The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2484 A Great Victory

Chapter 2484 A Great Victory
Li Bai and the ninjas have only fought once or twice. Li Bai already has some understanding of some of the ninja's usual moves. It's just that each ninja has a different understanding of ninjutsu and the ability to adapt to the situation at will. It is an important reason to distinguish the gap between ninjas.

And since Kinoshita Tokichiro can become the leader of the ninja organization, his understanding of ninjutsu has already surpassed that of Junin by a lot. After only one round, Li Bai felt this deeply.

When Li Bai's Tianyun Sword was about to collide with Kinoshita Tokichiro's katana sword, just like what Li Bai had encountered before, Kinoshita Tokichiro disappeared in front of Li Bai's eyes in an instant.

Just when Li Bai thought that these ninjas knew only the same tricks and turned around to attack in the direction of his back, the figure of Tokichiro Kinoshita had already appeared there, and the two knives collided with each other with a "ding" sound, and even risked A little spark came out.

"Your reaction speed is quite good. If you decide to join our ninja organization, I can train you to be a ninja stronger than me." Kinoshita Fujikichiro was not disappointed when he missed a blow. Invite Li Baidao again.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Bai to shake his mind because of Kinoshita Tokichiro's few words, so he suddenly increased his strength, pushed Kinoshita Tokichiro away, and at the same time put a certain distance away from him.

At the same time, Yamato no Orochi rushed towards it roaring, and landed heavily on the ground, causing another piece of mud to fly.

Li Bai and Kinoshita Tokichiro had to temporarily stop their confrontation and ran towards the same direction.

Among them, Tokichiro Kinoshita didn't even forget to trip Li Bai, harassing Li Bai with ninja darts from time to time, interfering with Li Bai's speed.

And if this continues, Li Bai will be overtaken by Yamata no Orochi sooner or later. If Kinoshita Tokichiro can't be dealt with before, then it will be hard to say who will win.

After thinking about it, Li Bai simply stopped, turned and ran in the direction of Yamato no Orochi.

Just as Kinoshita Tokichiro was stunned, Li Bai had already turned around the body of Yamato no Orochi, and then quickly jumped onto Yamato no Orochi's body, raised the sky meteor knife high, and slashed fiercely again Next, pierce the scales of Yamato no Orochi.

"Hiss!" Yamato no Orochi made a painful sound again. At this time, Yamato no Orochi seemed to care less about it, biting his head at Li Bai who was standing on his body, but because Li Bai didn't The reason for the constant movement is that Yagi no Orochi is only hurt by himself every time he opens and closes.

This scene made Kinoshita Tokichiro very shocked and flustered.

He guessed Li Bai's thoughts, that is, let him alone, if he can defeat Yamato Orochi first and take him as his own, then it will be Kinoshita Tokichiro, not Li Bai, who will be in an unprecedented crisis.

Thinking of this, Kinoshita Tokichiro no longer cared so much, and ran in the direction of Yamato no Orochi again, and the ninja darts kept shooting at Li Bai, but the effect was very poor.

Soon, Li Bai and Tokichiro Kinoshita fought against Yamato no Orochi once again, running and fighting at the same time, and at the same time trying to prevent Yamato no Orochi from attacking at any time.

At this time, the battle between the members of the Ninja Organization and the Yamaguchi-gumi had roughly been decided. Under the leadership of a Xuankong, the members of the Ninja Organization were finally at an extremely disadvantaged situation, step by step. In the end, Successfully overturned.

There are still some members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, but there are only a few hundred left. They have been scared for a long time, and they surrendered obediently and sat on the ground, "watching" the relationship between Kinoshita Tokichiro, Li Bai, and Yamato no Orochi This "war of the century"!
The battle was inextricably fought for a while, even though Kinoshita Tokichiro's ninjutsu was strong, it couldn't be used on the violently trembling snake of Yamata no Orochi.

Li Bai didn't even think about using his spiritual power. Of course, a large part of the reason was because his spiritual power was not much left, and if he used it again, he might be exhausted.

Therefore, the two of them relied on their absolute strength to attack each other and refused to accept each other.

It wasn't until Li Bai's foot slipped and his figure fell suddenly that the battle situation seemed to have changed.

How could Tokichiro Kinoshita not be a good player to seize the opportunity, seeing Li Bai's sudden "mistake", he was overjoyed, he stomped hard on a wound on Yagi no Orochi's body, his whole body was like an off-string Like an arrow, it shot towards Li Bai.

However, what Tokichiro Kinoshita didn't notice was that just as Li Bai was rolling with his fall, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Kinoshita Tokichiro and Li Bai have been fighting on Yamato no Orochi for nearly 15 minutes. During these 15 minutes, Yamato no Orochi was riddled with holes. Some of the wounds were jointly created by Li Bai and Kinoshita Tokichiro. Yes, part of it was bitten by Yamato no Orochi himself.

At this time, Yamato no Orochi no longer had the power and prestige of the beasts of the past, and seemed a little tired, but he didn't seem to want to just surrender to either of these two people. At this time, Yamato no Orochi There was a new light in his eyes.

With a hiss, Yamato no Orochi's head poked towards the direction where Li Bai fell.

"Ali Da Gu Gu Mommy~" Tokichiro Kinoshita was thinking something unknown at this time, and the samurai sword in his hand was slowly emitting a gray-white light at this time.

The samurai sword was raised high, and just as he was about to swing it down, there was a gust of cold wind blowing behind him.

But at this time, no matter how much Kinoshita Tokichiro wanted to know what happened behind him, he was unwilling to give up the opportunity to kill Li Bai in front of him.

And at this moment, Tokichiro Kinoshita only felt that the whole world suddenly became dark.He couldn't stop looking up at the situation above his head.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but when you see it, you are startled. At this time, above Kinoshita Tokichiro's head, he actually saw a long snake letter.

"Baga!" Tokichiro Kinoshita cursed secretly, no matter how much he wanted to kill Li Bai at this time, he had to think about his own safety first.

The sole of his foot pushed hard on a scale of Yamato no Orochi, and with a relay, the whole person floated to the side. But at this time, when Tokichiro Kinoshita lowered his head again to look for Li Bai, he suddenly discovered that Li Bai was not Know when it's gone.

Not only around the body of Yamato no Orochi, but also on the surrounding ground, there is no figure of Li Bai.

"Where did Li Bai go?"

This is probably not the doubt of Kinoshita Tokichirou alone, but the doubt of everyone watching the battle.

And while Kinoshita Tokichiro was stunned, Yamata no Orochi's mouth also touched Kinoshita Tokichiro's leg, and the frightening venom instantly corroded Kinoshita Tokichiro's leg, the skin disappeared, the flesh and blood began to zoom, and even the inside The bones are exposed.

Kinoshita Tokichiro fell heavily on the ground, enduring the severe pain, not letting himself cry out, but the cold sweat constantly oozing from his head let others know how severe pain he is enduring now.

But what surprised everyone was that after injuring Kinoshita Tokichiro, Yamato no Orochi went crazy again, circling around in circles and coiling up his entire body, as if Li Bai was right next to him. The neighborhood is average.

However, no matter what angle you look at, where is Li Bai?

"Master is indeed too insidious." Tian Lin who was standing aside praised, how could he not know what happened just now if others didn't know, his master Li Bai must have been hidden in the Qiankun ring.

And the fact is that when Yamato no Orochi was biting towards Li Bai, taking advantage of the squirm of Yamato no Orochi's body to surround him in the center, Li Bai took the opportunity to slip into the Qiankun ring, but although he managed to escape Yamato no Orochi's fatal bite, but Li Bai, who was hiding in the Qiankun ring, was swallowed by Yamato no Orochi.

Considering the terrifying venom of Yamata no Orochi before, Li Bai had to use the power of silver stars to protect his body, like a protective cover, before he dared to come out of the Qiankun ring.

And sure enough, when Li Bai appeared in the belly of Yamato no Orochi, a burst of corrosion sounded, "stabbing, stabbing", which made Li Bai terrified.

With the silver light of the power of the stars, Li Bai could even see that not far from him, there were more than a dozen corpses that were slowly being corroded by the stomach acid of Yamato no Orochi.

Li Bai looked around and saw that everything was pitch black, but Li Bai was not worried about his own safety. The Sky Meteor Knife appeared in his hand again, and stabbed fiercely without distinguishing between north and south.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Yamato no Orochi seemed to be convulsing each other, and the whole snake began to tremble uneasily as if it had been electrocuted.

And every two seconds, the shaking of Yamato no Orochi became more intense.

You know, no matter how hard the scales of Yamato no Orochi are, how soft and soft the inside of his body should be, and under the sharpness of the Sky Meteor Knife, Yamato no Orochi has almost no internal organs for defense. It was Li Bai who turned the world upside down.

Kinoshita Tokichiro looked at everything in front of him, and hammered his fists heavily on the ground. The appearance of Yamato no Orochi was clearly in the rhythm of surrender.

But in the constant struggle of Yamato no Orochi, he finally lost his strength slowly, and fell to the ground weakly, and a trace of clarity was finally restored in his eyes.

A few minutes later, Yamato no Orochi's mouth opened a small mouth again, and Li Bai walked out of his mouth intact, except that his body was covered with Yamato no Orochi's saliva.

Li Bai glanced at the stunned crowd, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, this battle, he can be regarded as a complete victory!

(End of this chapter)

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