The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2504 Show up, Mr. Si

Chapter 2504 Show up, Mr. Si

It has to be said that Wei Yuan, the eldest brother who claimed to be the unstoppable third brother in Xiaolian City, still has too little combat experience.Li Bai's speed had increased, but he naively wanted to stand still and block Li Bai's attack.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is whimsical.

Li Bai chuckled, he didn't even plan to use the power of the silver stars, he rushed towards Wei Yuan in a straight line, the distance and the fast speed made it possible for Wei Yuan to throw out the next talisman The chances are gone.

It was also at this time that Wei Yuan finally felt a little flustered.The momentum Li Bai gave him was like a rampaging train, no matter what was in front of him, he would run into it recklessly.

In the blink of an eye, Li Bai slammed straight into Wei Yuan's body. He was thrown into the air without any defense, and slammed into the wall on one side, smashing the wall in a row. The cracks come.

Li Bai did not choose to stop there, but continued to chase after him, but this time, he stopped in front of Wei Yuan and looked at him coldly: "Have you never thought about this? You are not the only one who is cruel and merciless in the world, and I have much more than you in terms of round means."

Li Bai said viciously, at the same time, slowly took a step sideways, and kept chasing after Li Bai's huge talisman, because of Li Bai's sudden change, he didn't stop the car at all, and hit Wei Yuan exactly in the arms.

Accompanied by a huge roar, the entire wall collapsed, and Wei Yuan was buried in the falling pieces.

"Lord Si, help me." Wei Yuan raised his arm weakly, but was hit hard by a big rock again, with a "click", his arm was broken.

Li Bai looked at the pile of stones quietly, and didn't choose to check the injuries of his apprentices Tian Lin and Li Zhiqiang, but just waved to Wei Yan and asked her to do these things.

"Master Si?" Li Bai murmured softly, trying to find the existence of such a character in his mind, but after much deliberation, he couldn't think of it at all.

At this moment, there was another sound from the pile of stones that buried Wei Yuan. Li Bai looked over vigilantly, but found a burst of black smoke slowly emerging from the cracks in the pile of stones.

"It turns out that you are the Master Si he mentioned." Seeing the black smoke, Li Bai showed an expression of joy and anger at the same time, "Come out, Master Si, let me take a look at your real body , what the hell is it?"

Master Si's mood at this moment is not to mention how irritable, he finally found a suitable body, and promised him to accept Wei Yuan who inherited it, but he didn't expect his physical fitness to be so poor, just a frontal collision would make him lose After that, his own talisman was hit on his body, which made Wei Yuan no different from being dead.

As a last resort, Master Si chose to leave Wei Yuan's body and wanted to find a new host, but Li Bai's existence made Master Si fearful.

Black smoke slowly drifted out from the pile of stones, stopped in front of Li Bai, slowly condensed, and soon outlined the outline of a human figure, and as time passed, some details were revealed In front of Li Bai.

At this time, Li Bai finally saw clearly what Master Si looked like, but his old face had a fierce expression, and there were no eyeballs in his eye sockets, but Li Bai could still feel his sinister gaze.

"Everyone is mortal, but this is the first time I've seen someone you want to die so much." Master Si said to Li Bai with a gloomy voice.Speaking of anger, Mr. Si is probably more angry than Li Bai at this time.

Since Lord Si became like this 300 years ago, he has always wanted to find a suitable host and refine it into his own puppet, so as to replace him to complete the things he has not yet completed.

300 years have passed, Master Si finally found a little girl, that is, Xiaoxi's body is very consistent with his situation, so he invaded Xiaoxi's body, hoping that one day he can succeed.

But just when he was about to succeed, Li Bai appeared, not only making himself fall short, but also driving himself out of Xiaoxi's body.If Wei Yuan, who was in the room at that time, did not meet the requirements of Master Si, I am afraid that Master Si would have disappeared by this time.

But to Master Si's surprise, after only two short days passed, he had to leave the host again.

"Oh? Do you think you can kill me just like you are now? Isn't it too naive to be overjoyed?" Li Bai looked at Master Si who was just wrapped in black mist and said, if he is surrounded by a ball The air is dead, so it's really a big joke to say it.

"Jie Jie." Master Si gave a sinister smile and looked at Li Bai through his dull eyes, "It seems that you don't understand what kind of advantages you have as a soul body."

As he spoke, Master Si's body completely dispersed and turned into a puff of smoke, filling the air.

Li Bai blew another breath, trying to blow the black mist directly out of the house, but to everyone's surprise, the mist didn't seem to feel the wind at all, and it still slowly permeated the room.

"Jie Jie, Li Bai, right? Take care of me." Master Si's gloomy voice came from another corner.

When Li Bai turned his head away, he suddenly found that the cloud of black smoke had formed the shape of a sharp sword and flew towards Li Zhiqiang.

Li Bai was already trying his best to rush in that direction, but the black mist still appeared in front of Li Zhiqiang one step faster than Li Bai.

Li Zhiqiang raised his still-movable right arm with difficulty to resist it, but when his arm hit the black smoke, it passed directly from the middle.

However, the black sharp sword hardly paused, the blade passed through Li Zhiqiang's arm, slowly reshaped, and then stabbed straight into his heart again.

Hearing a "chi", the black sharp sword pierced directly into Li Zhiqiang's heart, and a stream of Yin Hong's blood flowed out. Spit out of his mouth.

The black sword stabbed deeper and deeper, and Li Zhiqiang's expression became more and more painful.Holding his breath, Li Zhiqiang still wanted to grab the sharp sword with his right hand, but what shocked him again was that this time, his hand was still passed directly from the black mist.

However, the pain that the black sword brought to him and the blood that spewed out were so real, which made Li Zhiqiang's eyes widen, his face full of disbelief.

The black sword continued to stab deeper into Li Zhiqiang's heart, and suddenly exerted force again. The black sharp sword pierced directly from Li Zhiqiang's back, and a bright red blood was sprayed out of the air, and Li Zhiqiang Holding his chest in pain, with a "boom", his head fell, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Senior!" At this situation, Li Bai, Tian Lin, and Wei Yan all yelled, and looked at the figure of Master Si angrily. At this time, the black sword had dissipated, and it changed again. Became the same as Mr. Si just now.

"Do you really think that I'm that easy to bully?" Mr. Si continued his gloomy tone, looking at Li Bai coldly and said.

Li Bai clenched his fists and wanted to start, but he didn't do it right away.

He has seen all of the situation just now. The fact is, it seems that he can knock down others, but others can't harm him at all, and they can't even touch him.

This made Li Bai frowned, and he didn't know what to do.

"Li Bai, if you don't want your two friends to die, you'd better find that little girl for me, and the time must be fast, I will only give you 10 minutes." Mr. Si He said coldly again, and slowly moved towards Tian Lin and Wei Yan, but Tian Lin and Wei Yan had already made defenses.

Although the defense of the two of them was not enough for Mr. Si to see, Mr. Si still didn't choose to attack immediately, so he stared at Li Bai's eyes.

As for why Master Si wanted Xiaoxi to appear by name, Li Bai can probably guess some of it. It is very likely that the body that Master Si wants to possess needs some conditions, otherwise, Tian Lin.Li Zhiqiang or himself could possibly become Master Si's host.

As for Master Si's conditions, it is naturally impossible for Li Bai to accept. Li Zhiqiang has already died under his protection. Of course, it is even more impossible for him to exchange Xiaoxi for the safety of Tian Lin and Wei Yan. Of course, with Tian Lin Li Bai naturally disagreed with Wei Yan's life.

"Maybe you don't know that anyone who dared to threaten me, except my father, is dead now." Li Bai said coldly, at the same time, he rushed towards Master Si's soul body, the power of the silver star was only brewing for a short time With one stroke, he threw it directly in the direction of Tian Lin and Wei Yan, cutting off Mr. Si's thoughts of making trouble for them.

"Do you really think that I'm that vulnerable?" Master Si snorted again, although he kept running and didn't dare to fight Li Bai head-on, but he kept chattering.

Li Bai's speed can be regarded as unmatched, but Master Si, who is in the soul body, is even a little bit faster than Li Bai's because he doesn't need to waste his physical strength.

Therefore, one person, one soul is chasing each other at a fixed distance.

"If you have the ability, you can fight me in an upright manner!" Li Bai, who was behind, shouted loudly at the soul body in front, but his aggressive method did not produce any effect.

Mr. Si knew that as a soul body, what he was most afraid of was the attack on the soul, and spiritual power was also included in it. If Li Bai chased him, Mr. Si would hardly have any strength to fight back.

"Heh, if you knew that I was already a master in the Mahayana period at my peak, I'm afraid you wouldn't think so." Master Si kept changing his shape in the air, as if he was playing with Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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