Chapter 2517

Li Bai followed that gaze, half a car away, the man who just had a conflict with Li Bai was looking at Li Bai with resentful eyes, and beside him was a woman, the woman's face He was holding a little boy in his hand.

"Hey, what a coincidence, you guys are going to Disneyland too." Li Bai said with a smile to the man, but it made the man's expression even more awkward.

Then, the man walked towards this side with the woman and the child: "So, you are the father of this child."

The man looked at Li Bai resentfully, because of what happened just now, he was quietly scolded by his wife for a long time. It was originally a good thing to do for justice, but in the end it ended up like a "girl".

Li Bai looked at the man noncommittally, without expressing anything, and then saw the man walking towards him slowly.

"What else? People from Shanghai?" Li Bai asked in a deep voice. Li Bai didn't have any good impression of this man's superiority.

The man looked at Li Bai resentfully, and then turned his head to look at his wife. Then he said reluctantly to Li Bai: "What happened just now is because I have a small stomach. I'm sorry, but please don't mind."

The man apologized to Li Bai, which made Li Bai a little unbelievable.The always proud SIPG people actually apologized to the people in Kyoto?This seems to be something that can only happen in novels.

"I really can't blame you for the wallet matter, but I can only blame my lack of vigilance." The man continued, then stretched out his hand again, and said to Li Bai, "We don't know each other, let's make friends. How about it, my name is Chen Gong, I am 27 years old."

Although Li Bai was a little bit surprised, but since everyone has taken the initiative to admit his mistake, it would be too perplexing if he continued to pretend that the uncle did not accept it, so Li Bai also stretched out his right hand and held it tightly with Chen Gong. : "My name is Li Bai, I am 21 years old."

"You're only 21 years old? You don't look like that." Chen Gong looked at Li Bai in surprise, then looked at Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin beside Li Bai, suddenly thought of something, and said in relief, "Then these two This child must not be your daughter or son, otherwise, it would be too strange."

Li Bai curled his lips in embarrassment, isn't Chen Gong just saying that he looks old.

Chen Gong beckoned to his wife again, let his wife come over, and then introduced: "This is my wife, her name is Wang Rui, this is my son, he is five years old this year, and today is also our first son." Take him to Disneyland for the first time."

Li Bai nodded, explaining their intentions.

"Then since you and I are so destined, why don't we go together today, just because there are more children and it's more lively." Chen Gong said to Li Bai again, but his wife Wang Rui gave him a hard look.

Li Bai naturally saw Wang Rui's eyes, and he didn't really want to be with Chen Gong, so he politely refused.

It was also at this time that the subway finally arrived at the station, and the people on the train came out of the carriage one after another. Chen Gong and Li Bai were about to separate.

"Brother, I must have a drink when I have a chance, goodbye." Chen Gong said enthusiastically to Li Bai, waved his hand again, and walked in another direction by himself.

"Brother Li Bai, this person is so annoying, why does he look like a familiar person?" Xiaoxi said to Li Bai after Chen Gong left, Li Bai smiled and nodded, and did not continue to talk about others behind his back.

But what Li Bai didn't know was that he was being talked about by others right now.

Chen Gong's wife asked Chen Gong dissatisfied, why did he insist on calling Li Bai brothers and sisters, he is already 27, and Li Bai is only 21.

Chen Gongbai glanced at his wife: "What do you know, Li Bai is the key care object of our Chen family in the near future, have you heard of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company? Li Bai is the real boss."

After hearing Li Bai's self-introduction, Chen Gong suddenly remembered that his family did have some ideas about Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company recently, so he wanted to know Li Bai in advance to make plans for the next plan.

The two were silent for a while, and Chen Gong said again: "No, I have to approach him today. Let's catch up and create a chance encounter."

So, when Chen Gong's wife was extremely reluctant, they took their son and the three of them chased in Li Bai's direction again.

However, parting is easy, but reunion is difficult. After the parting, Chen Gong and the others spent the whole morning looking for time while playing, but they couldn't find Li Bai and the others.

Li Bai, what are they doing?Of course it is also playing.

During the whole morning, under the leadership of the two children, Li Bai himself had a great time playing the roller coaster and the haunted house on the magic carpet. The three of them will have to play for a long time before choosing to rest.

"Let's find a place to eat first, you two naughty kids, you are really crazy." Li Bai said helplessly to the two children. At this moment, each of them was wearing a Mickey Mouse hood, and they were banging their heads against each other.

After a while, the three of them sat down in a restaurant. The city of Shanghai had already seen the sun, and the temperature suddenly rose. Everyone felt very comfortable staying in the air-conditioned restaurant.

While Li Bai was ordering, from the corner of his eye, he saw a group of people coming in from the door of the restaurant, they seemed a little familiar, and when he took a closer look, it was Chen Gong and the three of them again.

"No way, it's really fate." Li Bai murmured, but he didn't know how long Chen Gong had spent in order to find them.

Li Bai tried his best to lower his head, but Chen Gong's voice still accurately fell into his ears: "Hey, brother, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Not only Li Bai, but even Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin frowned, not knowing why they would meet this person wherever they went.

So Chen Gong took his wife and son to Li Bai's table, because Li Bai and the others sat on a relatively large table, so the three of them could just sit on the remaining vacant seats.

"Brother, now we can always have a meal together. Don't mind if it's okay. Just treat SIPG as an imperial capital. You can order whatever you want. I'll invite you for this meal." Chen Gong said to Li Bai After speaking, without Li Bai's consent, he just sat on the remaining vacant seat.

Li Bai was already dumbfounded. He had seen someone who took the initiative, but it was indeed the first time he had seen someone who was so active.

"Brother won't you mind?" Chen Gong took off his coat, and said again before Li Bai could speak.

At this time, Li Bai felt as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past. Chen Gong said so, so he couldn't say "mind", he could only say "it's okay, I don't mind, I don't mind", and then reluctantly agreed The table sharing behavior of two families.

While waiting for the food, Chen Gong kept asking Li Bai these and other questions, some of which were sensitive topics, and Li Bai answered every single sentence, but he also selectively concealed some things.

It looked like old friends meeting each other, but only they knew how tiring such a guest suit was.

When the first dish was served, Chen Gong suddenly received a message from the sky and left his seat in embarrassment. After a while, he came back with an ugly expression.

"Well, brother, can I trouble you to take a look at my son first, my wife and I will go out for a few minutes." Chen Gong said to Li Bai embarrassingly.

Li Bai nodded. Although he didn't know what Chen Gong was going to do, he was not going to ask.

"Brother Li Bai, should we start eating first, or wait a while." Xiaoxin licked his lips and asked while looking at the exquisitely prepared dishes.

"Wait a while, they should be back soon." Li Bai said speechlessly, but he didn't expect that after waiting for 10 minutes, they still haven't come back.

Li Bai frowned, and said to Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi again: "I'll go out to see them, you two take care of this little brother, don't let him run around."

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi nodded and sat on both sides of the little brother.

Li Bai walked out of the door of the restaurant quickly, and searched around, but found that Chen Gong and his wife were standing under a big tree not far away, typing Tianxun, Chen Gong's tone was very excited and angry, And Chen Gong's wife stood beside him, also a little worried.

Li Bai wanted to go forward and ask what happened, but he felt that it was not appropriate to disturb them in the past, so he planned to go back to the restaurant and continue to wait.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden loud explosion in the restaurant.

The flames soared into the sky with a huge sound, and the glass of the restaurant was instantly shattered by the air wave, crackling and shattering to the ground.

"Xiaoxi! Xiaoxin!" Li Bai panicked and ran towards the restaurant against the light of the fire.The power of the silver stars was released, flooding his whole body, preventing himself from being burned by the flames.

At this time, the restaurant was already in chaos. The passengers inside were panicking and wanted to get out, and the door was almost blocked. Because of this, the sudden accident caused more people to be injured.

Li Bai immediately turned his direction, jumped up to the window on the second floor, and rushed down the stairs on the second floor to where they were before.

However, where are the figures of Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi in the firelight?

"Xiaoxin! Xiaoxi!" Li Bai shouted louder towards the surroundings, but there were screams and shouts all around, even if Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi heard Li Bai's voice, in such a noisy environment Even Li Bai couldn't tell which of the two voices was theirs.

"Firefighting! Firefighting!" At this moment, a chorus of shouts came out from nowhere, and many jets of water shot towards the restaurant, although the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a little, But it made it even more difficult for Li Bai to find the two children.

But at this moment, a girl screamed from another corner of the restaurant, and at the same time kept saying "don't" and "let him go".

Li Bai's gaze instantly shot in that direction, and the voice clearly belonged to Xiao Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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