The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2501 Please don't push me

Chapter 2501 Please don't push me
There are two kinds of people in the world that everyone probably hates. One is those who dare to talk but not to do, and the other is the kind who dare to do but not to do.

At this time, Wei Ming and Wei Qing are obviously the second type of people. They muttered for a full minute, but they didn't even say a fart. This made Wei Yan very angry, but she didn't do anything out of line What he did was just stomping his feet angrily and turning around in circles.

But Li Zhiqiang couldn't bear it anymore, walked behind Wei Ming and Wei Qing, and kicked the two of them with "deng thump": "If you say it, you can say it, whether you want it or not, otherwise If so, I don't mind sending you to see your grandpa right now."

Li Zhiqiang yelled at the two of them. He seemed to be more angry than Wei Yan, but thinking about it, it was true. On one side was his grandfather who cared for him so much, and on the other was Wei Yan, whom his grandfather entrusted him to protect. , but now, these two unfilial sons actually want to kill them all, how can Li Zhiqiang bear it.

Wei Ming and Wei Qing struggled to straighten their bodies again, looked at Li Zhiqiang's fierce eyes, and knew that if they didn't say anything, Li Zhiqiang would definitely do what he said.

So, the two of you told me all the strategies that the three of them had discussed together, including how to bribe the airline to bring the bomb on the plane, and how Wei Yuan led people to make a big fuss about the airline. In fact, they have already colluded with each other.

After hearing what the two said, everyone present was furious.

In order to inherit the position of the head of the Wei family, the three brothers of the Wei family were so unscrupulous, and they even regarded the lives of more than 300 passengers as nothing, just using money to bribe the relevant people, which made people suspicious , Do the three brothers of the Wei family still have a conscience?

"I don't want to do this at all, it's my elder brother who forced us to do this." Wei Ming lowered his head and said weakly, wanting to push all the responsibilities to Wei Yuan who was not present, but the people present , Which one is a fool, and how could he believe Wei Ming's nonsense.

"Miss Wei Yan, what are you going to do with these two people? Anyway, I think this kind of people will be a disaster if they continue to stay on the earth." He walked in the direction he was going, without even looking at his two brothers.

"I don't have brothers like them." Wei Yan said coldly. Although he didn't answer Li Zhiqiang's question clearly, his attitude clearly expressed his thoughts.

Seeing that Tian Lin and Li Zhiqiang all showed their eyes of wanting to kill them all, Wei Ming and Wei Qing finally panicked: "No, please don't kill us, we are really forced to help you, we will help you find the elder brother together Can I apologize, please?"

Wei Ming and Wei Qing knelt on the ground, constantly begging for mercy, but a few hours ago they still wanted to get rid of their own sister, but a few hours later, they changed the subject and promised to find trouble for their own brother , What's the use of keeping such a contradictory man?

Wei Ming and Wei Qing, two of the three brothers of the Wei family who once dominated the situation in Xiaolian City, died so quietly. Under Li Zhiqiang's tactics, they didn't even feel any pain.

"Let's leave these people to Wei Yan's little girl. After all, they don't have any opinions of their own. Just use them as dog legs." Regarding the other twenty Wei family warriors, they did not choose to kill the grass.

"I'm so hungry, can we still eat?" Tian Lin rubbed his stomach and asked Li Zhiqiang and Crayon Shin-chan. The sumptuous meals on the previous table had all been scattered all over the place after the two explosions. up.

"Brother Tian Lin, if we go out, will other people come to trouble my sister?" Crayon Shin-chan asked at this time, Tian Lin slapped his forehead, and at this time the first floor of the villa was gone Any shelter, if there are other people who want to come, there is no need to turn over the windows at all.

As a last resort, several people could only choose to eat a few breads to fill their stomachs temporarily, and when they were about to be sleepy, Li Bai came back slowly.

"Master, where have you been? Why did you come back now?" Seeing Li Bai's return, Tian Lin asked hastily.

Li Bai didn't answer right away. He found a chair with intact limbs and sat down. After drinking some water, he said, "I'm going to check the company building of Mihara Juice."

In a word, Tian Lin and Li Zhiqiang's attention was immediately attracted, and they looked at Li Bai expectantly, wanting to know what information he had collected.

"Wei Yuan is in the office of the company building right now, but I don't know what he is doing, and he doesn't seem to be going home, and he doesn't ask about the company's affairs. If Wei Yan is asked to act quickly, it is very likely that he will Without anyone noticing, Wei Yuan lost his control over the company."

Li Bai said so, although he only observed for less than an hour, he came to his own judgment.

"Then what should we do?" Tian Lin asked again, and this was what Li Zhiqiang wanted to know.

Li Bai spread his hands and shrugged: "I don't know either, just leave this matter to Wei Yan, she should understand."

But what Li Bai didn't know was that Wei Yan was crying at this time, for her dead grandfather and her dead brothers, but she also thought that after her brothers were sure that she was "dead", they might not Without any emotion, Wei Yan was even more sad.

Wei Yan in this state naturally couldn't do anything, Tian Lin and the others simply didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, and chose to go to rest early.

Wei Yuan, who was still in the Weiyuan Juice Company building, had already learned of the failure of Wei Ming and Wei Qing's actions, and the news that they had been killed by a grandfather's former subordinates.

However, regarding the death of his two younger brothers, Wei Yuan did not express any emotion at all, or in other words, he had already made plans for the failure of his two younger brothers' actions.

"Master Si, I can only rely on myself from now on, but this is also good. If I succeed in becoming the patriarch, I don't need to have disputes with them on certain issues." Wei Yuan said coldly, There was a hint of excitement in the cold voice.

"Don't be complacent. Except for Li Bai, everyone else is nothing to be afraid of, but be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. Maybe an attack by others will make you lose all your previous efforts." The gloomy voice of Master Si sounded again, Remind Wei Yuandao.

"Don't worry, Master Si, I will never let that kind of thing happen." There was a hint of a smile at the corner of Wei Yuan's mouth, and he closed his eyes lightly.

It's just that when Wei Yuan was woken up by his secretary the next day, he heard a piece of bad news that wasn't too bad.

"Several other companies attacked our company in the morning. Should we defend or fight back?" the secretary asked.

No need to think about it, Wei Yuan just knew that this must be the trick of that little girl Wei Yan's film, and waved at the secretary: "Don't worry about it for now, let them mess around."

No matter how Wei Yan made trouble, when Wei Yuan successfully killed Wei Yan, everything she did was useless.

"By the way, help me get the Tianxun number of a person named Li Zhiqiang, as soon as possible." Wei Yuan said again.

The secretary's efficiency was quite fast, before noon, Li Zhiqiang's Tianxun number was delivered to Wei Yuan's office.

"Hello, you are Li Zhiqiang, right?" Wei Yuan's voice sounded faintly, looking at the dark Tianxun screen and asked, "Don't think that if you don't let me see what you look like, I don't know who you are , 17 years ago, the person my grandfather liked the most, you should have not forgotten me, I have grown up."

Wei Yuan smiled softly, Wei Yan was only six years old back then, but at that time, he was already 12 years old.

Wei Yuan just let Li Zhiqiang look at his already mature face so openly, without any respect at all.

"Yeah, how could I forget it? You were really righteous and brave back then. Unexpectedly, after such a long time, you have turned into a different look." Li Zhiqiang said to Wei Yuan with a trace of sadness, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. As time goes by, things change and people change.

"Yeah, you can't think of what I've been through these years." Wei Yuan said with some madness without the slightest bit of shame, "You should know that I have been working hard towards the position of patriarch since I was a child. , but, the old man actually gave the succession of the patriarch to Wei Yan, who is six years younger than me!"

Wei Yuan was a little crazy, as if he had finally found a vent after years of grievances: "What can she, Wei Yan? Isn't she just a girl, can she be coquettish and cute? What else can she do? In her hands, sooner or later, she will be lonely."

Regarding Wei Yuan's words, Li Zhiqiang snorted coldly: "So do you think that the Wei family will not be lonely when it is in your hands? People like you who will use any means to achieve their goals, I don't think that the Wei family is in your hands. , how will it be better?"

Wei Yuan paused for a moment, did not continue to chat with Li Zhiqiang, his eyes slowly turned red, and he looked at the dark Tianxun screen viciously and said: "Li Zhiqiang, I advise you to leave Wei Yan's side, even if you don't come to help I, don't continue to follow her, otherwise, I will make you regret it."

While speaking, the Tianxun screen in front of Wei Yuan suddenly lit up, and the image of Li Zhiqiang's middle-aged uncle appeared on the screen: "I have never regretted the decision I made, but I will also warn you. If you really want to do something to Wei Yan's little girl, I will not let you go!"

As he said that, the angle of view on the screen suddenly turned to the side. Cooperating with Li Zhiqiang's movements, Wei Yuan understood that it was Li Zhiqiang who was "slapping" him.

"Oh, by the way, I don't know what kind of situation you will be in if I announce the details of your bombing of the plane?" Li Zhiqiang said again.

When this question was mentioned, Wei Yuan's expression finally changed: "Please don't push me too hard, otherwise, you won't be able to bear my anger at all."

As he spoke, a talisman appeared on Wei Yuan's fingertips, turning Tianxun into ashes again.

(End of this chapter)

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