Chapter 2488 Crash
Although the stewardess was already trying her best to control her emotions, she didn't want to let herself yell in panic and affect the rest of the passengers, but when the fuselage made a "bang" sound that could be clearly heard by the ears, the stewardess still called out.

Not only because the stewardess is about to fall to the ground, but also because the intensity of the shaking this time has exceeded the range that ordinary shaking can bear.

And just when the stewardess was about to fall to the ground, she only felt a powerful hand appearing in her abdomen, holding her body in the air.

"Grab my arm." Li Bai said softly to the stewardess, but his expression was also dignified.

At the same time, a belated voice finally came from the crew broadcast: "Hello, passengers and friends, this vibration of the fuselage is caused by the sudden cold air, I hope all passengers and friends don't panic, fasten your safety. bring……"

Because of the violent shaking and the broadcast by the crew, all the passengers on the plane woke up from their sleep and frowned, but just when they wanted to complain, there was another "boom" sound from the fuselage. Flanks sounded.

Everyone looked over in a panic, the left wing of the plane actually exploded at this time, and a raging fire ignited!
But luck never comes singly, misfortune never comes singly, at this moment, the plane's engine was stopped, although the plane was still flying forward with all its efforts, but everyone could have expected the rapid fall that would happen next.

In the cabin, everything was in chaos, and the cries of children and women suddenly sounded. Although the stewardesses tried their best to hold on to things to stabilize their bodies, and wanted everyone to put on life jackets quickly, but, from a At the beginning of the escape explanation, not many people listened carefully, and now it is such a life-and-death juncture, who can still wear that life jacket? !
"Put on the life jacket!" Li Bai also became nervous at this moment, and shouted to Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan, after all, even he himself could not guarantee that he would not be 100% harmless in this accident.

"Master, don't you wear it?!" The surrounding voices were so loud that Tian Lin could only talk to Li Bai by shouting.

Li Bai didn't speak, just pulled out the life jacket and handed it to the stewardess who was still supporting his arm: "Put it on quickly, I can protect myself!"

Although I don't know what method Li Bai relied on to protect himself in such a situation, but seeing Li Bai's serious eyes, the stewardess still chose to believe, quickly put on the life jacket, and reminded several nearby passengers to wear the wrong clothes method.

In the dark night, the plane with raging flames slid down from the sky like a shooting star, and below the plane was a vast sea.

The crew radio was still ringing non-stop, telling everyone not to panic, not to panic, saying to wait for others to rescue after falling into the sea.

"Don't listen to them, let's go!" However, Li Bai didn't believe the nonsense on the radio at all, the entire left wing of the plane was burned like that, if he didn't jump into the sea now, he would have no chance of surviving!
Blow out a gap in the fuselage directly, because of the huge pressure difference between the inside and the outside, Crayon Shin-chan and Tian Lin didn't react at all, they were just sucked out.

And Li Bai didn't even care about the feelings of the stewardess in his hand, but quickly unfastened his seat belt and appeared outside the cabin.

The stewardess had already closed her eyes nervously at this moment, and hugged Li Bai's waist tightly. Although as a stewardess, she had already adapted to the feeling of weightlessness, but at this moment, falling freely from such a high altitude, The stewardess was still flustered.

Of course, if the flight attendant sees the passengers flying out of the gap, before they even figure out their situation, they are pierced by the debris from the falling plane, she may be even more horrified.

The speed of the plane's fall was faster than that of Li Bai and the others. Therefore, Li Bai and the others witnessed with their own eyes how the plane fell on the sea, and then a huge explosion occurred.

Seeing this scene, even Li Bai, who had experienced countless lives and deaths, couldn't help but tremble in his heart, because there were at least 300 fresh lives in that plane.But they left so easily, maybe they didn't even have time to say the last word to their relatives and friends.

Ten seconds later, three sounds of "Tong Tong Tong" falling into the water sounded one after another, and the four of Li Bai finally fell into the water.

Because the three of them had intentionally controlled their bodies away from the place where the plane exploded, they were not in any danger at this time, but when the four of them reappeared their heads from the cold sea water, they still felt the burning of the plane in the distance. The scorching temperature that came.

None of the four spoke, their expressions were incomparably dignified, and the fire in the distance imprinted into their eyes, shining a little bit of light.

It wasn't until the flight attendant's crying sound reached the ears of the three that Li Bai and the others came back to their senses. Li Bai looked at the flight attendant's face, the sea water from her hair dripped continuously on her face, merging with her tears again.

"Let's go save people." Li Bai said to Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan. At this time, the fuselage of the plane had already started to sink, and a second explosion was unlikely to occur.

Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan all nodded. Although they knew that the possibility of someone surviving was very low, they were going to try it.

The four of them swam towards the direction where the plane crashed into the sea, but when they were about to approach the plane, Li Bai stopped, and then looked at Tian Lin with his eyes, and the two swam towards another direction.

The two raised their eyes slightly out of the water, and looked towards a release. What shocked them was that at this time, a speedboat appeared not far from the nose of the plane at an unknown time.

At this time, a large hole had also been broken in the glass on the nose. At this time, several men jumped out of it one by one and fell into the sea, and then quickly boarded the speedboat.

"The task has been successfully completed, we can go back to the business!" A man's sonorous voice reached Li Bai's ears through the firelight, making Li Bai frown slightly. No matter how he thought, this crash was caused by someone. The plan was premeditated.

Coupled with the fact that the few people who jumped out of the nose seemed to have suffered minor injuries, Li Bai understood even more that this time, he might have encountered some difficult opponents.

It's not that Li Bai is nosy, but this time, Li Bai is really angry.

In order to get rid of such a person and two people, they actually regarded the lives of more than 300 passengers on the plane as nothing. Li Bai couldn't bear such actions!

"Let's follow." Li Bai said softly to Tian Lin, and turned around to greet Crayon Shin-chan, asking him to bring the stewardess over.

Knowing that his speed would definitely not be able to catch up with the speedboat, so Li Bai did not try hard to catch up. Instead, he remembered the direction the speedboat was heading, and then slowed down. Soon, the four of them joined together again.

"Stewardess, do you know where this is?" Li Bai looked at the pale stewardess and asked.

"It's China's Bohai Sea. It was shown on the plane just now. It's still 10 minutes away from the shore by plane, and it's about a hundred kilometers away." The flight attendant said still sobbing.

When the three of them heard this, they were a little dumbfounded. They were still at sea for a hundred kilometers away, and it would take years of the monkey to reach the other shore.

But besides swimming, there seemed to be no better way at this time. Li Bai simply slowed down a bit and started asking the stewardess questions.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Wei Yan, a stewardess of Southeast Airlines." Wei Yan replied, which made Li Bai stunned for a moment, and looked at Wei Yan in disbelief.

"I thought you were from Japan, but unexpectedly, you are also from China." Li Bai said in amazement.

But at this time, Wei Yan didn't have the time to joke with Li Bai, so she didn't continue talking, just swimming hard.

"Usually, how do your airlines deal with such things?" Li Bai asked again, because the cause of the plane crash this time was not just natural disasters, but also man-made.

"Rescue, find the black box, investigate the cause of the plane accident, and then compensate the family." Wei Yan was crying, which made Li Bai very puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Only then did Li Bai know that Wei Yan's grandfather was also on her plane, and now, her grandfather must have been buried in flames.

Both Li Bai and Tian Lin Crayon Shin-chan fell silent. They couldn't say a word at this moment, and they didn't even know how to comfort Wei Yan.

"Do you want to avenge your grandfather? This air crash is man-made, we just saw it." Li Bai said to Wei Yan seriously. He felt that Wei Yan, as an indirect victim, should have the right to know.

Hearing what Li Bai said, Wei Yan's eyes widened, and then, there was an angry light in her eyes, and she nodded vigorously.

"However, if we just swam over like this, they must have gone somewhere a long time ago. By then, the day lily will be cold." Tian Lin sighed aside.

Li Bai also frowned. In the situation just now, he didn't have time to keep them, or leave them with the power of the stars to mark them. Find a needle in a haystack.

"Li Bai, can you describe to me the appearance of those people?" At this moment, Wei Yan looked at Li Bai seriously and asked.

Li Bai thought for a while, and told him the physical characteristics of a person he remembered. At the same time, he imitated his way of speaking and repeated what he had said before.

After Li Bai finished speaking, there was no expression on Wei Yan's face, even the tears were gone.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai asked again.

"It's okay, I know who they are, even if they go to the ends of the earth, I will definitely find them!" Wei Yan said fiercely, and her resolute eyes made Li Bai understand that there must be something else in it. It is a story of intrigue.

(End of this chapter)

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