The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2510 rapid development

Chapter 2510 rapid development
In August, Mu Xiaoting took over a new movie. Because the shooting progress was very fast, the filming process that originally took [-] days was shortened to a full ten days, which happened to catch up with Li Bai from Wa country is back.

Feng Yunxi and Su Daji are very free. They have been looking for fun things to do in the past two months. I heard that they even organized a webcast at home, because yesterday when Li Bai came back, the broadcast was actually stopped. For a day, I don't know how much I will be fined.

As for the Ice Beauty Ice Spike, she has been practicing for two months, and now she is about to break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Since Zhang Yuhan took over the affairs of Xiannong Building, he has become a very busy person, dealing with one thing after another in the company all day long, cooperating with other companies and so on.If Li Bai hadn't come back, she should still have spent last night in the company.

"Why are you the only one left in Xiannong Mansion? What about Wang Chu and the others?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan with some distress. From the dark circles under her eyes, it was obvious that she must not have slept well.

Hearing Li Bai's question, Zhang Yuhan rolled his eyes at Li Bai: "Are you stupid or stupid? You sent Wang Chu to Jincheng, have you forgotten?"

Li Bai slapped his forehead, and then suddenly remembered that he had dealt with the affairs of Jincheng before leaving Huaxia. In order to let Xiannong Pharmaceutical quickly open the market, he sent Wang Chu to Jincheng.

"Okay." Li Bai hummed, nodded, and asked suddenly, "Do you know when school will start?"

All the girls laughed. During the two months in Japan, Li Bai had not only forgotten the date and day of the week, but even the day when school started.

"Next Monday, September [-]th, there are still nine days left." Feng Yunxi said to Li Bai, and added, "Even if school starts, you probably won't go to school, after all, you are getting busier gone."

Feng Yunxi said something aggrieved, and her words also represented everyone's thoughts, or what she and Su Daji thought. After all, except for the two of them, everyone else had their own busy schedules.

"Uh." Li Bai was a little embarrassed. It was true that he was getting busier, and it was unlikely that he would just be free. After all, there were so many things to do, so facing Feng Yunxi's complaints, Li Bai didn't dare to make any guarantees.

"I promise you, I will spend more time with you in the future." Li Bai thought for a while, and said so, but Li Bai himself could not guarantee what will happen in the future.

"Yuhan, take me to Xiannong Mansion to have a look. I don't know how the development is going now." Li Bai hurriedly finished his breakfast, and then said to Zhang Yuhan that Xiannong Club and Xiannong Mansion are his roots. Had to be concerned.

Li Bai of Xiannong Society is not too worried. After all, it is already a holiday, and the activities of Xiannong Society have already stopped, leaving only a few backbones in the school to plant herbs. Moreover, the school is a school after all, even Some people covet that side of the land, and they may not dare to do anything to Xiannongshe.

After two months, he finally drove his own car again. Li Bai brought Zhang Yuhan to Xiannong Mansion soon.

The front desk lady who didn't know Li Bai a long time ago, although she hasn't seen Li Bai for a long time, when Li Bai walked into the building, she recognized Li Bai at a glance and said hello loudly.

However, most of the employees only knew Zhang Yuhan, and they greeted Zhang Yuhan one after another. It seemed that Zhang Yuhan had a very good position in everyone's mind.

Soon the two came to the office on the top floor, and Chen Feiyu, Bai Jun and Hong Yu also learned the news of Li Bai's return early, and came to the office early in the morning.

"Hello, Nong Huang!" After not seeing each other for two months, the three still addressed Li Bai as "Nong Huang", which made Li Bai very happy, and stepped forward to give the three of them a big hug.

The figures of the three of them have obviously lost a lot of weight, which must be caused by too much work, coupled with lack of food and sleep.

"You've worked hard, you've worked hard." Li Bai said to the four of them. Li Bai was actually very satisfied with their performance.

In the following time, Zhang Yuhan showed Li Bai the development of Xiannong Building in two months.

In the past two months, plus the previous month's accumulation, Xiannong Pharmaceutical has completely occupied most of the market in Kyoto, and only a small part of the market is still occupied by some larger pharmaceutical companies in other provinces.

Because of the support of the backstage, they have not been crushed, nor have they chosen to withdraw from the Kyoto market, so they have been hanging like that.

The market in Jincheng is also due to Wang Chu's internal and external cooperation there, so that Xiannong Pharmaceutical has now occupied almost a general market.However, when it wanted to expand, it encountered strong resistance from another pharmaceutical company, so the situation in Jincheng was the same, divided into two.

What pleased Li Bai the most was that during his absence, Bai Jun developed a medicine by himself.

After constantly adjusting the ratio of several existing medicinal materials, he actually configured a pill that can quickly restore physical strength in battle, and named it "Rejuvenation Pill". The origin of this name is the traditional game. Reed came.

Once Huichun Pill was launched, Xiannong Pharmaceutical became popular all over the country, not only making Xiannong Building's reputation but also its strength to a higher level.

But this time, Xiannong Building did not choose to continue to expand. On the one hand, it was because Li Bai was not around, so they did not dare to make decisions, and on the other hand, it was because their manpower was really not enough.

After Wang Chu went to Jincheng, the pressure on the four of them obviously increased, so they were tired and didn't want to. If they continue to choose to expand, they will definitely have to assign another person.

Therefore, the four people made a joint decision to let Xiannong Pharmaceutical cooperate with pharmaceutical companies in other provinces, and the benefits will be based on the established ratio.

"Hey, are you stupid? Can't you find some reliable people in your subordinates, or go to recruit people? Huaxia is so big, how can there be no talents." Li Bai said to several people with hatred.

Although it is an eternal truth that everyone who has money can earn money together, if Xiannong Pharmaceutical takes the initiative to cooperate with others, it will invisibly lower the status of Xiannong Pharmaceutical. It's a little bit of a disadvantage.

Zhang Yuhan and the others looked at Li Bai with pursed lips, and said, "It's not that we haven't thought about finding a reliable person to help us, but you're not here, so we're not sure if the person we're looking for is reliable."

Sitting on the chair, Li Bai knocked on the table with his fingers rhythmically: "What can I say about you, you can't do this well. When I found you, you weren't so thoughtful. Besides, Wang Chu is alone in Jincheng now, and I don't think he didn't find someone to help him."

Hong Yu whispered from the side: "He has Feng Xiu to help, both of them are very powerful."

Li Bai rolled his eyes and said again: "Don't dare to talk to me, okay, I will assign you a task now, go to Xiaolian City to develop, there is my apprentice, he is called Tian Lin, and his wife, It's called Wei Yan, if the three of you can't even occupy the market in Xiaolian City, hum..."

Li Bai said viciously to Hong Yu, on the plane back, who was he still sending to help Tian Lin and the others? Well, now, there is no need to choose, someone will hit the gunpoint by himself.

"This, this is inappropriate..." Hong Yu's face turned blue, not because he was afraid of going out, but because he felt that if he went out by himself, he would be much more tired than he is now.

"Is there anything inappropriate, go and go, I'll give you two days to adjust, after three days I want to know that you have met with Tian Lin." Li Bai waved to Hong Yu again and again, driving him out office.

For Wang Chu and the others, because they have followed him for the longest time, their ability is also the strongest.Among them, Wang Chu and Zhang Yuhan's ability is naturally ranked first and second, and the remaining three are almost the same, but they are definitely not bad.

Seeing Hong Yu being driven away so easily, Zhang Yuhan and the others couldn't laugh or cry, but they also knew that this was Li Bai's test for them.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuhan switched on the screen in the office and connected to Wang Chu in Jincheng.

"Nonghuang, you are back." On the screen, Wang Chu's condition was worse, his face was thinner, and Li Bai couldn't help reminding Wang Chu to rest constantly.

Wang Chu verbally agreed to Li Bai, but quickly reported to Li Bai their development in Jincheng. Except for the pharmaceutical company, which was similar to what Zhang Yuhan said, Wang Chu gave them all the other industries that the original Feng family had. made great progress.

The development of the two places cannot be said to be rapid.

Li Bai nodded, and asked again: "In the past two months, nothing unexpected happened to Feng's family, is Feng Xiu's situation okay?"

Li Bai was a little worried. Feng Xiu said that the other pharaohs in Egypt would come back to China to check their progress. If he was not there at that time, it is very likely that the fruits of his hard work will come back again. Before liberation.

Wang Chu thought for a while, and then gave an affirmative answer: "No accident happened, Feng Xiu worked very hard, and even discussed matters in the family with me."

Li Bai nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that Feng Xiu, without the golden armor, was indeed doing what he promised Li Bai.When the Egyptian pharaoh really came, he had to clean them up properly.

The call ended soon, and Li Bai announced to everyone that he would give everyone a few days off.It makes everyone happy.

"Then, should we continue to expand? I think our development is too fast, which will make those more experienced pharmaceutical companies angry?" Zhang Yuhan asked Li Bai again.

Li Bai thought for a while, but waved his hand: "Of course, we still have the momentum now, so let's charge hard. When we lose energy, it will be very difficult to charge."

Li Bai said this, this is his idea, and the very traditional thinking is indeed somewhat contrary.

"However, I think we really offended some pharmaceutical companies, and now we can already feel targeted." Zhang Yuhan said again in a low voice.

Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun also nodded towards Li Bai, affirming Zhang Yuhan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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