The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2523 The first confrontation

Chapter 2523 The first confrontation
I have to say, on the issue of the name, if a weak-sounding name is chosen at the beginning, it will still suffer a lot in the subsequent development.

There is only one word difference between Shennong Pharmaceutical Company and Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, but to outsiders, "God" is still one level higher than "Xian", regardless of the strength of the two companies, preconceived I'm afraid it is also explaining this in some way.

What makes Li Bai even more helpless is that the name of the company building of Shennong Pharmaceutical Company is also Shennong Building. If Shennong Pharmaceutical Company was not established much earlier than them, Li Bai would even think that they are copying him.

Of course, the people of Shennong Pharmaceutical Company may also think so.

When Li Bai got out of the car and saw the appearance of Shennong Building, the building he saw was more luxurious than Xiannong Building.

I have to admit that no matter how powerful Li Bai's business ability is, after all, Li Bai and his Xiannong Building have just started, and they are absolutely inferior to others in terms of financial resources.

Li Bai is not someone who is easy to be jealous of others, so this little bit of unhappiness in his heart only lasted for a while, and he suppressed it, tidied up his hairstyle and so on, and then walked towards the company building in a serious manner go.

Because Chen Gong knew the news that Li Bai was coming today, so he quietly revealed the news to his younger brother Chen Chen last night. Therefore, when Li Bai stepped into the company building, someone immediately recognized Li Bai , walked towards him, and at the same time warmly welcomed Li Bai's arrival.

This made Li Bai a little flattered, because a few days ago, when Chen Chen and the others went to Xiannong Building, Li Bai shut them down.

However, thinking about it carefully, Li Bai also figured it out, this must be Chen Chen showing him their bearing as a big company or something, in order to disgust Li Bai.

"Mr. Li Bai, I don't see you in a day, it's like three autumns." Soon, Chen Chen appeared in front of Li Bai. Today, he is dressed smarter than when he saw him before, or it may be because of his mental temperament. For the best reason, today's Chen Chen has always been smiling.

"What? Miss me that much? I'm not gay." Li Bai looked at Chen Chen pretending to be disgusted, and said.

Chen Chen didn't look embarrassed at all. He laughed and walked to Li Bai's side: "Mr. Li Bai, I'm happy for our upcoming cooperation. Why, aren't you happy?"

Chen Chen asked Li Bai back, but Li Bai just smiled politely and didn't answer Chen Chen's question.

Really cooperation?Not only did he not tell him about their newly developed Xiqi Powder, but he also kept eyeing Xiannong Pharmaceutical's Huichun Pill, which made Li Bai happy.

"I don't know why your father wants to see me so much? Can't you represent your Shennong Pharmaceutical Company?"

Li Bai followed Chen Chen towards the elevator. After the elevator door closed, Li Bai asked again.

Hearing Li Bai's question, Chen Chen's expression changed slightly. After thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. Li Bai, let me tell the truth. I originally thought of you too, but when my father found out that I had already After reaching an agreement with you, I checked your information and suddenly found that you are a business genius, so I wanted to meet you and get to know you."

Li Bai glanced at Chen Chen with great interest. Looking at his erratic eyes, he knew that he must be lying.However, Chen Chen probably didn't know why Chen Chen's father wanted to see him, so he didn't bother to ask.

"Could it be that the cooperation between your Shennong Pharmaceutical and our Xiannong Pharmaceutical was all planned by you?"

Li Bai changed the subject and asked Chen Chendao pretending to be surprised.

Speaking of this, Chen Chen showed a smug expression on his face: "Boss Li Bai laughed, I was indeed the one who proposed the cooperation with your company, but the terms of the exchange must be approved by my father and the researchers. "

Chen Chen's face was full of smiles, as if it was an honor for him to complete this matter.

In fact, after completing the cooperation with Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, Chen Chen's father did give Chen Chen a lot of rewards. A big event that can be said.

Seeing Chen Chen's serious nonsense, Li Bai smiled at him without piercing, and then said nothing, just quietly waiting for the elevator to go up.

A few minutes later, Li Bai followed Chen Chen to the third-to-last floor of Shennong Building.

Li Bai was still very surprised. Generally, the offices of the top leaders are on the top floor. I don't know why the Shennong Building is set up like this.

However, Chen Chen seemed to see Li Bai's doubts, and proudly said to Li Bai: "This is a feature of our Shennong Building. In order to allow employees to rest and exercise after work, we purposely moved the Shennong Building The top two floors of the building have been set up as sports halls."

Li Bai listened carefully. Although the sound insulation here is already very good, Li Bai still heard some noises.

"Sounds good, I've learned, I've learned." Li Bai murmured, this sentence is not Li Bai's flattery, but he really feels that Shennong Pharmaceutical Company, as a century-old brand, does have some means to make it A means for employees to feel a sense of belonging.

It seems that I can really learn something this trip.Li Bai thought in his heart that he is not omnipotent, and he is also happy to learn something from his partners or competitors.

Finally, Li Bai followed Chen Chen to the door of an office, looked at Li Bai thoughtfully, and then pushed the door open.

"Chairman, Li Bai, the boss of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, has arrived." Chen Chen said loudly.

Li Bai's eyes quickly swept the scene in the office into his field of vision.

This office is very large, it looks like two hundred square meters.In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, in the middle, there is also a huge desk with a brain and some office equipment on it.And behind the desk, there is a man with a smile on his face.

On the left front of the desk, there was another man standing, with his head lowered slightly, but his eyes raised quietly, looking straight at Li Bai.

Seeing Chen Gong's appearance, Li Bai almost laughed, but he forcibly held back.

But at this time, seeing Chen Chen walking in with the guests, the man behind the desk stood up with a smile on his face, walked around the desk, and introduced himself to Li Bai.

"Li Bai, I have admired you for a long time. I am Chen Chengfeng, the chairman of Shennong Pharmaceutical Company." Chen Chengfeng looked at Li Bai, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, and Li Bai was a little surprised by his enthusiasm.

"Chairman Chen, hello, I have also admired his name for a long time." Li Bai also took Chen Chengfeng's hand and said happily, even Li Bai had never heard of his name before Chen Chengfeng spoke.

"Sure enough, there are talented people from generation to generation. Sure enough, a good-looking talent, a good-looking talent!" Chen Chengfeng looked Li Bai up and down, patted Li Bai on the shoulder, and then led Li Bai to the other side of the office.

On the other side of the office, there is a set of leather sofas that look very high-end, and there is a coffee table in the center, which looks very delicate.

Li Bai also flattered Chen Chengfeng back, although such flattery made Li Bai feel sick.

The two finally sat on the sofa, and Chen Chen immediately poured water for them, smiling the whole time.

This made Li Bai finally think of the saying that there must be a demon when things go wrong, and the expression on his face froze slightly, and then he asked Chen Chengfeng with some seriousness: "Chairman Chen, I don't know if you want to see me , What is it because of?"

Chen Chengfeng's expression also became slightly normal: "Didn't my son Chen Chen go to your company to discuss our cooperation a few days ago? Although the agreement has been signed, we still need to discuss the specific operation method in more detail." All at once, this is one of the wishes."

Chen Chengfeng paused, and then continued: "The second thing is that I want to ask little brother Li Bai for some alchemy methods. As far as we know, the elixir of your Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company is all refined by yourself. of?"

This sentence obviously carries some doubts.

"No." Li Bai directly denied it, "Our company also has its own dedicated alchemist, I just learned a little bit about it."

consult?Li Bai didn't think that they just wanted to ask him for advice. Moreover, if he really gave them some advice and made their people have the effect of enlightenment, then Li Bai would cry to death.

For Xiannong Pharmaceutical's superficial "partner" and actual "competitor", Li Bai has not yet been generous to that extent.

"Oh, that's it." Chen Chengfeng was obviously disappointed, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, "Brother Li Bai, since you and I have already established a cooperative relationship, why don't we deepen this cooperative relationship? We regularly hold researcher exchange meetings to share our experiences in the research process.”

Chen Chengfeng said again, now Li Bai understood that Chen Chengfeng's real purpose was to learn some alchemy techniques from him.

However, how could Li Bai let him succeed, and said again: "Well, I still need to go back and ask my alchemists for their opinions. If they don't want to, I have no way to ask them."

Li Bai said, but in fact, isn't he the alchemist?

A trace of sullenness and helplessness appeared on Chen Chengfeng's face, but he would not say anything to Li Bai, but soon, Chen Chengfeng spoke again.

"Brother Li Bai, recently there was an exchange conference on pills in Shanghai. I wonder if you know about it?"

Pill Exchange Conference?Li Bai shook his head, how could he have heard of this kind of thing: "In China, is there such an exchange meeting?"

Hearing Li Bai's question, Chen Chengfeng showed a smile, but Li Bai could tell that there was a hint of amusement in this smile.

(End of this chapter)

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