Chapter 2511

"What, someone is targeting us at Xiannong Pharmaceutical?" Hearing this news, Li Bai was also a little surprised. He really couldn't think of any other pharmaceutical company in Kyoto that could pose a threat to them.

Zhang Yuhan nodded solemnly: "It can't be regarded as a special target, but in some places we have already squeezed out our Xiannong Pharmaceutical, and not only the pharmaceutical companies in Kyoto, but all the large and small pharmaceutical companies in Kyoto have already been suppressed." We acquired or merged."

Although the second half of the sentence is indeed good news, but with the first half of the sentence, it really makes Li Bai a little unhappy.

"So, do you know what pharmaceutical company is targeting us?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan and asked.

Zhang Yuhan gave a "hmm" and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Shennong Pharmaceutical Company of Shanggang City who is targeting us."

Shanggang City, a coastal city in the east of China's territory, is also China's second largest economic center, but apart from Kyoto, it is Shanggang City and another place called Guangnan City that all young people in China The place to flock to.

As a result, as soon as the three words "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou" are mentioned, they represent nouns such as dreams.

But what kind of company this Shanghai Shennong Pharmaceutical Company is, Li Bai really doesn't know.

He seemed to know that Li Bai didn't know much about his competitors, so Zhang Yuhan began to introduce Li Bai with winks: "Shanghai Shennong Pharmaceutical Company was established 130 years ago. After so many years of development, they have also successfully become Become the leader of China's pharmaceutical industry."

Li Bai suddenly realized "Oh", which is no wonder.

Their Xiannong pharmaceutical company has developed too fast, which will naturally cause dissatisfaction, or jealousy.

As the saying goes, when you are the boss, you find that one of your younger brothers is growing so fast that it is likely to endanger your position, I believe that all the bosses will also suppress this younger brother.

Therefore, the current situation facing Xiannong Pharmaceutical is just like the above situation. Shanghai Shennong Pharmaceutical Company must have been trying to prevent the expansion and development of Xiannong Pharmaceutical to ensure their position as the boss.

From this point of view, Zhang Yuhan and the others did not choose to continue to expand, and they also had their own concerns.

"Hehe, it seems that they are a little afraid of us? Do you think it's better for us to restrain ourselves, or face difficulties?" Li Bai asked the three of them, throwing this question to them.

But this question made them a little embarrassed. After all, once such a decision is made, it will have a profound impact on the company's development.

"I don't know, but it depends on the attitude of Shennong Pharmaceutical, right? If they want to eradicate us, of course we must not be afraid. If they just don't want us to develop too fast, I think we really You can slow down a bit.”

Zhang Yuhan said to Li Bai again, but Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun kept winking at Zhang Yuhan.

"What are you flirting with each other doing? Is there any little secret you haven't told me?" Li Bai looked at the embarrassment of the three of them and asked strangely.

In the end, it was Zhang Yuhan who whispered: "Well, Shennong Pharmaceutical Company has actually contacted us before."

Zhang Yuhan said in a low voice, which made Li Bai a little surprised.

"Contact us, what is the purpose?" In Li Bai's view, all the competitors' active contacts have impure purposes.

The three of Zhang Yuhan shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know, but they just told Li Bai that they had sent someone to the capital, and the scheduled meeting time was this afternoon.

"Are you stupid? The other party didn't explain the purpose of coming, so you agreed to meet them? What if they send a killer and want to kill you directly to avoid future troubles?"

Li Bai was very angry and shouted at the three of them, the decision of the three of them was too thoughtless.

"Nonghuang, you can't blame sister Yuhan for this. The people from Shennong Pharmaceutical Company are very arrogant, saying that this meeting may change the Huaxia Pharmaceutical Company market in the future. If we don't agree, don't blame them for being rude. It's gone." Chen Feiyu stood up and helped Zhang Yuhan explain.

Hearing Chen Feiyu's words, Li Bai snorted coldly: "It seems that this Shennong Pharmaceutical Company is not very good, even using such threats, is it really true that there is no one in Xiannong Pharmaceutical?! "

Li Bai slapped the table hard, shaking everything on the table so that they jumped up.

"Did they tell you the time, what time will they arrive in the afternoon? I want to see what crazy capital this Shennong Pharmaceutical Company has." Li Bai said viciously, already extremely angry in his heart.

The threat is threatening his company, how can Li Bai bear it.

"The tentative time is three o'clock in the afternoon." Zhang Yuhan told Li Bai.

Looking at the time, it was still very early, so Li Bai asked Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun to continue working, and asked Zhang Yuhan to take him to see the big and small things in Xiannong Building.

"How many kinds of medicines are we selling now?" Li Bai was very satisfied looking at the rows of assembly lines in the underground pharmaceutical factory, and asked Zhang Yuhan again.

At this time, Xiannong Mansion was on the right track, and common Chinese and Western medicines had found partners and were selling them.

Of course, the reason why Xiannong Pharmaceutical can gain a foothold in the entire Chinese territory is because Xiannong Pharmaceutical has concentrated its own special drugs.

Blood Crystal Needle and Blood Crystal Pill are the two most important medicines of Xiannong Pharmaceutical, and it is also because of these two medicines that Xiannong Pharmaceutical has become famous throughout China, and after that, Bai Jun developed Huichun Pill , Let the name of Xiannong Pharmaceutical become even more resounding in the land of China.

"So, our Xiannong Pharmaceutical still only has these three kinds of pills, right?" Li Bai curled his lips and could count them with one finger, which seems a little small. It seems that he still has to find some time to take care of them. Find a few pills to refine.

Fang Fei's suggestion of refining "Yanyan Pill" to herself before was quite good. If it can be refined, it will definitely be another phenomenal thing in the entire Chinese market.

"Well, that's all, but these three kinds of elixirs have already brought more than 40.00% profit to Xiannong Pharmaceutical." Zhang Yuhan said to Li Bai with a smile. She was very satisfied with this result. After all, a pharmaceutical company is the most The most important foundation is those ordinary medicines.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. Let's go to lunch together. In the afternoon, we will meet the people from Shennong Pharmaceutical Company and see what pride they have."

As Li Bai said, he lightly hooked the tip of Zhang Yuhan's nose, also announcing the temporary end of working hours.

At about 02:30, Li Bai, Zhang Yuhan and Chen Feiyu were already sitting in the office waiting, and in order to save face for the people from Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, Li Bai specially sent Bai Jun to wait for them at the entrance of the company.

The three of them waited quietly, and soon it was three o'clock.

However, when the minute hand jumped to twelve, the door of the office was still not pushed open, which made Li Bai feel very unhappy.

"So, they are late, right?" Li Bai said softly, looking in the direction of the door quietly, but the door was still quiet, without any movement.

"Okay, you go do your own things." Li Bai waved to Zhang Yuhan and Chen Feiyu, and he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Li Bai, maybe they had some accidents? Shouldn't we wait any longer?" Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai who was a little sullen and asked.

So, Li Bai sat down again and waited for a long time before finally being unable to sit still.

"Don't wait, if they have Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company in their eyes, they will definitely not be late. If we go to their company instead, we will be late, and we may not know what kind of treatment we will receive." Li Bai Leaving the desk, walking towards the door, stopping again, and talking back.

"Also, you also need to have a bit of backbone. Don't think that they are a bigger company than us, and we are weaker than them first. How can we take the initiative when we meet later?" Li Bai said After finishing, regardless of whether Zhang Yuhan and Chen Feiyu understood or not, they turned around and walked towards the door of the office.

Zhang Yuhan and Chen Feiyu also hurriedly followed, wanting to send Li Bai off.

But when Li Bai put his hand on the doorknob, the doorknob was moved by himself first, and then the door was also pushed open, and through the gap in the door, Li Bai's eyes met Bai Jun had a somewhat unhappy expression.

And, the four people behind Bai Jun.

"Hi, Shennong Pharmaceutical Company came to your company specially for communication. Hello, my name is Chen Chen." A man standing in front of the four of them said, and at the same time extended his right hand to Li Bai, hoping to shake Li Bai's hand.

The man was in a suit and leather shoes, with a briefcase under his left arm, and his leather shoes were polished, clearly revealing the logo of a certain luxury brand on them.

But Li Bai didn't reach out his hand immediately, but turned his head to look at the electronic clock hanging on the wall. At this time, it was already three thirty.

"You guys were late for a full three to ten minutes, which has seriously affected my formation, so it's time to check the meeting time. You can ask my secretary for the specific time." Li Bai said to the man with a lukewarm expression. Just move forward.

However, with the addition of Bai Jun, a total of five people were blocking the door of the office at this time, making it difficult for Li Bai to leave the office.

"Is this how you people in Kyoto treat guests?" Chen Chen froze his outstretched hand in the air, showing a hint of a smile, "Of course we know that being late is a bad thing, but for us who are newcomers, we can't find you. Getting there is a normal thing, right?"

Chen Chen looked at Li Bai, and said word by word, "You guys, why didn't you send someone to pick us up when you found out we were coming to the capital?"

Said, as if it should be the same.

(End of this chapter)

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