The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2689 Unsettled Campus

Chapter 2689 Unsettled Campus
Originally, because of the end of the term, the school has been attending classes for nearly half a month, and most of the students are studying intensively during this time, but the location is different, either in the dormitory, or It was in the study room of the library, or, like Li Bai and the others, they went home directly.

However, on such a day, such a message suddenly came out in the class group, causing the whole class to explode.

"What are you doing? If you want to have a class meeting, you should have said it earlier. Notifying me now will disrupt my review plan."

"That's right, I just wanted to go out and relax for two days, but the class meeting is about to start, can the monitor ask for leave?"

Although the students complained, the class leader said that this afternoon, which is the last class meeting of this semester, all the students in the class must be present, except those who can not be in school all year round.

Li Bai and others naturally do not want to go to school, but those who have been approved by the school are only Zhang Yuhan, Su Daji, and Feng Yunxi. They lazily changed their clothes and walked towards the school together.

The class meeting was scheduled to start at four o'clock in the afternoon, but by 04:30, most of the people were late, and the class leader said there was nothing he could do about it.

"Call the name first. Students who didn't come this time will deduct half of their test scores." The monitor said this, but he knew in his heart that most of the students didn't care about the test and scholarships, so he just Go through the process and complete the tasks assigned by the courtyard.

Except for Zhou Xu, everyone who should have come has come. The class monitor kept asking where Zhou Xu had gone, but how could Li Bai tell him that Zhou Xu had died in the secret room he had set up.

After confirming that Zhou Xu could not be contacted, the class leader started the class meeting. The main content was to warn the students that the whole school would crack down on cheaters in this exam, and at the same time asked everyone to sign the guarantee letter.Of course, this is of no use. Students who should cheat will still cheat.

Then this class meeting suddenly started so inexplicably, and then ended inexplicably, and the students complained even more.

Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting also walked towards the outside of the teaching building in a very speechless manner, and did not see that behind them, Shi Mingzhi was talking to the class monitor.

"Husband, why don't we take a stroll around the campus? I'm almost suffocated at home these two days." After walking out of the teaching building, Mu Xiaoting coquettishly said to Li Bai. Although Li Bai was still a little worried about the assassination of those people, he felt that Nothing should happen on this campus, so I agreed.

But soon, the two were caught up by Liu Meng.

"Hey, Li Bai, you have ignored me for almost a month!" Liu Meng stopped Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting in front of her, and said to Li Bai very unhappy.

Li Bai looked very helpless: "Well, isn't your brother responsible for protecting your safety now, why do you need me?"

Furious, Liu Meng raised her foot and gave Li Bai a hard look, making Li Bai jump up in pain.

"Auntie, can we have a good talk if we have something to say? Don't hit people as soon as you come up, okay?"

"Then you have to promise me that in the last two weeks, you can no longer ignore me like before, besides, my brother and my grandpa both know about our relationship, I don't know what you are afraid of?! "Liu Meng said fiercely to Li Bai again, "Or, you know in your heart that this semester is coming to an end, so you don't want to agree to what you promised me before."

Liu Meng's expression was like flipping through a book, and in an instant it turned into a cute and pitiful look, which made Li Bai helpless: "Okay, okay, can I promise you?" Li Bai had no choice but to agree, but he was really unprepared The day of the official holiday is here.

As a result, the two people's stroll turned into three people, and the atmosphere was a bit weird, but soon, Li Bai noticed something was not right.He always felt that no matter where they went, someone was always staring at them, as if being targeted by a poisonous snake. This feeling made Li Bai very uncomfortable.

"Let's walk faster." Li Bai said to the two of them, and then, he quickened his pace, and then turned right to another road, but was led by Li Bai to hide in a self-service teller machine room next to him.

"What's wrong? Is someone following us?" Mu Xiaoting was a little nervous and asked belatedly.

Li Bai nodded, hid himself behind the door, and watched the situation outside.After a while, Li Bai saw an acquaintance standing there, looking around to find someone.

"Oh, isn't this Chairman Shi Mingzhi?" Li Bai led the two of them out of the hiding place at this moment, patted Shi Mingzhi who was looking around, and said in a cold voice.

Shi Mingzhi was obviously taken aback, turned around and saw Li Bai's expression, and then patted his chest in shock: "Li Bai, I thought who it was, can you greet me next time without being scary?" ?" He glanced at Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting again, with a trace of hatred still in his eyes.

Naturally, Li Bai didn't give Shi Mingzhi a good look, and snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know, you have already started following us when you came out of the teaching building? Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

Shi Mingzhi still wanted to deny it, and kept saying yes or no, but at this moment, his Tianxun suddenly rang, and Shi Mingzhi hurriedly picked up the Tianxun, but only a cold voice came out from the receiver, calling Shi Mingzhi came back quickly.

"I'm looking for someone. I'm not following you, really." Shi Mingzhi left behind a sentence and hurried away, but this made Li Bai even more confused. This Shi Mingzhi is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface. , but Li Bai couldn't see the difference at once.

"Let's go home, I always feel that today's campus will not be peaceful." Li Bai said to the two girls in a deep voice.

Because of recent events, Mu Xiaoting obeyed Li Bai's words completely, but Liu Meng didn't know what happened to them, and held Li Bai's arm with some reluctance: "Li Bai, just stay with me again Let's walk for a while, the campus is not peaceful, you see, there are only three of us on this road now."

Liu Meng said to Li Bai coquettishly, but Li Bai's eyes turned cold.When they were talking to Shi Mingzhi just now, there were still other students on this path, but at this time, there were really only three of them left.The tranquility is calm, but this tranquility only makes Li Bai feel abnormal.

"Let's change places first, and we'll talk later." Li Bai took Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting's hands, ready to walk quickly to another road, but at this moment, four masked men suddenly He jumped down from the upstairs next to him, and with a shining iron knife in his hand, he rushed towards Li Bai.

"Sure enough, today's class meeting still has other purposes." Li Bai's eyes turned cold, and he protected Mu Xiaoting and Liu Meng behind him, and the Tianyun knife appeared in his hand in an instant, facing the four knife men and go.

Although the fight has not yet started, Li Bai already clearly felt that the strength of these four killers was stronger than the five men in the natural park last time, and they were also four killers in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Now that the other party has dared to disregard the influence and directly fight on campus, then Li Bai will naturally not show any affection, and a quick battle is Li Bai's purpose.

"You two, run quickly, they are coming for me!" Li Bai yelled at the two girls, Mu Xiaoting and Liu Meng ran away quickly, but a knife man also left the team and walked towards Liu Meng He Mu Xiaoting chased after him.

"Looking for death!" Li Bai yelled, although the three swordsmen were already trying their best to contain him, but under Li Bai's instant explosion, the swords in their hands were all cut off at the same time, and Li Bai immediately It was another knife for each of these people. Although they didn't let them die, they wouldn't be able to return to their current state within a year.

On the other side, Mu Xiaoting and Liu Meng were not afraid of the killer's pursuit at all, they stopped running and turned around to fight the killer.

However, Mu Xiaoting was only at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and Liu Meng was only at the Golden Core Stage. In front of a Nascent Soul Stage, she was instantly suppressed, especially if the opponent still had weapons.

However, it still took two to three seconds for Li Bai to come here, and the killer raised the knife in his hand to slash at the two girls.

But at this time, Mu Xiaoting closed her eyes nervously, but Liu Meng's hands suddenly erupted with lavender aura, and pushed towards the killer's abdomen fiercely.

The killer subconsciously chose to dodge, and then, Liu Meng jumped in Mu Xiaoting's direction, hugging Mu Xiaoting who was too tense to move, and rolled to the side, avoiding the killer's knife at the same time, but also for Li Bai. Gained time.

And at this time, Li Bai finally arrived, and with a knife in his hand, he sent the killer who wanted to do something to the two women to hell.

"Are you all right?" Li Bai put the Sky Meteor Knife back into the Qiankun Ring, and without a single glance at the dying killer, he hurried towards Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting.

"We're all right, are you all right?" Li Bai helped Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting up. Their bodies were just bruised. Mu Xiaoting was still in shock, but Liu Meng had already begun to care about Li Bai.

"I'm fine, but if you used your spiritual energy just now, is it considered a relapse?" Li Bai suddenly thought of this question. Liu Meng once told her that if she used her spiritual energy, then she might Must go back to the family.

"Let's talk about this matter later, the most important thing is to leave here first." Liu Meng said to Li Bai with a smile.

Li Bai glanced back, the three seriously injured people stood up supporting each other, and walked towards the last brother who died, Li Bai snorted coldly, but this time, he didn't ask these people any questions, because Li Bai knew that it must be the same as the previous few times, and he couldn't ask why.

(End of this chapter)

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