The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2713 Departure to Europe

Chapter 2713 Departure to Europe

Tian Lin hugged Wei Yan gently, but didn't know what to say to comfort her. If he just went to Wei Yan's parents directly, then he would have ignored his master's words, but, regarding Li Bai's words, Tian Lin believed almost all of them unconditionally, which made Tian Lin very embarrassed.

"Master, what should we do? We really want to try to find it. After all, if Wei Yan's parents are not present when we get married in a few years, wouldn't it be a bit too strange?" .” Tian Lin looked up at Li Bai pouted, still hesitating in his heart.

Li Bai breathed out, put his hands on the back of his head, and then leaned against the sofa and fell silent. Wei Yan's mood is naturally understandable, just like when he learned that Xiaoxi was kidnapped during last summer vacation. The mood was exactly the same when I arrived in Wa country, I wish I could find the person I want to see immediately.

However, Li Bai also knew that what he said was right. After all, those European vampires in Europe, like their Chinese cultivators, belonged to that kind of legendary creature. Great people were replaced.

Li Bai was also caught in a tangle. If he rejected Wei Yan just because he was afraid of danger, then not only Wei Yan would be extremely sad, but he would also seem to have confessed... Thinking of this, the answer was ready to come out, and Li Bai sat up straight again. He lifted his body and looked at the two of them.

"Don't cry now. I don't mean to prevent you from trying when you get the chance. I just want you to compare your strengths and understand your chances of success." Li Bai looked at Wei Yan and said, And from her eyes, there was a hint of doubt soon.

"Then do you want us to go or not?" Wei Yan said to Li Bai a little impatiently, feeling a little anxious.

Li Bai smiled slightly: "This trip to Europe is inevitable, but this time, you can't go." Li Bai stretched out his finger and pointed at Wei Yan, "Because your strength is too weak, it's the truth, if you go If it fails, not only will it not help, but it will also hinder you.”

Li Bai said to Wei Yan directly "ruthlessly", the purpose is to directly dispel Wei Yan's thoughts.

"Then you mean to let Tian Lin go alone? Wouldn't that be more dangerous?" Wei Yan looked at Li Bai in confusion, but Li Bai smiled: "Who said I let him go alone? I don't want my precious apprentice to go to Europe and not come back."

When Li Bai's words came out, Tian Lin immediately showed an excited smile on his face: "Hey, I knew you wouldn't leave me, master, come on, let me kiss you." Tian Lin happily said to Li Bai, Then he was about to throw himself into Li Bai's arms, so scared that Li Bai ran away quickly.

Then, Li Bai looked at Wei Yan again: "Now, you should rest assured that there should be no problem for us master and apprentice to go to the west to find our parents." Li Bai smiled and said to Wei Yan, Wei Yan He pursed his lips, and then nodded again, although he still regretted not being able to find his parents in person.

However, at this moment, the two children, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, also ran down from upstairs, and hugged Li Bai's thighs from left to right, showing pitiful expressions.

"Brother Li Bai, didn't you agree that you would take us on a trip this summer vacation? Are you going to leave us alone again, blah blah blah." Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi cried and shouted, leaving Li Bai speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, these two little bastards, on the surface, seem to have gone upstairs, but they are actually eavesdropping on them non-stop.

"Hey, hey, you two little brats, your two older brothers are not going on a trip this time, but looking for someone. I will be a hindrance when I go, let alone the two of you." Wei Yan Looking at the two children, he said.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi stopped crying instantly at this moment, looked up at Wei Yan, and said dissatisfied: "We didn't delay when we went, we went to help, we have already thought about it, my spell can Release the fireball to burn those vampires to death, and Xiaoxin can help steal things."

Xiao Xi looked at Wei Yan and said very seriously.

"Hey, sister Xiaoxi, I'm not stealing. I can help brother Li Bai get what he needs in times of chaos." Xiaoxin tapped Xiaoxi's shoulder and said quietly.

Li Bai and Tian Lin couldn't help laughing at the two children's singing and harmony. The two children are so cute.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, do you have the kind of charm that can emit strong light in your spells? Like sunlight?" Li Bai asked Xiaoxi suddenly something sounded.

Xiaoxi thought for a while, then walked to a distance, and shouted "Scorching Sun Talisman" towards everyone. Immediately afterwards, a golden talisman appeared on Xiaoxi's fingertips, and then, countless dazzling The light was emitted from Xiao Xi's fingertips, like a small sun, making it almost impossible for the others to open their eyes.

It's just that the duration of this blazing sun talisman is very short, it only lasts for about a second, but for Li Bai, this is enough.

"Okay, then go and pack your things, let's go to Europe together." Li Bai patted Xiaoxin's head with a smile, and then said to the two children, and the two children were excited when they heard Li Bai's words. He ran upstairs again.

Li Bai's decision made Wei Yan very puzzled: "Li Bai, you really let these two children go with you? Isn't the little girl just good at one trick? I also have some powerful tricks."

Sitting next to Wei Yan, Tian Lin was a little embarrassed. The powerful moves Wei Yan mentioned, that is, roundabout kicks, could not be compared with Xiaoxi's spells.

"Vampires are afraid of light and heat. Perhaps, Xiaoxi is the real main force of our trip to Europe." Li Bai explained to Wei Yan again, then stood up, leaving the rest to Tian Lin Go and persuade Wei Yan.

After confirming that the four of them were traveling together, Li Bai began to prepare to buy air tickets online, but seeing the planes flying to European countries one by one, Li Bai was a little confused.

They keep saying that they are going to Europe to find vampires and Wei Yan's parents, but Li Bai and Tian Lin don't know where they are. Do they want to find them one by one in so many countries in Europe?Then you have to find the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

It would be great if someone could become a tour guide like they did in Japan last year, Li Bai murmured, and suddenly slapped himself on the head. The presence of a woman is so low that Li Bai frequently of forgetting.

Icicle, a killer who came to the American empire, came to China more than a year ago, but was subdued by Li Bai, and became a, uh, female friend by his side?However, because Li Bai got into too many troubles later on, and Bingli was usually not good at speaking, and he was a foreigner, so Li Bai usually couldn't think of her until special occasions.

But at this time, it was a special time, so Li Bai slammed the ice thorn. When he returned to Huaxia from Japan last year, he told Li Bai that she didn't want to continue being so boring in Huaxia, and wanted to go out for a walk Take a look around, if Li Bai needs it, she will come back immediately.

At that time, the place where Icicle played was Europe. So far, she has been there for almost a year, and she should be quite familiar with the European environment.

Li Bai quickly got through the Tianxun number that Bingjian had left for him at that time, and on the other side of the Tianxun screen, Bingjian was lying lazily on a beach basking in the sun.

"Master Li Bai, I was really surprised to receive your Sky News. I thought that after I came to Europe, you would never hear me again." The ice spike in Sky News He seemed a little excited, as if he had been wronged.

"Um, I'm busy, you know that too." Li Bai said embarrassedly to Bingthorn, wanting to apologize, but he couldn't, because the original Bingshan beauty was wearing a very revealing bikini at this time, He was lying on the beach chair again, so Li Bai could clearly see the career line of the ice spike from above.

It's no surprise that Li Bai has such a perverted expression, and Li Bai will only act like this, but it will never have anything to do with him.

"Lord Li Bai, did something happen and I need to go back to help?" Bingthorn asked again, but Li Bai shook his head again and again.

"No, no, we need to go to Europe. Which country are you in now?" Li Bai asked.

"I'm in Italy, do you want to come here?" Bingthorn asked in surprise, Li Bai nodded: "Okay, I'll book the ticket first, and I'll contact you when the date of arrival is confirmed." Li Bai hung up Tianxun then began to look for air tickets to Italy. Now, with Icicles leading the team, their operations should be smoother.

After inquiring about the identity documents of the two children and Tian Lin, Li Bai successfully booked an international flight departing directly to Rome, Italy tonight, and after hearing that Li Bai only bought tickets for four people, Wei Yan Finally gave up struggling, a little reluctantly, but that's all.

"Okay, take good care of the business when you go back. When we bring our parents back, they will be very happy to see how capable you are." Tian Lin hugged Wei Yan and said to her.

In the following time, Li Bai kept calling Tianxun, telling Zhang Yuhan, Su Daji, Feng Yunxi, Mu Xiaoting and Xia Meng that he was going to Europe and not to miss him too much. He hesitated for a while, but still didn't dial out, but called Liu Feng and told him about it.

"What, you're going to Europe? Are you going to hunt down those vampires?" Liu Feng seemed surprised by Li Bai's decision, "Then what about the domestic affairs? Have you ignored it?" Liu Feng was surprised again Asked, tell Li Bai, if Long Tianlin wants to attack again after he leaves like this, or if the person behind Long Tianlin suddenly gets into trouble, what can we do without Li Bai?
When asked this question, Li Bai was also taken aback for a moment. He has been busy dealing with that vampire for the past two days, almost forgetting that he has even bigger troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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