The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2719 1 Road to the West

Chapter 2719

Therefore, the three adults made the difficult decision last night very easily and happily, but at this time, the two children also started to quarrel.

"If you want to join that mafia, we also want to join. You can't leave us behind." Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin ran to Li Bai's side, hugged Li Bai's thigh and said.

This made Li Bai very helpless, and he knelt down to persuade the two children: "This is so lively, you two should not join in, after all, this is not a small game of playing house, but it is very likely to be life-threatening. " Li Bai said patiently to the two children, but Xiao Xi pouted.

"What, we came to Europe for you, and we didn't just come here with the intention of traveling. We were already prepared to sacrifice, Xiaoxin, right?" Xiaoxi looked at Xiaoxin and said, Xiaoxin repeatedly nodding.

This made Li Bai even more helpless. The two children could say such things now, which made Li Bai not know what to do. He looked at the ice spike and asked her for help.

Bingjian walked towards the two children with a smile, and said to the two children: "Xiaoxi, Xiaoxin, I know you want to help us too, but there is a problem that the Mafia doesn't recruit children. So even if we bring you there together, you will definitely not be able to join it."

Bingjian's answer made the two children a little lonely, and they looked at Tian Lin again, wanting to ask him for confirmation.Although Tian Lin didn't know whether Bingthorn was telling the truth or a lie, how could he let the two children risk their lives with him, so he told them that what his sister said was right.

"Then what about the two of them? When we join the mafia, where will the two children go?" Tian Lin suddenly thought of another question, and asked Bingthorn.

Bingjian smiled and said: "Don't worry, after joining the mafia, you don't go to work. In their place, you just accept tasks to assassinate others. The children can still be with us often."

Li Bai was also relieved after hearing Bingthorn's words. Tian Lin's problem just now was also what he was worried about.

"Then let's go now, lest people from the church find us." Li Bai said to everyone, this breakfast, everyone is full and full, not only made up for what they didn't eat yesterday, but also counted as the next meal If you don't eat it, there is no problem.

Soon, everyone packed their luggage again, and walked out of the apartment. Bingjian didn't dare to drive her own car, because that car was already wanted by the full name. If she dared to drive, it would definitely be her own car. cast a net.

Because the photos of the five people were not posted in the news, at this time, the five people were walking on the street, and no one realized that they were wanted criminals of the Church of Rome.

On the side of the road, Icicle stopped a taxi, and when the five of them were about to get in, they heard the driver yelling something.

"Hey, hey, why are you five people in total? That won't work. You can only take four people in a car. You five should be divided into two groups and take a taxi each." The driver said to Bingjian like this, looking It is very difficult.

"Handsome guy, look carefully, we have three adults and two children here, don't two children count as one adult? Just squeeze together." Bingjian said to the driver.

"That doesn't work either. If the traffic police finds out, I will be fined and points deducted." The driver said to Icethorn again, which made Icethorn feel helpless and changed to a pleading tone.

"Handsome guy, you can do it if you can. We are in a hurry to go to the airport. If we take two cars, it will be too expensive." Icicle said to the driver, but it made the driver a little suspicious.

Three adults, two children, such a combination, he seems to have heard something on the car TV just now, it seems that these five people are the wanted criminals that the church just announced this morning!

Thinking of this, the driver's expression changed slightly. Although he didn't quite understand that these five people would be heretics, if he could catch them, he would definitely get a very generous reward .

Thinking of this, the driver laughed: "Okay, okay, put your luggage in the trunk first, but don't let the police find out that there are five passengers in the car." The driver said to everyone again, Then opened the trunk.

Icicle turned around and made a V-shaped gesture to everyone, and then went to put the luggage in the trunk with everyone, but the driver didn't come down to help, which made Li Bai very strange. He glanced at the driver and realized that He is calling Tianxun.

"Don't they foreigners generally help passengers put their things?" Li Bai said a little dissatisfied, Bingjian shook his head: "Maybe the driver just happened to have other things, otherwise he should."

Bingjian said to Li Bai again, and at this time, the driver hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car, saying something to everyone.

"He said that his Skycom rang suddenly just now, so he answered it." Bingthorn translated to everyone.

The five of them finally got into a taxi and headed towards the airport. The plane ticket to Turin hadn't been bought yet, so they could buy it when they got to the airport.

Along the way, Li Bai clearly felt that the atmosphere in Rome was a bit different. Almost every 100 meters, a policeman or a police car would appear, watching the vehicles and crowds coming and going.

"Here, the police and the church are actually the same team, right?" Li Bai asked Bingthorn, and Bingthorn nodded: "Although it seems that they are two different industries, in fact, the police even serve The church, that's why the police are chasing us, and the people of the church don't need to be dispatched."

Bingjian was talking to Li Bai, and the driver couldn't understand Chinese, so he drove there quietly all the time, but looked at the rearview mirror from time to time, as if waiting for something.

On the way to the airport, nothing happened. When she got near the airport, the taxi stopped on the side of the road. After Bingjian paid, the driver said something to her again, which made Bingjian's face change slightly.

"What did he tell you?" Li Bai looked at the ice spike strangely and asked.

"He told me to wish you good luck." Bingjian said to Li Bai strangely, "What do you mean, does he already know that we are wanted criminals?"

Li Bai looked around, then nodded: "I'm afraid, that's the case, otherwise, what's going on with the police nearby."

No wonder the driver called Tianxun just now, it turned out he was calling the police.Li Bai muttered, looking at the policemen pretending to come from all directions, they thought, Li Bai and the others didn't realize that they were already surrounded by the police.

"Let's go, go faster, the plane seems to be impossible to take." Li Bai said to everyone, and then walked quickly towards the middle of the horse, and soon, amidst the sound of horns, he reached the fence in the middle of the road , and turned over directly.

In an instant, the five of them separated a long distance from the policemen, and the policemen started to shout in anger, blowing whistles, pointing in the direction of Li Bai and the five, and yelling at the people around them.

However, their effect was not very good, because such a yell directly caused panic among the surrounding people, and more people participated in the yelling.

The five of Li Bai began to run wildly, running away from the police, but as time passed, the direction of Li Bai's gate was constantly being located, so that more and more police cars came towards this direction .

"Let's hijack the car." Li Bai looked at an oncoming police car and said to Tian Lin and Bingthorn. The two nodded. It was the time and they had no other choice.

The three adults ran towards the stopped police car, and the two children followed at the same speed. In the eyes of others, it was like five winds blowing.

The police who surrounded and suppressed the five wanted criminals panicked and fired a few shots in this direction. However, in the eyes of Li Bai and the others, even if the bullets hit them directly, they would not cause any harm, let alone Said they were still very easy to hide in the past.

The policemen in the car were knocked unconscious by the three of Li Bai in an instant, and the five of them got into the police car immediately, and Li Bai even sat in the driver's seat.

"Do you know how to drive? The steering wheel of this car is on the right." Bingjian said to Li Bai anxiously, closing the door on the left side heavily.

"It should be possible. Besides, there is no time to change people now." Li Bai said to Bingthorn, stepped on the accelerator of the police car with automatic transmission, and the police car let out a roar, and rushed towards the west.

At the beginning, Li Bai was indeed not used to such a setup, but when there were countless police cars roaring crazily behind his buttocks, Li Bai had no choice but to be driven to the shelves, forcing himself to get familiar with this car as soon as possible. The way the car is driven.

Therefore, on the streets of Rome, there were lively scenes of police cars chasing police cars, and under Li Bai's more and more skillful control, the police in Rome were not much better than domestic police, no matter which direction they intercepted, Li Bai hid them all.

Not long after, Li Bai drove this nearly crashed police car out of the downtown area of ​​Rome and came to the boundless suburbs.

Now, they can run more freely.

"This Italian village looks very nice." On both sides of the road, there are large tracts of pastures and farms, which are very beautiful at a glance.

"At this time, you still have the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, my lord Li Bai." Bingjian glanced at Li Bai, and said with a curled lip.

"My master has a big heart. This is a good thing. He is calm and calm in dealing with changes." Tian Lin praised his master again, but Li Bai didn't think that Tian Lin was praising him.

"Are we going to drive all the way to Turin like this? This police car is almost out of gas." Li Bai looked at the gas gauge and said to the ice spike.

Bingjian frowned, then took out Tianxun, and said to Li Bai: "I'll try to contact someone first, if I can, he will definitely help us."

Li Bai nodded, and drove as fast as possible on the flat road again. He wanted to use the last bit of fuel to distance himself from the policemen who were definitely still chasing him.

(End of this chapter)

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