Chapter 2671

Go back to two hours ago.

Liu Feng looked at the four Nascent Soul masters who came from the Liu family, and nodded in satisfaction.Although his strength has just broken through to the Nascent Soul stage, because he is the eldest son of the family, it is still very easy to dispatch some family masters.

This time, Liu Feng had to make a final fight, because the time Long Tianlin left for him was less than two days. If he hadn't successfully killed Li Bai within these two days, That means that he has come here in his life.

But when Liu Feng was about to disband the four subordinates and was waiting for his order, Liu Meng's Tianxun suddenly called, and after Liu Feng hung up the Tianxun, Liu Feng's head was already full of sweat.

Grandpa is so angry, doesn't it mean that all his actions have been exposed?Moreover, Li Bai should be at his home at this time, and he should have taken his grandfather's antidote, waiting there for his arrest.

Regardless of whether it was what Liu Feng thought, Liu Feng didn't dare to take the risk. If it was true, Grandpa would definitely beat him to death.So, Liu Feng turned off Tianxun, and then took the elixir that Long Tianlin gave him, which can temporarily hide his breath, and then, he brought four of his men and rushed towards Xia Meng's home.

Because if Liu Feng were Li Bai, he would have given the antidote to Xia Meng as soon as possible, so Liu Feng didn't even need to take the initiative to find Li Bai, just wait here for Li Bai to take the bait.

As expected, at eleven o'clock in the evening, Liu Feng finally waited for Li Bai to come, and pronounced Li Bai's death sentence without shame.

Li Bai showed a ferocious face. Generally speaking, Li Bai would not show such an expression, because it would damage his image, but this time, Liu Feng completely drove Li Bai into a hurry, which made Li Bai feel deeply killing intent.

Li Bai is not a saint, since Liu Feng wanted to kill him one after another, then Li Bai would retaliate.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Kill him." Seeing Li Bai looking at him viciously, Liu Feng shuddered all over, and hurriedly ordered, and at the same time grabbed Xia Meng to his chest again, if something unexpected happened , or use this to threaten Li Bai.

In the courtyard of the villa, the fight soon began.Four Nascent Soul stage masters dealt with one Li Bai, and it could be seen that Liu Feng had already made the decision to kill this time.

However, what Liu Feng failed to figure out is that Li Bai told himself before that he was only in the Nascent Soul stage, which was just an illusion. The real Li Bai is already a master in the transformation stage, and has stabilized his current state. strength.

Thus, Liu Feng saw an incredible scene. Under the joint attack of the four Nascent Soul stage masters, Li Bai was not at a disadvantage at all, and instead fought well with the four of them.

The silver aura and the lavender aura kept colliding together, making a dull sound, but it was like hitting Liu Feng's heart with heavy hammers one after another.

However, what Liu Feng saw in his eyes and anxious in his heart didn't change at all. After all, he couldn't fight Li Bai in person, otherwise, he would definitely die there if he met him face to face.So Liu Feng could only pray that the four masters he brought this time could succeed, so that his reputation could be preserved.

"Oh, I think you are nothing but a coward." But to make matters worse, at this time, Xia Meng also ruthlessly mocked Liu Feng, "It's fine if you have conflicts with Li Bai, and you are not Li Bai's opponent. Still thinking about asking foreign aid to help, even if you win, you will not be happy."

Xia Meng stared at Liu Feng coldly and said, which made Liu Feng very angry: "Be quiet, if you want to die, I don't mind letting you die now."

But Xia Meng let out a crisp laugh: "Whatever, anyway, when my ex-boyfriend abandoned me, I didn't want to live anymore, so you don't have to waste time here, kill me first, and then you Run away quickly, Li Bai will definitely not let you go."

At this time, Liu Feng also showed a ferocious expression, after all, what Xia Meng said touched his pain point.He had to see Li Bai dead with his own eyes before he could rest assured, how could he escape early.

"Let me tell you, be quiet, didn't you hear?!" Liu Feng grabbed Xia Meng's neck with a strong hand, which made Xia Meng's face turn red instantly, and he was almost out of breath.

"Li Bai, if you still want this woman's life, stop doing unnecessary resistance!" Liu Feng yelled at Li Bai again. As the battle time prolongs, Liu Feng feels more and more uneasy. It's getting serious.

However, Liu Feng's words not only didn't make Li Bai lose his balance, but made Li Bai feel as if he had been beaten up, and his momentum suddenly increased. Moreover, Li Bai didn't even look at Xia Meng's side.

"Whatever, anyway, my purpose today is to kill you. I don't care about other people's life or death!" Li Bai said quietly with his back to the villa. The killer, who didn't react, slashed with his backhand.

"Why, how did this happen? Shouldn't he care about you?" At this moment, Liu Feng finally panicked, looking at Xia Meng and asked.Xia Meng showed a disdainful smile, but she was really sad in her heart. It turned out that in Li Bai's eyes, she was really not important at all.

Out of the four killers, because one of them was eliminated, the situation of the battle became clear.Although it was still three to one at this time, for the three killers, Li Bai's attack seemed to make them face dozens of opponents, making them parry again and again, but they still couldn't avoid the decline.

However, within 5 minutes, all four killers fell to the ground. Although they did not die, they also lost most of their fighting power.

Although they could fight to the death, facing such a formidable opponent, they didn't even have the courage to do so. Moreover, they were only doing their best for Liu Feng.

The small courtyard of the villa fell into silence again. Liu Feng was still holding onto Xia Meng and standing on the edge of the window on the second floor, but at this moment, Liu Feng's face was replaced by panic.

"Liu Feng, I admit what happened today. If you leave now, I will let this woman go, but if..." Liu Feng put his hand on Xia Meng's neck again, and threatened Li Bai, but he didn't say anything yet. After finishing, Li Bai took a step forward.

"What if I don't leave?" Li Bai raised his head and said to Liu Feng coldly.

Liu Feng swallowed hard, summoned up his courage, and shouted to Li Bai: "Then I'll kill her!" As he spoke, veins popped out on the back of Xia Meng's hand.

But in the next second, Liu Feng's mind seemed to be bombed by something, and he lost his consciousness instantly, and he quietly let go of Xia Meng's hand.

"Xia Meng, run!" Li Bai suddenly yelled at the panicked Xia Meng, and then the whole person soared into the air, landed by the window, grabbed Liu Feng, and fell hard from the second floor to the ground. on the ground.

There was a "click", whether it was the bones or the cracking of the ground, Liu Feng appeared there, unable to move.

"It's so strong, such a strong soul consciousness attack." Liu Feng grinned and said, while Li Bai was standing on top of his head.

"Liu Feng, let me give you the last sentence. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die yourself." Immediately afterwards, Li Bai jumped up from the window on the second floor, holding the Tianyun knife in his hand, and rushed forward Looking at Liu Feng, "die!" Li Bai roared angrily, as if he wanted to put all his bad emotions in the past few days into one blow.

And at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded: "Keep people under the knife!"

Li Bai was instantly distracted, and at this moment, Liu Feng pulled up all his strength and rolled to the side. The next moment, the Tianyun Knife sank into the ground like cutting tofu, accompanied by Li Bai Undulating body.

Li Bai saw clearly that the person who shouted "Keep people under the knife" was Liu Feng's younger sister Liu Meng, and beside her was a tightly wrapped person. Needless to say, Li Bai also knew that It was Liu Meng's grandfather.

"Why? Why didn't you let me kill him!" Li Bai stood up, took the Tianyun Knife in his hand, the tip of the knife fell on Liu Feng's forehead, and looked angrily at the two people at the door.

"I guess, Liu Feng doesn't really want to kill you. There should be something else hidden in it." Grandpa's voice sounded slowly, "If you are willing to give me face, let him tell us , What exactly happened, okay? If there is no reasonable reason, I will get rid of this family scum."

Grandpa said to Li Bai, while Liu Feng let out a hasty "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" voice, his eyes full of panic.

"Bastard!" Of course, the only thing that welcomed Liu Feng was his grandpa's scolding.

Li Bai took a deep breath for a long time, then put the Tianyun knife back into the Qiankun ring, and looked at Liu Meng again: "You go back to the car and wait for me, I still have one thing to deal with." After Li Bai finished speaking, he went It turned around and walked upstairs. At this time, Xia Meng was still upstairs.

At this time, beside the open window, the cold wind kept blowing on Xia Meng who was lying on the ground. At this time, she was completely exhausted. She had never encountered such a thing in so many years, so she became Xia Meng was very embarrassed to be seen by Li Bai again in this state.

With a blank expression on his face, Li Bai gently hugged Xia Meng, and then put him on the bed beside him, then squeezed Xia Meng's mouth domineeringly, and stuffed the antidote of the vomiting pill into it.

After finishing all this, Li Bai turned around to close the window, and then said: "Okay, you should just pretend that what happened today has never happened. I am deeply sorry for the fright I caused you, but I still hope you can Get out of this shadow by yourself." Li Bai said to Xia Meng very "ruthlessly".

"So, did you just leave like this?" Seeing that Li Bai was about to leave, Xia Meng spoke with tears in her eyes, "I don't need you to be responsible for the shadow in my heart, I will come out by myself, I I just want to ask you, am I really dispensable to you?"

Li Bai didn't look back, he was afraid to see Xia Meng's tears: "Good night, I'll tell you about this question when we meet next time, okay?"

With that said, Li Bai closed the door, and behind him, there were voices shouting "Bastard" continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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