The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2630 You will regret it

Chapter 2630 You will regret it

The first second seemed to be discussing about compromise, but the next second suddenly burst into anger.Li Bai's intense emotional changes made several people unable to react at once, but immediately after, Li Bai stretched out his hand and pushed hard towards the person sitting beside him, and they fell to the ground like dominoes.

"Li Bai, don't be shameless!" Seeing this situation, Liu Feng's face was very ugly, and he said to Li Bai through gritted teeth. In his heart, he just wanted to cross the table to teach Li Bai a lesson.

However, when he was still in the air, he was kicked away by Li Bai, and knocked Liu Song and the others to the ground.

"Give me a face? Hehe, there's no need. For a person like you who only knows how to protect his own people without distinction, no wonder your society will end up like that in the end." Li Bai responded without showing any weakness. , making Liu Feng even more angry.

What happened here forced all the customers in the barbecue restaurant to stop eating and looked towards this side, and Liu Feng seemed to know that this was not a place for fighting, so he left his seat angrily and walked to the The outside of the kebab shop.Maybe it was because the boss was already familiar with Liu Feng, so he just watched Liu Feng leave in astonishment, but he didn't charge for it.

Li Bai also ignored the few people who fell on the ground, and immediately followed them out, while they got up quickly and followed Li Bai again.

So, in the open space in front of the barbecue restaurant, just as Li Bai came down the steps, Liu Feng's attack followed suit. At the same time, seeing this scene, the seven men behind Li Bai moved towards Li Bai rushed forward, wanting to attack back and forth, and quickly subdued Li Bai.

However, no matter how Liu Feng is the legend of Qinglong University, his strength is only at the golden core stage at this time, not to mention the seven people behind him, they can only be weaker.

To deal with these few people, Li Bai didn't use much effort at all. Just before the guards from the barbecue shop arrived here, Li Bai had already ended the battle.Only Liu Feng was still standing majestically and unyieldingly, but clutching his shoulder in pain, while the others had already rolled all over the ground.

"Li Bai, you will regret it. Those who dare to oppose me, Liu Feng, are either not born yet, or are already dead." Liu Feng said to Li Bai viciously, and then led his people away.

Li Bai didn't go after him, although Liu Feng obviously meant to continue to attack him, but he only met Liu Feng once, and decided to kill the grass after a conflict, which is really not Li Bai's style.

Under the watchful eyes of the diners in the barbecue restaurant, Li Bai walked towards the darkness alone. In this ghostly place, even a taxi is rarely seen. After walking for more than ten minutes, he finally stopped a car.

Li Bai still came to the vicinity of the previous shopping mall first, not only because he was going to drive his own car, but also to find Li Meng and the others, and to remind her girlfriends.

After contacting through Tianxun, Li Bai knew that they were still eating in a restaurant not far away, so he walked there.

"Brother Li Bai, didn't you go home? Could it be that you are still thinking about our safety and waiting for us on purpose?" Seeing Li Bai's appearance, Li Meng's girlfriends all snickered, but suddenly they looked at him again. It turned out that when he separated from them, Li Bai's clothes were still clean, but at this time, some black stains had appeared on them.

"Li Bai, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the dirt on Li Bai's clothes, Li Meng asked with concern, and wanted to take some paper to wipe Li Bai, but Li Bai refused.

"I'll leave after I finish talking." Li Bai said to Li Meng, then turned to look at Li Meng's girlfriends, "That night, you had a classmate named Liu Feng, right? They haven't given up on you yet, so pay more attention to safety .” Li Bai said to the four people, without giving a clearer explanation, he just turned his head and left.

"Li Bai, Li Bai." Seeing that Li Bai was about to leave just like that, Li Meng felt anxious and hurried to catch up, "Did they come to trouble you again?" Li Meng looked at Li Bai worriedly, no She kept apologizing on behalf of her girlfriends.

"I'm fine. You can play a little longer tonight. They will definitely not come to you tonight." Li Bai said to Li Meng with a smile, and left again without stopping.

But when Li Meng returned to his seat, he became a little unhappy. Looking at the four girlfriends who were secretly happy, they thought Li Bai was caring about them.

"Your classmate Liu Song has troubled Li Bai. If it wasn't for us, Li Bai wouldn't have been injured." Li Meng looked at the four of them resentfully and said. However, Li Meng still used the word "we".

Thinking about it carefully, the girlfriends roughly guessed what happened, and looked at each other with regretful expressions in their eyes.

When Li Bai drove back home, Mother Xia and the two children were already asleep, but what made Li Bai feel relieved was that Zhang Yuhan did not work overtime tonight and had already returned and was taking a bath.

Li Bai didn't want Zhang Yuhan to see his clothes, so he hurried back to the room, put the clothes aside, changed into a set of pajamas, and then walked out of the bedroom to look for Zhang Yuhan.

Unexpectedly, it made Zhang Yuhan hit the nail on the head.

"Brother Bai, did you fight again tonight?" Zhang Yuhan stared at Li Bai with wide eyes.

"No, I'm going to have dinner with my friends tonight." Li Bai held Zhang Yuhan lightly, but he was justifying.

So, Zhang Yuhan raised her finger and lightly tapped on Li Bai's arm, a slight pain came over her.Li Bai lowered his head and looked over, there really was a black bruise there, I don't know when the scar was left.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a small fight, I have already dealt with those people." Li Bai said to Zhang Yuhan with a light smile, he didn't want Zhang Yuhan to continue to ask this question, so he put it on Zhang Yuhan's mouth .

The next day, another new week begins.

Li Bai thought that Liu Feng would hit him non-stop, but Li Bai's life fell into a calm situation again, he went to and from classes non-stop, practiced and ate, and then had nothing to do.

During this period of time, Li Bai asked Chen Feiyu to track down Liu Feng's whereabouts, but it was very difficult to find him. Chen Feiyu only knew that Liu Feng's company was not in the capital, and it seemed that he was preparing for the establishment of the company in the capital recently. At the same time, He seemed to be still looking for someone, and at the same time, there were some clues showing that Daryl, who had disappeared before, still seemed to be lurking in the capital.

These, to Li Bai, are naturally potential threats, but since they can't be found, Li Bai naturally has no way to take the initiative to attack, and can only continue to make some preparations.

Just one month after Zhou Xu officially became the chief security officer of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, Li Bai went to the company again and found that the security team had undergone earth-shaking changes.Although they are not as good as real soldiers, they are well-trained, and they have never been ambiguous in their respective positions.

Seeing such a scene, Li Bai was also very happy. Without notifying Zhou Xu, he found another thief to come to do the theft drill, but he didn't know whether it was because the surveillance system and these security guards were too powerful, or because The reason why the thief was too careless was that the thief had just entered the file room and was surrounded when he came out.

Such a result finally reassured Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan that the company's security issues had finally been resolved.

However, shortly thereafter, something went wrong.

"What? I lost the formula of Rejuvenation Pill?" On a sunny morning, Li Bai suddenly received a message from Zhang Yuhan. In the message, Zhang Yuhan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"It's really lost. I didn't invite anyone to do the theft drill this time. It's really lost!" Zhang Yuhan was so anxious that she was about to cry. Rejuvenation Pill has always been the top priority of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, even It can be said that it is the foundation that has maintained its long-term prosperity.

Hearing this news, Li Bai was not so calm anymore. He hurried to the company and immediately found Zhou Xu. He was in the monitoring room, and Zhang Yuhan was also there.

"When did you lose the formula?" Li Bai asked Zhang Yuhan first, and Zhang Yuhan said that it was last night, before she got off work, she sent someone to check it, and it was still there at that time.

"Who did you send? Call that person here." Li Bai's tone was not very good, but Zhang Yuhan also understood, and hurried to find someone to call the employee who checked the files last night, but Li Bai immediately questioned him.

"When I left, the formula was really there, and I certainly didn't steal the pill." A little girl looked at Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan nervously, fearing that if he blamed her, she would lose her job.

Li Bai rushed in front of the little girl all of a sudden, so frightened that she even forgot to shout.

"I warn you, if I find out that you stole something, don't blame me for being cruel!" Li Bai said viciously to the little girl, the little girl collapsed all of a sudden, burst into tears, and kept saying that she really didn't steal it by herself .

Zhang Yuhan gave Li Bai a reproachful look, but Li Bai told Zhang Yuhan with certainty that the little girl did not steal the things.Because, when he roared just now, Li Bai had checked the little girl's sea of ​​consciousness, and everything she said was true.

"That's weird, how did you lose it?" Li Bai muttered, and asked Zhou Xu to start playing the surveillance video from last night again.

Li Bai checked all the surveillance cameras. Except for the security guards, there was no movement throughout the night, and the security guards must not be suspected, because they never approached the file room.

"Just look at the surveillance in the archive room." Li Bai said again, and asked Zhou Xu to zoom in on the entire screen into the video of the surveillance room. Only then did he finally discover something strange.

At about two o'clock in the morning, the security door of the archive room seemed to open a small gap, and at 02:30, the small gap disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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