The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2518 The Child Is Lost

Chapter 2518 The Child Is Lost
Li Bai immediately rushed in that direction, but within a few seconds, he appeared at the place where the voice appeared.

In the flames, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi fell to the ground helplessly, their skins were already slightly burned, but their eyes were fixed on the direction in front of them, tears were still flowing in their eyes .

"Where did that little brother go?!" Li Bai looked around, but apart from a few unlucky ghosts who died directly in the sea of ​​flames, only Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi were left.

"Don't worry about it, go out with me first!" At this moment, Li Bai has no time to worry about where the little brother is. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of Xiao Xi and Xiao Xin.

Lifting a child with one hand, Li Bai's silver star power instantly climbed up to their bodies, saving them from further harm, and then ran towards the outside of the restaurant non-stop until they were finally safe, Li Bai I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the outside of the restaurant was surrounded by a panicked crowd, among them were some who had been burned, but were lucky enough to escape successfully.

Li Bai hurried to an open space with his two children, and hurriedly checked their injuries.

There were very few burnt parts, and they were able to recover slowly without even needing Li Bai's hands, which also benefited from the fact that they already had some ability to protect themselves.

However, what made Li Bai heartbroken was that there were obvious marks of beatings on the bodies of the two children, and there were even a few nail marks visible to the naked eye on Xiaoxi's arm.

"What's going on here?" Li Bai asked seriously.

At this time, Xiaoxi's suppressed emotions finally broke out, and she threw herself into Li Bai's arms and cried loudly: "Brother Li Bai, a few people rushed in just now and snatched my little brother away. We can't stop him!" .”

What?The little brother was snatched away?Li Bai's expression suddenly became solemn, and he really couldn't figure out why Chen Gong's child would encounter such hardships.

At this time, Chen Gong and his wife finally found this way, with very flustered expressions.

"Brother, brother, where is our child!" Chen Gong finally found Li Bai, and shouted to Li Bai very excitedly.

Li Bai stood up with a heavy expression on his face: "Son, I seem to have lost it."

With a "buzz", Chen Gong and his wife's brains seemed to explode, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

"What, you must be joking, brother, don't do this, it's very boring." Chen Gong and his wife were about to cry, they stepped forward and grabbed Li Bai's clothes, pulling them hard, wanting to hear Li Bai Say what they want to hear.

Chen Gong's wife even walked around Li Bai, but apart from Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, she did not find her son at all.

"I'm not joking, your son was taken away by someone else!" Li Bai couldn't stand a man touching him, his voice became a little louder, and he pushed Chen Gong away again.

I don't know if Chen Gong didn't stand firm, or Li Bai used a little too much strength, but Chen Gong was pushed to the ground all at once.

Chen Gong's anger suddenly rose, he slapped the ground vigorously, then stood up angrily, and also pushed towards Li Bai vigorously.

But Li Bai got out of the way all of a sudden, not only did not push Li Bai, but let himself get out of the way.

So, Chen Gong became even more angry, and yelled at Li Bai: "You lost my son, you have reason, don't you!"

Li Bai looked at Chen Gong and thought he was a little funny: "Did you not hear clearly just now, I said, your child was snatched away by others, I didn't lose it to you!"

The sudden quarrel made the environment around Li Bai and the others quiet down for a while. Everyone didn't know what happened, so they looked this way.

Chen Gong was silent, but judging from his expression, he should be preparing for the next outbreak.

Li Bai also looked at Chen Gong with some anger. He didn't quite understand why Chen Gong was such a person. No matter what happened, he would always put the blame on others.

Whether it is the loss of the mobile phone in the morning or the loss of the child now, Li Bai is always responsible for losing the responsibility at the first time, which makes Li Bai very upset.

However, for the time being, Li Bai put his personal anger aside and analyzed what happened just now.

Everything was very peaceful at first, but looking back now, it seems that everything started after Chen Gong received the call.

Because he waited for too long, Li Bai went outside to find Chen Gong and the others. After seeing their nervous expressions, there was an explosion in the restaurant. Immediately afterwards, someone gave Chen Gong's son Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi snatched it away.

If it was all a coincidence, Li Bai would not believe it. This accident must have been organized and premeditated.

At this time, Li Bai thought that the biggest doubt was the Tianxun that Chen Gong received. If he could know what kind of Tianxun Chen Gong sent, maybe everything would be a little bit clueless.

However, before Li Bai asked, Chen Gong, who had been brewing for a while, exploded ahead of schedule.

"Just now, I asked you to take a look at my child, did you agree?" Chen Gong questioned Li Bai.

Li Bai snorted softly and nodded his head: "So do you think that I should be responsible for the fact that your child was taken away?"

"Yes." Chen Gong did not make any excuses at all, nor did he answer Li Bai in any embarrassment, "I told you to look after my son because I believe you have this ability, don't tell me you don't have that ability, otherwise, How could they have nothing to do?"

Chen Gong pointed to Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin, and said righteously.

But these words of his can only make everyone feel that he is making trouble for no reason. He is not optimistic about his own child and even blames others. With such a father, the child is considered unlucky.

"Uncle, why are you so unreasonable? Brother Li Bai just went out to find you because you have been away for too long. Otherwise, little brother will not have any accidents. Xiaoxi and I have tried our best to protect little brother. But it was still snatched away by those bad guys!" Xiaoxin said to Chen Gong again at this time.

"Uncle, why don't you hurry up and catch those bad guys, why are you yelling at my brother Li Bai here? Is it useful?" Xiaoxi also followed Xiaoxin's words and said to Chen Gong.

Although these words were exactly what Li Bai wanted to say, after being uttered by Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, they were surprised to find that the effect was exceptionally good.

Chen Gong was speechless, and everyone was talking around, despising Chen Gong's inaction.

"If you chase now, maybe you can still catch up. If you continue to stand here stupidly and continue to find fault with me, hehe, you should know the consequences yourself." Li Bai said to Chen Gong. There is nothing to say.

The originally cheerful Disneyland fell into a panic because of the sudden explosion. The park announced that it would be temporarily closed for a period of time, and it would not reopen until the cause of the accident was found out. Come to clean up the situation at the scene.

Fire trucks drove over one after another, and the security personnel in the park also came to the scene, cordoned off, and began to evacuate irrelevant people.

Fire officers and soldiers rushed into the restaurant to rescue the injured while carrying out the fire fighting work, while preventing the fire from spreading.

The whole scene was in a hurry, but in fact it was orderly.However, no one noticed that not far away, a man knelt down on the ground crying loudly, pounding the hard ground non-stop.

"Save my son? You told me how to save my son! It must be the group of people who took my son away, it must be them, they are the devil!" Chen Gong knelt on the ground and wept uncontrollably, while he His wife also squatted beside him, hugging his shoulder and weeping bitterly.

Li Bai didn't continue to say harsh words. This kind of scene touched him a little bit. Although he is not a parent, Li Bai can feel the pain in it.

"Don't cry, who are they? I'll help you rescue your son. After all, your son is lost, and I am indeed partly responsible." Said.

Chen Gong didn't raise his head, and cried with snot and tears: "There is no way, and you must have no way, they just grabbed me, and they never let me go."

Li Bai frowned. Chen Gong's words must have meant that there must be something else hidden in it, and it seemed that Chen Gong still knew the people who took Chen Gong's son.

Time back to half an hour ago.

Chen Gong took his wife outside the restaurant and looked at the man in Tianxun together.

"How about it, have you thought about it? Do you tell us the formula of the elixir obediently, or are you going to be informed by us or something, so that you will completely lose your status in your Chen family?" On the screen of Tianxun The man in the middle said sinisterly to Chen Gong.

Chen Gong glanced at his wife angrily. They had already developed a new type of elixir. Chen Gong only told his wife about it. However, his wife told about it after getting drunk at a class reunion.

It should be that some of the classmates in the party belonged to the other party's subordinates, so the news quickly reached the other party's ears.Then, Chen Gong was threatened, either to tell them the formula of the elixir, or to make Chen Gong lose his status in the family.

Because the Chen family's punishment for leakers is quite severe.

And Chen Gong seemed to be a little anxious, and shouted at the man on the other side: "Lin Tianfeng, if you have the ability, go and expose me. Anyway, you only know the name and the date of listing, and the family will only punish you slightly." Look at me, but you, die of the heart that wants me to harm the interests of your own family."

Lin Tianfeng in Tianxun chuckled, unexpectedly, the threat this time did not work. After all, even if Chen Gong lost his status in the family, it would not help them at all.

"I advise you to tell me, otherwise I can't guarantee your son's life." Lin Tianfeng said viciously.

Chen Gong naturally didn't choose to believe it, because his son was sitting in the restaurant just fine, and Lin Tianfeng's threat was completely groundless.

But just after Chen Gong said "take my son's life if you have the ability", behind him, there was a sudden explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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