The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2629 The Legend of the Azure Dragon

Chapter 2629 The Legend of the Azure Dragon
Going shopping with girls, Li Bai is quite experienced, so when he spent the whole afternoon with the girls, not only did he not feel hard, but in the end he chatted and laughed with the girls Come.

This made Li Meng very surprised. Why does Li Bai usually act like a paralyzed face, but when he is in front of his girlfriends, he is so active.

"Hey, let me tell you, you probably fell in love with my best friend. Which one is it? Let me tell you, these girls won't refuse." Li Meng leaned against Li Bai, and whispered to Li Bai Said, Li Bai was very speechless, he can't tell Li Meng, it's because he has nothing to do to have some fun, in fact, he doesn't want to talk to them.

For Li Bai, this afternoon was considered a joy, but for the girls, the whole afternoon seemed to be fleeting, and the time had passed before they had done much shopping.

"No, no, no, I'm too hungry to walk, let's go eat." The little girl with ponytails lay on the back of the glasses girl, and said weakly.

Li Bai glanced at the time, it is now 06:30 in the evening, and because there is a lot of traffic in this place, even if a few girls are left here alone, there will be no danger, so Li Bai politely refuses He accepted the girls' request to drag him to eat together, and walked towards the parking lot without looking back.

The sky is still dark at this time, but it seems that it is not yet time to turn on the lights in the parking lot, so the parking lot at this time looks a little weird.

As Li Bai walked towards the depths of the parking lot, he turned on the lights of the parking lot, but suddenly found several men standing beside his car, seeming to be chatting.

Looking at the four men, Li Bai was just a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it. Maybe they just happened to be standing there.But when Li Bai said to some people that he was going to drive away and please let him go, he suddenly realized that these people were probably standing here on purpose.

"Are you Li Bai?" A very capable-looking boy stood in front of Li Bai's car and said to Li Bai.

Li Bai looked at this man. It seemed that this man should be 26 or [-] years old, but he didn't know why he asked him to come here.Moreover, Li Bai can be sure that he does not know the other party.

"I am Li Bai, may I ask who you are?" Li Bai asked back, basically it can be concluded that the other party should have deliberately come to find fault.

But I never thought that the other party laughed cheerfully, and really introduced himself to Li Bai: "Primary school brother, maybe you don't know me, my name is Liu Feng." Liu Feng said to Li Bai, and stretched out his right hand again, as if I want Li Bai to know that he has no malicious intentions.

"Hello, hello, you just called me elementary school brother, which means you are also a student of Qinglong University?" Li Bai looked at Liu Feng in surprise, but it was a little strange. If the senior came to him for something, why did he choose the meeting place? In this parking lot.

"Yes, but I have graduated for three and a half years." Liu Feng's hand touched Li Bai's hand, and the next second, Li Bai suddenly felt a huge force coming from Liu Feng's hand.

This power is very powerful. From Li Bai's preliminary judgment, Liu Feng's strength should be as high as that of the Jindan stage. However, it did not make Li Bai feel threatened. Just a little bit of force made Liu Feng's expression obvious. There have been some changes.

Li Bai took the initiative to let go of his hand, but Liu Feng hurriedly took his hand out with a forced smile on his face: "Unexpectedly, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I think back when I was as old as you, I didn't have you at all." What an achievement now."

Liu Feng looked at Li Bai with a kind of admiration, and told all of Li Bai's deeds in the past two years like a few treasures, which surprised Li Bai: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Li Bai stared straight at Liu Feng, and was ready. If the other party wanted to harm him, he would not hold back anything.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Liu Feng waved his hand at Li Bai, "I don't know how many years have passed, do you still know that there is a Qinglong legend that has been circulating in Qinglong University?" Liu Feng said to Li Bai lightly, I seem to be immersed in the memory.

Li Bai suddenly remembered that when he saw Xia Meng for the first time that day, Xia Meng seemed to have told himself that there seemed to be some legendary figures in Qinglong University before, and he went to investigate and found An equally powerful character.

That person's university trajectory seems to be not much different from Li Bai's. He also established a club in his freshman year, and then he had his own company in his sophomore year. However, after that person graduated from university, he went abroad. He went to study abroad, and his company quickly disappeared from the stage of history due to the lack of dedication of a strong man.

"You are the Liu Feng who chose to study abroad in the end?" Li Bai looked at Liu Feng in surprise and said, although in his opinion, Liu Feng's personal achievements were not as high as his own, but after all, it was the first case in the history of Qinglong University example, that's why it has the reputation of the legend of the blue dragon.

"That's right, that person is me." Liu Feng said to Li Bai with a smile, and sighed again, "It's just that our society didn't manage well in the end, and the land was bought by a society called Xiannong Society."

Hearing this sentence, Li Bai was taken aback. It turned out that the association whose land was robbed by him was founded by Liu Feng.

"Uh, I really don't know about this matter." Li Bai said to Liu Feng, but he didn't intend to admit his mistake, after all, he didn't do anything wrong.

Liu Feng smiled and said it was all right, and then introduced the people around him one by one, they were all his classmates who had followed him for many years: "Would you like to have a meal with us?"

Liu Feng suddenly said to Li Bai, and this seems to be the real purpose of his visit today.

Liu Feng not only called himself Emperor Nong, but also was a character in the legend of Qinglong. Li Bai naturally wanted to give this face, but he got into Liu Feng's car, and the place of dinner seemed to be different. Near here.

"Don't worry, I just want to take you to our house to have a barbecue. The meat there is all from the prairie, and the taste is guaranteed to be fresh." As if seeing Li Bai's doubts, Liu Feng said to Li Bai, and then, in After driving for about 20 minutes, the car finally stopped at the door of a barbecue restaurant.

Only then did Li Bai feel relieved, and felt that Liu Feng was his senior after all, so he shouldn't harbor ill intentions towards him.

The barbecue here tasted really good, even Li Bai ate it with relish, but when he was full, Liu Feng had no intention of getting up and leaving, but instead looked at Li Bai.

"Junior Li Bai, to be honest, there is actually one more thing to invite you to dinner today." Liu Feng said seriously to Li Bai.But at this time, four boys suddenly walked in from the door of the barbecue restaurant. Li Bai took a closer look and found that these four boys were the ones who wanted to molested Li Meng's best friend that night.

The four boys walked towards this side very arrogantly, and finally stopped by Li Bai's table. Then, the boss Shamate who was the leader looked at Liu Feng and called out "Brother".

Things suddenly turned out like this, which caught Li Bai a little off guard. He glanced at his current situation. Since he was sitting against the wall, the left side was the wall, and the right side were eight men who were slightly guarded against him.

"Senior Liu Feng, what do you mean?" Li Bai looked at Liu Feng and asked sullenly, but Liu Feng's expression did not change: "You should know these four boys, this one is called Liu Song , is my own younger brother, and the other three are his classmates."

Liu Feng paused again, and then continued: "You are a smart person, you should know what I want to say, I just hope you can apologize to the four of them, and then make some compensation. " Liu Feng said lightly, but his tone was irresistible.

Li Bai snorted softly, thinking to himself that it's no wonder this man at the Qinglong legend level suddenly found him, and he just wanted to help his younger brother get back.

"Do you know what they did that night?" Li Bai asked disdainfully, and Liu Feng nodded: "It was indeed their fault, and they also apologized to those female classmates afterwards. Yes, but you were a little too ruthless in your attack that night, and the crime is not so serious, so I want you to give them a few simple apologies."

Li Bai understood now that this high school student named Liu Song felt sorry for him because of his brother, so he asked him to help him avenge him.As for his apology to Li Meng's girlfriends?Li Bai never heard them mention this matter.

"Okay, I'm sorry, next time I'll be gentler, okay?" Li Bai stood up and said to Liu Song and the other four, but the expressions of the four of them changed again: "Is that all? It seems that your The attitude of admitting mistakes is very insincere." Liu Song said very arrogantly, and glanced at Liu Feng, as if he was asking for something again.

"Brother, what do you mean by your words, do you want to do something to them next time?" Liu Feng said to Li Bai again at this time.

Li Bai snorted coldly, without showing any weakness: "Isn't this nonsense, so your brother means that he wants to molested those classmates again?" Li Bai was a little angry. The reason why he apologized to Liu Song just now was because He didn't want to have a bad relationship with Liu Feng, but he didn't expect Liu Feng to be so aggressive, which made Li Bai couldn't bear it.

"Hehe, junior, it's too much guesswork for you to say that. Well, I can guarantee that they will definitely not do such a thing again in the future, but please also sincerely apologize to them. I won't pursue it anymore."

Sincere apology?Don't pursue it anymore?Hehe, I really thought that the legend of your blue dragon was a legend, and you are standing here like an ordinary person.

Li Bai thought coldly, then looked up at Liu Song and his three brothers: "Do you want me to apologize?"

Li Bai asked, Liu Song and the others had expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

"Downie Mabe."

In the next second, several people were collectively sluggish.

(End of this chapter)

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