The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2615 Miao Zhenglian is gone

Chapter 2615 Miao Zhenglian is gone
To deal with these weak chickens, Li Bai didn't even want to move his arms. He took a step forward, and after letting go of their ready blow, he immediately turned around and kicked everyone. With one kick, the strong man was kicked upside down and fell to the ground, screaming and rolling all over the ground.

And at this time, Zhang Shan hadn't even sat in a chair, the battle was already over.Of course, Zhang Shan was not surprised by this result, only Miao Zhenglian was surprised and shocked.

"You, you dare to do anything to my people?!" Miao Zhenglian looked at the subordinates who fell behind him, and even his own body movements became stiff. He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Li Bai, like It's like seeing a rebellious and unruly people.

Li Bai just smiled and walked towards Miao Zhenglian step by step, while Miao Zhenglian was slowly backing away, not daring to look at Li Bai again.

Originally, Miao Zhenglian still had some strength, but because of excessive indulgence, he didn't know where his skills were lost, so now Miao Zhenglian couldn't even raise his mind to fight against Li Bai.

"Don't come here. If you dare to come here, I'll tell my father to make you die!" Miao Zhenglian was still struggling, but accidentally tripped over by his men, "Boom " fell to the ground with a sound, and a poisonous insect accidentally climbed up his face at this moment, making Miao Zhenglian screamed loudly in fright.

"Are you afraid of bugs? Are you still a man?" Li Bai taunted Miao Zhenglian unceremoniously, walked up to him, and lifted Miao Zhenglian up with one hand, "Oh, your body is so weak It seems that there are many women around you, do you think, just like you, would Yuhan marry you? Whoever marries you is blind!"

Li Bai was also a little angry. When he thought of such a person who could not forget Yuhan all day long, he felt sick for a while.

Li Bai was angry and threw Miao Zhenglian towards the sky, so Miao Zhenglian started to move around in the air with his teeth and claws. Naturally, terrified shouts were indispensable, and just as he was about to fall to the ground At that time, Li Bai caught him again, just once, and Miao Zhenglian was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels.

Seeing Miao Zhenglian's appearance like this, Li Bai smiled happily. Every time he met these paper tigers who are strong outsiders but do nothing in the middle, it became a pleasure to play with them.

"Let go of me, let me go." Miao Zhenglian whispered, his voice was full of begging for mercy.

"Do you want to say that if I kill you, your father will definitely trouble me?" Li Bai took the initiative to stare at Miao Zhenglian and said. After all, these words are the fixed expressions of the second generation of officials and rich second generations. .

"Li Bai, do you know who my father is? My father is the mayor of Miaojia City. If you let me go now, I will definitely not trouble you. My father knows my whereabouts." Miao Zheng Lian moved out his mayor's father, but he didn't feel angry. After all, it was not worthwhile to exchange his own life for Li Bai's life just to show off his anger.

"Don't bother me? Then should I thank you?" Li Bai let Miao Zhenglian loose, but he was limp on the ground, "If you don't trouble me, you will find Zhangjiazhai Trouble, right?"

Miao Zhenglian really thought so, but how dare he admit it, he quickly denied it: "No, no, I promise, I will never trouble Zhangjiazhai again, if I lie, I will be hit by thunder! "

"Boom", so, right after Miao Zhenglian finished speaking, a thunderbolt resounded in the air, and immediately after that, heavy rain poured down.

In the north, it is unimaginable to rain during the Chinese New Year, but this is the south after all, and it is rare to see snow, but the first rain of the new year seems a bit heavy.

Li Bai did not go back to shelter from the rain, but continued to stand where he was, staring at Miao Zhenglian: "It seems that what you said just now were all lies." Li Bai shook his head "tsk tsk", squatted down, and put his hands Miao Zhenglian's neck.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Miao Zhenglian panicked again, begging for mercy loudly, even when the rain poured into his mouth, it was too late to spit them out, "I promise not, if you don't believe me If so, you can go back to the city with me, and I will ask my father to write a letter of guarantee for you."

Hearing what Miao Zhenglian said, Li Bai stopped and turned to look at Zhang Shan who was also sitting in the rain. He was a little surprised and nodded to Li Bai.

Li Bai did not continue to embarrass Miao Zhenglian, since he had already made such a promise, let's trust him for once.

A few hours later, the rain stopped, and Li Bai had already bid farewell to Zhang Yuhan, and together with Zhang Shan, followed Miao Zhenglian and the others on the road to Miaojia City. When the group returned to the city, , it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"I'll let my father draft an agreement tonight, and you can come to the municipal government to sign it tomorrow, okay?" Miao Zhenglian turned around, looked at Li Bai and asked tremblingly, Li Bai nodded, although he said Miao Zhenglian It would be safer for Lian to stay by his side, but Li Bai didn't think that Miao Zhenglian could cause much trouble.

After separating from Miao Zhenglian and the others, Li Bai and Zhang Shan stayed in a nearby hotel. On the first night of their wedding, they did not sleep with their wife. Instead, they shared a room with their father-in-law. This feeling made Li Bai a little embarrassed.

However, fortunately, Zhang Shan still talked a lot, and kept asking about Li Bai's situation all night.

Li Bai told Zhang Shan all his information except his life experience. When Zhang Shan heard that Li Bai already owned two companies at this time, the expression on his face could no longer be described as shock.

"No wonder Han'er likes you so much, so you are better than me." Zhang Shan said with a sigh, feeling that the waves of the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

What surprised Li Bai was that they slept soundly that night. According to Li Bai's judgment, Miao Zhenglian should have sent some people to fight with them, but he didn't.While this surprised Li Bai, he also felt a bit of peace of mind. It seems that the signing of the guarantee letter should be gone.

However, Li Bai soon realized that he had been naive for a while. When he came to the city hall with Zhang Shan, he was stopped by the guards at the gate, saying that they already had Mayor Miao Chushan. Invited by his son Miao Zhenglian, he said that he would be here today with a letter of guarantee.

However, after checking the records outside the door, he insisted that he had not received any news at all.

There was no other way, so Li Bai had no choice but to leave with Zhang Shan temporarily.Naturally, Li Bai would not do anything outside the door. After all, this is Miao Zhenglian's problem, not theirs. It's just that the current situation makes Li Bai a little angry. Miao Zhenglian really lied to him.

"Dad, do you have Miao Zhenglian's contact information?" Li Bai asked Zhang Shandao, and soon dialed Miao Zhenglian's number.

"Didn't you agree to come to the municipal government for the letter of guarantee this morning? We are outside, where are you now?" Li Bai asked looking at the dark Tianxun screen, but it could be heard that Miao Zhenglian was surrounded by There is a woman's.

"Oh, it's Mr. Li Bai, I'm sorry, I just woke up, so please wait for me first, I'll go to find you right away." Miao Zhenglian said to Li Bai, and then hung up Tianxun.

Li Bai frowned. Although Miao Zhenglian promised, he doesn't really believe him now.

Li Bai and Zhang Shan waited for about an hour before someone finally came out from the gate of the city hall. However, to Li Bai's surprise, these people stood at the gate for a while, casting their gazes in this direction frequently. , before starting to act.

"Dad, something's not right." Li Bai said to Zhang Shan. Immediately afterwards, he saw the group of people walking towards this side. Although he tried his best to keep his movements casual, Li Bai could still tell that they What do you want to do to yourself.

"Dad, should we run or fight?" Li Bai asked for Zhang Shan's opinion, but Zhang Shan was in a daze. From this look, these people seemed to want to arrest them.

There was still some time before those people came here, Li Bai took advantage of this time to call Miao Zhenglian again, but soon heard the busy signal that Tianxun could not be connected.

"Sure enough, my number has been blocked." Li Bai waved his fist and finally understood that people like Miao Zhenglian would not compromise casually.

At this moment, those people finally got close to Li Bai and Zhang Shan, and outflanked them. Zhang Shan seemed to be very afraid of the people in the government, and wanted to escape, but was held back by Li Bai. up.

"Dad, don't worry, let's see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Miao Zhenglian and his son." Li Bai said to Zhang Shan, quietly watching the crowd who surrounded him.

Such a serene look made the visitor feel strange, so he didn't act immediately, but started talking to Li Bai first.

"Be obedient and grab your hands, you can't run away anymore." The man in the lead said to Li Bai, Li Bai thought it was funny, they didn't make any resistance at all, okay.

"Excuse me, are we committing a crime?" Li Bai asked quietly instead.

The man told Li Bai with certainty: "Yesterday afternoon, Miao Zhenglian, the son of Mayor Miao, went to Zhangjiazhai and has not returned yet. According to his followers, he was kidnapped by you." The man has conclusive evidence. Said to Li Bai.

Zhang Shan was so angry that his body trembled a little: "It's nonsense, it's nonsense! An hour ago, we communicated with Miao Zhenglian through Tianxun, telling us to wait for him and ask his father to get a letter of guarantee."

However, before Zhang Shan asked Li Bai to take out the Tianxun, the man said: "Don't show us the Tianxun records, after all that can be forged, no matter whether you kidnapped Miao Zhenglian or not, in short, Miao Zhenglian Lian is missing now, and you are the suspects."

The man said to Zhang Shan and Li Bai, and then ordered his men to go down and tie them up.

Zhang Shan was struggling, but Li Bai didn't put up any resistance, and they handcuffed him just like that.Li Bai's behavior made the leading man very strange, because he had heard that Li Bai was very powerful.

However, since he was handcuffed, there is no need to worry about Li Bai being able to escape. After all, the current handcuffs are becoming stronger and stronger with the development of the times.

(End of this chapter)

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