The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2718 Another breakthrough

Chapter 2718 Another breakthrough
It was almost the next day when I returned to Bingthorn’s house. The two children, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, had already fallen asleep in the dark. Li Bai was so distressed that he didn’t wake them up to eat, even though they hadn’t eaten all day. Let Li Bai feel bad.

So, the three adults sat at the dining table, turned on a light, ate dry bread, and drank cold milk. Although they had food, their expressions were still a little dignified.

Because for a while, everyone didn't know what to do next.

"The priest went to interrogate me once in the afternoon. Although he didn't tell me directly, but from his tone, he knew the existence of the vampire family, but he didn't know why he didn't want to tell me. Moreover, whenever I mentioned When I become a vampire, they will attack me." Li Bai said to Bingthorn and Tian Lin.

"It should be that the church has an enmity with the vampire family, otherwise how could the reaction be so violent?" Tian Lin guessed. They were not interrogated in the afternoon, but they saw the priest walking past their door.

"No, if the church and the vampire family really have a grudge, then we should seek revenge from them. The church should support me." Ice Spike said in puzzlement again, Tian Lin curled his lips and gnawed again. Bite of bread.

Li Bai was also a little puzzled, why the priest still regarded him as a heretic even after he clearly revealed the news that he was seeking revenge from the vampire family, and, so far, only the people in the church should know the history of the vampire family exists.

However, since Li Bai and the others have already escaped from prison, if they dare to appear near the church again, they will definitely be arrested again, and they don't even need to be imprisoned, they can be executed directly.

"Bingthorn, is there any other way to get news about the vampire family from the church?" Li Bai looked at Bingthorn again and asked, for the various forces in Europe, she is the most powerful of the three. familiar one.

Bingthorn was silent for a while, and then said to Li Bai: "I have another way, but I don't recommend this method." Bingthorn looked at Li Bai, as if it was a very difficult way to implement.

"Tell me first, let's listen first." Tian Lin asked.

"Didn't I tell you this morning that in Europe, there are two major forces that spread across the entire European continent. One is the church that is in conflict with us today, and the other is the Italian mafia. Party." Bingjian looked at the two men and said seriously.

"Hey, when you put it this way, it seems that the church and the mafia are both on the side of Rome, right? Are there two headquarters in one place? Haven't fought yet? Isn't it incredible?" Tian Lin asked repeatedly, and Li Bai waved He waved his hand and let Bingthorn continue to speak.

"The Italian Mafia did originate in Rome, but as the church became more and more powerful, and at the same time avoiding unnecessary disputes on weekdays, the Mafia made concessions in advance and left Rome and even Italy. Went to France." Ice Spike said.

"However, in recent years, after a long period of development, the mafia has grown back into a very powerful force. Since last year, they have been obsessed with the people of the church, and occasionally carry out one or two assassinations. , killing some clergy and even priests, so the relationship between the church and the mafia has become tense again at this time."

Li Bai and Tian Lin nodded: "Then what is your other method? Are we going to find this mafia?"

Ice Spike nodded seriously: "My idea is to let us find the mafia people, but it's not like today, the people who find them directly ask the whereabouts of the vampires, because they probably don't know the whereabouts of the vampires. of."

This surprised Li Bai and Tian Lin: "Then what are we going to do with them?" Tian Lin asked impatiently.

Icicle smiled: "Have you heard of the principle of saving the country by curves? We can get in touch with the church again through the mafia, and then get news of the vampire family."

Tian Lin shut up again. This matter was beyond his comprehension.

"If we use this method, what should we do specifically?" Li Bai also asked a little strangely.

Ice Spike thought about it again, and then continued: "There is a problem, if we want to use this method, we must first join the mafia, because the information inside the mafia will only be known to those inside , to ordinary people, they would not say it at all.”

"Then let's join. After this matter is completed, we can quit." Li Bai said with a smile. He didn't know what Bingthorn was struggling with, but Bingthorn shook his head.

"Lord Li Bai, it's not that simple. If we join the mafia, all our information, including blood type and identity, will be entered into the mafia's information system, and a positioning chip will be implanted in our skin." , the headquarters can find out where everyone is at any time."

Bingthorn looked at Li Bai with some concern, which is why he said just now that he did not recommend Li Bai to choose this method.

Li Bai and Tian Lin fell into silence. If they were chased and killed just because they quit the mafia, they would not be afraid. After all, in terms of hunting and killing, there is actually little difference between one more power and one less power, but it just makes the two feel a little heavy Yes, it is unacceptable to input all the information and even install a positioning chip.

Li Bai and Tian Lin were silent for a long time without any result.

"Go to bed first, we will talk about this matter tomorrow." Li Bai said to Bingthorn and Tian Lin, and then returned to the room.

However, when everyone woke up the next morning, as soon as they turned on the TV, everyone found that they had already been on the news.

"Yesterday, a few heretics appeared in our city and insulted our Roman Church. The church once arrested them, but these people have already escaped from prison. I hope that the general public can provide useful information so that the church can help us as soon as possible." Capture these heretics."

Li Bai understood all of this under Bingthorn's translation, but in fact there is no need to translate, because on TV, the appearance of Bingthorn's car and the two fainted clergymen in the small prison has already explained at this point.

"I'll go and park the car in the garage first." Bingjian suddenly said to Li Bai in a panic, but Li Bai took Bingthorn's arm: "Don't be nervous, your car was parked in the garage last night. Li Bai said to Bingthorn, "Is the church's arrest really that scary?" Li Bai asked again.

Bingjian nodded, his eyes still flustered: "Because here, there are Catholic believers everywhere, that is to say, almost everyone is the church's eyeliner, no matter where we go, we will be discovered by the church. "

Li Bai also frowned, if that was the case, he really felt like he had nowhere to hide.

"Is there no place where the power of the church is relatively weak?" Xiao Xi interjected and asked.

Icicle subconsciously said the word "yes", and then told everyone: "In Italy, there is a city called Turin, because that city is in the west of Italy, and the left side of Italy is France, the headquarters of the Mafia. Therefore, where the power of the church is relatively small.”

Li Bai nodded, then looked at Tian Lin: "Tian Lin, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Tian Lin froze for a moment, not knowing why.

"What do you want to do? After all, the main task this time is to help you find your father-in-law and mother-in-law. After all, finding revenge on that vampire is just a small task." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, throwing this difficult question to Tian Lin. Tian Lin.

Tian Lin let out a long "ah", and spread his whole body on the table, thinking: "Of course I want to find my father-in-law and mother-in-law, but if I want to find the vampire, I have to find the church through the mafia, and then find the vampire." Family, isn't it too troublesome?"

Li Bai glanced at the ice spike again, and the answer he got was that this method is the only one at present, and if he thinks about other methods, it may take time.

At this time, Tian Lin sat up straight again, and looked at the ice spike seriously: "Big beauty, you can definitely succeed with this method, right?"

Bingthorn still shook his head: "How dare I make a [-]% guarantee for this kind of thing, but there should be at least an [-]% chance of success." Bingthorn said to Tian Lin again.

Tian Lin fell into deep thought again, but soon, Tian Lin made a decision: "Then this method, after all, there is no other method now." Tian Lin said to the two with a wry smile, and Li Bai and Bingthorn also agreed. nodded.

"Okay, then let's go." Li Bai stood up and said, but Tian Lin pulled the hem of his clothes.

"Master, master, what are you doing? If you choose this method, then I will go alone. When I get the news from the church, we can go together to find the vampire." Tian Lin said to Li Bai Said, and added, "Just let me bear that kind of suffering alone."

But Li Bai kicked Tian Lin again: "What are you talking about? Since I'm here with you, of course I have to act together with you. What if something happens to you in the mafia alone? You don't want to marry a wife?!" Li Bai said to Tian Lin, rolling his eyes.

Tian Lin was a little touched, and didn't know what to say, and the next second, Bingthorn also stood up: "I will go with you, because people from the Mafia invited me before, so the Mafia People should still remember me, so our actions will be more convenient."

Tian Lin was stunned for a moment, and wanted to persuade him, but Li Bai preempted him, but he said something different: "You are welcome to join, it really is true love." Li Bai smiled and said to Bingthorn, and stepped forward to gently He lightly hugged the ice spike, but didn't notice the slight change in the expression on the ice spike's face.

(End of this chapter)

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