The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2499 If there is still tomorrow

Chapter 2499 If there is still tomorrow
Xiaolian Weiyuan Juice Co., Ltd., top floor.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing have been standing at the door of Wei Yuan's office for an entire hour. During this hour, Wei Yuan kept yelling, cursing, and throwing things in the office.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing wanted to go into the office several times to calm down Wei Yuan, but when they thought of the black smoke in Wei Yuan's eyes when they left Wei Yan's villa, they were covered in cold sweat.

Wei Yuan in that appearance is really terrifying, they have never seen it before, and they don't know when Wei Yuan possessed the ability to launch that kind of terrifying sigil.

"Shall we continue to wait? Or should we go have a meal first?" Wei Qing asked his second brother Wei Mingdao, and looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

"Of course I'm waiting." Wei understood with a glance at Wei Qing, "If the elder brother doesn't see us later, he might as well eat us both."

Wei Qing nodded resentfully, and leaned against the wall again, listening to Wei Yuan yelling in the office in boredom, just some sentences repeated countless times.

"Why isn't she dead!"

"Why did someone save her!"

"Why does grandpa value her so much!"


Wei Yuan has been repeating those few sentences, and the above three sentences are the sentences he repeated the most times.

Just when Wei Qing's stomach was growling with hunger, Wei Ming and Wei Qing suddenly felt a wave of scorching air coming from the direction of the office door.

Without even thinking about it, the two of them flashed in different directions, and then, with a "boom", the door of the office was smashed to pieces, and a fire dragon emerged from inside, sweeping the office into pieces. After the white wall opposite the door was blackened, it finally went out.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing looked at each other, and stood there in a daze, not daring to move. Immediately afterwards, a voice without any emotion came from inside the office.

"You come in."

Wei Ming and Wei Qing didn't dare to be negligent at all, and walked into the office cautiously. At this time, they were shocked to find that the office was already in a mess, and everything that could be destroyed had already been destroyed as far as they could see. The top is already bare, and turned into a pitch-black one.

"Brother." Wei Ming and Wei Qing stood together and said weakly to Wei Yuan. At this moment, Wei Yuan finally turned his head to look at his two younger brothers.

At this time, it can be found that Wei Yuan's eyes have returned to a normal state, which makes Wei Ming and Wei Qing relax, and the eldest brother they are familiar with has finally returned.

However, they soon realized that they were wrong, Wei Yuan at this time was more vicious than before.

"We can't do it head-on, let's do an assassination. As long as Wei Yan is killed, there will be no obstacles in front of us." Wei Yuan said coldly, but his eyes kept rolling at the same time, as if Looking for something average.

"Assassination? This is not very good..." Wei Ming and Wei Qing glanced at each other, both hesitated, "After all, there are so many people around Wei Yan, we can't beat them at all." The two said with lingering fear, if It wasn't Wei Yuan's sudden outburst that day, it's hard to say whether they are alive or dead now.

"Why, are you afraid now?" Wei Yuan turned his head slightly, and looked at his two younger brothers with disdain, "Why, are you afraid now? Why weren't you afraid when I went to bomb the plane with me? Back then On the plane, but with our own grandpa, you have never been afraid, and going to assassinate a Wei Yan now makes you feel the pressure, right?"

Wei Ming and Wei Qing seemed to have never heard Wei Yuan speak to them in such a cold voice since they were young. They couldn't help but shuddered. They looked at each other, afraid of the lively Wei Yuan at this time, and hurriedly said: "No, no."

Wei Yuan nodded, waved his back to the two of them, and told them to leave, but Wei Ming didn't leave immediately, but said again: "Brother, it's not difficult to assassinate Wei Yan, but it's up to him to protect him." The three people around me, just that apprentice and that child can beat the two of us, not to mention that the master may still make a move at that time, we are afraid..."

Wei Ming's voice weakened, but at this moment, Wei Yuan's momentum suddenly changed, becoming more fierce, turned around, and said viciously to his two younger brothers: "Since you think this task If it’s so difficult, then why don’t you think of a way? Can’t you lure them out one by one and break them one by one? Do you still need me to teach you?”

After Wei Yuan used such a vicious state, Wei Ming and Wei Qing dared to talk nonsense, and hurriedly left the office and the company building of Mihara Juice.

"Third brother, did you notice that the boss's eyes turned red again at the end?" After leaving the company building, Wei Mingcheng said to Wei Qing in fear.

Wei Qing's soul seemed to have not come back yet, he nodded mechanically, he might never forget that blood-red look in his life: "Boss, is it possessed by something? I remember the At that moment, a cloud of black mist got into his eyes, and then he became so terrifying."

Wei Ming thought about it carefully, as if there was such a thing in the morning, his body couldn't help shaking, and then he shook his head vigorously: "Forget about this, our first task is to get rid of Wei Yan, otherwise, None of us will be fine."

The two walked towards the address of Wei's house, but what they didn't know was that Wei Yan, Tian Lin and Li Zhiqiang were intensively making the same plan at this time.

"Actually, I don't think we need to break them down one by one. As long as we can separate Wei Yuan and his two younger brothers, Wei Ming and Wei Qing are not our opponents at all." Tian Lin stood in front of Wei Yan and Li Zhiqiang, with a big hand Waving, quite a bit of momentum to reprimand Fang Qiu.

"Senior and I can do this matter. As for you, Wei Yan, just go to your company first and arrange some troubles for Wei Yuan to deal with, so that he can help his younger brothers if he can't help it. After the matter on our side is over, we'll go find trouble with Wei Yuan together."

Tian Lin spoke out his plan in a few words. For the specific details, he still needs to wait until he starts to act and adapt accordingly.

"Then what if they come to me directly?" Wei Yan asked again, if she was left alone, if her three brothers acted together again, then she would be in danger.

"Uh." Tian Lin scratched his head, there was still a little negligence in his plan.

"Don't worry, I won't leave until the morning after tomorrow. I'll guarantee your safety." At this moment, Li Bai poked his head out from the entrance of the corridor and said to Wei Yan.

In fact, Li Bai had long thought of the loopholes in Tian Lin's plan, but there was no better way for a while, so he could only help his apprentice.

With Li Bai's guarantee, Wei Yan and Li Zhiqiang still didn't answer immediately, and after carefully simulating the whole plan in their minds, they finally nodded.

"It's feasible." Li Zhiqiang said to Tian Lin, and patted Tian Lin's shoulder, "I never thought that you, an apprentice, really look like your master, not bad."

Tian Lin smiled, and looked at Wei Yan, but Wei Yan gave Tian Lin a blank stare. She was quite vengeful and still remembered what Tian Lin said about her at noon.

"Then shall we act now?" Wei Yan looked at Tian Lin anxiously and said.

Tian Lin shook his head: "My master will leave the day after tomorrow morning, we are not in a hurry, we will act tomorrow, and they should be the ones who are in a hurry now."

Tian Lin smiled mischievously, and then told the two of them that he had to recuperate this afternoon. After all, he had to recuperate physically and mentally after experiencing such a thrilling thing in the morning.

Li Zhiqiang also nodded, agreeing with Tian Lin's idea, and then, while Wei Yan was dumbfounded, went upstairs to find a room and fell asleep soundly.

"Go to sleep for a while, maybe we won't make it to tomorrow, and we will start fighting." Tian Lin's voice came lazily, and Wei Yan curled her lips helplessly, thinking in her heart, if there is still tomorrow, You must also become stronger.

At the same time, Wei Yuan had already changed to another office and sat down quietly. Under his deliberate urging, a cloud of black smoke soon appeared around his body.

"Good job, but you have to remember, that man named Li Bai must be left to me, and I will personally deal with him." In Wei Yuan's mind, a voice that did not belong to him sounded eerie.

"Master Si, don't worry, I will never touch your food." Wei Yuan also responded in a gloomy tone, with a cruel smile on his lips.

With Master Si's inheritance, is there anything in this world that he can't do?
That's right, when the cloud of black smoke invaded Wei Yuan's eyes, he briefly controlled Wei Yuan's body and took Wei Yuan and his two brothers away. He said the same thing to Wei Yuan as if Xiao Xi had accepted the inheritance.

Eager for revenge, Wei Yuan naturally would not refuse, coupled with Mr. Si's rhetoric, Wei Yuan soon fell. The process of going crazy in the office for an hour before was actually the process of Wei Yuan accepting the inheritance.

However, in fact, it was just that Master Si slowly turned others into his servants through the deepest resentment in others' hearts.

Xiaoxi's state was like this at that time, but Xiaoxi made it through, but Wei Yuan didn't.

"Master Si, will my ability always exist?" Wei Yuan's finger was the same, and a symbol of burning flames appeared on the tip of his finger, and with a light touch, the symbol flew towards the ground , Blowing out a mass of black marks on the white ground.

"Of course, as long as I'm around, your abilities will still be there. Even if I'm gone one day, as long as you practice hard, these abilities won't disappear." Master Si's voice came again, but his queen Half a sentence is not true.

However, Wei Yuan didn't have any doubts, instead he showed a crazy smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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