The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2708 Capture Viscount Sean

Chapter 2708 Capture Viscount Sean
When receiving the task, Jiang Gu strictly prohibited all Dragon Guards. If you find a suspicious European, you can go forward and check the identity of the other party, but if the other party is a blood spar, you must not touch that thing with your body. .

What shocked the Longwei was that he just asked a routine question, and the European man actually stuffed the blood spar into his own hand. Immediately, Longwei felt a powerful force The pulling force surged out from the blood-colored spar, and it was tightly attached to his hand like a magnet, and he couldn't shake it off even if he wanted to.

And along with this pulling force, there is also the feeling of the blood in Long Wei's body draining gradually, Long Wei can even clearly see the blood in his blood vessels under his skin began to flow crazily, and finally converged to himself The palm of his left hand, and then entered into the strange blood spar.

The whole process lasted about 2 minutes, and Long Wei spent about 30 seconds trying to take the blood spar from his hand, but when he knew that he was doomed at this time, he immediately It took the remaining one and a half minutes to launch an attack on Viscount Sean.

However, because the blood was draining too fast, the strength in Long Wei's body was also rapidly draining. When he punched Viscount Sean, it was like a child hitting an adult, and the opponent didn't move at all.

"Stop struggling, it's useless, you still have one more day to live, in the last 24 hours, enjoy the things you haven't enjoyed before." Viscount Sean smiled and said to him lightly. Long Wei said, then took back the blood spar from Long Wei's hand, turned and left here.

At this moment, although Long Wei could still walk and talk, he was actually dead, without any breath of life, like a walking corpse, and he didn't know what to do for a while.He sat down on the ground blankly, holding his head tightly with his hands.

Long Wei didn't understand why this vampire still had to give him one day to live. If he died, it would be all over. And in this last day, how could he explain to his girlfriend.

"Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zheng, why are you sitting here?!" At this moment, the other two dragon guards also found Xiao Zheng, and rushed over here, trying to pull Xiao Zheng up, but they found this At that time, his body was lifeless, his fingers were cold, and his limbs were stiff.

Lifting Xiao Zheng's head up forcefully, the two realized that Xiao Zheng's eyes had lost their former brilliance, his face was pale, and his lips had turned blue.

"What happened? Have you already seen the target?!" The two dragon guards asked the town in shock. Xiao Zheng nodded mechanically, and then pointed to the direction where Viscount Sean left: "He is heading towards that place. He ran away, a European with white skin and a hooked nose, wearing a black trench coat, gray pants, and a pair of black leather shoes today."

Xiao Zheng talked as usual, told the two dragon guards the information, and then waved at them: "Go, avenge me, I don't want my last day of vitality, this man is still at large."

The two Longwei glanced at each other, then said "hmm" to Xiao Zheng, and chased outside the shopping mall. At the same time, they updated the basic information about Viscount Sean in Longwei's communication system.

"There are 24 more." At this time, Viscount Sean had already walked outside the mall, and at this time, he was no longer as leisurely as before, because the appearance of the person just now made Viscount Sean feel a little Crisis, guess that there should be many men like him who will surround him.

So, when most of the Chinese dragon guards gathered in this business district, Viscount Sean had already gone to another block, like a mouse that could still get away calmly under the search of countless cats.

However, there is another problem that makes Viscount Sean more worried. Under the full investigation of those people, he will definitely be discovered again. Just now he can directly take the opportunity to suck the blood of that person away. It was too careless, if those people started to go together, Viscount Sean would be unlikely to use the same trick again.

There is also a matter of time. If Viscount Sean still hasn't collected all the blood of the remaining 24 people when he is cornered and cornered, then Viscount Sean is likely to collect the blood of the remaining [-] people like his grandfather Earl Nash. The fate is entrusted to the land of China.

So Viscount Sean accelerated his action of absorbing blood, walking on the road, if a lone person appeared, then Viscount Sean would catch up, without saying a word, he directly stuffed the blood spar into the opponent's hand, while Observing the movements around him, he waited for 2 minutes to pass.

So, at about six o'clock, Viscount Sean relied on this evil and rascal trick again to successfully absorb the blood of fifteen people, probably once every 10 minutes on average.

"There are nine more." Viscount Sean murmured, but at this moment, he didn't dare to continue wandering on the road, because just now, he had already noticed some people who were eyeing him. Within sight, if he hadn't happened to remove the blood spar from the last person's hand and left quickly, he might have been entangled at this time.

Viscount Sean soon came to a neighborhood, looked up, and found that this neighborhood was actually the neighborhood where Daryl lived, and was overjoyed, and walked towards the building where Daryl was.

Viscount Sean decided that the blood of the last nine people would get him here.

At the same time, with the unremitting efforts of the Chinese Dragon Guards, the scope of action of Viscount Sean was finally determined. At this time, in the community where Viscount Sean was located, after Jiang Gu told Li Bai the news , Li Bai was moved and a little speechless. If he had known that Viscount Sean would return there in the end, he would have waited there.

"Can you pinpoint which household?" Li Bai asked Jiang Gu, but Jiang Gu shook his head.

"Immediately ask the dragon guards to seal off that community, and send some to knock on the door from door to door, and tell the residents there not to open the door if they find Europeans knocking on the door." Li Bai instructed Jiang Gu again, at this time He was a little worried, whether Viscount Xiao En would be cornered by them, and thus he would do some bad things to those ordinary people.

What Li Bai didn't expect was that at this time, Viscount Sean had already started his bad behavior.

Viscount Sean walked into the apartment building where Daryl was. After thinking about what to do later, he knocked on the door of Room 101, and an old man opened the door.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The old man opened the door slightly, poked his head out to look at Viscount Sean.

"Excuse me, grandpa, are you the only one at home now? Oh, don't worry, I'm a salesman, and I want to sell you some daily necessities." Viscount Sean smiled at the grandpa, and his fake smile It was easy for the old man to let go of all his defenses.

"Yeah, the kids have all gone to work, but I don't need to..." Before the grandfather finished speaking, he just felt a chill in his head, and Viscount Sean couldn't wait to put his blood spar On the head of the old man.

"Young man, this, what is this, take him down quickly!" The old man also quickly felt that something was wrong, and wanted to call for help, but found that he had no strength, and at this time, he had already been beaten. Viscount Sean retreated into the room, and Viscount Sean followed in, closing the door again.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. In order to save my own life, I had to do something to be sorry to you." Viscount Sean saw the slight loss of vitality in the old man's body, but said without any regret.

When the 2 minutes were up, Viscount Sean took back the blood spar, left room 101, and knocked on the door of room 102.

This time, it was a middle-aged man who opened the door.

"Who are you?" the man asked looking at the strange European.

"Oh, it's like this. I'm an employee from a small gem company. The company asked us to do door-to-door sales, so I would like to invite you to take a look at our gems. If you don't need them, it's okay. Alright." Viscount Xiao En changed another excuse, but this time, it was still successful.

Ten minutes later, Viscount Sean came out from 10. In this small room, he gathered the blood of a family of three.

Next is 201, 202, 301, 302... It's just that at this point in time, there are many other people who are empty, so until the sixth floor of the highest floor, Viscount Sean is just making up It's just the blood of eight people.

Viscount Sean knocked on the door of room 601 again, but after waiting for a while, no one paid any attention to him.Viscount Sean was a little worried. He could clearly feel that it was already a mess outside the community.

Dalier can also feel the chaos outside the community. From 05:30 in the afternoon, residents began to gather in the garden of the community, clamoring and talking about something.

When Daryl poked his head out of the window, he realized that there was still a group of suspicious men mixed in the crowd, still near the gate of the community, searching the people around him like he was searching for a prisoner. Dali Er didn't know what happened at first, but after he saw Li Bai, he realized that it was Li Bai who brought someone here.

But at this time, Li Bai's mood became even heavier. He regretted asking Longwei to kindly remind these ordinary people. From the news fed back by the Longwei, Li Bai learned that when they told the community After the local residents did not open their doors to foreigners, they quickly created an image of a murderous demon in their brains.

They felt that it was too unsafe to stay in the room, so they all ran to the garden of the community, but what they didn't know was that this brought the biggest challenge to the work of the dragon guards ever.

(End of this chapter)

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