The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2487 Last favor

Chapter 2487 One Last Favor
However, it is still too early to talk about this matter. After all, Hideki Nakajima is still lying on Hanano Mai's lap and hangs his breath. Although Li Bai has temporarily saved Hideki Nakajima's life with the power of silver stars, but if If something happened and Hideki Nakajima belched on the road, then no matter how good the plan was, it would be in vain.

The helicopter of the Ninja Organization directly obtained the permission to enter Tokyo, and landed on the top floor of the Tokyo Hospital. Soon, a pair of doctors in white coats arrived and carried the dying Hideki Nakajima to the emergency room on a stretcher. go.

"Snake Emperor, are we waiting for you here?" The helicopter pilot asked weakly when Li Bai got off the plane, but Li Bai gave him a blank look.

"Who is your Snake Emperor? Go back quickly, or they will think about it again. By the way, tell that person named Yi Xuankong that I will definitely not go back." After Li Bai finished speaking, he was in a hurry walked into the hospital building.

The two helicopter pilots looked at each other, saw each other's helplessness, and finally left.

The corridor outside the emergency room was very quiet, so the sound of Hanano Mai's anxious pacing was very clear.Li Bai naturally understood Hanano Mai's anxious mood, so he didn't stop him, but whispered something with Tian Lin.

"Did you ask Crayon Shin-chan in the past few days, what will he do when we return to China?" Li Bai asked Tian Lindao, he knew that Crayon Shin-chan was an orphan since he was a child, otherwise, he would not have been caught by the ninja organization Going to experiment.

"I haven't asked yet, but to be honest, I really hope that he will go back with us. Xiaoxin is smart and cute. I am still reluctant. If he is left behind, he is so young, how can he survive. " Tian Lin replied Li Bai with a sigh.

Looking at Crayon Shin-chan standing at the end of the corridor not far away, he was looking at the passers-by, many of whom came to see the doctor together. Although they were sick, their expressions were not happy, but Crayon Shin-chan Xin seemed to have never experienced such a feeling at all.

"After we're done with Hanano Mai and the others, let's ask again. If he agrees to go back with us, he will also be with Xiaoxi as a companion." Li Bai said.

Tian Lin's eyes lit up, and he also remembered that in the No. [-] test base, if it weren't for Crayon Shin-chan, they would definitely not be able to rescue Xiaoxi, and Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin also read very similarly.

"That's good, that's good, we can match up." Tian Lin said hey, and was hit on the head by Li Bai.

After waiting for about two hours, the doctor finally came out of the emergency room and told everyone that Hideki Nakajima's life was not in danger, and he would recover if he took a good rest for three to four months.

Tears welled up in Hanano Mai's eyes in an instant, thanked the doctor, and almost rushed into the emergency room, but suddenly thought of something, turned around, and threw herself directly into Li Bai's arms, at the same time, offered kissed himself.

This stunned Tian Lin who was standing on the side, and he couldn't understand why he was not the one who got such treatment.

Fortunately, Hanano Mai only kissed Li Bai for a few seconds before retreating, blushing, not daring to face Li Bai directly.

"Mr. Li Bai, thank you for saving us again. This is the greatest thank you I can do. If you want to go further, I... I will not refuse, but I can't let Hideki Nakajima find out. ..." Hanano Mai's voice became smaller and smaller, while Li Bai's expression became more and more dull.

"Damn it, come on!" Although Tian Lin was stunned, he still coaxed aside in Chinese. Li Bai glared at him, and then embarrassingly rejected Hanano Mai's initiative.

"Okay, you can take care of your boyfriend here now. I'll help you with the documents you need. Well, it will take about two days. Wait for us." Li Bai smiled at Hanano Mai, and then took Watching Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan leave the Tokyo City Hospital.

Along the way, Tian Lin was still chattering and "questioning" why Li Bai refused such an obvious gesture from such a beautiful girl, but he was almost kicked to death by Li Bai.

"Let's go to Okinawa City." Li Bai said to Tian Lin quietly, although his expression has now turned into a liver color.

Although Li Bai promised Hanano Mai to help them apply for the required documents, there is no doubt that if they go to the Tokyo government, they will definitely encounter various problems. First of all, they are not Japanese and do not have a household registration book What is the biggest hurdle.

Therefore, Li Bai thought of Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato, and said goodbye to them just before leaving Wa country.

This time when they went to Okinawa City, Li Bai finally boarded a civil airliner, so he didn't have to experience the hardships of the wind and the sun. After arriving in Okinawa City, they quickly found the two who had returned a few days ago.

"Mr. Li Bai!" Seeing Li Bai's reappearance, Akimoto Kumiko, who was cleaning up the fishing nets with Sato Hidenaka, was very excited, even ignoring the few fish that were frisky on the deck, and directly rushed towards Li Bai, and then He threw himself directly into Li Bai's arms.

Sato Hidenaka and Tian Lin were very angry when they saw it.

"Mr. Li Bai, I thought you would never come back again. They didn't do anything to you, did they?" Kumiko Akimoto asked with concern. Li Bai pushed Kumiko Akimoto away with a smile, and then told them that he was just playing tricks. Xiao Jice ran away.As for what really happened, ordinary people like them should just listen.

"Are you still planning to live in seclusion on that island?" Li Bai suddenly thought of this question and asked again.

Hidezhong Sato had already walked over at this time, took Akimoto Kumiko's hand, then nodded, saying that if they didn't leave, the Ocean Infinity Company would definitely make trouble for them.

"If I can let someone as powerful as me protect you, what do you think? There is no charge." Li Bai rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of an excellent solution.

This made Hidechu Sato and Kumiko Akimoto nod frequently. How could they want to leave their hometown where they grew up? !

"However, masters have a condition. They want to own their own coffee shop here. I wonder if you can help with the formalities?" Li Bai said to the two with a smile. "I am overwhelmed.

When Li Bai made such a request, the two agreed without any hesitation.

"You don't need to apply for a certificate. Our home is a commercial house. People can live on the top and do business on the bottom. If experts don't mind, we can live together." Kumiko Akimoto looked at Li Bai seriously and said, Li Bai nodded in satisfaction.

Therefore, Li Bai asked Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan to stay here temporarily, and then flew back to Tokyo City, and brought Hanano Mai and Nakajima Hideki who had woken up to Okinawa City.

"Opening a coffee shop here is more comfortable and more in line with your wishes than in Tokyo, right?" Li Bai said to Hanano Mai with a gentle smile.

Hanano Mai was so touched that she was on the verge of crying. If it wasn't for Hideki Nakajima standing beside her, she would have rushed towards Li Bai's arms again if nothing unexpected happened.

"Thank you, thank you." Hideki Nakajima's face was still pale at this time, but at this moment there was still a hint of rosiness, and he said gratefully to Li Bai, feeling guilty again for the trouble he had caused Li Bai and the others before. I feel sorry.

"Okay, okay, now, things outside will not disturb you anymore. If you want to be as mediocre as you are now, that's fine. If you have ambitions again one day, then I wish you can spell it out." After a long time, we are going back to China." Li Bai looked at several people and said seriously.

At this time, everyone's expressions became mixed, and they wanted to say something, but they stopped talking.

"Goodbye, take care." Maybe that was all they could say, the best wishes for Li Bai and the others.

All the way to the airport, the two couples reluctantly separated from the three. Li Bai and Tian Lin looked at Crayon Shin-chan and asked him the questions they had discussed before.

"Are you going back to China with us? Or are you going to stay in the Wa Kingdom alone."

And Crayon Shin-chan's answer was also beyond the expectation of Li Bai and the two: "Of course I follow you, and I don't need to spend money to eat with you. If I go out on my own, I don't know when I will starve to death on the street."

Both Li Bai and Li Bai laughed out loud. Crayon Shin-chan's eccentric spirit also filled their lives with more fun.

Returning to Tokyo by plane, I boarded the plane back home non-stop. When white clouds covered the porthole, this trip to Japan finally came to an end.

And because of Li Bai's appearance, the two largest organizations in the country, the Yamaguchi group and the Ninja organization, all suffered more or less losses, and the Yamaguchi group suffered even greater losses.

When the news of Yamaguchi Haruyoshi's death spread quickly, the Yamaguchi groups in various places were quickly encircled and suppressed by other local gangs. For a while, the entire Japanese country was in turmoil and panic.

The ninja organization also reduced its actions a lot because of the loss, which should not be underestimated. Under the leadership of a Xuankong, they began to rectify their voices, in order to restore the strength of the ninja organization to the level before the war as soon as possible.

As for what the pattern of the power of the Wa country will be like in the end, these are all things to talk about. Li Bai doesn't know, and he doesn't plan to come to the Wa country again. At this time, they have fallen into sleep on the plane.

Although sleeping on the plane was not comfortable, it could be regarded as the most peaceful sleep Li Bai had had in the past two months.

The plane passed through the thick clouds and flew towards the land of Huaxia. The flight attendant was walking in the aisle, gently closing the first class that a sleeping passenger forgot to turn off.

A gratified smile appeared on the face of the flight attendant. It seemed that this was another safe flight. She thought in her heart that after this flight, she must have a good time with her boyfriend.

However, at this moment, the fuselage shook violently, and the flight attendant lost her grip and fell towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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