Chapter 265
"What else can I do? It must be something shameful, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go out in the middle of the night, right?" the subordinate just now said as a matter of course.

Scar pondered for a while, and then said decisively: "Don't be in a hurry, let us follow, I want to see what kind of wicked things these grandchildren are doing when they come out in the middle of the night!" A decision was made , Scar immediately left two people to stay in place, and he led the other five people to start the car quietly and followed.

"Mom, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Song Shuang, who was looking at the file, rubbed her eyes and answered the call from Song's mother.

Mother Song on the other end of the phone looked very excited, and said, "You haven't slept in the same way! I'm calling to tell you that your father is fine. He's in good spirits and in good health! It's just that he hasn't slept for a long time. It's time to eat, and now I'm clamoring to eat!"

Sure enough, Father Song's dissatisfied shout came from the other end of the phone at the right time: "I said, old woman, how long are you going to talk to my daughter? I'm going to starve to death! When you starve me to death, I will definitely ask my daughter Arrest you for murder! Send you to prison!"

Song's mother said dissatisfied: "You are starving to death, how can you tell your daughter! It's okay, just wait a little longer, what's the noise! ​​Sometimes I really think it's better for you to lie quietly in the hospital ward !."

Listening to the quarrel between her parents on the other end of the phone, Song Shuang deeply felt an emotion called happiness!

In the hospital, facing his critically ill father, Song Shuang truly felt the pain of losing a loved one. Now that the loss is found, Song Shuang knows how to cherish it more than ever.

"Mom, stop arguing with Dad, cook more delicious food for Dad, and let him make up for it!" Song Shuang comforted Song's mother.

Song's mother over there smiled and said: "I know! Your father has suffered a lot this time. If it weren't for that friend of yours, I don't know what would have happened! If you have a chance, you must invite everyone Sit here, let us also express our gratitude, and, I think that young man will do well."

Hearing that Song's mother was going to talk about that again, Song Shuang hurriedly interrupted: "Mom, go and cook for Dad, I still have work to do, so I won't accompany you. Go back and see you and Dad!" After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to put down the phone.

Remembering that on the phone, Song's mother had already regarded Li Xiaogang as a prospective son-in-law, Song Shuang felt a little irritated.

Thinking of the women who surrounded Li Xiaogang, Song Shuang felt that perhaps she would be more beautiful if she just watched him silently and guarded him.


After rubbing her swollen temples, Song Shuang turned her attention to the computer in front of her again.

Secretary Changchun, born in Shanghai, China in 1930, comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

A line of information jumped into Song Shuang's eyes.

Song Shuang's heart trembled for no reason, and the woman's intuition told her that maybe this is the person she was looking for!

"Sister Song Shuang, come and take a look. There is an old man in the duty room. He insists that someone is going to kill him. We are about to collapse. Come and help us deal with it!"

Xiao He in the duty room came to the police station a year later than Song Shuang. She was Song Shuang's school girl. The two of them usually got along very well, just like a pair of sisters.

Seeing Xiao He running in with a big head full of men, Song Shuang looked at her helplessly and said, "I'm talking about you, it's only been less than a month, how many times has the same thing happened? Good sister, I have a very important thing now. Things have to be dealt with, please think of a way for yourself, okay?"

Little He Buyi ran over and hugged Song Shuang's arm and said, "My dear sister, you are my idol, and you will take care of anyone who comes in front of you, so please show mercy and save you." Good sister, look at me, how embarrassed I am now, if I continue to be tortured by that old man, my whole body will collapse!"

Song Shuang sighed helplessly, pushed away the computer keyboard, stood up from the chair, and said to Xiao He: "Forget it, I lost to you, so I will accompany you for a walk!"

In the duty room, there was a man in his 80s or [-]s, with snow-white hair and a snow-white beard, who looked kindly, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his nose. Although the eyes behind the glasses were a little cloudy, they would still blink from time to time. Shine brightly.

But at this time, his eyes were full of fear, and although his body had not been bent by the years, it seemed much thinner at this time, trembling non-stop.

Seeing this old man at first glance, Song Shuang felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Xiao He pointed at the old man, and said to Song Shuang: "Then, he is the man! He always said that someone was going to kill him, but when asked who was going to kill him, he didn't say anything. He was really desperate people!"

Song Shuang nodded, walked up to the old man, sat down beside him, and asked softly, "Master, what's your name? Can we talk?"

The old man turned around with difficulty, looked at Song Shuang beside him, suddenly seemed very excited, grabbed Song Shuang's hand, and said excitedly: "Comrade police, you must save me, someone is going to kill me! If you leave me alone, I will be killed!"

Song Shuang nodded hurriedly and said, "Understood, old man! Don't worry, you're in the police station now, it's safe, and bad guys dare not come here to kill you! You can relax first, don't be so nervous, let's talk about it ?”

After hearing Song Shuang's words, especially seeing the smile on Song Shuang's face, the old man finally calmed down, and said to Song Shuang: "Girl, there are really bad people who want to kill me, you must protect me."

Song Shuang smiled and said: "Of course, we will definitely protect your safety! Can you tell me your name now?" The old man panted a few times and said, "My name is Si Changchun."

Song Shuang's heart was shaken by the old man's words, and he looked at him in surprise and asked, "You mean, you are Si Changchun, an old Chinese doctor?"

Si Changchun was also a little surprised when Song Shuang revealed his identity. He looked at her curiously and said, "Yes, I am a Chinese medicine doctor, but how did you know?"

Song Shuang laughed and said, "You don't need to worry about this, now tell me why someone wants to kill you, did you offend someone?" Si Changchun shook his head and said, "Girl, I can't say that , if I say it, they will kill me even more, and they will kill my children, I can't say it!"

Seeing Si Changchun's painful and excited appearance, Song Shuang felt very uncomfortable and a little annoyed. Those bastards could treat a white-haired old man so cruelly. Seeing the deep fear on his face , Song Shuang sympathized with him very much.

Song Shuang smiled and said: "Old man, you are in the police station now, you don't need to be afraid of those bad guys anymore, only if you tell who is going to kill you, we can catch them, so that your family and you don't have to If you are threatened by them, don't be afraid, just tell what you know."

Song Shuang's words moved the old man's heart, and his lips twitched slightly, but just when the old man was about to tell the truth, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

Filled with fear, and then the whole person began to tremble, refusing to say anything.

Song Shuang looked at the old man helplessly, and said, "How about this, old man, I'll take you back to your home first."

"No, no! I won't go back, I will die if I go back, they must be there waiting to kill me! I won't go back!"

Song Shuang frowned and said, "If that's the case, then I'll accompany you back! I'll live in your house and be responsible for protecting you. With the police around, bad guys won't dare to kill you. What do you think?"

The old man raised his head tremblingly, glanced at Song Shuang, then looked her up and down carefully, shook his head and said, "No, how can you, a girl, beat them, don't!"

Song Shuang couldn't help but smile bitterly at the old man's words, and said, "Don't worry if you are old, there are really few people in the police station who are my opponents!"

"Really?" the old man looked at Song Shuang suspiciously and asked.

Song Shuang looked back at Xiao He, and Xiao He hurriedly verified: "That's right, old man, you just trust her! She can hit half a dozen by herself without panting!"

The old man believed Xiao He's words, and said: "Well, I will trust you just once, don't lie to me!" Song Shuang nodded heavily, and helped the old man to stand up.

"Sister Song Shuang, are you really going? What if there is danger?" Xiao He looked at Song Shuang worriedly and asked.

Song Shuang gave her a reassuring smile and said: "From now on, your mobile phone has been turned on, and I will call you as soon as possible in case of danger, and you come to rescue me!"

Si Changchun lived alone in a two-bedroom apartment in an old residential building without his children around him. Although his life was rich, his loneliness made him look even older.

As soon as he entered his room, what caught his eye was a large number of ancient costume books, with yellowed pages, emitting a fragrance of fragrant ink from time to time, adding a dignified and rich cultural heritage to the whole room.

"Grandpa, you seem to be a person who likes to read books. There are so many books that you can almost catch up with a library!" Song Shuang said, scanning the rows of books on the bookshelf in amazement.

These books have been Si Changchun's pride for many years. Many of them are not available in the National Library. He loves them almost more than his own life.

He nodded and said, "I have lived for them all my life. After I die, I will donate them all to the country. These are treasures left by my ancestors, and they are of infinite value!"

Song Shuang giggled and said, "Why, you never thought of leaving these things to your descendants?"

Secretary Changchun sighed deeply, "Leave it to them? Forget it, don't waste these books. I'd rather let them go underground with me!" It seemed that in Secretary Changchun's heart, there seemed to be a lot of dissatisfaction with his children. .

Song Shuang walked to the bookshelf and saw that nine out of ten books on the bookshelf were all about medicine, plants and pharmacy. It was hard to imagine that all these books were read by Si Changchun, so how rich his medical knowledge was , Song Shuang almost couldn't imagine it.

Song Shuang put on a casual look and said, "Old man, I heard a saying that medicine and poison are not separated, do you think it makes sense?"

Probably Song Shuang asked about what made Si Changchun most proud, and saw that his interest immediately became high, and he pushed his eyes and said, "You are asking the right person, a doctor saves people, and a poisoner harms people.

The two complement each other and naturally cannot be separated.

Take this herbal medicine as an example, the ancients said that it is three-point poisonous.

This same medicine, placed here, is a good medicine for curing diseases and saving lives, but placed there, it becomes a poison that makes people feel overwhelmed with pain!This is the most attractive part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. To tell you the truth, I dare not say that my attainments in this area are unique in the world, but I have achieved quite a lot! "

(End of this chapter)

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