The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2486 Goodbye Mount Fuji

Chapter 2486 Goodbye Mount Fuji

"Harukichi Yamaguchi, how dare you!" Hanano Mai's voice came to Li Bai's ears not far away, which surprised Li Bai.Didn't Hanano Mai run away without looking back, why did she turn back again?
Seeing the appearance of Hanano Mai, Li Bai was very puzzled, but the situation at this time also did not allow Li Bai to think too much, because at this moment, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi, who was standing in front of Hanano Mai, slashed at Hanano Mai with a palm.

If Haruyoshi Yamaguchi had slashed towards him with this palm, Li Bai wouldn't even move his footsteps, but at this time, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was fighting against Mai Hanano.You know, Hanano Mai is only at the level of Chunin, and no matter how weak Haruyoshi Yamaguchi is, he is at the level of Jonin.

Just out of Longtan, and into the tiger's lair, this is probably the most suitable description for the situation that Hanano Mai encountered. At this time, although Hanano Mai was trying her best to resist, she was still severely beaten by Haruyoshi Yamaguchi. .

And Hideki Nakajima, who was beside Mai Hanano, didn't even see clearly how Haruyoshi Yamaguchi made his move, and his girlfriend flew out backwards, which made Hideki Nakajima angry and anxious.

"Harukichi Yamaguchi, I'm fighting with you!" Hideki Nakajima shouted heart-piercingly, throwing himself up and throwing himself at Haruki Yamaguchi.

However, sometimes, fighting is not just enough with brute force.

Seeing Hideki Nakajima's stupefied look, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi didn't hide, he raised his foot and kicked towards Hideki Nakajima who was flying towards him, kicking straight on Hideki Nakajima's chest On the ground, the sound of ribs breaking was clear and crisp.

"Harukichi Yamaguchi!" Mai Hanano, who was beaten into the air, was also anxious, and struggled to stand up on the ground again, and rushed towards Harunichi Yamaguchi again.

But before she ran a few steps, a black shadow appeared in front of Hanano Mai, blocking her way.

"Don't be impulsive, go and see how his injury is, and leave the rest to me." Li Bai stood in front of Hanano Mai and said calmly to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai looked up at Li Bai, then at Haruki Yamaguchi resentfully, and nodded.

"Harukichi Yamaguchi, I didn't expect you to be so wicked." Li Bai turned around and looked at Harunichi Yamaguchi coldly. The reason why he didn't take Harukichi Yamaguchi's life before was because Li Bai felt that Harunichi Yamaguchi Whether people die or not is irrelevant to the overall situation.

But what Li Bai didn't expect was that Li Bai didn't ask Haruki Yamaguchi for trouble, but Haruki Yamaguchi brought trouble to his door. If this is the case, Li Bai will naturally not let him go easily again.

"Hehe, Li Bai, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are smart. What I taught you just now is just a member of my team. What right do you have to intervene?" the seriousness of the matter.

Li Bai looked at Haruki Yamaguchi coldly, as if he was looking at a fool: "First of all, they are all my friends. If they are injured, I will naturally take care of them. Secondly, you can ask now, and he also admitted that he is Are you members of the Yamaguchi group? With a group leader like you who doesn’t care about the lives of his subordinates in order to escape for his own life, your people can be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Li Bai yelled loudly, and his words reached the ears of those Yamaguchi-gumi members who surrendered, and the way they looked at Haruyoshi Yamaguchi also changed.

But Haruyoshi Yamaguchi didn't seem to care much, he smiled coldly, and said to Li Bai: "When you were talking to me here, didn't you notice that your friends were about to be in danger? "

Li Bai's expression moved, and he looked in the direction of Hanano Mai and Nakajima Hideki, and not far from them, several ninjas were waiting for the opportunity to attack Hanano Mai.

"The Snake Emperor is here, let me see who dares to move!" Never thought that Li Bai didn't feel the slightest panic, the dark red token appeared in his hand again, held it up high, facing the ninjas shouted.

Seeing the token in Li Bai's hand, the ninjas stopped and looked in Li Bai's direction and bowed in salute.

Now in the eyes of the ninjas, Li Bai has become their leader. The leader said that he would not let Hanano Mai get in trouble again, so how could they have the guts.

Seeing this scene, a Xuankong at the side was overjoyed. Li Bai seemed to have recognized his identity by doing so.But what happened next made a Xuankong helplessly realize that he really seemed to be thinking too much.

"Unexpectedly, this thing is really useful." Li Bai took the token back into the Qiankun ring, and said to Haruki Yamaguchi with a chuckle, and when Haruki Yamaguchi was in a daze, Li Bai didn't seem to intend to give Haruki Yamaguchi any more opportunities to argue , directly violently, killing Haruyoshi Yamaguchi on the spot in front of everyone.

"That's fair. The head of the ninja organization is dead, so you should go down to be buried with him." Li Bai clapped his hands and seemed to be talking to himself, then turned around and walked in the direction of Hanano Mai .

Even though a Xuankong kept calling "Snake Emperor Snake Emperor" non-stop, Li Bai never looked at them again.

"How is Hideki Nakajima?" Li Bai rushed to Hanano Mai and asked, but Hanano Mai's expression was very ugly.

"His ribs are broken, and he seems to have pierced the alveoli. If he doesn't receive treatment, he can only last for half an hour at most." Hanano Mai said to Li Bai firmly, although her expression was anxious, she was at a loss.

Li Bai frowned, and the power of a silver star penetrated into Hideki Nakajima's body, temporarily protecting Hideki Nakajima's lungs.

"Let's go quickly and go to the hospital for treatment." Li Bai hugged Hideki Nakajima, but turned around and walked towards a person hanging in the air, "Prepare a helicopter for me, we are leaving now!"

A Xuankong was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to respond to Li Bai.

Judging by Li Bai's appearance, he didn't want to take over the ninja organization at all, but he yelled at them here, which made a Xuankong very upset, but he didn't dare to resist.

After all, Li Bai is still their leader after all.

The helicopter was ready soon. Li Bai hugged Hideki Nakajima, Tian Lin and Hanano Mai quickly sat on the helicopter with Crayon Shin-chan, the propeller rolled up the wind and waves, and then headed towards Tokyo.

"Baga, what the hell did I do?!" a Xuankong waved his fist fiercely, and said with gritted teeth, but at this time, all the ninjas asked a Xuankong a question at the same time, Li Bai , Will you come back?

"Of course he won't come back!" Yi Xuankong wanted to say this answer directly, but for the safety of the ninjas, Yi Xuankong still chose a tactful answer.

"We'll wait for him for a month. If he still hasn't come back after a month, I'll temporarily take over his position." A Xuankong said, and because of Kinoshita Fujikichiro's previous training for him, a Xuankong said so, and said No objection from anyone.

At the foot of Mount Fuji, a group of admiring tourists are still arguing with the staff for the sudden closure of Mount Fuji. What they don’t know is that on the picturesque Mount Fuji, in the past few What kind of battle happened in the hour, I am afraid that the idiom of blood flowing into a river cannot accurately describe the current situation.

A helicopter flew high above their heads, and a few pairs of eyes looked down from above, and they no longer had the feeling they had when they first came here.

Goodbye, Mt. Fuji.That's what everyone said in their hearts.

"Should we go back? It will be almost two months since we came to Wa Kingdom." Li Bai retracted his gaze and murmured.

Tian Lin, who was sitting next to Li Bai, kept nodding his head: "Yes, master, we should have left Wa Kingdom when we rescued Xiao Xi, otherwise, there would be no such troubles today." However, thinking After thinking about it, Tian Lin said again, "But it's still worth it, otherwise, master, you wouldn't have caught that snake as your little brother."

Li Bai didn't speak, but just took out the dark red token again and looked at it in the palm of his hand. On the token, the figure of Yamata no Orochi looked very weak, as if the pattern on the token was reflecting Yaki's The actual situation of Orochi is average.

"No way, master, you want to get that snake out now?" Tian Lin looked at Li Bai in horror, if Yamato no Orochi appeared at this time, the whole plane would be destroyed!

Li Bai shook his head, but secretly summoned in his heart, and just as he guessed, Yamato no Orochi quickly replied to him, it needs to rest for at least half a month before it can be summoned.

"It's okay. Let's go home after we return to Tokyo. I really want to eat hot pot. I haven't eaten it for a long time." Li Bai licked his lips, Tian Lin didn't save Li Bai any face lol.

Mai Hanano, who was looking after Hideki Nakajima, suddenly raised her head at this moment, and looked at Li Bai with wide-eyed eyes: "You guys, are you really going to leave Wa Kingdom?" There seemed to be a bit of reluctance in his tone.

Li Bai nodded, and his mind suddenly returned to the moment when they were stolen by Hanano Mai on the second day after they came to Wa Kingdom, and the subsequent events flashed in his mind like a movie.

In less than two months, the story between Hanano Mai and them, in terms of excitement alone, is probably more exciting than many people's lifetime.

"Could you please do me a little favor again, I promise, I won't waste any more of your time this time." Hanano Mai asked weakly, looking at Li Bai.

Li Bai thought for a while, then nodded, "What's the matter?"

It seemed a bit difficult to say, but after repeated struggles, Hanano Mai still uttered her own question: "Well, Hideki Nakajima and I have discussed it before, and after the matter is over, we are going to stop If there is any entanglement with these things, we are going to open a small cafe or something."

Having said that, Hanano Mai paused, and then continued: "If you just want to open a coffee shop, the owner of the shop must not have any black history, but Hideki Nakajima and I have both, so we have never It can be done."

Li Bai let out a "huh" and didn't think it would be so difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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