The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2522 Escape and exposure

Chapter 2522 Escape and exposure
Li Bai didn't know exactly how Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin sneaked into this messy KTV, but now the constant explosions and exclamations from outside told Li Bai that Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin had completed the task he had entrusted to them It's very good.

Even though some people were trying their best to put out the fire with ineffective fire extinguishing devices, they still couldn't hold back Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi from constantly shuttling through the KTV while igniting new fires one after another.

This made the person in charge of KTV very desperate. An underground base he had worked so hard to build would eventually be burned down. Because of this fire, many people who had the habit of doing business here would think that this place would no longer be safe. Instead, choose a new place.

However, these are all things for later, and it has nothing to do with Li Bai and the others. What Li Bai and the others are concerned about now is that the temperature of the box they are in is getting hotter and hotter. It is not that Li Bai is afraid of fire, but that he is more I was worried that after Chen Gong's son experienced another fire, he experienced it again within a few days, whether he would have a psychological shadow on this thing.

"I said Lin Tianfeng, can't you feel the heat? The recipe has been given to you, so can't you put it away first and then go back and read it?" Chen Gong said to Lin Tianfeng, a little anxiously.

At this time, the son in his arms naturally heard the voices outside, and at the same time felt the rising temperature, and put his head into Chen Gong's arms in fear.

"I don't want my son not to suffer under your hands, but to be injured again by the fire." Chen Gong urged Lin Tianfeng again.

Lin Tianfeng's expression was very tangled. Although Chen Gong had indeed given him the formula of the so-called elixir, when he saw Chen Gong's reaction and what happened one after another, Lin Tianfeng began to have some doubts. Are you lying to him?

Although Lin Tianfeng is also a warrior, he is not completely immune to the fire outside. If the fire is really too big, he may also be in danger.

At this moment, there was another "bang", and this time the sound started directly from the door of the box.

A slight explosion directly blasted the door open, and a ferocious fire snake rushed in. If the bodyguards hadn't dodged in time, they would have been burned.

"Boss, we really can't procrastinate any longer. If we procrastinate any longer, we will all die." At this moment, Lin Tianfeng's bodyguard finally couldn't sit still and said to Lin Tianfeng.

Just when Lin Tianfeng was in a trance, Li Bai pushed away the bodyguard guarding the door, and then took Chen Gong's arm and ran out of the box.

Seeing this, the other three security guards also followed closely, and closed the door of the box again, successfully delaying their escape time.

"Damn it!" Seeing this situation, Lin Tianfeng cursed angrily. He didn't know if it was because he had guessed that Chen Gong had always lied to him, or because they had pissed him off by escaping first.

"Boss, don't be angry, it's important to escape." Several bodyguards have realized the seriousness of the fire at this time, if they don't run away, they will really be buried in the flames.

At this time, Li Bai and Chen Gong had already stepped into the flames.

Although there were flames all around, they found a relatively safe passage with almost no fire in the news that Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi sent them through Jinyan.

After a few minutes, several people finally joined together.

"Well done." Li Bai praised Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi. The last action of blowing up the door was not ordered by Li Bai, but Xiaoxi did it by himself, and rescued them from danger in a timely manner.

"Hey." Xiaoxin smiled and touched his head, the reason they moved so fast just now was that Xiaoxin hugged Xiaoxi and kept shuttling, but Xiaoxin hugged her enough, "We are the best partners. "

Li Bai praised Xiaoxin again, then turned his head to look at Chen Gong.

Chen Gong's son seemed to have been frightened by what happened just now, but he was still looking at Chen Gong in surprise at this time, and tears had already started to roll in his eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Dad is here, don't cry." At this time, Chen Gong turned into the image of a loving father, patted his son's back lightly, and gave Li Bai a grateful look.

When they got into the car again, Chen Gong's son was already asleep. It seemed that he didn't sleep well yesterday.

"Brother, I really thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to save my son." Chen Gong looked at Li Bai seriously and said.

Li Bai just nodded lightly, but said to Chen Gong: "However, I advise you to explain to your father when you go back, and see if they can save this matter from danger, because Lin Tianfeng learned that you After you have lied to him, you will definitely spread the news of your new pill."

Hearing what Li Bai said, Chen Gong suddenly became a little panicked. He looked at Li Bai with eyes for help, and asked him what he should do.

"Didn't I already tell you just now, just tell the truth, but you have to tell everything seriously, including mine." Li Bai patted Chen Gong on the shoulder, signaling him to rest assured , "Even if your father punishes you, it cannot directly deprive you of your inheritance rights."

Chen Gong nodded with half-belief, patted the back of the driver's seat, let the driver drive, and turned his head to look at the intensifying fire, suddenly thinking of something.

Chen Gong looked at Li Bai: "Lin Tianfeng and the others are still in that KTV, what if they are burned to death? After the inspectors find out the cause of death, then their Shennong Pharmaceutical Company will be at the forefront of public opinion."

Li Bai also looked back and snorted softly: "Don't worry, it's okay, there are a few bodyguards around Lin Tianfeng who are quite skilled, if they can't handle this small fire, then they are not worthy of being Lin Tianfeng's bodyguards. "

Li Bai said confidently to Chen Gong, and Chen Gong nodded to let the driver speed up.Although Lin Tianfeng wanted to kill his son before, but it didn't happen after all. If they ruined their own lives because of this incident, Chen Gong would feel that he was a bit too much.

However, these were Chen Gong's inner thoughts, Li Bai didn't know it, and it took about an hour for everyone to finally return to the urban area.

The car slowly stopped at the door of the room locked by Li Bai and the others. After rejecting Chen Gong's warm invitation, Li Bai took the two children and walked upstairs.

Chen Gong has already finished his business, and if we meet again later, there will be no such relationship.

Because of getting up too early in the morning, the first thing Xiao Xi and Xiao Xin did when they returned to their room was to catch up on sleep, so Li Bai had nothing to do at all.

But Li Bai was not idle, and found a book called "The Origin of Soul" from the Qiankun ring to read. This book is also a kind of exercise, a method for exercising Li Bai's soul consciousness.

After experiencing so many things, Li Bai has felt the importance of soul consciousness more and more, so he has always wanted to start cultivating the strength of his soul consciousness, but unfortunately he has never had the time.

Time is like water in a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be time, so now Li Bai has learned to use his spare time to practice.

The simple thing is that the cultivation of soul consciousness does not happen overnight, and it does not require a long period of cultivation like personal strength. It can be said that it is like practicing and improving as you go.

When it was almost noon, Li Bai finally broke away from the state of cultivation, not because he was hungry or Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin woke up, but because his sky message rang again in a hurry .

Li Bai frowned and picked up Tianxun. On the other side of the screen, the eager figure of Chen Gong appeared again.

"Excuse me, what else do you need to help with?" Li Bai said in an unfriendly voice. After all, Shennong Pharmaceutical Company is behind Chen Gong, and they have a relationship of competition and cooperation with Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company.

"Brother, it's not good, Lin Tianfeng, he actually announced our company's new elixir. Although he didn't announce the formula, he has already spread the news." Chen Gong was about to cry, and said to Li Bai, " If they say this, they have completely disrupted our company's plans, and they may attract more competitors!"

Chen Gong said to Li Bai that he was almost dying of anxiety.

"Don't worry, did Lin Tianfeng tell you your name? Does your company know that it was you who leaked the secret?" Li Bai frowned, and then asked again, with the idea of ​​helping others to the end.

After getting Chen Gong's negative answer, Li Bai nodded, and then said to Chen Gong: "You go directly to your father and surrender, maybe you can reduce the punishment."

However, Li Bai said to Chen Gong again: "If you had known that Lin Tianfeng would sue in a fit of rage, you would have rejected him at the beginning, but now, things are getting more and more." Li Bai curled his lips at Chen Gong speechlessly. .

"Okay, brother, I'll listen to you, and I'll turn myself in right now." Chen Gong seemed to completely ignore Li Bai's last complaint, and said to Li Bai, then suddenly asked, "Will you come to our company tomorrow? ? Everyone has been looking forward to your arrival for a long time."

Li Bai raised his eyebrows, already looking forward to me for a long time?Could it be that the Hongmen Banquet has already been set up, so I just waited for myself to go there.

"Okay, I have nothing to do, I will go to your company before noon tomorrow." Li Bai said to Chen Gong, and then hung up Tianxun.

In the afternoon, Li Bai took the two children to play again, and then the next morning, Chen Gong's driver was recruited to send them to Shanggang Airport, and let the two children fly back to Kyoto alone.

Although they all have the ability to protect themselves, Li Bai has repeatedly told them to be careful, because he is about to start busy, so he can no longer accompany them.

"Master, you don't need to send me back, just take me to your company." After seeing off the two children, Li Bai got into the car and said to the driver.

(End of this chapter)

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