The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2614 Do you dare to snatch a marriage?

Chapter 2614 Do you dare to snatch a marriage?
When Li Bai heard it, he felt a little uncomfortable.No wonder Zhang Shan blocked him in every possible way before. It turns out that there is such a story about their Zhangjiazhai.

"That's why my dad wants to verify my strength so that I can protect Zhangjiazhai?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan and asked with curled lips.Zhang Yuhan gave a soft "hmm" and looked at Li Bai with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Husband, you won't blame Dad, right?" Zhang Yuhan gently grabbed Li Bai's hand, unaware that the sound of "husband" had melted Li Bai's heart long ago.

"No, but this man named Miao Zhenglian dared to come here during our wedding. I have to take care of him." Li Bai said to Zhang Yuhan. He did not take off his groom's clothes, and he was about to go out to meet Zhang Yuhan like this. enemy.

"But, Dad told us to hide for a while." Zhang Yuhan looked a little anxious, and she held Li Bai's hand, but she had the same thoughts as Zhang Shan. She didn't want to anger Miao Zhenglian at this time, and she was going to wait until she graduated from university. Let's talk about it later, let's keep this matter a secret.

Li Bai smiled lightly at Zhang Yuhan, and then hugged her: "It's okay, anyway, sooner or later there will definitely be conflicts with him, so it's better to settle his matter directly now, so as not to cause anything to happen in the future."

"But..." Zhang Yuhan still wanted to say something to Li Bai, but he didn't know how to say it, and Li Bai had already let go of Zhang Yuhan's hand, letting her wait here for him to return in victory.

On the other side, Zhang Shan had already rushed to the gate of the village in a panic, but at this time, Miao Zhenglian was no longer there.After asking around, he realized that Miao Zhenglian and the others had rushed into the village angrily, which made Zhang Shan's heart tighten.

Because after the wedding at noon, there is no way to eat in the open space of the village, so there are still dining tables everywhere at this time, and there is no time to clean them up.At this time, Miao Zhenglian was sitting at a table, and his people surrounded him, staring at the villagers in the village.

"Mr. Miao, why are you here today? There is a newcomer holding a wedding in the village today, so I have been busy and forgot to ask Han'er for you." Zhang Shan said to Miao Zhenglian sweating profusely.

"A wedding?" Miao Zhenglian asked back, then looked around, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, "Who is this wedding for, it seems that the scale is not small."

Zhang Shan's heart was tense again, and he forgot this kind of thing. Indeed, in the local customs, whether a wedding is grand or not can be seen at the wedding scene, and the wedding of Zhang Yuhan and Li Bai is their highest standard .

"It was one of my adopted sons who got married, so I want to give him a wedding of the highest standard." Zhang Shan made up a lie again and said to Miao Zhenglian.

Miao Zhenglian didn't ask back this time, but the smile on the corner of his mouth made Zhang Shan very charming.

"Okay, I don't care when you had a adopted son. I just want to see Yuhan. It looks like the wedding has just ended, right? Then Yuhan should be in her room." Miao Zheng Lian said to herself, and after identifying the direction, she was about to get up and walk towards Zhang Yuhan's room.

Seeing Miao Zhenglian's self-consciousness, Zhang Shan finally became flustered, and hurriedly walked two steps to Miao Zhenglian's side: "Well, Han'er felt a little uncomfortable after eating at noon, and she has gone to rest now. Or, Mr. Miao, can you come back tomorrow? I promise you can see Han'er tomorrow."

Miao Zhenglian smiled, turned her head to look at Zhang Shan, and said in a very disdainful tone: "Uncle Zhang, I said, I can be regarded as Zhang Yuhan's fiancé, now she is sick, I go to visit her Is it not enough? Or is it that you obstruct me in every possible way because you don't want me to see Yuhan?"

Miao Zhenglian looked down at Zhang Shan and questioned Zhang Shan, causing Zhang Shan's body to tremble slightly, but he didn't know how to respond to Miao Zhenglian's words.

And at this moment, another voice came.

"Dad, what happened here?" Li Bai walked towards this group wearing a groom's attire. Seeing this group of people and Miao Zhenglian at the head, he instantly had a judgment on their strength. It's just a true qi fighter who didn't even exist in the base period.I don't know where their confidence came from when they faced Zhang Shan.

Seeing Li Bai walking towards this side, Zhang Shan was taken aback for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Miao Zhenglian again: "Mr. Miao, this is my adopted son, his name is Li Bai. "

Hearing Zhang Shan introduce himself as "adopted son", Li Bai probably understood what kind of lie Zhang Shan had told, but Li Bai did not expose it immediately, but smiled at Miao Zhenglian.

Miao Zhenglian looked Li Bai up and down, but lost interest: "Okay, I'm going to see Yuhan, you can wait here now." Saying that, he wanted to leave.

Zhang Shan wanted to say something to stop Miao Zhenglian, but Li Bai beat him one step ahead.

"Young Master Miao? Can you call Yuhan?" Li Bai asked coldly, standing in front of Miao Zhenglian's group.

Miao Zhenglian didn't react to Li Bai's actions. He glanced back at Zhang Shan who was in shock, and asked strangely, "What does it matter to you if I call her Yuhan? You shouldn't go back to your room to hug her now." Is your wife sleeping?"

"Yeah, I should hug my wife, but some people are making my wife very unhappy now." Li Bai stared straight into Miao Zhenglian's eyes, his eyes full of teasing.

Miao Zhenglian was silent, his eyes seemed to be attracted by Li Bai's eyes, and he couldn't move away at all, and his eyes gradually changed from shock to panic, and it didn't get better until Li Bai looked away first. come over.

"You, what do you mean?" Miao Zhenglian seemed to have run [-] meters, panting heavily at this moment, looking at Li Bai, as if thinking of something.

"What do I mean? Can't you hear it?" Li Bai laughed coldly, and said again, "Yuhan is my wife now, he doesn't want to see you, so get out!" Li Bai said to Miao Zheng Lian roared angrily, and between his words, some silver stars were mixed in, causing Miao Zhenglian to sit down on the ground.

But it looked more like Miao Zhenglian's reaction because he couldn't accept this fact for a while.

Zhang Shan was also a little anxious. He ran to Li Bai's side and looked at Li Bai angrily and anxiously: "What are you doing, you little bastard? Didn't I tell you and Han'er to hide?" The more Zhang Shan said, the angrier he became, and Want to do something to Li Bai.

Li Bai patted his father-in-law on the shoulder, and said to him: "Dad, it's okay, anyway, he will be a disaster sooner or later, I will take care of him now."

On Miao Zhenglian's side, looking at the situation here at this time, his brain was a little overwhelmed. He stared at the "father and son" in a daze. After a long time, Miao Zhenglian was helped up by his men. At this time, There was also a ferocious look on his face.

"Okay, okay, Zhang Shan, so you've been lying to me all this time." Miao Zhenglian stared at Zhang Shan viciously and said, "Uncle Zhang" is no longer used.

Thinking back now, what happened from yesterday afternoon to just before was indeed very suspicious, but the fact that Zhang Yuhan was married to Li Bai made Miao Zhenglian a little unbelievable and made him very angry.

Miao Zhenglian's anger did not go to Li Bai first, but to Zhang Shan.

"Zhang Shan, do you know if my father would be angry if Zhang Yuhan didn't marry me? Will your Zhangjiazhai get government funding next year? Or, without our protection, your Zhangjiazhai will , Can you survive this year?"

Miao Zhenglian pressed Zhang Shan step by step, and Zhang Shan, after the truth had been exposed by Li Bai, was no longer ready to continue pretending, and also looked at Miao Zhenglian firmly: "I believe, no You, our Zhangjiazhai can also develop very well."

Miao Zhenglian smiled, and glanced at Li Bai: "Why? Just because of this little boy?" Then, he became angry again, "I tell you Zhang Shan, let me divorce the two of them now, otherwise , starting tomorrow, I will let my father target you, not to mention a year, so that your entire Zhangjiazhai will not survive half a year!"

Miao Zhenglian yelled at Zhang Shan, completely ignoring Li Bai's existence, as if in his eyes, Li Bai was a person who was not to be feared at all.

Li Bai stepped forward, stood in front of Zhang Shan, looked at Miao Zhenglian, and also smiled: "It seems that you officials really have a lot of power? Don't you just say a word? Can it decide a person's life or death? And, what you said just now, do you mean to snatch a marriage?"

Li Bai had made a big fuss about Qin Yubing and Fang Wei's wedding before, but he didn't expect the feng shui to turn around. This time, his own wedding was a big fuss, but fortunately, the wedding is over.

Miao Zhenglian's gaze finally fell completely on Li Bai's body. He looked at Li Bai with disdain, as if he had forgotten the fear that Li Bai had brought to him just now.

"It may take a lot of effort to deal with the entire Zhangjiazhai, but it's just for you." Miao Zhenglian paused, looked back at the big and thick men behind him, and said again, "We only need them That's enough, and besides, no one will know about your death."

Miao Zhenglian looked at Li Bai sinisterly and smiled, but Li Bai still had a calm expression on his face: "Then I am really scared, but do you really think that these few people can kill me? ? I don’t want to die yet, my dad hasn’t had a grandson yet.”

Li Bai stared at Miao Zhenglian and said, the topic about Zhang Yuhan seemed to make Miao Zhenglian very angry.

"Fuck you, just say it if you want to die!" Miao Zhenglian exploded again, and with a wave of his hand, his subordinates rushed towards Li Bai, "Hit me to death!"

Li Bai still didn't respond. Instead, he looked back at Zhang Shan and said to Zhang Shan, "Dad, go to the side and drink some water first. I can handle the matter here alone."

Zhang Shan gave a "hmm" and then ran away. At this time, those strong men had already rushed behind Li Bai, ready to kick Li Bai's legs off.

(End of this chapter)

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