The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2687 National Secret Investigation Team

Chapter 2687 National Secret Investigation Team

I don't know whether it was because of the protection of Longwei, or because the other party didn't have the next move. In short, there was no danger on the rest of the road, and the group returned to the villa safe and sound.

That night, Li Bai announced that all of us had entered a state of first-level alert to prevent those with malicious intentions from continuing to act against us, and asked Jiang Gu to choose six late Jindan Stage Dragon Guards as the five women and two At the same time, tell everyone that once you find a suspicious person, try to avoid it as much as possible to prevent any contact.

For a moment, everyone's face was covered with a shadow, and their faces were full of sorrow. Although Li Bai didn't want to see everyone's expressions like this, he had no choice. Before this matter was resolved, he had no better way.

"Dragon King, if we are asked to investigate who is behind the scenes, I am afraid it will be difficult, because all the people involved in the case are dead, and there are no suspicious clues left on them." Jiang Gu and Li Bai They walked out of the villa together, looked at the night sky, but said helplessly.

"Aren't there any clues?" Li Bai frowned. After killing the last person, he also explored that person's sea of ​​consciousness as usual, but found that the person's mind was really like It's like a mess, with no useful information.

After that, Jiang Gu also sent someone to check the bodies of several people, but they couldn't find anything except that they were probably at the Jindan stage.

"Then what should we do? Do we just let that person keep attacking in the dark? We can defend against it for a while, but not forever." Li Bai said unwillingly, biting his lip.

"What's on Dragon King's mind? Is there anyone who might attack you?" Jiang Gu asked again.

Li Bai thought for a while, if you guess the possibility of everyone, there are quite a lot of people.The one who bears the brunt is naturally Long Tianlin who ivory killed Liu Meng but was obstructed by himself in every possible way, and secondly, those sons and brothers at the ball because he prevented them from pursuing Xia Meng.

At the same time, there was another person included in Li Bai's suspicion, that is Ling Tian, ​​the big boss of Ling Tian Hotel, because this person was so mysterious that Li Bai felt a little unpredictable.

Jiang Gu's face was troubled again, those young masters were okay to say, but even Long Wei was a little powerless to investigate Long Tianlin and the mysterious Ling Tian, ​​after all, this is already a matter of the cultivation world , and although they are all cultivators, they haven't really stepped into that level yet.

"Dragon King, let's hire foreign aid. I know there is an organization that is very good at this, and Longwei has cooperated with them a few times before. Both reputation and ability are very good." Jiang Gu told Li Bai Said, let Li Bai's eyes light up.

"What organization? Can even people from the four major families in the cultivation world like Long Tianlin be able to find out?" Li Bai asked in surprise.Jiang Gu nodded uncertainly: "It should be ok. We met a few people before who we thought we couldn't find, but they all found them in the end."

Jiang Gu rubbed his head in embarrassment. In saying that, he was really suspected of raising others' ambitions and destroying his prestige.

"Well, take me to meet these people tomorrow." Li Bai immediately agreed without thinking too much.

Jiang Gu and Li Bai bid farewell, and Longwei's bodyguards will officially take up their duties tomorrow, so tonight is everyone's last "free" night.

But when Li Bai returned to the room, Li Bai found that there seemed to be some disputes among the girls. Li Bai eavesdropped on it, only to realize that the girls were guessing who among them was leading the fight. Here come the killers.

"It shouldn't be the two of us, after all, we have stayed in Shu County for so long and nothing happened." Su Daji was the first to rule out the suspicion of himself and Feng Yunxi.

Zhang Yuhan said the same thing, he has been working all the time, and he didn't find any suspicious person while working.

The three of them turned their attention to Mu Xiaoting and Xia Meng who had been sitting together, which made Mu Xiaoting a little unhappy: "Hey, are you suspicious of the two of us? We haven't gone out recently. The last event was the dance that night."

Mu Xiaoting defended and defended Xia Meng vigorously: "You can't bully Xia Meng just because she's new to us, and it's impossible for her to belong to her."

Xia Meng pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, but took Mu Xiaoting's hand off her arm, then stood up and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm sorry for being hunted down this time. I think it is really possible because of me, because I rejected too many sons at the previous dance, so it is likely to be them."

Xia Meng took the initiative to admit the "mistake", which made everyone silent all of a sudden, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"Sister Xia Meng, how could it be you? You must be thinking too much." Mu Xiaoting still tried her best to get rid of the suspicion on Xia Meng, but Xia Meng grabbed Mu Xiaoting's hand and threw a veil at her. Go for a determined look.

At this moment, Li Bai finally came out with a look of dumbfounding.

"Don't be like this, please. We are all a family. If there is any problem, we should solve it together. Don't blame each other, it hurts too much." Li Bai sat across from everyone and said to everyone, But it was despised by everyone.

"What, we are analyzing who the problem is, and then focusing on protecting that person. Do you want an infighting between us?" Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai dissatisfied, and pressed Then, several sisters stared at Li Bai together, leaving Li Bai speechless.

"Then you guys just said no, you deliberately made me look ugly, didn't you?!" Li Bai's face suddenly changed, and he jumped on Zhang Yuhan like a wolf, "Tonight, I'll eat you up first." With that said, he carried Zhang Yuhan upstairs.

He turned around and said, "Anyone of you can come if you want, it's only for tonight, and you won't wait when it's over."

Su Daji and Feng Yunxi immediately chased after Li Bai, but the newcomer Xia Meng seemed a little awkward: "This is too embarrassing." Thinking of everyone lying on the same bed, Xia Meng was very nervous. A burst of blush.

Mu Xiaoting said badly: "It's okay, Li Bai is very strong, it's easy to clean up the five of us by himself, let go, let's go." As she said, Mu Xiaoting couldn't help saying He pulled Xia Meng up together and walked upstairs.

And this night that was supposed to be full of gloom was quietly resolved through Li Bai's method.

The next day, although it was Sunday, Li Bai got up early and did not disturb the women who were still asleep.

Li Bai sent Jiang Gu a message from the sky, and 10 minutes later, Jiang Gu appeared in front of the villa. At the same time, there were the six dragon guards who were ordered to protect everyone.

"It's a pity for you." Li Bai looked at the six people and said solemnly, and then the six people scattered in all directions, hiding in the dark, waiting for the person they needed to protect to appear.

"Dragon King, let's go. I've already made an appointment with them." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai again, and the two drove towards their destination together.

"Is that organization not within the scope of Kyoto?"

Jiang Gu drove the car for a long time, and even got on the notice, Li Bai finally realized the problem.

"Because they are also a secret organization of the country, they are not set up in an obvious place. By the way, their name is the National Secret Investigation Team. In fact, this organization is more hidden than our Longwei." Jiang Gu told Li Bai introduced.

The car drove out of the border of Kyoto and headed north. After about five hours, it finally arrived at the border of Inner Mongolia Province. Then it finally got off the highway and walked on a country road.

"Is the National Secret Investigation Team in this kind of place?" Li Bai asked incredulously, Jiang Gu nodded and said with a smile: "After you see their people later, I'm afraid you will be even more surprised."

"Oh? That's right. I've seen everything." Li Bai and Jiang Gu made a small bet, but Jiang Gu said that Li Bai must lose.

When it was almost noon, the car finally stopped at the entrance of a small village. Although the village did not look dilapidated, it always felt deserted.

"No way, the current situation has not changed for the better. The young people in the village have all gone to work in big cities, so those who stay in the village are old people, and there is nothing to do every day." Jiang Gu As he spoke, he led Li Bai towards the village.

He quickly walked into an old community, and stopped in front of a facade house.

"This is it." Jiang Gu pointed to a shop with a signboard "Star Chess and Chess Hall" and said to Li Bai.

"This camouflage is good. If you hadn't led the way, even if you told me this place, I probably wouldn't be able to find it." Li Bai praised, then walked into the chess and card hall with Jiang Gu, and lifted the curtain Li Bai heard a "cracking" sound of playing mahjong, and what came into view were a few old men in sixties wearing only vests.

"Third brother, you lost ten yuan to me in the last round, and this round is even."

"Boss, are you kidding me? I'm so self-indulgent in this one. I won [-] yuan. I won you [-] yuan even if you don't get [-] yuan from the last one."

"Boss, what the third brother said is right."

"Don't worry about the two of them, the second one. You and I are both confused. You and I won't lose, so don't worry about them."

On a mahjong table, three old men and an old woman were counting the money while starting the next round, so Li Bai didn't know what to say.

"Excuse me, is there a back door or a basement here?" Li Bai asked in embarrassment, which made the old people stop temporarily.

"Go out and turn right, then turn right, then turn right and walk 50 meters, you will see it." The old woman said to Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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