The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2494 The Evil Spirit Possesses

Chapter 2494 The Evil Spirit Possesses
When Li Bai returned to the Qiankun ring, Li Bai was also taken aback by the scene inside the ring.

Under the erosion of the black smoke, the originally green grass seemed to be covered with a heavy layer of smog. The whole ground looked gray, and even the vitality of the plants in the Qiankun ring was there. Under the influence of the black smoke, they all looked a lot less.

This made Li Bai's mood extremely serious. Looking around, Xiaoxi was lying unconscious on a grass field, and Xiaoxi's mother knelt beside Xiaoxi, hugged her tightly, and called Xiaoxi loudly. Xi's name, but Xiao Xi didn't respond at all.

At this time, Li Bai didn't care about taking care of the mess in the world, and hurried towards Xiao Xi's direction.

"What happened just now?" Li Bai asked Jin Yan in a deep voice, and it roughly answered Li Bai's question.

It turned out that just about 10 minutes ago, Xiaoxi woke up suddenly again, but at that time, Xiaoxi seemed to have no consciousness at all, and was walking carelessly on the grass under the control of the black mist.At the same time, the black mist appeared faster and faster, and more and more at the same time, almost drowning the entire Qiankun world.

And just a few minutes ago, these black smokes rushed towards the sky again, as if they broke through the barrier of the Qiankun ring, and then disappeared, and the world of Qiankun became like this.

Li Bai thought about it carefully, what Jin Yan said basically coincided with what happened outside him just now, that is to say, the cloud of black smoke started to separate from Xiaoxi's body after Wei Yuan was in danger, and then It got into Wei Yuan's body again.

Li Bai thought of this for a while, then took Xiaoxi from Xiaoxi's mother's hand, picked her up slowly, and walked towards her bed.

The clean and white bed sheet had also turned into a pitch-black piece at this time, Xiao Xi's mother wanted to pick up the bed sheet and shake it, but Li Bai stopped her.

At this time, Li Bai could still clearly feel the terrifying power of the black mist left on his body before. If Xiaoxi's mother directly touched it with her hands like this, Li Bai was afraid that Xiaoxi's mother would be in danger.

Therefore, Li Bai urged his silver star power to rush towards the bed sheet. When the silver star power came into contact with the black smoke, the black smoke actually carried out an obvious act of resistance.

However, under Li Bai's strength, those things only resisted symbolically, and then slowly spread towards the surroundings like a flame burning, and the place that was baptized by the power of silver stars became clean again like New.

Li Bai put Xiaoxi on the bed slowly, looked down at Xiaoxi, her face was very pale at this time, as if she had a serious illness.

"My daughter will be fine, right?" Xiaoxi's mother looked at Li Bai nervously and asked. Li Bai didn't speak immediately, but first checked the condition of Xiaoxi's body.

To Li Bai's slight surprise, the departure of the black mist not only did not cause any harm to Xiaoxi, but actually eliminated all the toxins injected into Xiaoxi's body by the Japanese people.

In other words, Xiaoxi's physical condition at this time can be regarded as the healthiest and best body ever, and a large part of the reason why Xiaoxi is unconscious now is because of the rapid departure of the black mist. Go, let Xiaoxi, who was used to its existence before, feel a little uncomfortable at this time.

"Auntie, you don't have to worry. Xiaoxi is fine. She will be fine after a night of sleep. I will prepare some supplements for Xiaoxi. You can just stay here and wait for her to wake up." Li Bai said to Xiaoxi with a smile. Xi's mother said, and suddenly remembered something, and added, "By the way, Auntie, Xiaoxi should remember everything when she wakes up this time, you have to mention it and make mental preparations, don't be scared. "

Li Bai smiled, turned and left the Qiankun Ring, but Li Bai who was lying on the bed felt even more suspicious because of the unknown black smoke.

Li Bai didn't know what that thing was, but judging from the situation in the past two days, it was definitely not a good thing. The terrifying thing was that the black smoke could actively control other people's thoughts.

Although from the outside, the black smoke looks like a parasite or something, but in fact, it looks like an evil spirit that can invade other people's brains and control their behavior.

The most obvious clue left to Li Bai is that when the black mist is still on Xiaoxi's body, Xiaoxi's seal will exert a very powerful energy, and when the black mist is attached to Wei Yuan's body , Wei Yuan used the talisman attack again, which made everyone a little surprised and a little unexpected.

Now it seems that the person who caused Xiaoxi to fall into the "doomed disaster" was not the ninja organization of the Wa Kingdom, but the black smoke.

"What the hell." Li Bai cursed secretly, and clenched his fists tightly. He never thought that after running for so long in the Wa country, although he rescued Xiaoxi, the real murderer was always there. Xiaoxi's body, and it was just a cloud of smoke.

This made Li Bai want to yell, but what Li Bai also knew was that doing so would be of no use. If he really wanted to avenge Xiaoxi, he had to wipe out that cloud of black smoke. Now, that The black smoke has sneaked into Wei Yuan's body again.

For Li Bai, he didn't know whether it was a coincidence or an accident.

However, no matter whether he is going to avenge Wei Yan or not, Li Bai still wants to avenge Xiaoxi, and the first step to successfully avenge is to find out where Wei Yuan is at this time.

Thinking of this, Li Bai jumped up from the bed, walked out of the room in a hurry, and walked towards the first floor again.

When Li Bai appeared on the first floor again, Wei Yan still hadn't recovered from what happened just now, she sat on the sofa in a daze, turned up and down the volume on the TV, with a completely absent-minded look on her face .

Sitting aside, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan were almost going crazy, looking at Wei Yan, but they didn't know how to open their mouths to snatch the remote control from her hand.

Seeing Li Bai's appearance, Tian Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, ran to Li Bai's side and complained to Li Bai: "Master, please persuade this girl quickly, I think she is already stupid."

But just as Tian Lin's voice fell, Wei Yan's voice rang out: "You are stupid, I am thinking about something, what do you understand?"

Tian Lin nodded awkwardly to Wei Yan, then looked at Li Bai again, signaling that he would do the next thing.

"So, what are you thinking about?" Li Bai walked towards Wei Yan and sat on the sofa beside her, as if he was about to chat about homework.

Wei Yan turned her head and looked at Li Bai's face, as if she was thinking about something. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Which one of you won just now?"

Wei Yan was very puzzled, although Li Bai and the others had the upper hand at the beginning of the battle between the two sides, but when Wei Yuan went "crazy", Li Bai and the others were not even able to fight back, although in the end it was Wei Yuan who led the other two Brother left, but Wei Yan felt that Wei Yuan didn't want to continue fighting today.

Regarding Wei Yan's unique logical ability, Li Bai expressed helplessness, and some did not know how he should explain to her. His three brothers were actually like scum in front of their eyes.

"We won, but now Wei Yuan has become a bit tricky again." Li Bai said to Wei Yan, even though he said that, he also knew that he could not solve all Wei Yan's problems.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yan nodded: "I just said that a master is a master."

"So, what are you going to do next?" Li Bai asked again. He himself hoped to sneak into the Wei family on a dark night and kill all the three brothers of the Wei family to avenge the common people, but If that's the case, it's a bit too cheap for Wei Yan.

Wei Yan once again lowered her head and pondered: "This time, my brothers failed to get rid of me, so the future contact must be due to the envy of enemies when they meet each other. I still hope that you, a master, can control them. That way, they won’t be doing whatever they want.”

While talking, Wei Yan raised her head and looked at Li Bai really.Li Bai said "hmm". Although Wei Yan never said that she would be the head of the clan, Li Bai could feel that maybe it was because of a change in her mood or because of recent events. I hope that I will become the patriarch of the Wei family.

"When my grandfather was alive, he left me some exclusive things for me, so that if my brothers 'rebel' one day, I can use these things to protect myself and even fight back." Wei Yan looked at Li Bai seriously and said , and then walked back to his room, as if looking for something.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Wei Yan finally returned to the living room again, and put an unopened box on the coffee table, as if she wanted to let Li Bai know that the cooperation between her and Li Bai was sincere.

"Grandpa left a deposit of [-] million yuan on one of my cards, and there is such a box." Wei Yan said to Li Bai, then gently tore off the film on the box, and carefully peeled off the box on the box. After the combination lock was opened, Wei Yan slowly opened the box in front of everyone.

There was no golden light and no sound, the box was just opened so ordinaryly, but the contents inside the box made everyone stunned for a moment.

"Damn it? This is what your grandfather left for you, it can save your life, and even turn it around?" Tian Lin looked at Wei Yan in shock, and then took the thing from the box in his hand.

Grandpa left Wei Yan's most important thing, unexpectedly, it was just a Tianxun number.

"This..." Wei Yan took the piece of paper in disbelief, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Unexpectedly, Grandpa also thinks that I am not suitable to inherit the position of patriarch, and unexpectedly he has given up on me from the very beginning."

Wei Yan burst into tears again, while Li Bai quietly took the note.

(End of this chapter)

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