Chapter 266
Song Shuang smiled, took out the prescription written by Li Xiaogang in the hospital from his pocket, handed it to Secretary Changchun and said, "Old man, show me this prescription, is it a poisonous prescription that kills people, or is it A good prescription for curing diseases and saving lives?"

Si Changchun didn't suspect anything else, took it from Song Shuang's hand, and looked at it carefully, but after only a few glances, Si Changchun's face suddenly changed, and then his whole body trembled, as if his hands were shaking. The prescription in the bag weighs a thousand catties, and it seems that it takes all his strength to hold it steady.

Song Shuang looked at the old man's reaction firmly, knowing that he had really found the right person this time, and with a slight smile, Song Shuang said to Si Changchun calmly: "Old man, what's wrong with you, I think there is something wrong with your face! Is there something wrong with this prescription?"

Si Changchun tried his best to calm down, folded the prescription solemnly, handed it to Song Shuang, and asked, "Girl, where did you get this prescription, and who prescribed it? Can you tell me about it?" ?"

Song Shuang said casually: "This is a prescription randomly prescribed by a friend. It is used to relieve the poison my father has been poisoned by. It works well!"

"Your father was poisoned?" The old man looked very guilty, and he didn't dare to look at Song Shuang, and lowered his pale head.

Song Shuang said: "Isn't it? I don't know which crazy guys poisoned the wine and killed so many people. My father was almost poisoned to death. If my friend didn't show up in time, now Maybe I won't see my father anymore! Do you think these people are evil?"

Secretary Changchun clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly raised his head angrily and said: "These gods are murdered, they are so insane, one day they will be full of evil, just wait, God will accept them!"

"Wait for God to take them in? Then what do we good people do? Just watch helplessly and continue to do evil and harm people before God takes them in, harming the peaceful world?" Song Shuang's words gradually became a little tougher stand up.

"This... this..." Si Changchun was a little speechless.

Song Shuang simply confessed to him, and said: "Old man, I will not go around with you anymore. In fact, I showed you this prescription on purpose. Your expression proves that this prescription is the poison you prepared. ,Is it right?"

"Ah!?" Si Changchun was taken aback, stood up abruptly, looked at Song Shuang and asked loudly, " did you know?"

Song Shuang shook his head and said: "These are not important anymore. The important thing is who you gave this poison to and who is using them to harm people. What we have to do now is to find them out and catch them all! Don't let More people were poisoned again and died! You are an old Chinese doctor, I believe that you must have saved many lives in your life and pulled them back from the death line!"

Song Shuang glanced at the many bright red pennants hanging on the wall, and continued: "Look at these pennants, they all represent a fresh life and thousands of gratitude.

Look at your hands again, what a pair of holy and great hands, but now, do you want them to be stained with blood? ! ""No!No! "Si Changchun sat down with his head in pain, and said with difficulty: "These bastards.You don't know, I have always had a special liking for the research of poisons. I always hope to concoct the most powerful poisons in the world, and I have always enjoyed it!

That day, when I was doing research, a few patients came suddenly, saying they wanted to see a doctor. I didn’t become suspicious, so I opened the door and let them in. I didn’t expect that what I let in was not a patient, but a wolf, and they snatched them away. The formula of my poison actually uses these poisons to harm people! "

As if narrating a nightmare, Si Changchun's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his face was even paler, and his white hair was trembling constantly.

"After I watched TV, I realized that these beasts used my poison to harm people, and three of them died in a row, and so many people were poisoned and sent to the hospital. At that time, I wished I could kill these beasts myself. Bunch of beasts."

Listening to the old man's narration, Song Shuang gradually understood what happened, and asked: "But when you found out, you should go to the hospital to detoxify those poisoned patients. Why didn't you react at all?" ?”

"Hehe. Girl, do you think I am such a cold-blooded person? After watching TV, I immediately thought of going to the hospital to detoxify them, but those people also thought of me doing the same, threatening to call me one day. More than a dozen of them beat me, my children and my friends have become their bargaining chips to threaten me, I can't do anything about it!" Si Changchun's wry smile made people feel sympathetic.

"These bastards!" Song Shuang cursed in a low voice, and comforted Si Changchun, "Okay, now you don't have to worry, we will catch them all."

"Really? Hmph. It doesn't seem that easy, does it?" At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and three men walked in one by one.

Song Shuang put Director Changchun behind him vigilantly, glared at the three of them and said, "Who are you? I'm a policeman, don't mess around!"

The butler shook his head, looked straight at Si Changchun with cold eyes, and said, "Old man, do you know that you didn't have to die at first! But our husband predicted that you would betray us, but we didn't expect that you would do it so quickly! Now It's a good thing, but also a beautiful police lady, are you satisfied now?"

Song Shuang was taken aback. He never expected that these people were so vicious that they didn't even pay attention to the police!

Facing this life-and-death juncture, Song Shuangqiang was afraid that he would calm down, his head turned quickly, and he kept thinking of feasible solutions.

But with one enemy three, under the absolute disadvantage, all methods seemed so pale.

Si Changchun was really about to face death. After all, he had lived for a long time and had experienced a lot. Instead, he calmed down, pulled Song Shuang behind him, and stood in front of him. When she was in position, under the cover of Si Changchun's body, she quietly took out the phone, quickly pressed the shortcut key, it was Xiao He's phone number she had set up long ago, and then shrewdly stuffed the phone into the police uniform in the trouser pocket.

Secretary Changchun glared at the three of them, and shouted: "You stole my prescription and used it to harm others. This is already unforgivable. Why, are you still going to kill people today?"

The butler laughed and said: "You old man, you are quite old, and your mind is still not confused! Yes, you were the only one who died today. Pull a chick down with you to be your companion!" After finishing speaking, she looked at Song Shuang and said, "Miss, please don't blame us, blame this old bastard, hehe."

While smiling, the butler slowly drew out the cold pistol.

Song Shuang's nerves were extremely tense, and he had never felt that death was so close.

"Wait!" Si Changchun suddenly yelled angrily, the housekeeper was taken aback for a moment, looked at him and said, "Do you have any last words to say, tell them quickly!"

Secretary Changchun glanced at Song Shuang guiltily and said, "This girl has nothing to do with all of this. If you want to kill me, just kill me. Please let her go. After all, she is still young, and her life has just begun."

"Just now I said that you are not confused, why are you confused now? She has seen our faces, and she is also a glorious people's policeman. Do you think we can let her go? When death is imminent, let's worry about ourselves first. !" After speaking, he slowly aimed his gun at Si Changchun's head, and Si Changchun almost closed his eyes in despair.

"Walking out in the middle of the night is really not for good deeds!" At this tense moment, Scar's voice sounded from behind the three butlers. The three of them were taken aback, and the two subordinates instinctively turned around to resist. But before the two of them could turn around, two kind-hearted steel rods hit the bodies of the two of them indiscriminately with the whistling sound of the wind. They both screamed at the same time, and their bodies fell limply to the ground. curled up into a ball.

"Who!?" In a rage, the butler raised his hand and was about to shoot, when Scar yelled, "Damn it!" Immediately after, the butler felt his eyes go dizzy, and a huge fist came in front of him. The door, the front door was hit hard, the housekeeper only felt a buzzing in his head, dizzy, before he recovered, the hand holding the gun was hit hard again, there was only a crisp click, accompanied by a piercing sound. With the pain, the butler realized that he had lost contact with his right hand, and the gun fell to the ground.

"Kneel down!" There was another angry shout, and two steel rods hit the butler's legs from both sides. He stomped his face to the ground.

Everything happened so fast that the housekeeper and Song Shuang were a little overwhelmed.

As if in the blink of an eye, the whole situation was reversed, and the man who was waiting to die became the housekeeper.

Song Shuang, who was still in shock, was stunned for a long time before he recognized the scar. He felt relieved, and then he was relieved, but his whole body was already drenched in cold sweat.

"You... who are you?" the butler asked with great effort under Scar's feet.

Scar's foot added more force, and the butler immediately groaned in pain.

Scar smiled at Song Shuang, and then said to the butler at his feet: "Aren't you very majestic just now? What's the matter now? What are you doing under my feet? Is it fun there? Hehe." The butler said angrily He almost lost his breath and struggled desperately, but what he got in return was two heavy sticks, which completely knocked him down, leaving only his breath.

" did you appear here?" Song Shuang looked at Dao Scar gratefully and asked.

Dao Scar smiled and said, "Miss, it's rare that you still recognize me!"

The corners of Song Shuang's mouth twitched slightly and said, "See what you said, godfather of the provincial capital, how could it be possible for me, and how dare I not know him?"

Scar said with some embarrassment: "You must never say that, I can't bear it!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the dying butler and said: "This bastard, we have been following him since we left the house. I didn't expect him to come here to kill people, and I don't know who gave him the courage. It's unreasonable! Come on, search his body and see if there is anything valuable on him!"

(End of this chapter)

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