Chapter 2514
These five kinds of elixirs sound like elixirs, but when you think about it carefully, their effects are quite different from those of "magic pills" like Blood Crystal Pill.

What is the Juqi Dan used for?Help gather energy; the name Excitement Dan loses the desire to buy it; Concentration Pill?It is possible to use the legendary Anshenbunao Granules to have the same effect; Midan?If nothing else, this is a kind of aphrodisiac pill, because the last kind of contraceptive pill must be used to prevent pregnancy.

To be honest, even though these five pills have their own special medicinal properties, they can still be replaced by other things, but as for the Blood Crystal Pill, who can find one comparable to him in the current entire China? Elixir?
So Li Bai said, even if these five kinds of elixirs are added up, their value is not as good as that of the Blood Crystal Pill, or even a formula of the Blood Crystal Needle.

It sounds like they are still losing money by exchanging the formulas of five kinds of elixirs for the formulas of three kinds of elixirs, but after careful calculation, if such an agreement is really reached with them, they will not be able to make a lot of money. No wonder.

"Okay, this Shennong pharmaceutical company really regards them as gods, doesn't it look down on our immortal IQ?" Bai Jun slapped the table vigorously, feeling extremely angry in his heart, "Nonghuang, then we will Don't sign this shitty agreement with them, if we do, we won't get any benefit."

Zhang Yuhan and Chen Feiyu looked at Li Bai with heavy expressions on their faces. They were still too young. If Li Bai hadn't come back in time, they would have been deceived by Chen Chen's rhetoric.

"Let me drive them away, and say that we can develop on our own, and we don't need to cooperate with them at all." Chen Feiyu said again, as a young man, he was naturally a little angry.

But Li Bai waved his hand, making the excited Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu stop: "Who said that after we cooperate with their Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, we must be the ones who suffer?"

When Li Bai's voice sounded, everyone was puzzled.

Just now Li Bai analyzed it himself for a long time, and came to a conclusion that they will suffer a loss. Why is it that they will not necessarily suffer a loss now? Moreover, it sounds like they are definitely making money.

Li Bai smiled slyly, and then looked at Zhang Yuhan: "In the past three months, how has the sales of blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills been?"

Zhang Yuhan immediately turned on his brain and retrieved the data of the past few months.According to the data, in the first month after the launch of the Blood Crystal Pill and the Blood Crystal Needle, although the prices were high at that time, there were still many warriors who were unable to break through to true energy warriors to buy them.

Judging from the purchase volume, the data has reached as many as 2000 million.

And when it came to the second month, the sales of these two pills were still booming, but the decline in the data was quite obvious, and it became only a little over 1000 million.

As for the third person who just passed by, the sales volume also dropped by half, leaving less than 500 million.

"Although there are a lot of warriors who practice martial arts in China, after all, there are not many people who can afford to buy blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills, and some of them are still young, so they may not be able to break through. Of course, the most important The reason is that the blood crystal needle and the blood crystal pill are only for one-time use, and if you take it for the second time, it will have no effect."

Seeing everyone's doubts, Li Bai explained to everyone: "After all, it is impossible for everyone to buy these as jelly beans."

Zhang Yuhan immediately simulated the sales volume in the next few months. In about two or three months, the sales of Blood Crystal Pill and Blood Crystal Needle will fall into a trough, and they will no longer be sold.

The sales volume of the Rejuvenation Pill developed by Bai Junxin is still booming. After all, this is what most warriors need. It is a consumable, and it can be said to be a necessity.

It is conceivable that Rejuvenation Pill will definitely not repeat the old path of Xuejing Needle and Xuejing Pill, and its sales will continue to boom.

"By the way, have you checked, does Shennong Pharmaceutical Company really only have these five kinds of elixir?" These five kinds of elixir.

Zhang Yuhan looked it up, but nodded in disappointment, it was indeed these five types.

"That's impossible." Li Bai denied this without even thinking about it. Since Shennong Pharmaceutical Company didn't want to tell them what kind of elixirs they had, it meant that they still kept their secrets in front of their "honest" cooperation.

In this case, there is no need for Li Bai to fully agree to Chen Chen's request.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go back." Li Bai greeted everyone.

"Then do we agree to cooperate, or not?" Bai Jun asked, but was kicked by Li Bai.

"I've said so much for nothing? Of course it's cooperation!"

When Chen Chen and the others waited for about 25 minutes, Li Bai and the others finally returned to the meeting room, telling them with a smile on their faces that the result should be good.

"Boss Li Bai, I wonder what the outcome of your discussion is?" Chen Chen asked impatiently, with anticipation in his eyes.

Li Bai smiled, sat down first, and then looked at Chen Chen seriously: "Of course we will agree to cooperate. After all, it is our honor to cooperate with Huaxia No. [-] Pharmaceutical Company."

Li Bai said modestly, if Chen Chen knew Li Bai, he would naturally know that this was not his usual style.

And when Li Bai became like this, it meant that there must be some kind of conspiracy going on in his heart.

"Have you read the contract too? There should be no problem." Chen Chen's eyes shone with excitement.

Li Bai nodded: "Of course there is no problem with the contract, and the profit share you give is also reasonable."

While talking, Li Bai looked at Chen Chen's increasingly excited face, and suddenly changed the topic: "But..."

Chen Chen was obviously stunned for a moment, and stared at Li Bai: "But what? Is there something wrong?"

Li Bai smiled: "No problem, I just want to make a little modification on the formula exchange. I hope that the formula exchange will be your five kinds of elixir, and our blood crystal needle and blood crystal pill. As for the Rejuvenation Pill, since we have just developed it not long ago, we need to keep the formula a secret for the time being."

Li Bai said lightly, but it made that Chen Chen a little startled.

"What do you mean? Keep it secret? That's not what we said just now. Since we have decided to cooperate and deal with the No. [-] Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory together, we shouldn't hold anything back." Chen Chen looked at Li Bai anxiously.

Li Bai showed a mysterious smile: "Whether you have any reservations, you should know in your heart? Anyway, we just have such a condition. If you agree, we will sign the cooperation agreement. If you don't agree, then it is If you don't want to cooperate with us, there is nothing we can do."

Li Bai took over the two revised agreements from Zhang Yuhan, signed his name on the side of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, stamped his official seal, and handed them to Chen Chen to let them go by themselves. make a decision.

Li Bai's actions made Chen Chen a little dumbfounded. In just a few minutes, he had experienced a catastrophe from heaven to hell.

The mission given to him was to get all three formulas from Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, and at the worst, he had to get the formula of Huichun Pill.

But now it's a good thing, it seems that the mission has been overfulfilled, but the real mission goal is hidden by Li Bai.

Chen Chen raised his head and glanced at Li Bai. At this time, he was leaning his hands behind his head and looking down at him. It seemed that he had decided not to make any changes.

"Please also wait a moment, we also need to discuss and discuss, it won't take too long, 10 minutes will be enough." Chen Chen said to Li Bai angrily, and then left the meeting room with his own people.

Similarly, after Chen Chen and the others left, Zhang Yuhan and the others were already grinning from ear to ear. It never occurred to them that they could use such a "rogue" trick during negotiations.

Moreover, it seemed that they still ruled over people like Chen Chen.

"Brother Bai, do you think they will agree?" Zhang Yuhan asked.

Li Bai nodded: "Of course they will agree. After all, we still have Huichun Pill in our hands. How could they give up so easily?"

But when he was talking, Li Bai was thinking in his heart, they are called Shennong, and he is called Xiannong. Although it sounds a level lower, Li Bai is not willing to be overwhelmed by them just like that.

And at this moment, Chen Chen agreed to discuss with his own people, but in fact he just sneaked into a corner, and then called Tianxun to his superior.

Chen Chen quickly explained Li Bai's request to his superiors, and then waited for his superiors' instructions.

"Unexpectedly, this person named Li Bai is really not simple. I am afraid that he has already expected that their blood crystal needles and blood crystal pills will one day become a thing of history." Among Tianxun, a thin The man said slowly.

"How about this, you agree first, and then in the future cooperation, we will show more sincerity to cheat their trust and cheat their formula. If we can cheat their updated formula, then It couldn't be better."

The man ordered Chen Chen to speak, and Chen Chen agreed.

"Hey, I don't know when the Liang family will provide us with a new batch of elixirs." The man said helplessly again, and it had been five years since the last time he was provided with elixirs.

After a while, Chen Chen and his people returned to the meeting room again. The gloom on his face was swept away, replaced by a smile all over his face.

"You have also made the final decision?" Li Bai asked with a smile.

Chen Chen gave a strong "Yes", then sat on the table, signed the cooperation contract between the two parties with his name, handed one copy to Li Bai, and kept the other copy for himself.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

The two hands were tightly held together, seemingly intimate, but they were actually competing in secret.

(End of this chapter)

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