The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2493 The Mutant Wei Yuan

Chapter 2493 The Mutant Wei Yuan

Thinking hard.

Wei Yuan looked at the three men standing not far from him, and suddenly understood why Wei Yan not only didn't panic at all after seeing the three brothers, but also dared to yell at him.

When they crashed the plane, they were at a height of more than 1000 meters in the sky. Although Wei Yuan didn't know when the three of them left the plane, but at that speed, they jumped out of the plane and had to face the same problem. Huge punch.

In such a situation, even the three brothers did not dare to try it easily, but looking at it now, even the child was not harmed in any way, let alone the private detective and his friend.

The atmosphere in the room instantly became depressing, Wei Yan still stood quietly in front of Wei Yuan, watching Wei Yuan without speaking.And Wei Ming and Wei Qing also felt the strange atmosphere in the air, and slowly approached Wei Yuan, leaning back to each other.

"Unexpectedly, my three older brothers would also have a day of fear." After seeing the three brothers of the Wei family standing together, Wei Yan finally gave a cold snort, and then began to speak.

"Yes, that's right, the four of us are the surviving passengers. You must really want me to die, but unfortunately, the master rescued me on the plane. But I'm really going to succeed." Wei Yan looked at her three brothers with cold eyes, as if she was talking to three strangers.

"So? Do you think he can successfully rescue you from the plane, and then protect your safety now?" Wei Yuan asked again, although his voice was still dignified, but his expression was much calmer. With a hint of pride, "Don't you know how strong the three of us are now?"

As soon as Wei Yuan's words fell, Wei Ming and Wei Qing sneered in unison. As the direct successors of the Wei family, the three of them obtained resources that other direct descendants could not imagine. At this time, they already have the title of the three strongest brothers in Xiaolian City.

The three of them are already at the ninth level of true energy fighters, and if they go one step further, they will be able to step into the legendary stage of self-cultivation.

Hearing Wei Yuan's words, Wei Yan's expression finally changed. In fact, Wei Yan didn't know how powerful her three older brothers were, but according to her grandfather, among the young generation in Xiaolian City, they It is indeed the most powerful, even much stronger than most of the older generation.

Thinking of this, Wei Yan became nervous for no reason, and looked in Li Bai's direction. Although she kept calling him a master, she didn't know how powerful Li Bai was. Even at this moment, she was thinking, Is it the right thing to involve the three of Li Bai in their family disputes?

"So what you mean is that you have already taken so many innocent lives, and you want to take three more, right?" Wei Yan's voice trembled a little. At this moment, she suddenly felt that even if With Li Bai's help, she is unlikely to defeat the combination of the three brothers.

Therefore, Wei Yan is going to stand in the center of the world and call out for love, using words to make the three brothers change their minds.

"So you mean, before we act, we must consider other people's feelings, right? Then why didn't Grandpa consider our feelings before making a decision? I don't know what's better about you, and what's wrong with us Now, why should the position of patriarch be inherited to you!"

Wei Yuan said one after another, looking very angry.

Grandpa actually told Wei Yan a long time ago what the reason for his decision was, but Wei Yan thought about it, but still didn't tell the truth to the three elder brothers. It is fuel to the fire.

"Since grandpa has passed away, I don't want to inherit the position of patriarch, so I will give up the position of patriarch to you now, so it's okay?" Wei Yan said to Wei Yuan again, clenched her fists and is to let go again.

Wei Yuan was taken aback by Wei Yan's decision. Things didn't seem to be going in the direction he imagined.

In fact, Wei Yan still wanted to avenge her grandfather in her heart. After all, what the three brothers did was too much. After being strong, you can also rely on the suicide note left by your grandfather to get back the position of patriarch.

However, in the next second, Wei Yan was also stunned: "Do you really think that the three of us are fools? What's the use of you saying it here, who will admit it? At that time, you will be judged by others." I feel like what we're doing goes against family tradition."

At this moment, Wei Yan finally became anxious, and hurriedly said: "Then what are you going to do, you have already taken away Grandpa's life, and I will use the name of the patriarch to hand over the power to you in the future?"

Hearing Wei Yan's words, even Li Bai laughed, this girl thinks about these things too simply.

"I'm sorry sister, only if you also died in that plane crash, can we justifiably inherit the position of patriarch." Wei Yuan said coldly, and then rushed towards Wei Yan.

At this moment, Wei Yan's tears finally flowed down.

The brother-sister relationship of more than 20 years is so deep, in the face of the interests of the family, it is unexpected that it is so worthless.Wei Yan did not choose to run away, because she knew that even if she ran away, there was no possibility of her life.

Although Wei Yuan had already seen the tears in Wei Yan's eyes, those tears could not melt the blockage in his heart at all. At this moment, he only wanted to kill Wei Yan, and then take the position of patriarch.

But just when Wei Yuan's hand was about to hit Wei Yan, a huge force suddenly came from the side of his waist, and then, with a "boom", Wei Yuan was actually kicked to the side. table.

And it was Li Bai who proposed this kick.

"You're too stupid, your brother is clearly murderous, why don't you hide." Li Bai taught Wei Yan a lesson, but he didn't look at Wei Yan, and rushed towards Wei Yuan who was about to struggle to get up.

At the same time, the combination of Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan also met the two brothers Wei Ming and Wei Qing. Although they seemed to be evenly matched, when they really fought, Wei Ming and Wei Qing couldn't even survive the third round. , was thrown to the ground.

The whole process just happened between lightning and flint. When Wei Yan opened her eyes again, her three brothers were all subdued.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing fell to the ground and Tian Lin sat down on the ground, while Li Bai held Wei Yuan whose mouth was already bleeding.

"Do you know why I want to help your sister?" Li Bai asked coldly.

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth, trying to break free, but he couldn't do it: "It's not for the wealth of our Wei family. I've seen people like you a lot, ha ha."

Li Bai was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be regarded as such a person. With a chuckle, he said again: "I hate the kind of people that kill innocent people indiscriminately like you. People like you still don't care about it." Want to be the head of the family? Hehe, if that's the case, the decline of your Wei family will only happen sooner or later."

"Fuck you!" Wei Yuan scolded Li Bai severely, and at the same time, spit towards Li Bai's face.

It's just that Li Bai's reaction was too fast, the saliva wiped the tip of Li Bai's ear, and landed on the ground behind him again.

Li Bai raised his knee and bumped into Wei Yuan's stomach, making Wei Yuan almost spit out his internal organs: "If you have the ability, let me go and see if I don't beat you to death!"

Li Bai laughed, at this time, Wei Yuan was still stubborn, and wanted to beat Wei Yuan again, but at this moment, Li Bai's fingers felt a burning sensation again.

Li Bai looked down, and his Qiankun ring turned into light gray again, and when Li Bai was hesitating whether to go back and check on Xiaoxi's situation now, the black color became more and more intense, and then, unexpectedly It broke through the shackles of Li Bai's Qiankun ring and appeared in front of Li Bai's eyes.

The speed of the black mist was obviously faster than yesterday, and it all got into Wei Yuan's eyes in front of Li Bai.

But at this time, Wei Yuan began to twitch like a goat, trembling all over.Li Bai had no choice but to temporarily let go of Wei Yuan's hand, because Wei Yuan's body was burning like a stove.

"Master, what happened here?" Tian Lin, who was standing aside, asked Li Bai nervously. He also understood that this situation seemed to be exactly the same as what Li Bai encountered yesterday.

And at this moment, Wei Yuan who fell on the ground stood up again, looking at Li Bai, his eyeballs were filled with blood-red filaments.

"Go to hell!" Wei Yuan yelled at Li Bai, and tapped his finger in the air. The next second, a rectangular symbol appeared out of nowhere in the air, and was pushed by Wei Yuan again. They shot towards Li Bai.

Li Bai dodged in a hurry, the talisman hit the ground, and with a "buzz", a hot flame ignited, and then disappeared very quickly.

At this time, Li Bai's expression finally reached the lowest point, and he wanted to subdue Wei Yuan, but his firepower was so fierce that Li Bai couldn't get close at all.

Another talisman was issued and shot towards Tian Lin. Tian Lin wanted to block it, but was yelled away by Li Bai.

Although Wei Ming and Wei Qing were also terrified to see their elder brother Wei Yuan become like this at this time, but after Tian Lin's restraint disappeared, their first thought was to run away as soon as possible.

But in fact, there was no need for them to run on their own, Wei Yuan had already caught up with them and left the villa at an extremely fast speed.

Li Bai didn't go after Wei Yuan, at this moment he didn't even pay attention to Wei Yan who was already frightened, he went upstairs to his room and locked the door again.

Soon, Li Bai's figure appeared in the Qiankun ring again.

(End of this chapter)

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