Chapter 2672
If Liu Meng's appearance and falling in love with Li Bai are accidents between the two, then the relationship between Li Bai and Xia Meng is more like being dragged and dragged by others, and it has become like this.

After all, Xia Meng is a big star. Logically speaking, he would never have any interaction with someone like Li Bai. Nervous, when they returned to Kyoto, every meeting between the two was thrilling.

The first time was the scene of the car accident, the second time was the scene of the kidnapping, the third time was the scene of the siege just now, and of course, the week-long "couple" relationship, all of which made Xia Meng the present Li Bai is not an exception, after all, if Li Bai is a girl, he should also fall for such a man.

But, to be honest, Li Bai really didn't want to accept Xia Meng.It doesn't matter that Xia Meng is older than Li Bai, but there is already Mu Xiaoting who is an actor by Li Bai's side. If Li Bai accepts Xia Meng and becomes the actress Xia Meng, then Li Bai's life will also be ruled by the paparazzi. Around, it's something to be expected.

In short, the current Li Bai can't accept Xia Meng no matter what, unless, unless something happens that makes Li Bai irresistible.

Li Bai quickly left Xia Meng's villa, and at the back of his car, he heard another car with the lights on, and three members of the Liu family were sitting on it.

But Li Bai didn't talk to them immediately, but went straight to his car, honked the horn, and signaled for them to go first.

So, the two cars shuttled back and forth in the dark night, and soon came to Liu Meng's community again.

As for the fact that Mu Xiaoting did not let Li Bai spend the night outside, Li Bai had completely forgotten about it at this time. What he wanted now was to find out the cause and effect of the whole thing with Liu Feng as soon as possible.

The three of them returned to the room very quickly. At this time, Liu Feng's whole body's bones did not know how many bones were broken.Liu Meng, on the other hand, sat down on the sofa, watching quietly as Grandpa took off all the disguises on his body.

"Crawl over here yourself." Grandpa and Li Bai sat on the sofa together, but said to Liu Feng fiercely.

At this moment, Liu Feng dared to disobey his grandfather's request. Although his body was in unbearable pain, he still struggled to climb to the open space in front of the coffee table.

Before Grandpa could speak, Liu Feng burst into tears: "Grandpa, please don't kill me, I really didn't intend to kill Li Bai, but someone forced me to do it!"

Liu Feng was weeping and talking, and Li Bai's face flashed another trace of ruthlessness. Sure enough, behind the killer was Liu Feng, and behind Liu Feng, there was still another person.

"Tell me everything you know. If it's really not your fault, I won't kill you." Grandpa also said coldly. For his useless grandson, he already felt that he was hopeless.

So, at such a juncture of "life and death", Liu Feng finally chose to compromise. As for that person's threat, let's talk about it.

"Someone got hold of me and asked me to kill Li Bai." Liu Feng said slowly.

As expected, Liu Feng started to prepare for this matter after Labor Day, but at that time, he had been observing Li Bai, and he had been hesitating whether to do something to Li Bai, until one day later, that person Suddenly Liu Feng was ordered to kill Li Bai, requiring Liu Feng to kill Li Bai within two weeks, which made Liu Feng finally anxious.

Therefore, there were subsequent assassinations against Li Bai, all of which were planned by Liu Feng himself.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Li Bai suddenly stopped shouting, "One day that person gave you the order to die, what day is that day?" Li Bai asked suspiciously, as if grasping something in his heart stuff, but something needs to tie them all together.

Liu Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Probably on May No. 20, it was that night, that person suddenly sent me a message."

Hearing what Liu Feng said, Li Bai and Liu Meng suddenly raised their heads and looked at each other with a flash of light in their eyes.Wasn't that the day Li Bai killed the killer sent by Long Tianlin?Comparing with the time mentioned by Liu Feng, it is completely consistent.

"So, the person who sent you to do this is Long Tianlin?" Li Bai asked, but his tone was unusually certain.

Liu Meng also nodded in agreement, and analyzed: "It is very likely that those killers have been unable to succeed, so Long Tianlin first moved the target to you. As long as you are dead, then I will definitely not be able to hide from you." The killer is chasing after him." Liu Meng said with a solemn face.

Of course, Liu Meng is also wrong to say that, after all her grandfather has been paying attention to her, if Liu Meng has anything to do, grandpa will definitely show up at the first time.

Liu Feng also showed an expression of sudden realization. Thinking about it carefully, if his incident was rumored, it could only be spread among the four major clans of cultivation.

"You bastard!" At this time, Grandpa scolded Liu Feng again, "You actually did things for the Long family, how much did they do to you!"

Liu Feng told his grandfather very helplessly that it was not because he was benefited, but because Long Tianlin firmly grasped his handle.

"What the hell is it that makes you want to kill Li Bai with ulterior motives?!" Liu Meng said angrily, looking at Liu Feng angrily, wishing she could eat him.

"This..." Liu Feng was embarrassed, and glanced at Grandpa, but Grandpa turned his head away, not wanting to meet Liu Feng's gaze.

"Hmph." Grandpa snorted coldly and didn't speak.Liu Feng looked so embarrassed, as a grandfather, how could he not think of the reason for it? It is very likely that Long Tianlin caught the handle on what happened to his granddaughter.

When my grandfather was the head of the Liu family, the children were still very young. At that time, Liu Feng was about 12 years old, and Liu Meng was only about eight years old.And at that time, Liu Feng did the biggest rebellious thing in his life.

Liu Feng pushed his own sister, that is, Liu Meng, down, and she was still drugged.

Although after everyone's investigation later, grandpa learned that that incident was entirely because Liu Feng was too curious about the affairs between men and women, and there were no other girls around him, so he committed a "stupid thing", but Liu's family is like this. In the cultivator's family, once someone does such a thing, there is only one ending, and that is to be expelled from the family.

Fortunately, at that time, only a few people knew about this matter. Grandpa was one of them, and there were a few servants. However, these servants were dismissed by Grandpa in the end, in case they would subconsciously speak out in such an environment.

Naturally, Liu Meng didn't know about this matter, otherwise, he didn't know how traumatic it would be to Liu Meng.And after grandpa suppressed this matter, it has been calm for so many years, but what people did not expect was that this matter actually reached Long Tianlin's ears.

Grandpa didn't know how Long Tianlin knew about this matter, but if this matter was really ignored, the damage done to Liu Feng would be worse than expelling him since he was a child.

Grandpa was silent, Liu Feng was also silent, and Li Bai was also silent, because he probably guessed that this matter must be related to Liu Meng, otherwise the two of them would not be so embarrassing.

"If you hadn't killed me, what would Long Tianlin do to you?" At this moment, Li Bai asked, taking the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Let me lose my face, and I can no longer gain a foothold." Liu Feng said lightly, feeling ashamed, because in another 24 hours, the time Long Tianlin said would pass, but he was already out of the game ahead of schedule. .

But at this time, Liu Meng quit. The three people present seemed to know what happened, but she was kept in the dark.

"What the hell happened? Tell me, tell me quickly!" Liu Meng asked anxiously, picking up the pillow, she didn't dare to throw it at grandpa, and she couldn't bear to throw it at her older brother, so she had to throw it To Li Bai.

"I don't know." Li Bai put the pillow aside helplessly. He was telling the truth, but he really didn't know. There was no reason for asking, but he didn't want Liu Meng to be that victim.

Liu Meng looked at Grandpa again, but Grandpa was expressionless: "Don't ask about the specifics, it has nothing to do with you, and it would be bad for you if you found out." Grandpa said, but then he strengthened Li Bai's guess.

At this time, Grandpa suddenly thought of something again: "Does Long Tianlin have any evidence for this matter?" Those servants just took a peek, and there is no reliable video data at all.

"I don't know, he just told me, and didn't send me a picture or anything." Liu Feng changed his posture to make himself feel less painful.

"That's it!" Grandpa slapped his thigh and stood up, "Well, this matter is over here, if Long Tianlin dares to expose this matter, I will personally come forward, but he will finally It's best not to expose this matter, otherwise, the old man in his family will not be able to bear my anger."

Grandpa said with a sneer, making Liu Feng's eyes full of admiration and gratitude.

"Thank you grandpa, thank you grandpa, I promise that I will never do such a rebellious thing again." While speaking, Liu Feng kowtowed to his grandpa while enduring the pain in his body.

"Ask Li Bai first if he has you. After all, he is the one who will be killed. If he insists on killing you, I can't stop him." Grandpa snorted again.

Liu Feng hurriedly turned around and looked at Li Bai: "Li Bai, please forgive me, this incident really drove me to the point of nowhere, that's why I did this, please let me go, okay?"

At this time, Liu Feng put down all his body, and kowtowed to Li Bai in pain, Li Bai curled his lips.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you." Li Bai waved his hands impatiently and said, which surprised the three members of the Liu family, "But..." However, Li Bai suddenly changed the topic again.

It has been a long time since there was an opportunity to blackmail, and Li Bai did not want to let go of such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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