The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2707 Serial Murder Cases

Chapter 2707 Serial Murder Cases

After seeing the news report on TV, Li Bai immediately thought that this must be a good thing that Viscount Sean did.Although the news reports on TV did not show any photos, but only broadcast this information through voice, Li Bai deliberately went online to check the specific content of this serial murder case.

Sure enough, this news has been pushed to the top of the portal website's local hot search list. If you click on any link, Li Bai can see the tragic scene of the crime scene in all the information.

In fact, it is not very miserable, because the corpses of the deceased are intact, there is not even a single wound on the body, but what is horrifying is that no one can see any blood on the bodies of the deceased, as if the blood all over the body They have all been drained dry, making the corpse look like a mummy.

Therefore, Li Bai became even more certain that Viscount Xiao En did this, and the method used was through the blood spar.

Li Bai doesn't know how the blood spar sucks people's blood dry when it only touches other people's skin and doesn't even cause a wound, but what Li Bai knows is that if he stays If the family doesn't do anything, I'm afraid this Viscount Xiao En will do something crazier.

Li Bai browsed the Internet for about two hours, and finally confirmed that in the past two days, Viscount Xiao En had killed 33 ordinary people, and this number will definitely continue to increase. Definitely like some integers, and this number may be fifty or one hundred.

After reading the webpage, Li Bai was ready to go out, but the two children Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi stopped him.

"Brother Li Bai, where are you going? Aren't you taking us on a trip?" Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi looked at Li Bai expectantly, but Li Bai was a little embarrassed, but should he choose to teach Viscount Sean a lesson, or Playing with two children is naturally not difficult to make a decision.

"My brother is going to find a bad guy, so I can't accompany you on a trip. How about you two going on a trip with Mama Xia?" Li Bai said to the two children, but the two children were reluctant because Although Xia's mother is now much more optimistic and cheerful, she still can't let go in front of the two children.

"If you're going to catch the bad guys, bring the two of us with you. We promise we won't cause you any trouble." Xiao Xi said to Li Bai with widened her lovely eyes, and Li Bai had no choice but to nod his head. After all, if it is just a vampire viscount, it is impossible to pose any threat to Li Bai.

So, after bidding farewell to Mama Xia, Li Bai took the two children and walked on the street. The reason why he didn't drive was that he was afraid that Viscount Sean would not be found in the car.

It is impossible for Li Bai's soul consciousness to be on all the time, so he just searched a radius of one kilometer around every half an hour. In the sea of ​​consciousness, a blue light spot was suddenly discovered.

If someone has been marked by Li Bai's silver star power, then this point of light will appear in Li Bai's sea of ​​consciousness, and in the entire capital, only Zhang Yuhan and the two children have been marked by Li Bai at this time, so this The fourth blue dot that appeared must be Daryl who bid farewell to Li Bai a few days ago.

Unexpectedly, Dalier, who lived in a high-end residential area last year, now only dares to live in this ordinary homestay area, which makes Li Bai dumbfounded. It seems that Dalier is really afraid of himself to the extreme.

"Kids, come with me to meet an old friend." Li Bai said to the two children, and under the induction of his soul consciousness, he soon came to a dilapidated residential complex, on the top floor of a certain unit building , the three of them stopped, Li Bai knocked quietly on the door, and then retreated to the back of the door.

The anti-theft door was quickly opened, and standing at the door were Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, but Daliel didn't notice Li Bai standing behind the door.

"Kids, who are you two looking for?" Daryl asked strangely, he has lived here for more than two months, and no one has ever come to him, but this time, there are actually two children Come, this makes Daryl very strange.

"Our brother wants to see you, and he is afraid that you will close the door after seeing him, so let us inform you first." Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi said to Daryl innocently and cutely, which made Daryl very helpless: " See me if you want to see me, I'm not a debtor." Saying that, he pushed the door a little wider.

Then, Li Bai smiled: "Old friend, we meet again." Li Bai said with a smile, and the next second, Daryl's face showed a look of fear, as if he forgot what he said just now If he didn't, he wanted to close the door, but this time, Li Bai naturally wouldn't let him succeed.

Li Bai and the two children quickly entered Daryl's room by force, and did not speak to Daryl, but looked around at Daryl's room layout first.

"Are you the only one living in this place?" Li Bai asked Daryl strangely, Daryl nodded and asked Li Bai what's wrong.

"I thought your Viscount Sean was living with you too, it seems that those vampires are very proud." Li Bai said mockingly, and then asked, "Where is Viscount Sean now, do you know?" ?”

Daliel still shook his head. In the past two days, Viscount Sean was busy collecting human blood and did not contact him again.

"Then do you have his contact information? I want to know where he is." Li Bai sat on Daryl's sofa, eating Daryl's fruit as if he was at his own home, letting Daryl The corners of Lil's mouth kept twitching.

"It was always Viscount Sean who contacted me. I don't have his contact information." Daryl said to Li Bai. Now he doesn't dare to lie to Li Bai.

Li Bai nodded: "Then do you know how many people's blood he has to collect to stop this serial murder case? And how many people has he killed now?"

Daryl was startled, and thought that Li Bai was really going to attack Viscount Sean. On the one hand, he didn't want Viscount Sean to be killed by Li Bai, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Li Bai would kill him.

"It is necessary to collect the blood of a hundred people, and now we have collected more than 70 people. There are still [-] people who have not died. It is because their vitality is still enough for them to survive for a day." Daryl did not have any blood this time. Because he knew that even if Li Bai went to look for Viscount Sean now, it would be too late.

Perhaps by six o'clock in the afternoon, by eight o'clock this evening at the latest, the last number of less than thirty people will be quickly filled by Viscount Sean.

Hearing what Daryl said, Li Bai's expression finally changed. If a vampire wants to frame others, he doesn't even need to do it directly. He just needs to touch the blood spar on someone else's body, and the blood spar will Automatically sucked up the opponent's blood.

Looking at the time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. If night fell and Viscount Xiao En successfully reached the number of one hundred, something serious would definitely happen.

"What will happen after this matter is completed?" Li Bai didn't know what would happen, so he asked Daryl again.

"Viscount Sean will suck all the blood into his body, and then turn it into his own power, allowing him to advance from Viscount Sean to Earl Sean, plus night has a natural bonus for vampires, so At that time, Earl Sean's strength will be particularly terrifying."

Darryl said proudly, as if he was the one who became stronger, Li Bai gave Darryl a disdainful look, the slight movement of the silver star power just made Daryl feel like claws scratching his heart, Let him kneel on the ground in pain.

"Don't let me see you pretending to be aggressive again, otherwise, I won't be so soft-hearted next time." Li Bai said fiercely to Daryl, and then left here with the two children.

Before this, Li Bai thought that Viscount Xiao En's speed would not be too fast, so he wanted to deal with this matter without disturbing others, but now, after realizing the seriousness of the matter, Li Bai still gave Jiang Gu hit a sky message.

"Immediately send as many people as possible to search for a European within the scope of Kyoto. His identity is a vampire, and he has a blood-red gemstone on his body. If you find that person, subdue him immediately, but don't fight with that blood-colored spar." Any contact could be life threatening."

Li Bai hastily ordered Jiang Gu, and Jiang Gu's side also responded immediately, sending out all the Huaxia Dragon Guards who had no missions, and Kaihua Temple searched the entire city.

Li Bai called Liu Feng again, and only then did he know that Liu Feng also started searching after seeing the news, but so far, he still hadn't found anything.After the two agreed to notify each other as soon as they found anything, they started the second round of search.

At the same time, in a department store in a business district in Kyoto, a handsome young man dressed in a foreign style seemed to be walking aimlessly.

Viscount Sean regretted coming to this shopping mall, because in this shopping mall, although some people were indeed on orders, in this bustling shopping mall, there was no difference at all whether they were on orders or not. If Viscount Xiao En did something, he would definitely be discovered by others.

So, after a few more rounds of shopping, Viscount Sean finally gave up his idea and was about to leave the bustling shopping mall. But at this moment, Viscount Sean suddenly saw a group of men with unkind faces, who were staring at him. Looking at every man in their sights.

And soon, the man's eyes fell on Viscount Sean, and he quickly walked towards him.

"Friend, do you have a red gemstone?" Long Wei asked Viscount Sean. The first condition, the vampire is a European, has already been matched.

"Are you talking about this?" Viscount Sean raised his eyebrows, took out the blood spar, and stuffed it into Longwei's hands.

For a moment, Long Wei was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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