Chapter 2688
Following the old woman's instructions, Li Bai walked in a big circle to the back, but found that there was a relatively small "Star Chess and Cards Hall" hanging behind the building.

"Is this their so-called back door? I mean how could they find that national secret investigation team? Don't they themselves know that there is such an organization in this community?" Li Bai glanced at it strangely. Jiang Gu, Jiang Gu just said "maybe" and then lowered his head.

Li Bai went into the basement again, but found that it was pitch-black inside. It was impossible for anyone to work here, so he went back to the chess and card hall helplessly.

"Young man, why did you come back again? Didn't you find the basement?" The four of them had already started a new round of poker, and only the old woman spoke to Li Bai again.

"Uh, grandpa and grandma, do you know that there is a national investigation team here?" Li Bai thought for a while, but was about to ask directly.

"Oh? Is there anything I can do with them?" Another old man smoking a cigarette asked while touching his cards.

"I want to ask them for help." Li Bai said excitedly when he heard that these old people seemed to know.

"Oh, then you guys just sit and wait, let's finish this game first." The old man said again, and then ignored the two of them, making Li Bai very embarrassed, but Jiang Gu was still enduring it laugh.

At this time, Li Bai suddenly realized that he might have been tricked by Jiang Gu: "Isn't it? Could it be that these four people are the members of the national secret investigation team you mentioned?"

Li Bai asked Jiang Gu in surprise. At this time, Jiang Gu finally couldn't help laughing, and laughed out loud: "Dragon King, I said you will lose, you still don't believe it."

Li Bai rolled his eyes at Jiang Gu, but Li Bai did not expect that these four people were the legendary organization that was more secretive than Longwei.However, having said that, it is really quite hidden.Who would have thought that a secret group opened a chess and card hall, and the members were still four old people, playing mahjong every day? !

"Xiao Jiang, can you stop laughing so exaggeratedly, I will blame you if I lose later." At this time again, an old man said to Jiang Gu with dissatisfaction, Jiang Gu quickly closed his mouth, Quietly waiting for them to finish playing the cards.

After 15 minutes, the game ended, and after 10 minutes, the few people finally settled the money, and finally turned their heads to look at Li Bai and Jiang Gu.

"Come on, what do you want to see us again?" Several old men said after finding their own clothes from the pile of clothes thrown around on the sofa and putting them on.

Jiang Gu and Li Bai stood up, and Jiang Gu introduced to the four elders: "This is the new Dragon King of our Huaxia Dragon Guard, named Li Bai."

Li Bai respectfully nodded to the four elders, and said, "Hello seniors."

As a result, the four old men looked very surprised, looked at Jiang Gu and said, "Xiao Jiang, what's going on? Aren't you the Dragon King? How did you become this kid."

Both Jiang Gu and Li Bai were a little embarrassed, and Jiang Gu explained: "Abdicate for the virtuous, abdicate for the virtuous, don't look at him as young, but his strength is much higher than mine." I have to give some seniors some face.

"Well, we don't know much about you young people, so tell me, what's the matter with us again?" An old man asked, while Jiang Gu went to the water dispenser to fetch water for everyone.

Li Bai finally had the opportunity to speak, and said to several seniors: "Senior, it's like this, this matter is actually my personal matter, and it has nothing to do with Long Wei."

This made several seniors frown: "You, the new dragon king, are stumped. It seems that this question is a bit challenging. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. I can't win a few dollars from you all day long. I don't want to play cards with you anymore." Another old man said.

Finally, the two old men and old women also nodded, accepting the challenge.

This made Li Bai stunned: "You mean, have you already agreed? But I haven't said anything about my problem." Li Bai was a little speechless. He had seen happy people before, but he was so happy with these four seniors. Happily, Li Bai has never seen him before.

"Then why don't you tell your story quickly? Wait for us to urge you?" An old man said to Li Bai not very happy, but he relaxed a little after Jiang Gu brought water.

Now, Li Bai recounted all his experiences these days.

"Is the murderer behind the scenes hidden so deeply? Even your Huaxia Dragon Guards can't find it." The old woman looked at Li Bai and Jiang Gu with contempt, making it impossible for them to refute.

And at this time, the four seniors got together again and didn't know what they were talking about, Jiang Gu took advantage of this time to introduce these four seniors to Li Bai.

"Dragon King, that grandma is actually their leader. Her code name is Zhao Yi, and the other three, in clockwise order, are Qian Er, Sun San, and Li Si." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai, letting Li Bai lightly Laughed: "Is the code name of the seniors so common?"

Jiang Gu nodded, saying that they didn't want to waste time thinking of names, so they called them.

"Don't look at them like ordinary old men and old ladies. In fact, they are all members of various hidden families. It's just that after getting tired of the things in the family, they chose to leave the family and come out to make this together. This kind of organization, while living the life of ordinary people, is carrying out this kind of difficult task at the same time.”

Jiang Gu also told Li Bai that the four of them all had the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which was slightly higher than him.

Finally, the four seniors finally finished their discussion, turned around again and said to Li Bai: "Okay, we have decided to formally decide to help you solve this difficulty. As for the remuneration, let's do it as before." With that, the four of them stood up, then left Li Bai and Jiang Gu behind, and left the chess and card hall.

"Here, what did they do?" Li Bai was stunned for a moment again. The behavior of these four old people really made Li Bai a little unresponsive.

"Go change your clothes. When they acted, they didn't look like this." Jiang Gu also said helplessly.

Li Bai and Jiang Gu waited for half an hour, but when four people appeared in the chess and card hall again, they all turned into young men and women.

"Why, disguise, haven't you seen it?" Zhao Yi suddenly uttered a sweet voice, which shocked Li Bai. He knew that disguise was powerful, but he could even change his voice, which made Li Bai completely speechless. unimaginable.

"Dragon King, now you know how powerful they are, and for them, this is just a piece of cake." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai again, and then got into the car with the four seniors, and headed towards the capital again. Direction rushed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Bai and the others finally returned to the downtown area of ​​Kyoto. Li Bai quickly arranged accommodation for the four seniors, and then invited them to have dinner together.

"Seniors, what do I need to do next?" Li Bai asked again. In his subconscious mind, he was still reluctant to entrust all his affairs to others.

"No need, just wait for our news. You also have a few days off. You young people, it's much harder than us." Li Si, who was pretending to be an uncle, said to Li Bai.

Li Bai still hesitated, but Jiang Gu quietly said to Li Bai: "Dragon King, what they hate the most is that others don't believe in their abilities, and you can rest assured to leave this matter to them. Be quick."

Only then did Li Bai feel relieved, had a drink with the seniors, and wished the seniors quickly find the black hands behind the scenes.

After dinner, Li Bai formally bid farewell to several people. Although Li Bai said that he didn't need to take care of the matter of finding the mastermind behind the scenes, Li Bai still needed to accompany a few girls in person. The place where he is most worried.

So in the next week, everyone returned to the state before camping, living in seclusion, which also made some people feel anxious.

"What the hell, when did Li Bai turn into a turtle with a shrunken head? How can I do anything to him!" A man angrily smashed things while scolding his servants, "Go, give that Shi Mingzhi from Qinglong University to him!" I caught it, I have something to tell him."

So on the second day, Shi Mingzhi, who was about to go to study in the self-study room, was inexplicably hit with a sap. When he woke up again, he was sitting in a toilet cubicle with a stack of thick paper beside him. At the same time, there is a note underneath.

"Do something to let Li Bai do more activities on campus these two days. It's that simple. If you do well, the money will be yours. If you don't do well, we will not only get the money back, but also your life. We'll take it too."

Shi Mingzhi was shocked, and stood up quickly, a little panicked, but soon calmed down again.

"I was still worrying about not having a place to seek revenge on Li Bai. I didn't expect someone to do this for me." Shi Mingzhi said with a smile. I don't know who stabbed the matter of the student union election before. The reputations of the two plummeted in everyone's hearts, so Shi Mingzhi always wanted to find a chance to discredit Li Bai, but he never had the chance.

But being threatened this time stimulated Shi Mingzhi's motivation and gave Shi Mingzhi a chance to act.Putting the pile of money into his schoolbag, Shi Mingzhi walked out of the toilet and contacted his younger brother Shi Mingxiang at the same time.

But here, Xia Meng opened a small private class for everyone in the villa. After this semester, everyone's homework has fallen behind. As the only person who has learned these things, Xia Meng is naturally Become everyone's teacher.

"Xia Meng, if it wasn't for you, we would definitely fail this semester." Li Bai looked at Xia Meng with a wicked smile.

"Don't be complacent, even if I teach you, you may still fail." Xia Meng ruthlessly hit Li Bai's confidence.

Just when Li Bai was about to quibble about something, his Sky News rang: "What, there is another class meeting this afternoon?" Li Bai shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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