The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2613 On The Wedding

Chapter 2613 On The Wedding
What Zhang Shan had in front of Li Bai before, the aura of a village owner, could not be shown at all in front of Miao Zhenglian. When asked by Miao Zhenglian, Zhang Shan was actually rejected I was a little nervous to ask.

"Mr. Miao, my uncle is here to handle the divorce. It has been many years since my aunt passed away. Before that, Tuomeng told me that because she and I were still not divorced, she couldn't get married there, so I came to get a divorce." Zhang Shan smiled embarrassingly, and said to Miao Zhenglian.

"Oh, it looks like this." Miao Zhenglian drew his tone and looked at Zhang Shan, who tried not to show his flaws.

Regarding Zhang Shan's words, Miao Zhenglian has no way to distinguish the authenticity of them. After all, marriage and divorce do not need that small book now. If you want to check a person's marital status, you can only scan a person's ID card Only then can it be seen.

"Uncle Zhang, since you're divorced, go and find another one while you still have the ability. If you don't wait until I take your daughter away, you'll be lonely." Miao Zhenglian said at this time , with a smile on his face, he said to Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan just nodded and echoed, but he never thought about remarriage in his heart.

"Uncle Zhang, if I remember correctly, Yuhan should be a junior this year, right? In other words, she will marry me in a year and a half, right?" Miao Zhenglian still had no intention of letting Zhang Shan go. continue to ask.

Zhang Shan echoed: "Yes, when Han'er returns from her studies, she can make a greater contribution to the Miaojia City." After her daughter married Li Bai, how would she deal with Miao Chushan's accusation.

Zhang Shan didn't dare to lie to Miao Zhenglian with the excuse that her daughter had already left Miaojia City, because Miao Zhenglian had already put some people in their Zhangjiazhai under surveillance, otherwise, Zhang Shan's arrival would have made him as well. won't notice.

"Uncle Zhang, Yuhan should be in the stockade right now? Can I go and see her? Ever since I met Yuhan during Chinese New Year last year, I haven't seen Yuhan for a whole year Ah." Miao Zhenglian asked Zhang Shan, although it was a question, but if Zhang Shan dared to refuse, he would definitely be unhappy.

"Well, I have to ask about Han'er's attitude. She's been very busy recently. I'll go back and ask. If she wants to see you too, I'll tell you again, okay?" Zhang Shan was a little panicked. Miao Zhenglian came to the stockade insisting on his own way, which would have ruined their preparations.

"That's it..." Miao Zhenglian thought thoughtfully, and then smiled, "Well, then, Uncle Zhang, I'll wait for your good news. Shall I send someone to see you off?"

Seeing Zhang Shan who politely refused him to go away, Miao Zhenglian's smile gradually cooled down, he threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground, stomped it out fiercely, and snorted coldly.

"Zhang Shan, Zhang Shan, I married your daughter to give you Zhangjiazhai face, but now I want to see your daughter, I have to get her consent, hehe, I really control the initiative. Are you in your hands?" Miao Zhenglian gritted her teeth and thought, then walked towards the car.

As for the cigarette butts he threw everywhere, one of his men had to pick him up and throw them in the trash can.

Miao Zhenglian opened Tianxun and checked the schedule: "Well, I'm going to sleep with Ah Xiang tonight and Ah Shui tomorrow night. I don't have anything to do during the day. Well, tomorrow morning, I'll go see this one year old Let's meet Zhang Yuhan, this time, I will take her no matter what!"

Miao Zhenglian said sinisterly, and ordered his hands to go down and prepare.

At the same time, Zhang Shan had already boarded the car for the return trip, and still had lingering fears about what had just happened.

"Fortunately, the wedding is going to be held tomorrow. If this young man comes the day after tomorrow, Han'er can just miss him." Thinking this way, Zhang Shan urged the driver to speed up.

When Zhang Shan rushed back to Zhangjiazhai again, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the dinner time in the village had already passed.But Zhang Yuhan and Li Bai have been waiting for Zhang Shan's return, and they haven't had dinner for a long time.

"Father, what did you do? Why haven't you seen anyone all afternoon?" Seeing that Zhang Shan came back at this hour, Zhang Yuhan asked unhappy.

Li Bai also smiled and said to Zhang Shan: "Uncle, if you don't come back again, Yuhan will overturn the table."

Zhang Yuhan glared at Li Bai, and Zhang Shan looked very happy after seeing the two of them, but when he looked at Li Bai, he put on a straight face: "Why, it's all here now, do you still want to call me uncle?" ?”

Only then did Li Bai come to his senses, and called "Dad" to Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan let out a happy "Hey", and then took out the ID cards of the two and handed them to his children respectively: "I will go to register your marriage for you in the afternoon, so, in fact, you are already married now." They are legally married, but only after tomorrow's wedding will the people in the village recognize it."

Zhang Shan looked at the two with a red face. Although Zhang Yuhan was a little dissatisfied, he was happy in his heart.

"Okay, okay, eat quickly, after dinner, you two will be separated, and you won't meet again until after tomorrow's wedding, so hurry up and finish eating, maybe I will give you some time. " Zhang Shan said to the two, and then buried himself in eating.

Zhang Yuhan and Li Bai looked at each other and smiled, and after a few symbolic bites of food, they left the room. However, when some villagers came here, the two of them still had to separate temporarily.

This night, Li Bai didn't have a long rest, and had to get up at two o'clock in the morning to get ready.And what Li Bai needs to do is just sit in front of the mirror and watch the aunt make up for himself.

What surprised Li Bai the most was the groom's outfit prepared for him.

The bright red top was decorated with countless decorations. Upon closer inspection, most of them were sewn by hand. There was also a hat with small black and white grids.The trousers are black, but there are also some decorations on the trousers and waistband, as well as some tassels, and a pair of blue shoes are also placed next to them.

These are naturally some traditions unique to the Miao nationality. The aunt told Li Bai that this groom's attire is the highest-standard set among the Miao people's weddings.

"It seems that Zhang Shan still attaches great importance to himself." Li Bai thought to himself, looking forward to the upcoming wedding even more.

Li Bai heard from his aunt that when the Miao people lived in the town, the newlyweds often walked around the street when they got married, but now that they live in the village, the wedding ceremony is not as grand as before, but , in Li Bai's feelings, this is much more lively than ordinary weddings.

When Li Bai finally saw Zhang Yuhan, he was also amazed by Zhang Yuhan's red dress. Looking at Zhang Yuhan at this time, Li Bai suddenly felt that Zhang Yuhan was the real celestial being.

"You don't even have the red gauze on your head." Li Bai said to Zhang Yuhan with a smile, but before Zhang Yuhan could say anything, Li Bai said first, "Lady, would you like to hold my hand and walk through the rest of the road together?" Years?"

Zhang Yuhan gave a soft "hmm", then put his hands on Li Bai's, walked out of the room together, and began to walk around the village, accepting the blessings of all the villagers.

However, what neither of them noticed was that in a corner, Zhang Shan looked at his extremely happy daughter with tears running down his face.

The wedding was very lively. In Zhang Shan's memory, it seemed that even his own wedding was not as lively as today. Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan kept toasting during the banquet, and as a father, he could only watch all this silently , blessed.

However, just as the wedding was about to end, a discordant voice suddenly sounded from outside the village.

"Where is Zhang Shan, come out and see me quickly!" Zhang Shan, who was asking Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan, his expression froze immediately after hearing this voice. This voice was naturally Miao Zhenglian's.

"Father, why is he here?" Zhang Yuhan was also somewhat familiar with this voice, looking at Zhang Shan nervously and said.

"You two take off your clothes first, I'll ask someone else to pretend, and then you two hide quickly, I will block the outside things first." Zhang Shan said to the two very nervously, and then ran out of the room , ran towards the gate of the stockade.

Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan strangely, not knowing why: "What happened? Why do you two look so nervous?" Li Bai asked.

About Miao Zhenglian, Zhang Yuhan was going to tell Li Bai when he left here, but what he didn't expect was that Miao Zhenglian would come at this time. As a last resort, Zhang Yuhan had no choice but to choose such a moment to tell Li Bai the truth .

When Zhang Yuhan was in high school, he went to school in Miaojia City. At that time, he was in the same class as the mayor's son Miao Zhenglian.At that time, Miao Zhenglian pursued Zhang Yuhan crazily, but Zhang Yuhan never agreed. In the end, Miao Zhenglian used his father's official position to force Zhang Yuhan to submit.

Miao Zhenglian threatened Zhang Yuhan that if he did not marry him, his father would have a hundred ways to make their Zhangjiazhai completely disappear within the boundaries of Jiangxi Province. Mountain's acknowledgment.

So Zhang Yuhan's father, Zhang Shan, came forward. After graduating from high school, he found Miao Chushan and promised that when Zhang Yuhan finished college, he would come back and marry Miao Zhenglian.

Because it is impossible to move Zhangjiazhai, Miao Zhenglian is not in a hurry, so Miao Chushan also agreed.The time in college is only four years, just a flick of a finger.

But Zhang Yuhan didn't like Miao Zhenglian, because this Miao Zhenglian's private life was extremely chaotic. When Zhang Yuhan was a freshman, he had already heard about Miao Zhenglian's making a girl in the same grade bigger. It made Zhang Yuhan not want to marry Miao Zhenglian even more.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Zhang Yuhan works so hard at work, because only when she is at work and by Li Bai's side can she not think about this troublesome thing.

(End of this chapter)

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