The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2714 Changes of Icicles

Chapter 2714 Changes of Icicles

The matter Liu Feng said is indeed a problem. If someone really wants to get rid of Li Bai to avoid future troubles, then it is very likely that the other party will also clean up Li Bai's careers during the period of Li Bai's departure. Broken, when Li Bai came back from Europe, he suddenly became a loner, which would naturally deal a great blow to Li Bai.

However, Li Bai is not sure whether those people will do anything during this period of time. Long Tianlin has already returned to the Long family. As for the other two members of the Gao family and the Yu family from the four major cultivation families, Li Bai has not seen them yet. Therefore, Li Bai didn't think they would do anything.Moreover, Li Bai also quickly thought of an excellent solution.

"By the way, didn't you promise me that you could send me a master of your Liu family's transformation stage? What about others? Have you forgotten about this?" Li Bai looked at Liu Feng in Tianxun and said, Liu Feng It's a little embarrassing. If Li Bai didn't say this, he would definitely not be able to remember it.

"That's fine, you let that master of the transformation stage protect my property for me for the time being, if there is anything wrong, please contact me immediately, and I will come back immediately." Li Bai told Liu Feng Said, "Also, during the time I'm not around, please take care of them."

Liu Feng nodded: "Okay, you can go at ease, you left my life, I will certainly die." Liu Feng smiled and said to Li Bai, Li Bai also smiled, and then hung up Tianxun.

Now, this trip to Europe has nothing else to do.

Li Bai simply packed a few pieces of clothes and toiletries, put them together with the two children's things in a suitcase, and the preparations before departure were considered complete. After Xia's mother came back, Li Bai explained to Xia's mother, and then So he took the two children and walked towards the airport with Tian Lin.

"Master, will we go abroad once every summer?" Tian Lin walked beside Li Bai and said to Li Bai with a smile, but was kicked by Li Bai again.

"What are you thinking? You think I don't have enough things to do?" Li Bai glared at Tian Lin. He goes abroad once a year during the summer vacation?If it's pure travel, Li Bai is naturally happy, but these two times are to save people, and he has to risk his life, Tian Lin can still laugh, it's a shame.

When the plane ascended into the sky, Li Bai glanced at the night capital again through the porthole. This time, once they left, they didn't know how long they would have to wander outside before returning.

"Children, go to sleep. It will take a long time to fly." Li Bai said to the three of them, then pulled out a blanket, covered himself, and lay down while thinking, what should happen next? how to act.

Two days later, the plane landed at the airport in Rome, the capital of Italy. A group of four got off the plane and were immediately attracted by the exotic atmosphere.All around, there are foreigners with white skin and big noses everywhere, which makes the two children feel very strange.After all, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi have never seen so many Europeans and Americans.

Li Bai and the others couldn't understand Italian characters at all, so they could only follow the arrows and slowly grope for the location of the airport pick-up gate.

"Master, we should also bring a book like learning Italian in seven days. Now, we have to experience the pain of learning the language for a long time." Tian Lin said to Li Bai belatedly. When they were in Wa country, it took them a whole month to master the basic language.

"Why don't you tell me which country you are going to go to next year, and then we will start studying immediately after we go back?" Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin. How could he think of such a thing.

After wandering around the airport for nearly 10 minutes, the four Li Bai finally found the pick-up gate. Among the dense crowd of pick-ups, Li Bai saw the word "Li Bai" written in big Chinese characters at a glance.

Li Bai led the three of them towards that side, and finally saw the iceberg beauty Icicle again after almost a year.

"Hey, when did your Chinese writing become so beautiful." Li Bai said to Bingthorn with a smile, looked up and down Bingthorn, and immediately discovered the changes in Bingthorn.

First of all, the smell of not being close to strangers on Bingthorn has completely disappeared. At this moment, Li Bai feels that Bingthorn is like a passionate gypsy girl.What's more, the ice spikes that originally had white skin now turned slightly darker. It seemed that they had been basking in the sun a lot in the past year.

"Why, it's been a year and I've been in this strange environment all day, so I have to find something to do. My calligraphy is very good now. During the Spring Festival last year, I gave They wrote Spring Festival couplets." Bingjian said to Li Bai with a smile, which made Li Bai a little stunned.

In the past, Icicle would never say so many things at once. If he wanted to say something, he would use a cold tone, and it was impossible to use such a warm tone.

"Bingjian, did you find your soul mate in Italy? Why do I feel that you have changed so much?" Li Bai asked in surprise, but in exchange for Bingjian's expression of "guess".

"Aren't you going to introduce your friends to me? They have been standing here for a long time." Bingjian said to Li Bai again, and Li Bai remembered that there was still someone standing beside him, so he hurried Introduced to Ice Spike.

"This is my apprentice, named Tian Lin, this is my little sister, named Xia Xi, you can call her Xiao Xi, this is my little brother-in-law, named Xia Xin, nicknamed Xiao Xin." Li Bai Speaking to the ice spike, the two children were shy all of a sudden.

"I know, this is called childhood sweetheart, right." Bingjian smiled and touched the heads of the two children, and said to Li Bai again.

"Hehe, it's not that simple. Now I can use idioms." Li Bai also joked.

Bicci came here by car, so the four of them didn't have to take a taxi with other passengers. However, Bingli bought a car after arriving in Italy, which surprised Li Bai.

"I remember that you didn't bring a lot of money with you when you left, right? You earned this car yourself?" Li Bai looked at Bingthorn suspiciously, but he was guessing in his heart. Could it be that Bingthorn came here? , still doing her job as a killer.

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I won't get in touch with that industry again. Didn't I tell you that I can write calligraphy now, so I make a living by selling calligraphy, and Italian cars are very expensive. It was cheap, so I bought a car quickly." Bingjian explained to Li Bai, and when everyone heard Bingthorn said that she could sell a word for one hundred Huaxia coins, they were all shocked.

"Then can I also make a fortune abroad?" Tian Lin murmured, but was mercilessly mocked by Li Bai.

Next, Li Bai finally figured out the reason why she changed so much from Bingthorn's mouth, because Italy, especially Rome, is known as the city of romance, and every man here can speak romantic words At first, the ice thorns were not too cold about it, but under the influence of it, she no longer refused.

But it's not about not rejecting men, but about not rejecting myself and accepting changes, so Ice Spike's personality gradually changed from aloof to loving life.

"By the way, Master Li Bai, you haven't told me why you came to Italy this time." After Li Bai's repeated questions, it was finally Bicthorn's turn to ask Li Bai back.

"I'll tell you when I get back, this place is not suitable." But Li Bai directly crushed him to death.

However, Tian Lin became interested in the relationship between Li Bai and Bingthorn again: "Master, the beautiful woman is calling you my lord, what is the relationship between you two? Are you a lord and a maid? I haven't heard that you have such a beautiful friend in Europe?"

If it wasn't for him in the car, Li Bai would have wanted to kick Tian Lin's ass at this moment. It was very strange, why this kid who already had a girlfriend was still so frizzy.

"You don't need to worry about these, and if you dare to talk nonsense again, you will be finished!" Li Bai threatened Tian Lin fiercely, Tian Lin quickly closed his mouth, while Bingjian and the two children giggled, This made Tian Lin even more ashamed.

In addition to the large number of tourists in Rome, the local residents are much less than those in Kyoto. There are not many vehicles on the road, so there is no traffic jam at all.

It took only 10 minutes for Bingli to bring everyone to her small apartment. The room was big and beautiful, but according to Bingli, he was the only one living here.

"Bingthorn, you've become like this now, aren't you still single?" Li Bai was even more surprised. Li Bai was very surprised that Bingthorn could stay alone in such an environment for a year.

Icicle shook his head, leaving Li Bai speechless.

"What about the man, Italian men are so romantic, must something have happened to you?" Li Bai lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, but the ice spike still shook his head, making Li Bai even more speechless.Li Bai was very surprised that a young girl in her twenties was not interested in that kind of thing at all.

"You are my lord, without your order, how dare I do anything against your will?" Bingjian blinked at Li Bai while talking, above, did not let the other three people see .

"Cough cough." Li Bai coughed hard twice, ending the discussion with the ice thorn. At this time, the ice thorn gave Li Bai the feeling that it was no longer the iceberg that kept people away thousands of miles away, but an ice thorn. A group of passionate magnets, as if trying to seduce Li Bai.

There are many rooms in Bingjian's apartment, so the few people quickly chose their own room. Next, they will stay here for at least half a month, or longer.

"Should you talk about it now, or wait for you to sleep and tell me what happened after jet lag?" After tidying up their rooms, everyone returned to the living room, gathered together, and the ice spike Looking at Li Bai asked.

"Since we've all got together, it's natural to talk about it now." Li Bai curled his lips.

"Do you want to listen to the two children too?" Bingjian looked at Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi in surprise.

"Yes, they may be the main force of our operation." Li Bai said again, making Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi who were valued very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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