The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2512 Shennong Pharmaceutical Team

Chapter 2512 Shennong Pharmaceutical Team

Li Bai looked at this man named Chen Chen with interest, and chuckled lightly.

"What are you laughing at? Is this funny?" Chen Chen choked at Li Bai again in displeasure.

"Excuse me, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a man, right?" Li Bai looked at Chen Chen with a hint of amusement.

Chen Chen narrowed his eyes, and then said "um", "And then?"

Li Bai said softly: "That's interesting. Since you are a man, you have the same logical ability as a woman. I really can't keep up with your way of thinking."

As he spoke, Li Bai laughed.As a woman, Zhang Yuhan immediately understood the meaning of Li Bai's words, and also laughed.

Because women's thinking is very strange, they often regard themselves as the center of the universe, as if everyone should serve them, and where there is a little resistance, they will make noise.

And what Chen Chen did was surprisingly consistent with what the woman did.

"You, what do you mean?!" Chen Chen pointed at Li Bai angrily. As the person involved, he didn't understand what the two were laughing at.

But Li Bai's smile quickly stopped suddenly, and he said coldly to Chen Chen: "Isn't my meaning obvious enough? You come to the capital to study and exchange with us, that's your own business, we have no obligation Responsible for your travel, is it possible that I still have to find someone to accompany you to eat and sleep with you?"

After these words, Chen Chen was speechless and speechless.

At this time, one of Chen Chen's colleagues picked up the conversation again: "Even if you don't need to do these things, we are late because we came to Kyoto for the first time, so is this the attitude of your Xiannong Pharmaceutical? This is better than our Shennong Medicines are worse."

Li Bai raised his eyes slowly, looked at the man who spoke, and really wanted to ask, are you an idiot: "So the attitude of your Shennong Pharmaceutical Company is that when you meet with others, you can't be late for more than half an hour Yeah?"

"Why are you like this?!" The man who was pushed back by Li Bai was a little anxious, as if he was a little impulsive, but Chen Chen raised his hand to stop him.

"I'll give you another chance to let us go in and start talking with you, or do you just miss this chance?" Chen Chen said to Li Bai through gritted teeth.

The corner of Li Bai's mouth raised slightly, he glanced at Chen Chen, and then said, "Bai Jun, come in."

Bai Jun who had been standing at the door was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding why he was suddenly involved again, but he was dragged into the room by Li Bai.

Just when everyone was stunned, Li Bai slammed his hand on the door, and with another force, he closed the door firmly.

With a loud "bang", the door was shut tightly.

At this time, Chen Chen's eyes had been tightly closed, and he was also terrified by this sudden "attack".

The thick door stopped right in front of the tip of his nose. Looking at it from the side, it might not be even a centimeter away, and it was about to hit his entire face.

"Grass." Chen Chen cursed angrily, raised his hand, and wanted to knock on the door, but stopped again.

"Okay, the Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company's airs are so big, they dare to shut our door to Shennong Pharmaceutical." Chen Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

So, the group left angrily.

At the same time, the office is very quiet.The three of Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai and were stunned.

"Nonghuang, you were so handsome just now!" Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun said to Li Bai with admiration. Facing a company representative who is stronger than themselves, they can still have such courage, and it is only Li Bai who dared to do so. Bar.

At this time, Li Bai's expression returned to normal, and he clapped his hands proudly: "Heh, these grandchildren, if you don't give them some good looks, they won't know how much they are."

Li Bai walked back to the desk again and poured a glass of water. He was really thirsty after talking so much with them just now.

"Well, if we do this, we won't make Shennong Pharmaceutical Company angry?" Zhang Yuhan asked weakly again. As a girl, she obviously had more things to think about.

Li Bai shook his finger, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth: "That person named Chen Chen probably wouldn't even dare to report what happened here to the company."

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Li Bai explained again.

As the representatives sent by Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, Chen Chen and the others must have negotiated with them, or cooperated with them, or something else.

If their bosses found out that they left without even negotiating, they would definitely be punished. If they went a little deeper and asked why, they might lose their jobs.

"Then what should we do now?" Chen Feiyu asked aside, he and Bai Jun still had their own things to do, and they didn't have much time to spend here.

"Wait another 10 minutes. If they don't come back, then it's all right." Li Bai said to the two.

So, taking advantage of this time, Bai Jun complained to everyone about why he was unhappy just now, because Chen Chen and the others were so arrogant, ordering Bai Jun as if they were ordering a servant.

Just when Bai Jun had only spoken for six or seven minutes, there was another knock on the door of the office.

"It's amazing." Bai Jun was so impressed by Li Bai's predictive ability, he hurried to open the door, and it turned out to be Chen Chen and the others again.

"What are you guys doing here again?" Bai Jun changed his previous expression and asked Chen Chen coldly.

The previous state of the two of them suddenly turned 180 degrees. Chen Chen nodded slightly, but bypassed Bai Jun and looked directly at Li Bai who was sitting behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, our attitude just now was indeed a bit bad. Please forgive me. We came here this time with some projects. We hope to have an exchange. If we can reach some agreements, that would be great. " Chen Chen said weakly to Li Bai.

The corner of Li Bai's mouth raised, this time, he didn't say anything more, there was no need to really push them into a hurry.

"If we're talking about business, let's go to the conference room." Li Bai said to Chen Chen, also expressing his attitude.

The eight people soon came to the meeting room, and four of them sat down at the meeting table.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here this time?" Li Bai asked straight to the point without any greetings, nor did he want to have any greetings with them.

Li Bai's words made Chen Chen very embarrassed, and felt a little strange. Among the information they collected, there was no information about this man.

And Zhang Yuhan, Chen Feiyu and Bai Jun knew each other, and there was a man named Hong Yu who disappeared somewhere, but was replaced by another strange man.

It seems that the other three people seem to be very obedient to this man.

"Well, I'm sorry, the information we collected is not complete. Are you the real boss of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company?" Chen Chen's voice became lower and lower. He also knew that it was very important to collect all the other party's information before the meeting. However, at this time, there is a gap, and it is beyond their control.

This made Chen Chen very embarrassed, and his momentum became even weaker.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Bai to introduce himself. Chen Feiyu said to Chen Chen in a blunt tone: "Li Bai, the founder of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, the main management task of the company now falls on the three of us."

Only then did Chen Chen nod his head in panic. What he never expected was that he had so many chokes with the boss of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company just now.

You know, no matter how much Shennong Pharmaceutical Company looks down on Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, they are still the boss of the company after all, and I am just a small employee.

"Then, can we start?" Chen Chen asked Li Bai again in trepidation. After Li Bai nodded affirmatively, Chen Chen finally took out a document from his briefcase.

"According to the investigation of our Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, your Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company was established more than three months ago. It only took three months to become the largest pharmaceutical company in Kyoto in one fell swoop, and it also occupied most of the market. At the same time, Jincheng has also been included in the expansion territory by you."

Chen Chen said one by one.

"The reason why your Xiannong pharmaceutical company has developed so rapidly is because your company has several special medicines. Xuejingdan and Xuejingzhen are the first two medicines to be released, and Huichundan, which was withdrawn a month ago, is even more so. Take your market share further."

Li Bai yawned quietly. They naturally knew what Chen Chen said. It was not difficult at all to investigate the news, so there was no need to be surprised.

After talking for a long time, Chen Chen finally put down the document in his hand, straightened his back and looked at Li Bai and the other four facing him. At this time, even Chen Chen's aura increased a little.

"However, we also discovered that your development seems to have reached a bottleneck stage. If you continue to do this, it will only allow your Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company to become the largest in North China." Chen Chen said here, finally something The pride of Shennong Pharmaceutical Company.

"But our Shennong Pharmaceutical Company has occupied nearly 50.00% of the market share in China. Although the markets in Kyoto and Jincheng are indeed about to be monopolized by you, if you want to develop, you must go to other cities. Grab our market share."

Li Bai nodded, this matter is natural, the cake of market share is so big, of course whoever grabs it will get it.

"If you want to fight for it, someone will definitely suffer. Besides, compared to our Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, your Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company should have a higher chance of losing money, right?" Chen Chen looked at Li Bai, raising his eyebrows. a pick.

Li Bai did not respond. In fact, if it was just a commercial competition, their Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company would indeed suffer some losses.

"So, what do you want to do, is to persuade us to give up as soon as possible?"

Li Bai looked straight into Chen Chen's eyes and said with a soft snort.

(End of this chapter)

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