The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2612 Li Bai's wedding

Chapter 2612 Li Bai's wedding

A person who is not surprised, three beasts of different shapes, when these four objects stood in front of Zhang Shan, he swallowed hard.He turned his head and glanced at his own worm, although he had already supported it with aura, but at this moment, the worm seemed to be a little guilty.

Zhang Shan didn't answer Li Bai's question immediately, but kept making judgments in his heart, judging the strength of both sides.If Jin Yan could really control these poisonous insects in reverse, that would be a good result.But if Golden Flame and Insect Gu are evenly matched, plus Yamato no Orochi and Black Flame are crushing...

Zhang Shan stopped imagining that if such a thing really happened, even if he could defeat this little beast in the end, the result would definitely be a loss for both sides, and his army of poisonous insects would definitely be cut in half.Such a result was unbearable for Zhang Shan.

"No more fights." Zhang Shan said, without any hesitation in his tone.And this result surprised Zhang Yuhan and surprised all the villagers.

Li Bai was also a little surprised by this: "Uncle, why don't you stop fighting? I still want to show in front of you how strong my full fighting power is."

Hearing Li Bai's stinking words, Zhang Shan gave Li Bai a disdainful look, then took the initiative to withdraw the aura from the insect Gu, and at the same time ordered it to disperse the army of poisonous insects.

Where did the poisonous bug come from, and where did it go back to at this time, and the matter that could have been resolved in a big fight, was actually resolved after Li Bai went through a cutscene.Such a result made Li Bai feel a little strange.

Zhang Shan walked up to Zhang Yuhan and said to Zhang Yuhan: "I don't know what you like about this little bastard, but since you like it, then I can only support you. Although his strength must He is stronger than me, but you'd better tell him the real situation in our village."

Zhang Shan entrusted Zhang Yuhan and sighed again. In this world, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each generation is stronger than the last.

Zhang Shan and Zhang Yuhan talked a lot again, Li Bai didn't go up to disturb them, but took back the Golden Flame Black Flame and Yamato no Orochi, and looked around at the Zhangjiazhai of the Miao people.

This is the first time that Li Bai really entered the life of a minority. In fact, with the development of the times, the problem of assimilation among ethnic groups has become more and more serious.

Li Bai heard from his father that in his time, there were 56 ethnic groups in China, among which the Han ethnic group had the largest area and the largest population. The reduction in the number is generally more, and even the minority groups that still exist are almost in a dying state.

Looking at the unique service of the Miao people, as well as some native details in their lives, Li Bai was also very moved. Although there are some modern technological products in this Zhangjiazhai, it can be seen that Zhang Shan has tried his best to maintain them. Traditional culture is not invaded by the outside world.

But at this time, Li Bai blamed himself a little, and didn't understand whether his arrival was a good thing or a bad thing for Zhangjiazhai and the Miao people.

On the other side, Zhang Shan finally finished speaking to Zhang Yuhan. He brought his daughter and walked towards Li Bai. Li Bai turned around and looked at the two of them.

"Little bastard, you said you would be responsible for my daughter, what if you are lying?" As soon as he came up, Zhang Shan asked Li Bai such a question.

Li Bai glanced at Zhang Shan, then at Zhang Yuhan: "Your Miao people's worm Gu should have the kind that recognizes people's hearts, uncle, you can plant such a Gu for me, if I change my mind, let me Just let the insects kill me." Li Bai's eyes kept falling on Zhang Yuhan's, this was not an answer to Zhang Shan, but a guarantee to Zhang Yuhan.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Shan's face turned rosy after hearing Li Bai's assurance, and he said repeatedly, "In this case, then you and my daughter should get married as soon as possible, so that I can avoid going Some worries."

Zhang Shan looked at Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan, and said excitedly, but they stunned for a moment.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Zhang Yuhan asked Zhang Shan in surprise and shyness, while Li Bai stayed where he was.It's not that he doesn't want to marry Zhang Yuhan, but that he hasn't thought about it in that direction at all.

"Uncle, uncle, is this a little too anxious? I am only 21 years old after the new year. Is it too early for me?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Shan with a tangled expression, but at the same time he was attacked. The glare of the father and daughter.

"What do you mean? Do you regret it? What's wrong with being 21 years old? Do you think I don't know that the legal age of marriage in China is now [-] for men and [-] for women?" Zhang Shan glared at Li Bai, who slapped his forehead. Really didn't notice it.

"Okay, okay, get married, get married, but why do you need some time to prepare?" Li Bai said to Zhang Shan again, but Zhang Shan waved his hand again: "You don't need to prepare anything, our Zhangjiazhai has already prepared for it." I have been preparing for my daughter's wedding for a long time, and the wedding can be held at any time, as for the dowry, I can just come and pay for it."

Zhang Shan told Li Bai that it only takes two days to prepare, and the wedding can be held the day after tomorrow. After that, he left the two of them and went to call the villagers to prepare.Li Bai was greatly surprised by such a swiftness.

"Uncle, are you really ready?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan blankly, but Zhang Yuhan put her arm on Li Bai's waist shyly, but in the next second, a piercing pain came from Li Bai's waist Come.

"To make you not want to marry me so much, are you at a disadvantage by being the first to marry me?" Zhang Yuhan muttered, pinching Li Bai's waist, and said unhappily.

"No, no." Li Bai had no choice but to beg for mercy, and quickly picked up Zhang Yuhan, and walked towards the wooden building where she was locked up before.

"My boudoir is not here, but over there." Zhang Yuhan told Li Bai angrily and happily, and her face was full of excitement that a girl was about to get married.

"So, we have to wait here for two more days, right?" Li Bai put Zhang Yuhan on the bed and counted the days. Jiu got married, "Well, there's still enough time, I'll go and tell Su Daji about their situation first, so they don't have to worry."

As Li Bai said, he wanted to get up and go out to call Tianxun.But it was Zhang Yuhan who directly slapped the landlord's neck.

"On our Zhangjiazhai territory, you are not allowed to think about other women." Zhang Yuhan pouted and said to Li Bai, and then kissed her.This fiery affection is the waiting that I haven't seen in a week.

The Zhangjiazhai became completely busy. After hearing the village owner say that he had identified Li Bai's strength and planned to marry his daughter to him, all the villagers cast aside their previous doubts and began to prepare for it one after another. .

They could all see that the village master was old, and they would be very happy if they could be led by a younger and more promising person.Therefore, the enthusiasm in the whole village made everyone even more excited.

"Don't we need to do something?" Li Bai was very surprised that the two of them were tossing about in the room, but no one came to disturb them at all.In his opinion, if the wedding is going to be held the day after tomorrow, the two parties should make some preparations.

But Zhang Yuhan told Li Bai that they didn't need to do anything at all, and her father would prepare everything, and the two of them would separate tomorrow night, go back to their room to put on makeup, and then As soon as the wedding ceremony is over after dawn, the two will officially become husband and wife.

"What about the marriage certificate? Can we get married without a marriage certificate?" Li Bai asked strangely again, but Zhang Yuhan glanced at Li Bai.

"Fool, are you really an alien? Marriage certificates are all electronic now, you just need to verify the couple's ID cards." Zhang Yuhan lay on Li Bai's chest, stroking Li Bai Said.

Only then did Li Bai remember that his ID card had already been taken away by Zhang Shan. Li Bai also understood Zhang Shan's enthusiasm. Isn't that the last thing a father can do for his daughter.

Preparations for the wedding were proceeding in an orderly manner in the village, and in the afternoon of the second day, Zhang Shan left Zhangjiazhai alone and rushed to Miaojia City.

He needs to register the two of them as legal couples this afternoon, so that tomorrow's wedding can really come to pass.

It was the first time in his life that Zhang Shan helped his daughter get married. Therefore, Zhang Shan didn't know where the Civil Affairs Bureau was. He only found out the address of the Civil Affairs Bureau after asking passers-by.

Two hours later, Zhang Shan walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau contentedly. Marriage registration is much more convenient in this era. The brain will automatically judge whether the ID card that came to register is eligible for marriage, even if the person is not here. Yes, save a lot of trouble.But there is another trouble that it is much more convenient for children to secretly register for marriage.

Taking a look at the sky, it will be dark for a while, and if we go back now, it will be just in time for dinner, so Zhang Shan walked down the steps of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a happy face, but when he was about to walk out of the gate, he was surprised. Suddenly saw a person who felt a little scared.

Miao Zhenglian, the son of Miao Chushan, mayor of Miaojia City.

I don't know when Miao Zhenglian got the news that Zhang Shan appeared in Miaojia City. At this time, he actually brought a group of younger brothers to block the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, smoking a cigarette, and arrogantly watching Zhang Shan.

"Uncle Zhang, long time no see, why didn't you tell me when you came to the city, so that I can go and receive my future father-in-law." Miao Zhenglian said to Zhang Shan, but in his tone, there was no With a little respect, "You came directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau, are you here for marriage or divorce?"

(End of this chapter)

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