The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2500 Uninvited

Chapter 2500 Uninvited
Wei Yuan has something to rely on, so why not Wei Yan?With the help of Li Zhiqiang and Tian Lin, and the master Li Bai has promised her to protect herself secretly, Wei Yan is also bound to win the victory of this internal family struggle.

During the whole afternoon, Tian Lin and Li Zhiqiang really went to relax. When they called Li Bai, the three of them were fighting for the landlord all afternoon, not to mention how relaxed their mentality was.

And Wei Yan, who is the person involved, doesn't have such a mentality. She listens to their lively voices, keeps contacting the companies she owns, and tells these companies the news that she is about to return to the company to take charge of various affairs. At the same time, he also revealed in advance some things to be done tomorrow.

Although the people in charge expressed their incomprehension about the "cannibalistic" struggle within the family, but since they are other people's wage earners, resolutely obeying orders is the only thing they have to do. After all, working in the Wei family's company, The salary is quite a lot.

As a result, the afternoon finally passed, the sun slowly set, and the night in Xiaolian City came.

"At this time, I should really take you to the beach for a walk, enjoy some sea breeze, and eat some seafood. This is the best way to enjoy life." Li Zhiqiang said to Li Bai and Tian Lin, almost forgetting that they still The fact that there are more important things to do.

"Sounds good." Tian Lin tasted it carefully, and suddenly felt that Li Bai's decision to let him stay in Xiaolian City was really good, "Senior, when we finish this matter, you must Take me to enjoy the seaside city life."

Tian Lin said happily, and at this moment, Wei Yan's angry voice came from downstairs: "I have already prepared dinner, do you want to come down to eat?"

The three men curled their lips, and they all recalled that when they were young, their mothers yelled similar words to themselves.

A few people went downstairs quickly and sat around the dining table. Wei Yan's cooking skills were not known, but the food was rich and looked pretty good.

If the battle was not about to start, everyone would think that life should be so quiet and peaceful.

Then, everyone's eyes went dark, and the whole villa went dark.

"Is there a power outage?" Wei Yan asked in surprise, looking out of the window, the entire villa complex seemed to be out of power, except for the solar-charged street lamps that were still emitting a faint light.

"Should we eat in the dark, or wait for the electricity to come?" Wei Yan whispered to everyone again, but in the darkness, Wei Yan saw that the facial expressions of the three of Tian Lin were extremely dignified.

"I'm afraid, we don't even have a chance to have dinner. Your brothers are really impatient, and they came here uninvited again." Tian Lin's voice sounded faintly in the darkness, followed by Li Bai and Li Zhiqiang. Standing up, slowly approaching the direction of the window.

And at this moment, there were several "clicks" from several glass windows, which actually shattered, and several dark objects fell on the ground of the living room of the villa, and there was another "bang" sound. , that thing exploded in an instant, and the huge impact blown away all the things in the room in an instant, and fell to the ground with a clang.

If it wasn't for the few people who dodged in time, I'm afraid that just a moment ago, one of the few people would be injured.

"Hahaha." At this moment, a black figure appeared outside the window, let out a sly laugh, then dropped another bomb into the room, and ran away with a wicked smile.

There was another "boom", destroying all the decorations in the room, and the entire living room on the first floor was in a mess.

"Grass, they are really good. If the tiger doesn't show its power, it really treats us as sick cats." Tian Lin said angrily, and wanted to chase out the window, but was stopped by Li Bai.

"This is nothing more than a tactic to smack east and west. If you really chased him out, you would have fallen into their trap." Li Bai said lightly.

This time, Wei Yuan definitely did not go out. If he also came, there would be no need for such a big effort. Therefore, Li Bai can be sure that the other party also wants to use the method of defeating them one by one to get rid of the three of them. .

"I'll go after him. The second and third child of the Wei family should appear later." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, then jumped out of the window and chased after the shadow before him.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing have been squatting outside Wei Yan's villa for a long time, always trying to find a suitable time to start their plan, but when the four of them appeared in the living room together, they thought that the time had come .

The success of drawing Li Bai away made the two of them firm that their plan was correct. They looked at each other and smiled, and then sneaked towards the villa. At the same time, they still used special bombs to destroy the The villa where Wei Yan hides.

"Do you think we should get rid of the younger sister today? Or take it back and let the elder brother deal with it?" Wei Qing asked Wei Ming in a low voice. The plan has not really started yet, but the plan after the completion of the matter has been discussed.

"Let's get rid of it directly. If that Li Bai comes back later, we may not even have a chance to do it." Wei Ming said, the previous Wei Yuan was not an all-in-one enemy under Li Bai's men, let alone them. It's time to face Li Bai.

"Second brother, don't worry, the person who lured Li Bai was specially found by me, and the speed is very fast." Wei Qing said to Li Bai confidently, but he didn't know that Li Bai had already secretly found a place to hide after chasing him out. Get up and watch the movement around the villa.

Facing Tian Lin's combination called Crayon Shin-chan, the two brothers Wei Ming and Wei Qing couldn't get any benefits, so this time, they brought a total of twenty warriors from the Wei family with them, just to get rid of it in the shortest time. Remove the barrier between Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan.

There were a total of 22 people, all scattered around Wei Yan's villa at this time, waiting for Wei Ming's order, they could rush in and kill their target.

However, when everything was ready, Wei Ming seemed to hesitate a little.

"Second brother, what's wrong?" Wei Qing looked at Wei Ming in confusion and asked, Wei Ming frowned: "Do you think they are too calm?"

When Wei Ming said this, Wei Qing suddenly felt the same way. Logically speaking, there were two explosions in the room, and the people inside should have escaped long ago. They didn't hear Yan's cry.

Could it be that they had expected that they would come?
However, there was still no movement in the room.

"It doesn't matter that much, Li Bai will be back soon, let's go!" Wei Ming conveyed the order, and the 22 warriors including him rushed towards the villa, or broke the door. Entering, or smashing through the glass, it's like coming to sweep.

However, before they could fully see the situation in the room, there were several screams in succession. By the time Wei Ming and Wei Qing reacted, more than one-third of their subordinates had already fallen down.

It was also at this time that the two of them finally saw clearly that Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan were standing by the window on the other side of the living room. In the darkness, their cold voices were particularly chilling.

"Is this the person who wants to put us to death? It seems that he is very careless." To make matters worse, another man's voice sounded at this time, and Wei Ming turned his head to look over. At this time, the man slapped his palms and walked to Tian Lin's side.

What?Another helper?
Wei Ming and Wei Qing were startled by this situation. They never thought that Wei Yan would have such a powerful helper by his side, let alone that their people would be so vulnerable. In the beginning, he was knocked down so much.

"Don't you guys want to lure my master away, and get rid of me and Xiaoxin alone? Now, the opportunity is right in front of your eyes, do you want to seize it?" Tian Lin said to Wei Minghe in a provocative tone. Wei Qing said, but without waiting for their answer, Tian Lin moved first.

Others have already come to him, if you don't beat him back, what kind of man is he?
As soon as Tian Lin moved, Li Zhiqiang and Crayon Shin-chan also started to move.Because he already knew that Tian Ling and Crayon Shin-chan could deal with the Wei family's second and third children, so Li Zhiqiang went directly to trouble those subordinates.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing knew that they couldn't escape, so they simply prepared to give it a go, screaming frantically that they wanted to explode their own small universe in a short time, but even so, they were still under the offensive of Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan, If you didn't last for 5 minutes, you lost again.

Li Zhiqiang's side ended faster, but there were a dozen miscellaneous fish left, and he completely incapacitated them to fight with a flick of his finger.

When everything was over, the power supply in the villa area was restored in a timely manner. Twenty Wei family warriors stood in disorder on the messy ground, while Wei Ming and Wei Qing were directly held down by Tian Lin and knelt on the ground.

"Miss Wei Yan, we're done, you can come out." Li Zhiqiang yelled upstairs, and after a while, Wei Yan appeared in the sight of Wei Ming and Wei Qing.

Seeing that Wei Yan was still standing in front of them intact, Wei Ming and Wei Qing quickly lowered their heads, facing a sister they wanted to kill but couldn't, their state of mind at this time, even their I can't even tell myself.

"Second brother, third brother, do you really want me to die that much?" Wei Yan's voice was a little excited, and she was about to cry when she saw the two of them talking.

Of course, Wei Ming and Wei Qing didn't dare to talk to each other anymore, they would be wrong to say anything now.

"Okay, don't say yes, okay, then at least tell me, how did the plane crash, and how did Grandpa die?" Wei Yan raised her voice by an octave, and shouted loudly at her two brothers .

Everyone could hear that Wei Yan was really angry at this moment.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing looked at each other, chattering non-stop, as if they were a little hard to say about what they had done.

(End of this chapter)

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