Chapter 2505
Li Bai believed Master Si's claim that he was once a master in the Mahayana period. After all, no one has a glorious past.

However, when you are down and down, just think about how brilliant you were in the past. If you tell others, then you are either pretending or stupid.

Li Bai doesn't care what Master Si's past is like. Now that he has fallen into such a situation, and he happened to offend the person he wanted to protect by accident, then, at this time, Master Si is only in Li Bai's eyes. The enemy is not much different from others.

Li Bai has been keeping the power of the silver stars flowing in his body, just to find a suitable opportunity to wipe out Master Si in the state of soul body in one fell swoop.

However, Mr. Si seems to be very good at escaping. He just moved back and forth within the not-so-large first floor. Although Li Bai managed to force Mr. Si into a corner several times , However, people are a cloud of black mist, there is nothing wrong with going to the sky and entering the earth.

As a result, after half an hour, Li Bai was still playing a game of cat and mouse with Mr. Si, while Tian Lin and Wei Yan had already hid outside the villa to prevent Mr. Si from suddenly killing them. Treat them like you treat Li Zhiqiang.

But what they didn't know was that if they could be caught, it would be a good choice for Mr. Si, but if not, it would not be a big loss for him. After all, Mr. Si's real The target is still Xiao Xi who was rescued by Li Bai.

In fact, to be more accurate, it was not rescued by Li Bai. At that time, Master Si, who was still in Li Bai's Qiankun ring, suddenly felt the appearance of an equally suitable body, and Xiaoxi's non-cooperation, so Master Si had a The thought of "try another host".

However, the facts proved that Wei Yuan's physical strength was worse than Xiao Xi's, and he died in his sister's villa in less than three days.

At this moment, Master Si is regretting his intestines. If he had known earlier, he would have continued to consume that little girl slowly. Even if Li Bai might still find out in the end, at that time, his situation would definitely not be as embarrassing as it is now. .

"Jie Jie, Li Bai, aren't you tired? If it were me, I would have given up a long time ago." The voice of Mr. Si came again, although fleeing for more than half an hour would not make Mr. Si feel exhausted. Situation, but this is also an energy-consuming activity, Mr. Si is a little tired.

"Aren't you tired? Since you know you can't run away, why don't you stop and fight me in an upright manner." Li Bai said to Mr. Si in retaliation, and continued to chase without stopping.

Master Si stopped talking, just snorted coldly, he is not a fool, how could he do such a self-defeating thing.

However, Master Si is not ready to continue like this, he needs to make some changes.

I saw Master Si turned into a cloud of black mist again, no longer fleeing on the first floor, but flew towards the second floor, but seeing this scene, Tian Lin shouted nervously to Li Bai: "Master, Don't let him go up!"

Crayon Shin-chan has been hiding on it all the time, if Master Si sees it, no matter how flexible Crayon Shin-chan's body is, how could he possibly be the opponent of Master Si.

Li Bai's heart tightened, and he jumped up to the second floor. Seeing Li Bai and Tian Lin's flustered appearance, Mr. Si let out a "Jie Jie" laugh and rushed to the second floor, one room at a time. After a long search, I soon found Crayon Shinchan hiding in a closet.

Mr. Si didn't seem to want to kill any more, especially since the other party was still a child, so under Crayon Shin-chan's resistance, he was delayed for a while, and this time was enough for Li Bai to rush to this room.

"Let him go!" Li Bai looked at Crayon Shin-chan. At this time, Master Si was not in the form of a human, but turned into a rope, tightly wrapped around Crayon Shin-chan's body, and could let him go at any time. Crayon Shin-chan died.

"Jie Jie, it seems that this little boy is also very important to you." Master Si's voice came again, with indescribable insidiousness in his tone, "I only have one condition, that is, Let that little girl come to see me, otherwise, I will kill him!"

Li Bai was standing outside the closet, watching everything inside with a cold expression. At the same time, the power of the silver stars was circling crazily and gathered on his fist, looking very frightening: "You can try Try, if you kill him, I'll kill you too."

A little madness appeared on Li Bai's face: "Take a child's life for the life of a former Mahayana master, no matter how you calculate it, it's all money."

Crayon Shin-chan is under the shackles of Master Si at this time, maybe it is because Master Si is not tight, or maybe he has taken life and death very plainly at such a young age, so Crayon Shin-chan at this time, He looked very calm, looking at Li Bai quietly, without any expression on his face.

Seeing Crayon Shin-chan's calm expression, Li Bai's heart throbbed for a while, knowing that what he said just now must have hurt Crayon Shin-chan to some extent, but at this time, Li Bai still kept his expression just now. The only thing is to make Mr. Si feel that his determination to kill him has surpassed anything else.

Master Si's voice quieted down, and he stopped talking, as if he was weighing the pros and cons, but soon, Master Si took action, and his body wrapped around Crayon Shin-chan began to slowly become tense , making Crayon Shin-chan's expression painful.

However, Crayon Shin-chan didn't utter the slightest cry, but just widened her eyes and looked straight at Li Bai, as if she was asking for help, or accusing Li Bai of his behavior.

Li Bai's expression finally changed, the silver light on his fist became more and more intense, which clearly formed a direct ratio to his anger.

"Jie Jie, it seems that you are also a duplicity person." Mrs. Si's voice finally rang out again, and it was harsh to Li Bai's ears.

Mr. Si is already an old antique who has lived for half a year, and his ability to observe words and emotions is not sensitive. Li Bai's expression only changed a little bit, because Mr. Si keenly captured Li Bai's emotions. Therefore, at this time, Mr. Si, It seemed even more fearless.

"Of course, I'm still a little apprehensive about what you said. After all, I'm also afraid of death. But, do you think I really have nothing to do?" Mr. Si said slowly, actually controlling Crayon Shin-chan's hand, Close and open the closet door.

"I don't think you can kill me right after I kill this kid without losing your vision. Besides, there are so many gaps in this closet, just give me a second I can go find trouble with those two people downstairs again." Master Si laughed out loud, very satisfied with his plan.

Li Bai's clenched fist finally loosened slowly. However, there is Crayon Shin-chan on one side and Xiaoxi on the other. Although Xiaoxin is not as important as Xiaoxi in comparison, after all, we have experienced together in the country of Wa With so many things, Li Bai is also unwilling to give up Crayon Shin-chan.

Moreover, if Xiao Xi knew that her savior gave his life for her again, Xiao Xi would probably go crazy again.

"Brother Li Bai, don't worry about me. Anyway, I know I won't live to be 20 years old. Since I'm all dead, why don't I leave this sad world early? Oh, by the way, please tell Xiaoxi, I still like it. Hers." Crayon Shin-chan finally spoke to Li Bai.

Although Crayon Shin-chan and Xiao Xi are still very young, Li Bai couldn't help being moved by Crayon Shin-chan's words.

"Don't worry, all of you will be fine." Li Bai said firmly.

Mr. Si seemed a little impatient for waiting, and he tightened his grip on Xiaoxin: "You still have five seconds to think about it. My patience has a limit."


Master Si began to count down, and at the same time manipulated Crayon Shin-chan's arm to close the closet door again.


This time, without waiting for Master Si's voice to fall, Li Bai raised his right hand and made a stop gesture to Master Si.

"If you want to see Xiao Xi, just meet him over there." Li Bai said in a compromised voice, and then disappeared in place. When he reappeared, Xiao Xi was already standing beside him.

The two days of self-cultivation made Xiaoxi's face look much better, but when she saw that Crayon Shin-chan was also entangled by the black smoke that once entangled her, Xiaoxi's expression also turned pale in an instant .

"Lord Si, let go of Xiaoxin!" Xiaoxi yelled loudly at the black smoke, and tears began to roll in her eyes.

Master Si smiled "Jie Jie" again, and said with satisfaction: "It seems that you haven't forgotten my name. I don't know what you are thinking about now. Are you going to accept my inheritance obediently, or just watch it helplessly?" This little boy who just said he likes you is going to die?"

Xiaoxi was stunned immediately, looking at Crayon Shin-chan who was also staring at her in disbelief, and seemed to have forgotten the choice Master Si gave him. At this time, her mind was full of echoes "He likes me" voice.

Master Si seemed a little frustrated, and called Xiaoxi back from that state: "I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it. As far as those two options are concerned, which one do you want to choose?"

Mr. Si is really anxious this time. He has existed in the outside world in the state of soul body for nearly an hour. In this state, he needs to consume a lot of energy every minute. If he cannot find a With a suitable host, maybe Li Bai didn't need to do anything at all, he just disappeared.

As for choosing those unsuitable hosts, it is even more impossible. In that case, it is better to just let yourself disappear in smoke.

Crayon Shin-chan's face gradually turned red because of being tied up, and her breathing became more and more rapid, but she still looked at Xiao Xi with strong eyes, as if telling her not to promise Master Si just for herself. Require.

(End of this chapter)

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