickly ran towards that side.

Exactly as Li Bai expected, the mood of Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan at this time seemed to be raped.

"Master, you cheated me again!" Tian Lin wailed in pain, turned around and ran away with Crayon Shin-chan, "Separate, separate, your side and my side!"

Tianlin yelled loudly to Crayon Shin-chan, and ran to the left, while Crayon Shin-chan was heading in the opposite direction, but soon, Tianlin was in a desperate direction again, Yamato no Orochi seemed to have entered a place that was not controlled by his own consciousness. In the stage of control, whoever holds the token will be killed by it.

"Xiaoxin, continue!" Tian Lin yelled at Crayon Shin-chan, the token flew high in the air, and landed firmly in Crayon Shin-chan's hand again.

Sure enough, Yamato no Orochi slammed on the brakes immediately, and then chased after Crayon Shin-chan again.

"My token!" Kinoshita Fujikichiro, who had rushed to see this scene, was even more furious. Although he didn't know why a child appeared here, anyone who dares to take his token at this time is no different. So just kill him.

At this time, Crayon Shin-chan saw Kinoshita Tokichiro rushing forward, and was still thinking about using his nimble body to avoid his knife, but was stopped loudly by Tian Lin who was chasing after him.

"Give me the token!"

Crayon Shin-chan finally threw out the token, but because Kinoshita Tokichiro's samurai sword slammed into the land of Crayon Shin-chan's heels, causing Crayon Shin-chan to stagger.

The token was slowly rising in the air, getting higher and higher, and Tianlin was about to lose his leg, but it was still impossible to get the token back before Tokichiro Kinoshita got it.

At the same time, Yamato no Orochi lost the target of the battle, and temporarily quieted down. A man's crazy laughter came faintly from his ears, which belonged to Tokichiro Kinoshita.

It seems that if you get the token, you have already subdued Yamata no Orochi.

Tokichiro Kinoshita didn't even raise it, he just waited on the spot, stretched out his hand, and waited for the token to fall back into his hand by itself, but when there was only the last ten centimeters left, a magical hand suddenly appeared, flying in the air. Swinging in a circle, he took the token that Tokichiro Kinoshita was about to get in his hand.

"Master!" Tian Lin stopped running, saw that the token finally belonged, and sat down on the ground exhausted.

The person who took the token was naturally Li Bai, who came belatedly.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, those who want it can't get it, and those who don't want it always have unexpected gains." After Li Bai got the token, his figure flashed several times, and he appeared a few meters away from Kinoshita Tokichiro.

At this time, the tokens belonged again, and Yamato no Orochi started to act again, but Li Bai still stood calmly and spoke to Tokichiro Kinoshita.

"Baga!" Kinoshita Tokichiro held his hand tightly on the handle of the knife, as if he wanted to flatten the handle, "Hurry up and give me back the token, God Yagi is not something you Chinese people can get your hands on!"

Kinoshita Tokichiro shouted at Li Bai angrily, while waving a samurai sword, he rushed towards Li Bai.

Li Bai just smiled. Although the ninjas are powerful, their strength lies in sneak attacks. If they attack face to face, the threat will be much smaller.

However, Li Bai didn't push him too hard. After all, Yamato no Orochi was also coming from behind him. If he was really pinched back and forth, Li Bai would not be able to bear it.

"However, your ancestral precepts did not say that only you Japanese can become the masters of Yamato no Orochi?" Li Bai put the token into the Qiankun ring, and also killed Kinoshita Tokichiro.

(End of this chapter)

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