Chapter 2485

Yamata no Orochi is the guardian beast of the Wa Kingdom, and there is nothing wrong with it, but it was so easy for Li Bai to defeat it, which made many people feel unbelievable.

But Tokichiro Kinoshita was very clear that Li Bai was able to defeat Yamato no Orochi only because Yamato no Orochi did not exert its full strength.

On the one hand, the reason is that Yamato no Orochi has just woken up from a deep sleep, and on the other hand, because the state of Yamato no Orochi just now is just in the process of discussing with the "inheritor", so, It is impossible for Yamato no Orochi to exert its full strength, otherwise, the successor may die in the mouth of Yamato no Orochi.

The wound on Kinoshita Tokichirou's broken leg was still burning hot and painful, but the way he gritted his teeth, he was targeting Li Bai even more.

What Tokichiro Kinoshita never imagined was how long he had prepared for the inheritance of Yamato no Orochi, but in the end, not only his leg was broken, but even Yamato no Orochi became Li Bai's. Pet, how can Kinoshita Tokichiro get so angry!
"Help me up." Kinoshita Tokichiro said, standing beside him was a Xuankong who rushed over early.

A Xuankong looked at Kinoshita Tokichirou's broken leg with some sadness. Because of the venom corrosion, the bones on Kinoshita Tokichiro's leg had disappeared, and in this way, it was completely severed. Kinoshita Tokichiro wanted to re- The thought of standing up.

At the same time, in another corner, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi looked at what happened in front of him, regretting it too much.

He summoned the members of the Sanqian Yamaguchi-gumi, intending to bring the ninja organization under his command, and at the same time, he seemed to take the opportunity to get the inheritance of Yaki no Orochi. My Yamaguchi-gumi members are all ten to eighty-nine.

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi is about to cry at this time, but when he goes back this time, the strength of their Yamaguchi-gumi will directly return to the state they were five years ago. Even if the ninja organization does not want to retaliate against them, some other gangsters may take advantage of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water .

The simple thing is that at this time, everyone's eyes are on Yamaguchi no Orochi, so Haruyoshi Yamaguchi secretly moved towards the foot of the mountain, and he didn't even care about the surviving Yamaguchi-gumi members.

But at this moment, a man's voice came coldly: "Harukichi Yamaguchi, where do you want to go?"

Haruki Yamaguchi stopped in a daze, followed the sound to look over, but it was a strange man, and there was a woman standing beside him.

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi knew this woman, because the Yamaguchi-gumi had been trying to catch Hanano Mai before, but at this moment, she appeared in front of him again.

"Who are you?" Haruyoshi Yamaguchi looked at the man coldly and asked, the man smiled slightly, as if he was not angry because of Haruyoshi Yamaguchi's clumsy eyes.

"My name is Hideki Nakajima, and I am a member of the Tokyo group of the Yamaguchi-gumi." Hideki Nakajima said with a smile, and he himself did not expect that when he met Haruyoshi Yamaguchi one day, it would be in such a situation.

Hearing that Hideki Nakajima was also a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly thought that Hideki Nakajima just said his name directly, and his tone was blunt, obviously disrespectful .

"Get out of the way, I don't have time to play with you." Haruki Yamaguchi said coldly, trying to push Hideki Nakajima away from here, but Mai Hanano stopped him.

On the other side, when Li Bai came out from Yamata no Orochi, Li Bai was very satisfied when he saw Yamato no Orochi lying obediently beside him. It seems that what Kinoshita Tokichiro said was not a lie.

Li Bai took the blue-gray token in his hand and looked at it seriously, then raised it high in the direction of Yamato no Orochi, and pretended to yell "receive", so he saw the huge Yamato no Orochi's body was slowly shrinking and then flew into the token at the same time, and finally disappeared.

Before Li Bai could react, Li Bai felt a tingling pain in his hand again, and Li Bai hurriedly lowered his head to look. At this time, the token was firmly sucked into his palm, and at the same time He kept absorbing Li Bai's blood, and tried to break free, but he couldn't do it.

What Li Bai didn't know was that it was just Yamato no Orochi replenishing energy, because just now Li Bai dealt with Yamato no Orochi too hard and was injured too badly, so at this time, the blood of the "master" is the most important thing for Yamato no Orochi. For big snakes, it is the best supplement.

It's just that when Li Bai was almost unable to move, none of the ninjas who were watching Li Bai gnashing their teeth wanted to rush up and kill Li Bai on the spot. They continued to watch quietly until the blue-gray token It eventually turned reddish.

So, the scene that surprised Li Bai happened. When Li Bai stood facing everyone again, all the ninjas, even Tokichiro Kinoshita, performed kneeling salute to Li Bai.

"The Snake Emperor is mighty!"

When nearly a thousand ninjas called out these four people at the same time, Li Bai was startled by the aura they brought, but he didn't understand what happened.

Why did he become their Snake Emperor out of nowhere?You know, in Huaxia Longwei, Li Bai is still their Dragon King, and this moment of dragon and snake, Li Bai himself is dizzy.

Soon, Li Bai got an explanation.

To become the true leader of the ninja organization, there must be two strict steps. The first step is to obtain the appointment of the previous leader, and the second task is to defeat Yamato no Orochi. Now, the second condition is a little more important.

Therefore, when Li Bai successfully tamed Yamato no Orochi, all the ninjas automatically thought that Li Bai was their real snake emperor, even if he was an out-and-out Chinese.

"Snake Emperor, whether you like it or not, the real leader of the current ninja organization is yours. Unless you die, otherwise, you can't leave here." Fujikichiro said to Li Bai, with some rejection in his tone.

"Similarly, according to the history of the ninja organization, when there is a new leader, the previous leader must die. Therefore, Mr. Li Bai, I am leaving. I hope you can lead the ninja organization to create a better future." Kinoshita Tokichiro said, pushing a Xuankong away.

Kinoshita Tokichiro himself grabbed his samurai sword, stabbed fiercely towards his abdomen, and then fell to the ground.

This time, not only Li Bai was surprised, but also all the ninjas were surprised. They never thought that Kinoshita Tokichiro, who was their leader an hour ago, is no longer, and even cut seppuku on the spot. The leader of the leader turned into the Huaxia person they had always wanted to kill!
This situation made Li Bai a little at a loss. He couldn't understand why he just killed a person, and why he became the snake king of others inexplicably.

And this Snake Emperor, he doesn't want to be.

At this time, Li Bai also saw the man standing next to Kinoshita Tokichiro's body, looking at him coldly. Li Bai remembered that he had seen this man before, and it seemed to be a Jonin who fought against him before.

"Please instruct!" A Xuankong gave a ninja salute to Li Bai, and then shouted loudly to Li Bai. He didn't address him, because a Xuankong didn't know what to call Li Bai at this time.

However, Li Bai didn't pay attention to a Xuankong at all, looked around, found Tian Lin who was already stunned, and walked away.

Seeing Li Bai like this, a Xuankong became anxious and ran towards Li Bai's direction.

"Mr. Li Bai, what are you going to do? You are the leader of our ninja organization now, and we still need you to lead us!" A hanging voice seemed very anxious.

Li Baibai glanced at a Xuankong: "So I promised you that you will be your leaders? Which ear did you hear?"

"But the tradition of our ninja organization is like this. As long as you become the current master of Yamato no Orochi, you will be the leader of our ninja organization." A Xuankong said even more anxiously, but Li Bai was still tepid.

"I'm not a member of your Endurance organization, why should I care about your traditions?" Li Bai asked back, making a Xuankong somewhat speechless: "But..."

"But what? Since you care so much about this position, then just do it. I won't do anything to your ninja organization, so I can do it myself." Li Bai was already a little upset when he was asked, and with a wave of his hand, he will A Xuankong pushed out, making all the ninjas stunned.

Li Bai finally walked in front of Tian Lin, and at this moment, Tian Lin's expression was as excited as seeing his idol.

"Master, you are really amazing. If you say you don't do it, you don't do it. You didn't see the expressions on those people's faces. It's really wonderful." Tian Lin said to Li Bai with a smile, and touched it again. He touched the head of Crayon Shin-chan next to him, "How about it, Xiao-xin is still very powerful, so he got the token for you."

Li Bai looked at Crayon Shin-chan and nodded. It seems that the experiment organized by the ninja is quite effective. However, if the existence of Crayon Shin-chan is known to the dead Kinoshita Tokichiro, I am afraid it will make him vomit blood again. Three liters and die.

"Let's go, there is no need to stay here anymore." Li Bai glanced back, although a person hanging in the air and a large number of ninjas standing behind him still had that kind of reluctant expression towards Li Bai, but Li Bai Just swept it away, and then ignored it.

Even if becoming the so-called Snake Emperor can allow Li Bai to establish his own power on the territory of the Wa Kingdom, but Li Bai really disdains to develop his own power in the Wa Kingdom. Whether they die or live, it has nothing to do with Li Bai , Li Bai doesn't care.

But just when Li Bai was about to leave with Tian Lin Crayon Shin-chan, not far away, there was an angry female voice.

Li Bai was stunned for a moment, the voice seemed familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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